• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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45: The Major Lift

The members of our Ranger team have been told to report to the briefing room. This is completely normal. Teams, detachments, sections would often be called in for briefing before a mission. The fact that I was called in with Blaze and the rest of the team, feels normal, but at the same time, strange. This is our first real briefing since all this started.

Since we had turned in our old kit, the Army has issued us a whole new set, including new uniforms, boots, and field gear. It gives me a certain amount of pride to sit in my new Class A uniform. One piece of humor though is the stances. Pony attention and at ease positions, as well as at rest, have been taken straight out of the EUP Field manual, as translated by me.

It seems strange to draw from an alien manual, but feet together hands at your sides just doesn’t work with equine anatomy. Since we have the stances already, it has quickly been adopted to be the standard for the Army.

The boys have been back to normal for a week now, and the only one so far seeming to have any problem is poor Henry. Being forced to be a vegetarian is pretty hard on him at times. Watching him do things like reaching out for a cup of coffee while talking. Then having to lean over to get it, forgetting the glass won’t come to him was adorkable. Of course the Unicorn Club and I didn’t help matters any, as we’d often nudge the cups to his hand anyway.

What would I do without magic? Like Henry, my cutie mark is all about magic. It’s a part of me, it defines me. I don’t think I’d ever be able to live as a human again. Walking on 2 legs and using hands. Human style clothing, what could be worse?

A human female captain walks in, looking around the room at us.

Oh yeah, breasts, no thank you I like my udders where they are.

I come to attention with the rest of my unit and wait patiently.

“At ease. As of 2300 hours Hawaii time, 0900 Zulu, a small coastal freighter was captured. The crew was armed with a rather disturbing array of weapons. AK-74’s, AN-94’s, RPG-29’s, and most worrisome, 9K333 Verba man portable SAM’s.” She says, looking at the big screen.

“This was likely a pirate mothership that had been operating inside the Philippine waters. However it was discovered by a US Carrier group on its way to Pearl some 300 miles out, it was braving rough waters.”

“Wouldn’t this normally be the Navy and Coast Guard’s concern?” The LT asks, looking confused.

“The ship is being turned over to the Coast Guard, however, it was also carrying a large number of slaves.” She says and puts up pictures of the ponies.

I feel my stomach turn at the sight and number of them. I recognize a few of the marks. "Dr. Goodall, Roma, Betty,” I say softly.

“Happy trails, Bubblegum, Ginger.” Blaze adds.

Henry sits up, blinking, “Oh god, they have babies, I’ve never seen a person shift to someone so young.”

“They could have changed since…” The LT starts, then stops. “Is that one of the Cakes babies?”

“They are being brought into Hawaii for processing. The problem is, they are terrified of humans now. We need security for them, we need to interrogate them. We need to know where they came from, where the pirates came from, anything we can find out.”

“No Navy ponies?” The LT asked.

“Two on site, but they are pegasi, pilots. Both of them only changed about 2 weeks ago. We would also like you to offer the two pegasi the option to transfer to the Army or Air Force. Both are being put on administrative leave, as the Navy doesn’t have need for pegasi at this time.”

“Oh come on.” Blaze says. “Recon, search and rescue, weather patrol, I’m pretty sure a pegasus could storm dive better than anything the Navy has in inventory.”

“Except the Navy doesn’t, that’s the CG and USAF.” The captain says. “Your flight leaves in three hours. We expect you’ll be deployed there for two weeks.”

“Will the Unicorn club be joining us?” Henry asks curiously.

The captain turns, looking at Henry confused, “Who?”

“Sorry ma’am, it’s the unofficial term for Sugarberry, Ballad, and Cipher.” The LT says, looking at Henry.

Shaking his head, the captain responds explains. “No, they will have their hands full taking care of the foals, I hear they can be troublesome.”

Tapping his pencil on his scratch pad, Eric responds without thinking, “But the Unicorn Club doesn’t have hands, they have hooves.”

“I think your time as a pony has had an effect on your judgement, perhaps you need more time off Sargent.” The captain says firmly.

Blinking, Eric looked up and around, realizing what he had just said. “Yes ma’am, I mean no ma’am. Sorry when it comes to ponies I’m used to hearing hooves full. Sorry ma’am, local colloquialisms can get confusing.”

“Well don’t come back speaking surfer talk or I’ll put you on report.” She says, shaking her head, “Dismissed.”

