• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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16: Sitting a Spell

The LT arranged for Ah-Pee and I to have some girl time, I protested but he flat out ordered me, of all things. Henry had me on light duties so I couldn’t go running or us my magic for anything more than very basic things. The idea of girl time seemed strange at first, but it turned out it wasn’t close to what I thought it would be.

“Now you really have to grind it in there a bit.”

I watch, cringing inwardly, “Doesn’t that hurt?”

“Aw heck no, there’s a few sensitive spots but you’ll find them yourself when you try.”

“That’s why you’re using that thing in there?” I ask with a gulp.

“Yep exactly, it’s long enough to reach, but not sharp enough to hurt if I touch anything sensitive.” Ah-Pee goes on. “Now you’re going to have an easier time of this because of your magic, but as you can see, I can make do with my mouth and hooves even just to do this.”

Grabbing the rasp with my magic I carefully clean the pointed end, and used it to clean the frog of my hoof just like Ah-Pee demonstrated, to get the dirt out, “Won’t this come out in the shower?” I ask, looking at her.

“Hun, what about when you’re in the field, or working, and get a rock in there, there are times you just can’t take a shower to clean your hooves.” She says, then chuckles, “You’re a Ranger, this is just like foot care.”

“Yeah point made.” I say as I show her the bottom of my hoof.

“Perfect. Next check for cracks, and chips, if you find yourself getting a lot or deep cracks you might want to consider using boots. Pavement can be hard on a hoof.”

“Oh yeh, they gave us some rubber soled boots for use around headquarters and such, for the tile floors, but I guess they would work for that too.”

“Filing down the edges a bit can help if you have sharp points you can also give the bottom a little file, just to level it out more.” Ah-Pee says with a giggle. “It doesn’t hurt at all, it’s all nail so no different than using a nail file.”

“Lastly the hoof polish, I use a very basic one, it acts as a light hoof sealer, on small cracks, as well as a bit of a hoof shield.” She says, “Now you don’t need to use them and I only use it if I see little cracks, on the horses, as of yet I haven’t had a single crack on my hooves.

“For a moment there my mind went to nail polish and the colors.”

“Oh yeah, they make that too, lots of different colors, they include sparkles or glitter in some, others are clear made to bring out the hooves natural colors more.” She continues.

“Why… would they make nail polish for hooves?”

“Show horses, some events include, dressing up the horse, with special braids to the mane and tail, hoof polish, all to make the horse stand out more from the other show horses.” Ah-Pee points out.

“Humans… are weird.” I say, shaking my head.

“Tell me about it, I used to laugh at those prissy dressage riders, those horses wouldn’t last a day in the field.” Ah-pee says with pride, “My barrel pony though could go from the ring to the cattle drive without even changing her gear. She knew just what she was doing.”

“Sounds smart.” I said with a nod.

“It was almost like we could understand each other, I knew when she was hurt and she knew when I was.” Ah-Pee says fondly.

“How did she take to your change? How is she with you as a pony now?”

“I think she sees me as a foal now, it’s hard to tell, she doesn’t understand that it’s me. She just doesn’t understand why I don’t act like a horse or foal. In some ways it hurts me more than her, because all can I see is her confusion.”

“Must be hard, now that you can pretty much run as fast as her, you don’t need her for work.” I said.

“She got along great with my niece so I’ve given her to her now. She’ll have a good home, but I have a new pony to dote over now.” Ah-Pee smiles.

“Yourself!” I say with a laugh.

“And you!” she chuckles.

“Oh don’t even think of that, remember, I have magic, I can braid your mane and put you in a tail ribbon faster than you can blink.”

We both fall on our backs, giggling.

With a knock at the door we both look at each other than look up, “Come in.” I say, still lying on my back. Looking at the door upside-down, with my front legs curled a bit to let the polish dry.

Blaze opened the door and steps in, looking at both of us. Blinking at us and seeing the polish and rasps, he opened his mouth to say something than stops. He lowers his head taking a deep breath.

