• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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60: Thunderheads

“Dust? Oh Dust?” Hellen calls out.

I poke my head out of the kitchen, “In here, love.”

“Dust, there’s a phone call for you on the house line.” Hellen says, holding up the receiver.

“House line?” I blink, “why didn’t they call my cell?”

“Don’t know, but I’ll put it on the table.” Hellen says and heads upstairs.

Trotting out, I look at the house phone. There’s a reason I hate these things. I turn my head sideways and lay my head on the table to hear the phone. “Hello?”

“Dust? It’s Drizzle.” Comes the voice over the speaker.

“Oh, hi Drizzle.” Okay, which one is Drizzle? After a moment, I smile, she’s the one who gave me her flight feather for her mother if something happened to her, “Drizzle, what’s up? It’s noisy there.”

“I’m at an IHOP with pretty much 75% of the 520th. We’re on a call out, a mission. We are stopping to get some food, and we just found out. It’s Major Cameron’s 25th birthday today.”

“The Major at Quantico?” I blink, “The one who hurt her back?”

“Yep, that’s her. Well Jetstream, one of the girls here, called her sis by accident. I think she’s changing.”

“Changing? Who’s with her?” My ears perk forward at this news.

“No one, it’s her birthday and she’s alone in the office, worrying over a mission. I think there’s a desk sergeant there too, but…”

“Oh that’s no way for her to spend her first moments as a pony.” I grumble, really I can’t think of a worse thing.

“If you’ve got time could you look in on her?” Drizzle asks, giving the phone her trade-marked sad eyes.

“Your giving me those eyes aren’t you.” I huff.

“Wow, they work even through the phone.”

“I’ll be there shortly.” Biting the phone I hang it up. “Hellen, I’m going out for the night. Someone I met may be changing tonight, she could really use the support.”

“Sure thing dear, Mindy, Moon Shadow and I are just planning on going to the spa this evening. Maybe a movie after.

“Have fun.” I chuckle, I love how my wife is really becoming fast friends with the ponies. A quick trip upstairs to grab my saddle bags and I zip out of the house. As I take to the air, I can see Irony’s hooves underneath her 442. It’s up on jack stands with the hood up, so I’m guessing an oil change is going on. I smile as I face forward, I figure I can stop along the way and pick up something for us to drink to celebrate.

*** Velvet ***

“Morning Sunshine, morning Rose.” As I trot in I swish my tail vigorously as I look at the trainees.

“Well you’re just glowing.” Rose says, smiling.

“I’m just happy. Had a good night sleep, the cutie mark crusaders are doing okay.”

“Blaze is on call with the police?” Rose said.

“Yep, no snoring, and a clear path to the bathroom, it was great.” I say with a giggle, “I forgot how annoying being pregnant was.”

“So when do we get to learn how to teleport, fire off face melting energy blasts, and throw up shields that can block nuclear strikes?” Sunshine asks as she bounds around me.

“Umm, Sunshine, you are not military you’re a dependent. Why would you want that stuff?” I say, shocked.

“Ever been to a PTA meeting as a unicorn when Creationists show up?” Sunshine retorts.

Blinking, I look around the training field. “Okay, teleports yes, shields maybe, face melting energy blasts…No. That’s really dangerous and high level stuff.”

Rose giggles, “I’d be happy just to learn how to hold a pencil steady enough to write with it.”

“Practice Rose-chan, your focus, needs more focus.” I say, giggling. “Today we are going to work on control and have fun playing with water. I’d like you to pick up a globe of water and shape it into a perfect sphere. Then hold it there.”

Looking at the water, then at me, she blinks, “I hate you, you teacher from hell.” Rose says, shivering.

*** Dust ***

“She’s busy in the war room.” The desk sergeant says to me.

“War room, really?” I say, looking at him.

“We are still the US Military.”

I shake my head. “Do you know who I am?” I say, striking the floor firmly with a hoof.

“Yep, the Rainbow Dash wannabe.” The clerk said.

I flair my wings at that one, “Oh, them's fightin’ words.”

“I’m a Dash Booster, which automatically makes me… A Dust Buster.” The sergeant says and he sticks his tongue out at me, getting an involuntary laugh out of me. I do have to groan, I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that he’s a brony, a Dash fan, or just said Dust Buster in reference to me. “Can you let her know I’m here then?”