*** Across the pond ***

“The beast has fallen. It will never live again.” Beth says, sitting down.

“That bad?” Tommy looks up from his laptop.

“Worse, they left the cowling up, I managed to get the spark plugs out and pour molasses down the holes.” She says with a giggle.

“Glow plugs, but same difference. And that’s just mean.”

“Well it’s all I had, and remember how dad was when you stuck your grilled cheese into the BetaMAX.” Giggling Beth winks at him.

“Don’t make me remind you of the duct tape incident.” Tommy says, scowling

Backing down, Beth lowers her head, “You promised you wouldn’t.”

“So I’ve kept my eye on the papers, not a whisper. Not a peep.” Tommy says, shaking his head as he changes the subject.

“They had pictures and everything!” She huffs, “Okay, I’m happy I didn’t show up but… Now I’m starting to feel dejected. I saved her life and there’s not even a mention?”

“I thought you didn’t want to be seen.” He looks up.

Shaking her head she sits down, “I don’t, but really. I did something good.”

“I know what you mean. A thank you might have been nice.” Tommy smiles, then hugs his sister. “Whatever the case thank you for proving yourself better than most people.”

“I’m not a people, I’m a unicorn.” She says with a sigh, then hugs him tightly with her neck.

“Well you’re safe at least. Since no one went public, it means no one knows.” Tommy says, then chuckles as he gets up.

Walking over to the ponykin, he picks up the hat and cloak and walks over putting them on his sister. “There, what do you think?” He says, chuckling.

“I think it’s too big for me, it was made for a unicorn larger then I am. And given the picture we found, I would need a beard to complete the look.” Walking over, she looks at the picture of the white unicorn stallion wearing the cloak and hat.

“It’s strange, in horses there isn’t much difference between stallions and mares. They are generally the same size, same build.” Tommy says.

“Except for the tail area.”

“You say while lifting your tail.” Tommy says with a laugh.

“Oops, sorry, still don’t have full control of that yet.”

“The armor, though, shows differences in height, and head shape. I wonder why.” Tommy asks, picking up a stallion’s helmet and plopping it over his head.

“Maybe because they were so small it was hard to tell in the other departments.” Beth says, giggling evilly.

“Oh ouch, burn unicorns.”

“Only males.” She says, looking proud, and sits looking at the books that have survived.

“I wish I understood the writing, it’s not English, it’s not Gaelic, heck it doesn’t even look Russian.” Tommy says, looking at them as well.

“I didn’t know you read Russian.” Beth says, looking shocked.

“Oh I don’t, but I know what the backwards K looks like.” He says, chuckling. “I also took a picture of the letters, asked my phone to run it through google translate. It couldn’t find a matching language.”

Sitting down, Beth shakes her head, “It’s stupid. I almost remember seeing them but I have no idea what they mean. It’s like seeing Chinese writing, you recognize the style but don’t know what it means.” She says with a sigh.

“But at least the pictures are pretty.” She says, laughing. “I just wish there was more of them. Unicorns, winged unicorns, and pegasi. There are also two types of unicorns. The small ones and the horse sized ones.” Lifting one of the pictures, Beth turns it sideways. “But they all have different heraldic marks, think they are brands?”

“There’s a lot of pictures of the Rod of Asclepius, as well as a snowflake. Searching for it through family crests here.” He says, holding up the book he had been working on. “It’s a note book rather than one of the other texts. It makes reference to some of the marks in the pictures of the bible on the shelf there.”

“I was never very religious so.” Beth shakes her head.

“It’s not the fact that it’s a bible, it’s a Gutenberg, I think he was comparing it to the pictures in the bible rather than the text itself. They have re-drawn several of the pictures.”

“Well without understanding the language there’s nothing we can really do.” Tilting her head, Beth starts laughing, “Maybe it was Merlin.”

*** The Crown ***

Leaning back in his chair, Sir Fredrick sips his brandy. The cigar smoke drifts through the air of the reading room of the men’s club. Shaking his head, he looks at the report. At least the BBC has played ball with the government about keeping the ponies quiet.

It is interesting that many of the ministers don’t even know about the ponies yet. The secretaries had done their jobs very well in ensuring that the pony information was given to their ministers properly. His minister, Minister of Transport, for example hadn’t heard word one about the ponies. His briefing was perfectly placed in his box, in the middle of a report on incidents and issues with animals crossing motorways, under the section of wild horses, somewhere around page 560.