“What’s wrong Blaze?” Ah-Pee says, looking at him.

“I want to apologize, to both of you. I know it’s over 40 years to late but I have to. I have to do this because it needs to be said.” Blaze starts, taking a breath.

“Rainbow you don’t need to.” I say softly.

“I wouldn’t be Yiska if I don’t.” He says softly, “Long ago, I didn’t realize your feelings for me, I know you don’t have the same feelings for me now, but back then, outside of Canterlot, you were in love. I couldn’t see that and I hurt you. It didn’t stop there though, I chose to bury myself in my work, weather patrols and training speedsters and in doing so I missed the most important events of your life. Your wedding, Shining Armor’s birth, Twilight's birth. I stayed away because I was scared I’d hurt you more.”

Taking a deep breath, he looks at Ah-Pee, “Apple Pie tried to explain it to me, and I couldn’t understand back then, or didn’t want to. I wanted to say it was too late to change, too late to fix things. So I kept ignoring and kept away, and when I saw her, I just turned my back. I left before your son’s wedding, I left before your daughters coronation. Apple Pie saw you as kin to the Apple family, and me hurting an Apple was…” Blaze shakes his head.

“Ah-Pee, I don’t know if you can really understand this but, I’m sorry for insulting the Apple Family honor. I’m sorry for the disrespect I showed then, and now. I know I was acting jealous and protective.” Turning, he looks at me, nodding once, “And I’m sorry for being over protective. If I do it again you have my permission to tell me, both of you.”

I blink, wiping tears from my eyes, I don’t know why I’m crying but I am, so I roll over to face him drooping my hooves off the end of the bed. “Rainbow,” I start, “Yiska… Thank you.”

Ah-Pee touches her hoof to her cutie mark, “The Apple Family will, is as strong as their legs’, but we know how to bend both. On behalf of myself, my mark, and all those who share the Apple Family marks, I accept.”


Corporal Stephany Richards sighed softly, ever since her change she felt like an invalid, her mom had been there for her and still was there for her but it all felt so wrong. She couldn’t really do much of what she needed to do for herself.

Sitting between her mom’s legs, she keeps her head low and still as her mom finishes gathering her pink mane up into a bun. Military regulations were very strict on how women could have their hair, and for her a bun was the best option.

Next up is her uniform, the white shirt she could put on herself with ease, the buttons had been replaced with Velcro closures for her, they also made an exception and allowed her to use a clip on tie rather than a real one, the white shirt blended with her white coat so it was hard to tell where one ends and the other begins at times.

Looking at her cutie mark, she sighs. Everyone mistakes her for Twinkleshine, but Twinkleshine's mark is three stars. Hers is three diamonds. She wonders sometimes if the show had Twinkleshine's mark right or what 3 diamonds even really means. The tech’s had come up with the name Sugarberry for her, based on the fact that her mane and tail where 2 tone pink rather than the single tone of Twinkleshine's, but... This is all based on some kids show after all.

Pulling her slacks up over her mark she moves over to her mom for help to tighten the straps and belt. Finally her coat, while it had polished brass buttons on it, it was actually closed again by Velcro. Her Mom helps her to put on her boots, she could take off and put on her front boots easy enough at work but the hind ones give her trouble at times.

Her name tag still read S. Richards. She didn’t want people to start calling her Sugerberry, at least Twinkleshine sounded useful. Sugarberry just sounded insulting, the idea of a bunch of men calling her sugar all day, she had enough trouble as it was without feeling like some kind of bimbo.

Putting on her beret she nods once “Thank’s mom, I’m sorry I’m such a pain to you.” Her ears wilt as she speaks.

“Nonsense, that’s what mothers are for.” Her mother responds with a smile.

Turning, Steph trots outside, and down the street heading for SOC HQ. She's now somewhat of a regular sight on base, as such she is mostly ignored, there are still a few people who make her uncomfortable, but because she works in HQ, no one has pushed the matter so far.