“Oh, she knows, I buzzed her the moment you walked in.”

“Why didn’t you say that in the first place?” I snarl.

“Cuz she’s still in the war room, and you’re still not Rainbow Dash.”

“Why you little…” Is all I get out before the door opens.

“Hi Dust, what brings you here?” Sam smiles.

“I came cuz it’s your birthday, and I’m dying to see your cutie mark.” I smile right back.

With a sigh she turns, leaning on her cane and starts hobbling back into the War Room. “Sorry to disappoint you. You did this trip for nothing, I didn’t get one.”

“How do you know?” I blink, “When did you check last?”

“I checked again about 20 minutes ago, just to be sure. I was born though at 9:21 am, its already afternoon. If I was going to get the mark I’d have gotten it at the time of my birth.” Sam says and turns, looking at the monitors.

The room really is a war room. There is a table sized touchscreen TV with a map of the USA sitting in the center of the room. Several other screens are scattered around the walls. Support staff on radios are tracking pegasi all over the country, talking with them or giving them flight orders.

One monitor has a satellite image of New York City, with several staff directing ponies around the city.

“Still, this is no way to spend your birthday.” I say firmly after shrugging out of my saddlebags, I bite the connecting strap and lift them onto a table. I’m getting better at maneuvering things around without hands or TK.

Sam looks at me and sighs. “I have thirty pegasi in harm’s way, searching for a griffin that’s already killed three humans, if not more. They are supposed to find it so CID can send a ground team in to see if they can talk it down.” She looks at me and I can see the concern in her face. She really cares about the ponies out there.

“You want to be up there with them don’t you?” I move up, putting a wing against her.

Nodding slowly, Sam blinks, then shakes her head. “I don’t want them in danger. I don’t want them risking their lives while I sit at a desk or stand looking at monitors. They are supposed to be finding pegasi who are violating flight rules. Not hunting down a griffin that might have gone feral.”

“So how long is this…” I start, then look up at Sam

“Another hour or so, they are searching until nightfall. Then they are going to start again tomorrow.” Sam shakes her head. “The groups being put up in New York then start again bright and early tomorrow morning.”

One of the tech’s put a hand over his ear. “Major, police report: single body found, side ally off of 9th and 57th. Witness says cat bird thing attacked his friend.”

“What was she doing?” The Major turns so quickly that she has to catch herself with the cane and table.

“Eating, out of a dumpster.”

“Got her, bring the north groups down. We’ll concentrate on the buildings in that area.”

“The report is several hours old.”

“Yep, but she’s found food, she’s likely to return to that area or areas around there. She’ll be on one of those buildings.”

She looks at me, “You know, you are a civilian, you really shouldn’t be here.”

I puff out my chest, “I was a Wonderbolt, a member of the EUP. In fact, I think I’m very qualified to be here.”

She looks at me for a long time, “I’ll call you a civilian advisor, you’ve been helpful when it comes to ponies that we’ve sent your way. But remember, you aren’t US Military.”

I hold out a wing, and get the tip gently shaken by the Major, “Deal.”

We both smile at each other.

*** Jetstream ***

Turning south she shoots past a pair of news helicopters. They are just hovering at the edge of the airspace the pegasi are moving into. Glancing back, she sees two members of the 520th holding badges up to the pilot and pointing north. The two pegasi hover and hold their ground in front of the helicopters, firmly directing air traffic locally.

With FAA authority the 520th can, and does, close airspace as needed as no fly zones. While on the ground, press might try and sneak around the tape, violating a no fly zone gets your ticket yanked, no more flying.

Jetstream just has to giggle at this, “Did you see the press getting held back?”

“It’s for their safety.” Drizzle calls back. “We don’t want the griffin to feel like the helicopters are a threat to it.”

“What could it do to a helicopter?” Jets asks as she flies over several buildings, looking down.

“Two griffins took out some heavy gunships in Russia a few weeks ago. It raised flags with the military.” Blaze calls back as he shoots past the two mares.

“Was that Rainbow Dash?” Streams says in shock.

Hitting the brakes hard, Blaze spins around. “Rainbow Blaze, I’m male, I’m her dad.”

“Yep, he’s a male all right.” Drizzle says with a giggle.

“Fillies.” Shaking his head, Blaze climbs out and begins his search. “They stuck me with fillies.”