Even if he did read it, it would first seem like an appendix to the file. Since most ministers rarely read the full documents, and instead simply read the summaries, the information was nicely obfuscated.

This report though, of a pony saving a girl’s life is troublesome. This might generate public interest or worse, support for them. As well, her proximity to the construction site, given the mysterious damage to the equipment and complete lack of progress…

“Julian, do you have that American report on unicorn’s abilities?” Glancing up from his drink, he looks at the junior secretary.

“The one the FBI provided us? Yes.” He flips through several files on his tablet then nods. “Right here Sir.”

“Remind me to thank Lighting Dust and Volker for those files. They have come in very handy.”

“Holiday cards, sir?” Julian asks offhandedly.

“What do they say about the ranges and strength of their telekinetic?” Sir Fredrick swirls his drink, ignoring the question by Julian.

Flipping through pages, Julian nods once, “Here we go, ranges and strength varies based on the individuals. More magical unicorns could manipulate objects out to two hundred feet. Twenty feet seems to be average for moderate to heavy objects.”

“Was there anything on teleportation?”

“Extremely rare, though those that can do it again range is between a few feet and a few hundred yards.” Looking up from his tablet, Julian tilts his head. “Anything else?”

“Nope, that’s all I wanted to know. It gives me something to consider.” He says, taking a sip from his brandy.

“I’ve always wondered,” Julian started as he turned off his tablet, “why we don’t give the ministers their reports in computer format.”

“Julian, how did you find the information on telekinetics in that large file?” Sir Fredrick says, looking at the junior secretary sternly.

“I searched for it.”

“Exactly, and if ministers had the files they could search for things to couldn’t they?”

“Well yes, wouldn’t that be better?”

“Better? Better! Julian, if ministers could find the information they needed, that would mean they would also be able to find the information they wanted. That is a very dangerous concept. It is best that we tell them what they need, so we can control what they want. What’s worse, if they could search the documents, they could find things we do not want them to find.”

“And that would be bad?” Julian shakes his head.

“Very Julian, a minister that thinks for themselves is a threat.” Sir Fredrick says, then sips his brandy again, “For that reason, paper will live forever.”

*** Across the pond ***

The C-38B is a fast VIP transport, usually reserved for hauling Generals back and forth from Washington. Carrying twelve passengers in comfort, with big soft seats, full sized tables, and it even has a small kitchen service for drinks and snacks. The big brass knows how to travel in style.

This is a mission though, we have a ten hour flight, but at least it is direct, Fort Brag to Hawaii, nonstop. This means we get to eat and sleep on the plane. With the extra wide seats with lots of leg room however, this is a first class trip.

Henry and I are looking at the EUP field manual. While Henry can’t read it, I translate for him. There is just so much useful information in it. There is a full pony first aid chapter for field injuries and treatments.

Henry chuckled softly, “And they’re all starting to look fidgety and unhappy, not as bad as Blaze though.”

I blink and look over, Blaze looks like a puff ball. All his fur is standing on end. His tail is puffed out, his mane looks like it had an accident in a conditioner factory. Whimpering, his wings are twitching badly.

Getting up, I walk up to the cockpit and lean in, “Hey guys, what’s going on?”

The pilot yawns stretching and looks back, “Nothing why?”

“The way the pegasi are acting, you’re heading into really bad weather.”

Leaning over, he wakes up the co-pilot, “Check the radar and see if you see anything.”

Rubbing his eyes the co-pilot looked at the screens and shakes his head. “I’ve got nothing on the scope.”

“Trust me on this, it’s going to be major.” I say and head back into the cabin.

“Everyone strap in just to be safe.” I say, sitting down and strapping in. Using my magic I strap everyone else in as well, then make sure everything is secure.

Watching Blaze, I cringe when I see him close his eyes. The next thing I know we were falling… a massive downdraft over the Rockies sends our plane down nearly 3,000 feet in a few seconds before the pilots are able to fight their way through it. The turbulence is fearsome, with the small plane being tossed around for a good five or so very vigorous minutes.

Even though our carry-on luggage is strapped down, some of it was still thrown around the cabin. It takes considerable effort to pin the entire meal cart to the wall, as well as several plates as the plane banks and rolls side to side.

“Remember when we flew through that typhoon.” The LT calls out, “and the pilot found the eyewall by accident.”

“Isn’t that when Henry puked?” Jay says, looking none too happy.