Walking into the building, she heads over to her desk. Taking off her beret, then her front hoofboots as she climbs into her chair. A small pile of documents lay in her inbox, overnight communications and distributions from the different commands. Reading though them, she highlights the subject line on each, nothing needs to be redacted at this point, though she does have to pull out the occasional message that was intended for a set officer rather than ALL. Only three documents were misfiled from the previous night, which she quickly takes back to the Coms Room to have them re-filed into the individual officers packs.

As she gets back to her desk she sits on the floor, opening the bottom drawer and pulling out the Velcro wrist straps, they at least let her type and use the phone.

“Where is Brigadier General Wilson’s Office?” she hears a man ask.

Standing up on her hind legs and putting her forelegs on her desk for stability, at least that gives her some height, but for some reason she wishes she had stayed hidden, the withering glare she received from this Admiral almost makes her feel sick. “Third floor, sir.” She gulped. “Who shall I say is here for him?”

Turning his back to her, he looks around the lobby, then turns to one of the MP’s, “Can you get Brigadier General Wilson, tell him Admiral Volker is here.”

The MP knows better than to leave his post, even at the orders of an Admiral, his first job is the security of this building, quietly though the little unicorn buzzes Wilson’s office, however she uses an emergency code to do it.

The Brigadier General arrives, a few moments later, with 2 other MP’s to the Admiral fuming, “I don’t know what kind of a command you run here, Wilson, but between MP’s that won’t carry out orders and creatures left to tend serious posts, it’s a wonder that the Joint Chiefs of Staff haven’t given this place an audit.”

The Brigadier General glanced over at… the creature, as the Admiral had so labelled her and nods once, “We will be in conference room 2, please advise the Officer of the Day, and have the Jag officer join us. As well on my desk is file, I think it’s P00314, the communication from JCS for May 14th. I’ll need that, you’ll recognize it, I think it’s the only folder on my desk.”

Turning, the Brigadier General heads into the conference room. This gives Corporal Richards a moment to breath, making the phone calls to the OD and Jag she sits back down on the floor slipping her hoof boots on her front hooves then trots back to the administration office, “Hey Mark, can you cover the front desk, B-Gen Wilson wants me to get some papers for him.”

“Sure Steph, his aid sick today?” The other Corporal asks.

“No idea, he’s using room 2 though, thanks for covering the desk.” With that she turns and trots up the stairs. The building's elevator works just fine, but she has never seen a need to use it, even before the change she found it safer and quicker to use the stairs. The idea of getting stuck in an elevator with an officer for hours is never a pleasant dream for any enlisted member.

Wilson’s aid is a captain, who nods as she trots in, tapping his ear, let her know he was on his headset as he talks on the phone. Sitting on her haunches, she makes an opening book motion with her forelegs, than points at Wilson’s desk. The captain held up his fist and nodded it twice. With that she gets up and heads over to the desk. Red folder, picking up a pen in her mouth she signs and dates the folder cover, as well as a clip board. In doing so there is now a paper trail now that she was the last person in possession of this folder. Not uncommon.

Putting the folder into her satchel she turns and trots back down to the first floor and knocks on the door to the conference room with a foreleg. The door is opened by the Brigadier General who smiles, “Thank you Corporal, would you be kind enough to come in.”

Stepping in, she looks at the JAG officer, then back at the Admiral who watches her with pure hatred.

“Corporal, I left my reading glasses in my office, would you be so kind as to break out the document.” He says in a friendly and gentle voice. The problem is, to the best of Steph’s knowledge, Wilson has never used glasses.

Taking the file out of her satchel she sits on her haunches. The Admiral is quick to protest. “That is a Secret Document.”

“And she has been vetted to Top Secret, everyone who works here requires Top Secret. Security clearance is based on background checks, including credit, contacts, and other past actions, none of those have changed in the last 15 days.” The JAG officer states as he flips pages in his note pad.

Clearing her throat, “The listed US Armed Forces has an active force of 1,671,558 and reserved force of about 922,051 people, combined between all branches. Of that, a total of 32 members have confirmed to have changed, though estimates based on MIA and AWOL, show the number to be closer to 50 members. An average of .003% of our active military, from that we can suspect or expect 27 members in our reserve force either have changed, or will be changing, again based on age and AWOL status.”