“I think I’m gonna puke this time.” I blink, looking at Blaze who is looking rather green at the moment.

“Oh come on hun, you’ve been through worse.” I say, giggling.

“Trust me, as a pegasus, that felt worse. Every single thing said, the pilots should have avoided that. Then when in it, they should have gone different directions and followed with the flows more.”

“I know Blaze, but remember, they can’t feel the winds and weather.”

“Oh come on, we could all feel that.” Sanchez says, grumbling.

“I couldn’t.” Henry shakes his head, “Unicorn and magic cutie mark here, you guys have pegasi cutie marks. They make you more sensitive to the weather.”

“Now the big problem, I need a brush for Blaze… STAT!” I say with a giggle.

“And an air sickness bag.” Henry adds.

*** CMC EC ***

Feather knocks on the twins’ door with her forehoof. “Can I come in?”

Slowly the door opens in front of her and Cloudy pokes her muzzle out, “Sup?”

“Bored. I decided I wanted to check on Candy.”

“I’m fine, after I woke up this morning I felt better.” He calls out.

“Whatcha doin?” Feather says, in a sing song style.

“Trying to convince Cloudy I’m ok.”

“Hey we were both concerned about you.” Cloudy protests.

“I’m fine, I’m a big girl.”

“BOY!” Cloudy and Feather correct him together.

“I know.” Candy says, rolling out of bed and landing on his hooves. “Who wants ice-cream?”

“Curiously I could cheerfully cope with a cold confection currently.” Cloudy says, then checks her hip.

“Nope, C’s not your cutie mark.” Feather says, giving her a nuzzle.

“Darn, with the name Cotton Cloudy I just had to try.” She says, “So where to and remember we are grounded to base.”

“Oh thank gosh it wasn’t, I’d have to kill you after the first hour of all C’s.” Candy says, and heads for the door. “To Sugar Cube Corner!”

“Who, where now?” Feather blinks looking confused.

Turning he pranced out the door heading outside, “Follow me.”

To most kids their equivalent age, the idea of walking nearly two miles is unheard of. In this day and age, traveling two miles without a vehicle is just rarely done. Feather and Cloudy though, follow Candy down the street with ease. It takes them less than fifteen minutes to get to where Candy is leading them.

Stopping, both girls go wide eyed. The concept, the possibilities. This could work. They didn’t have a Sugar Cube Corner on Earth. At least, not one that they had found. But this, this has possibilities. It is on base, it sells cakes, it sells ice cream, and it sells smoothies.

Looking at each other they nod, “Cold Stone Creameries shall now be… our Sugarcube Corner.” Feather giggles.

Trotting up to the door, Cotton Cloudy tries to pull it open, but between the air pressure difference, and the closing spring, she can’t get it open.

Giggling, Feather calls out. “Clear!” then charges for the door.

Cloudy and Candy dive clear in shock. Candy holds out his foreleg “Feather don’t….”

Stopping just beside the door, Feather does a wing assisted jump and hit the handicapped door button then drops to the ground. With a hiss, the door opens wide for her.

Covering her muzzle and eyes, Cloudy walks in on three legs, wondering why she didn’t think of that. Candy pulls up the rear, groaning softly and shaking his head.

“No anima… What the…” The store clerk looks down at the two unicorns and pegasus as they walk up towards the counter.

Looking around, Cloud and Candy grab a chair and nose it up to the cash register. Then Feather does a wing assisted jump to land on the chair. It is still working hours so there are only a few adults in the restaurant which is likely for the best.

Standing up on her hind legs, Feather balances her forelegs on the counter edge carefully. “Sorry sir, we’re just too short to see the menu properly.”

“I… I… I’m going to get the manager.” The man says, and he turns and walks into the back.

Looking down at the twins Feather giggles, “We broke him.”

“Feather, will you stop breaking things, you’ll end up with a shattered feather as a cutie mark.” Candy says, smiling innocently.

“Luna special attack, Feather Dart Cuteness.” Feather says, snapping her wing towards Candy.

Everyone leans up and checks Feathers hip. “Nope.” They all giggle.

The manager is an older woman, in her mid-40’s. She is wearing the company uniform as well as an apron. Her hair is held up in a hair net, and she wears thick glasses. Looking down at the three little foals she blinks, “You’re kidding, right?”

“No ma’am. I’m Feather Pinch. This is Cotton Candy and Cloudy.” Feather says, looking down at the twins then back up at the woman, biting her lower lip.

Walking out from behind the counter, she walks over to a booth and sits down. “I have a feeling this is going to be one of those stories.”

The three foals scamper over and sit up on the other side of the booth, barely a head above the table.

Candy takes a breath, “Do you know about the ponies?” He tilts his head, worried about how much she knows.

“Sort of, I’ve seen them walking around. Also in the PX and BX they have several pony items, I actually asked what they were for, once.” She responds, unsure of all of this.

“We changed into foals. There are not a lot of places we can go.” Candy continues. “I’m wondering if it would be ok if we came in here for treats occasionally. We can pay.”

All look up at her hopefully. They smile widely, hoping she would let them visit here. They don’t want to get kicked out on their first visit.

“What do you mean changed?” Tilting her head, she still looks very unsure of things.

“It’s hard to explain, and sounds silly but… We were all born like this. We’re foals, not even close to being full grown. We were cursed by an evil spirit of chaos, and sent to this world as humans. The curse is wearing off now and we are turning back to ponies. Not just us but every pony that was cursed.” Feather says, knowing how bad it sounds.

“You’re right, it does sound unbelievable.” She says, nodding slowly.

“So you’re going to grow up as big as the others?”

All three nod slowly, then they lower their heads.

“For now though, we’re stuck as young children.” Feather says, “We’ve been adopted by a pair of Rangers, but right now they are deployed so we are with friends of the family.”

“Ok girls, since you’re not animals, and since the base treats you like people, you can come in here.” She says with a smile, her decision made. “I’ll see if we can get a booster bench set up for you so you’re not in child seats.”

“Actually, Candy here is a boy.” Cloudy corrects.

“Can we order? I’d really like a strawberry banana milkshake.” Feather asks.

“Oreo and Milk milkshake here please.” Candy adds in.

“May I have Cake and Batter?” Cloudy looks up.

Ducking her head into her saddle bag, Cloudy pulls out some money and offers it.

“Not a problem, just wait here.” Walking behind the cash register, she starts making the shakes with care. Once done she brings all three out, setting them in front of the foals.

Looking up at Candy, Feather giggles, “How’re yours?”

“Oreo wonderful.” She smile.

With a little giggle, Cloudy starts to hum the Oreo Wonderful song. Holding the milkshake glass still with her forelegs, Feather starts bobbing with the beat of the tune, ending up with a dollop of whipped cream on the tip of her muzzle for her troubles.

The twins giggle, “Feather, lick your nose off.”

Cleaning her muzzle, Feather looks innocent then blinks. “I know, we can try CMC Video makers. I have an idea.”

Collecting her change, Cloudy leaves a little tip on the table. “Ok, let do it then!”

Heading back to the barracks, the three quickly get to work. Cloudy gets the music for the song. She sets it up on the computer with a timed delay. The music is so common on the internet, it is easy to download.

Candy had some experience with cameras, so she sets up the cellphone camera, bracing it and prepares the record system. Using some tape, she marks the focus point on the ground, as well as the edges of the frame for the shot. This will give them their markers, so nopony has to stand behind the camera the entire time.

When ready, all three move into frame, Cloudy giving a little wave to make sure it is working. Starting the music timer, they all take their places, as soon as it hits zero, the music starts.

Holding up an Oreo cookie to the camera Feather starts singing.

Wonder if I... Gave an Oreo

To a Wonderbolt, how would the story go

Would she say my wings were fluff

Or would she teach me to be tough

Would she carry me up, into the sky

So I could learn to fly...

As Feather sings, she spreads her wings, looking at them making the feathers fluff out a bit. In the meantime, the twins sit on either side of her, bobbing their heads as they dance to her song. Nodding their heads, they rocked back and forth in time with the song.

As the song reaches the part about being tough, the twins make muscle actions with their forelegs while Feather does her best to look tough. Going into a pegasi action pose, given her small size and little wings, in no way does she look the slightest bit tough.

With the ending of the song Feather beats her wings really fast but doesn’t take off the ground, making it look like she couldn’t fly. Meanwhile, the twins look up into the sky to complete the effect.

Giggling, they stop the recoding and transfer it to the computer. Candy quickly gets to work, cleaning it up a bit and boxing it properly, before they agree that the little commercial is done. Once complete they nod.

“Cutie Mark Crusader Cookie Commercial Creators!” They all cheer, and start to giggle.

“But who would best judge this? Mom and Dad are on mission.” Feather says.