Taking a deep breath, she continued “While these numbers are estimations the number could be much higher, with unreported members in the reserves and guard. The issue is, of the 32 confirmed, 12 are already listed as dead due to miscellaneous causes.”

The Admiral stands, looking at the jag officer, “What are the legal implications of removing them all from service?”

“Currently, they are still members of the service and to be issued full honors under the Uniform Code. Remember, under the code, horses and dogs are also given the rights and ranks under the Uniform Code of Service. The priority currently should be removing them from harm's way, and providing transient support.”

“Why?” The Admiral responds. If it was a question or a statement, no one else was sure.

“They are service members, many of whom risked their lives and keep risking their lives for the defense of the nation. A level of respect needs to be shown.” Wilson states simply. “By orders several apparently were transferred to the Spectrum Group, what are the chances of them being returned?”

“Unlikely,” The Admiral stated, “None survived the testing, though results were promising with cases of horns being cut off or feathers removed, there was some reversion. As you know the President’s orders at the time were to find a cure.”

Steph looks up at her own horn and closes her eyes tight, feeling sick at the thought of people cutting it off. While to her it was just a useless protrusion that she couldn’t use yet, she knew at least one pony had shown a magic with it, it was more than that though, on an instinctual level she knew it was just wrong to do that.

“The Vice President authorized the action though the Secretary of defense to avoid conflict of interest over his daughter.” The admiral stated flatly.

“Understood, so those 5 are to be listed as killed in service of their country and given honors, full benefits to the family, I’ll send the petition to the Joint Chiefs.” Wilson says.

“I need to meet with members of the Air Force, there is some question about appropriation of funds for additional transponders.” Turning he walks out the door.

Wilson turns, kneeling in front of Steph and putting his hand on her cheek, “I’m sorry you had to be subjected to that, but I wanted him to be off balance, you did great Corporal. Now for the next 3 days you are scheduled for some training.” He says softly.


“Get your kit, there is a UC-35 waiting for you on the tarmac, your being flown out for special training in two hours.” He states as he stands up.

“Sir? Special training?”

The jag officer chuckles “Have fun, I hear it can be brutal.”

Nodding, she has the Brigadier General sign for the folder, “Yes sir.” She says nervously.

Her kit is small, easily fitting in both sides of a set of saddle bags, and that includes her health care products. There simply isn't a lot of stuff to carry as a pony. Saddle bags though makes things easy to haul, but even with all the space she found herself leaving them fairly empty. With a good-bye to her mother, she heads to the tarmac.

It is rare to see a VIP transport, these little aircraft were expensive to operate given they only fly with about six or eight passengers, and are almost always reserved for command staff. A Sargent stands at the stairs and nods as she walks up, “We’ve been waiting on you.” He says and takes her saddlebags. “I’ll get these in the overhead.”

Moving inside the small plane, she sees two other ponies, both unicorns, sitting in seats, both in army uniforms. Both had their seat belts on, but seemed relaxed, A private was quick to bring Steph to a seat and help her get strapped in. Almost immediately the doors were closed and the aircraft begins its takeoff run.

The first of the two unicorns, the corporal has a two tone gold and yellow mane, as well as blue body, rather comically she had a golden lyre emblem on the shoulder of her uniform, likely her cutie mark.

The private on the other hand is a mix between tan and orange for her body but a pale blue mane. As to the mark on her shoulder, no one could figure it out. Looking over at Steph she smiles “You didn’t get an arm patch for your mark?”

Steph shakes her head, “Nope, I didn’t know they were doing that. Special training?”

“Special training, isn’t it great? I’m Cipher Splash, Army Intelligence, crypto analysis. Give me a puzzle and I’ll have it figured out in a flash.”

“Ballad.” The corporal says, keeping her head low. “Army Engineers.”

“What’s this special training?” Steph asks.

“You don’t know? Oh apparently it’s brutal but you’re just going to love it.” Cipher says.


Blaze sits beside me, watching in awe, even with hooves Ah-Pee was a marvel, she's cooking pretty much a whole side of beef at once, steak, burgers, granola stuffed apples and apple pies.

Watching her hop between the spices just shows how much she can really do with just her hooves and mouth. Too bad we couldn’t eat the beef, but Henry and Eric are already drooling. Even Grandfather looks impressed at how quick and good she is without hands. Of course anyone who decides to get too near to help, well, they are quickly met with whatever cooking utensils she has at the time. She could probably fence with those.

I’m not sure when it happened, but Blaze put his wing around me, I didn’t really stop him or complain, though. It felt nice, and I felt safe with him. Besides so far the LT hasn’t yelled at us about it, probably giving us time to decide our feelings together.

Putting out the steaks and burgers Ah-Pee calls out “Vittles are ready!”

Quickly, we dig in, the granola stuffed apples and apple pies for us herbies were just to die for. We had to let them cool a bit and sitting there waiting turns out to be the hardest part. Who said herby food was boring though, Ah-Pee has just proven she can cook for everyone.

The fun was broken though, when we saw the lights. “LT, Vehicles inbound.” Henry calls out.

Looking over, we see a tribal police cruiser coming down the road with its lights going, behind it, 3 General Tactical Vehicles, the lead and trailing ones had their .50 cal’s manned. The center vehicle was in button down mode, its windows dark and roof hatch closed. Rather than carrying a .50, it had a 40mm auto grenade launcher, more firepower then should be needed unless they were expecting a fight.

Pulling into Grandfathers property, the vehicles spread out a bit, and a Lieutenant steps out as they grind to a halt, “Lieutenant James Fisher? I’m Lieutenant Maxwell Faerring, we are here for Twilight Velvet.”

The LT stands up, moving in front of me, “On who's authority?”

LT Faerring blinks, “Joint Chiefs of Staff. Didn’t SOC tell you?”

Henry stands up, “This is BS LT, SOC was ok with her, now they want to take her?”

The LT narrows his eyes, “Orders.”

LT Faerring started chuckling ,looking at the medic, and offers the LT an orders pack.

Our LT looks at the paper, starting to read, then starts laughing, “Oh they just couldn’t wait could they.”

“What?” Henry asks.

“LT?” I asked feeling more than a little bit nervous now.

Stepping aside, the LT hands the orders back to the other officer “Everyone stand down, She’s all yours.”

“LT!” I started but the other officer comes up to me, looking down.

“Corporal Twilight? Or is it Corporal Velvet? I can never figure it out with pony names.” He says.

“Corporal Twilight works,” I say nervously, “Where are you taking me?”

“Taking? No, we're dropping off.” Turning, he nods to the middle Hummer and three unicorns with saddle bags step out. “They're having trouble adapting, haven’t figured out how to use magic on their own, so they have been sent to you for special training.”

“Special training?” I say blinking, “Why me?”

“So far you’re the only unicorn in the military that knows any magic, they need your help. If you’re up for it.” The Lt says. “This isn’t combat, covert, or anything like that, it’s to help them improve their quality of life.”

Nodding slowly I look at the three unicorns. “To improve their quality of life?”

“They are having trouble using their hooves and mouths for daily things, two of them have had to be assigned caregivers to help them. Uniforms are hard to get into and out of for example.”

Ah-Pee chuckled “That’s why I don’t do clothes unless I have to. But I can help them with their hoof work too.”

“Yes sir, I’ll try and teach them what I know, at least in the basics of unicorn magic.” I say.

They hand off a box of medical supplies to Henry, unload and set up three small tents, and even go as far as leaving a field radio and food supplies. “They are here for three days, if it takes longer, radio in and we will extend the training time.”

Looking over, I bow my head “Grandfather, is this ok, I know this is your home, and do not wish to intrude.”

“They are here seeking the ways of the spirit. To turn them away, would be to turn our back on the spirits, this isn’t our way.” Grandfather says.

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