“And Cipher and Ah-Pee would probably said it was good no matter what it looks like.” Candy says.

“We need a Wonderbolt.” Cloudy huffs.

“THAT’S IT!” Feather says, jumping on the spot, her head hitting the desk lamp and accidently turning it on above her.

“What’s it?” Candy asks.

“Lightning Dust is a Wonderbolt, we can send it to her!”

“To the leader of the Wonderbolts on Earth, care of Lighting Dust.” Cloudy says, as she enters it into the computer. “Send.”

“You know, we could probably do better.” Cloudy says, giggling.


“The cutie mark crusaders would have done one for each tribe.”

“But we don’t have an earth pony.” Cloudy says.

“Oh that’s easy.” Candy giggles and trundles off. She comes back with a cowboy hat from Ah-Pee’s room. With a little work, they rig it up so it hides Candy’s horn.

Trading positions, they start the music again, this time with Cloudy in the center singing. Holding up the Oreo she starts her part.

I wonder if I, gave an Oreo

To a unicorn, that was in the know

Would she say my horn’s too small?

Would she let my hopes just fall?

Or would she teach magic, the way I am

Just because she can?

Singing about her horn being small and her hopes falling, she tucks her tail between her legs, ears drooping sadly. Then, using a flashlight, with no attempts to hide it. She uses it to light her horn. There is no question it isn’t a magical aura, but that isn’t the point is it?

Shifting positions again, so Candy has the spotlight, he holds up his cookie, singing his part.

I wonder if I, gave an Oreo

To a po-ny, from that children’s show

Would she help my legs grow strong?

Could I buck trees all day long?

Would she help me find my Equestrian dreams?

Getting my cutie mark it seems?

The other two foals ducked as he makes bucking motions over both of them in either direction. As he talks about his dreams he puts his hoof on his hat, looking up to the sky. Then finally as they finish the song, all three turn sideways to the camera, showing their blank flanks.

*** Lightning Dust ***

Most of this day has been routine paperwork, I'm in the office really longer than I truly need to be. But this place is a bit of a refuge for me.

An email pops up, not on my regular email for Lightning Electric, but the new pony based one that Mindy has set up for all of us ponies. I look at the subject, CMC Earth Chapter. I have to grin, though if there now is a chapter of the Cutie Mark Crusaders on Earth, I feel sorry for wherever they are located. But it's nice to see foals doing what foals do, searching for their talents, for their cutie marks.

I open the email, and follow the link for the video. After a few minutes, I call out, "Pat, get in here, you need to see this."

I hear her shuffling around, and in moments, the door opens, and my office manager pokes her head in, "What?"

"Did you ever get a chance to watch the show that is based on the ponies?"

She nods, "Yeah, Friendship is Magic."

I nod, "You remember the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

She nods again.

"Well, a couple of foals apparently have decided to make a CMC here on Earth."

She giggles, and comes over to my side, once again, the video is played.

"Oh that is so cute, my granddaughter would love to see that."

I nod, "I'll have to send it over to Mindy as well. She could use a pick me up."

*** Pearl Harbor ***

“I really need a pick me up.” Shaking my mane out I get off the aircraft and stretch out my legs.

“Make a hole!” I hear Blaze yell as he dives out of the plane, taking to the air.

“Watch the feathers.” Henry says, shaking his head as Blaze clips him on the way out.

Once in the air, Blaze is flitting and zipping around, trying to get his senses back in order. A ten hour flight in a small size aircraft isn’t the best for a pegasus. Now that he is out I’m not sure I could get him down again for a while.

“Can we just tranq him next time, LT?” Sanchez cuckles as he gathers his things.

“I’m not afraid of flying… I just pity the fool that puts me in a plane.”

A medium truck pulls up and parks, with the driver hopping out and freezing at the sight of a unicorn.

“Oh look, our ride’s here.” I say and trot over, hopping in the back.

The rest of the rangers follow suit, climbing in as well. All except for Blaze, he lands on the roof and walks in a circle a few times before laying down on the canvas covering.

“Did he just?” Henry starts.

“Yeah, he does that on clouds too sometimes.” I say giggling.

Author's Note:

With a little giggle, Cloudy starts to hum the Oreo Wonderful song. Holding the milkshake glass still with her forelegs, Feather starts bobbing with the beat of the tune, ending up with a dollop of whipped cream on the tip of her muzzle for her troubles.

Art by Alkarasu

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