Winging over Streams drops her altitude so she is just a few hundred feet above the roof tops, she can see them clearly, but isn’t sure what she is scanning for. It just seems so vague that she found herself calling in lots of different things.

Between her and Drizzle they find three different grow ops, two meth labs, and a pear tree. The griffin is nowhere to be seen though. It’s starting to get dark and the call comes over the radio. Following the flight instructions, the pegasi met up on the secondary roof of a huge hotel.

Looking at the steel door, Drizzle blinks and shakes her head. “Is this?”

Blaze lands and thumps on the door. “Hampton Inn, New York’s 5 star hotel for visiting diplomats and dignitaries.”

“They are spending tax payer money to put us up here?!?!” Jetstreams says in shock, then bites Drizzle tail, realizing she is in the big group again.

“Staff’s all vetted, rooms are secure, and to top it off, we have a floor all to ourselves. Add to that, rooftop access, and we can do our job without every human seeing us.” Blaze says as a secret service guard opens the door.

“Ah, so it’s about not freaking everyone out, and keeping us quiet.” Drizzle says, giggling.

The ponies break up into rooms, Drizzle lead Streams into their room. Jumping up onto the bed, Streams lay on her back, front legs curled, wings spread wide. “What a day.”

“I know my wings feel like they are ready to fall off.” Drizzle giggles.

“My wings are fine, my tummy’s empty though.” Streams says, then glances over, watching Drizzle turn on the TV.

“Room service?” Drizzle asks.

“Room service!” Streams laughs.

Drizzle calls downstairs, then blinks, listening. “Yes this is room… oh. Oh I see. Oh.”

“What?” Streams blinks, watching Drizzle hang up the phone.

“Umm, our floor is having a buffet table that will be set up in the hall. All you can eat.” Drizzle opens the door and sticks her muzzle out.

A moment later, Streams head appears over Drizzles.

Theirs are not the only ones. Up and down the hall, doors creak open and muzzles poked out into the hall. Slowly noses started sniffing the air, eyes peeking out looking for the promised food.

As the tables are set up, the flock quickly zip out and started loading up plates. After hours in the air, everypony is starved. Everything is orderly and the servers keep straight faces. Well, they tried their best to. The problem is when one pegasus just has to start singing.

Like always, the song quickly spreads, and soon, there are thirty pegasi all singing as they get their dinner. This might not have been a horrible thing, had they chosen a different song. The sight of thirty pegasi breaking into a song and dance number based around the song… Food Glorious Food… however, is more than the staff can take.

*** Dust ***

“It’s almost nine pm, shut it down, everyone hit the showers. Get some dinner and some sleep. We’re kicking off the next search at eight am.” The major calls out.

I look up at her and smile, “Okay, NOW we go for drinks. While you may not have gotten your mark, but it’s still your birthday, we are going to celebrate.” I hop over to my saddlebags and shrug them on.

“Fine, let’s go.” Sam turns and starts slowly for the door with her cane.

Walking beside her, I follow her out to her car. It’s an older model KIA, while being a subcompact it is probably best described as a long nosed box on wheels. It isn’t pretty, isn’t flashy, and it certainly isn’t what I pictured her driving in the slightest. That is until I see her getting in. The back injury must have made it impossible to get into smaller cars, but for her, the seat height and headroom let her just sit and slide in before bringing her legs into the car.

Again I feel the pang. I see how hard she works every day just do things I used to take for granted, and now don’t even need. I shake my head and bound around to the other side, climbing in. “Ok let’s find a place to eat.”

It’s just a short drive, before Sam pulls into a small parking lot outside of a pizzeria. Nothing fancy, not even a big named chain. I furrow my brow and shake my head. “Really? This is your idea of a place to go for a birthday celebration?”

Getting out of the car, she closes the door, “My squadron has dinner here all the time after missions. It’s our unofficial restaurant.”

I walk in and look around. The place isn’t big by restaurant standards. There are probably only a 10 or so tables, along with booths lining the walls, maybe room for eighty people, total. The major heads over to a booth and levers herself into the seat. I hop up across from her.

“Hi major. Who’s your friend? New recruit to the squadron?” The server calls out from the counter.

“Lighting Dust, nope, she’s not. She’s a civi from up north, visiting.” Sam says.

“Ah. So what are you in the mood for? Our special for today is the shredder. Picture, apple wood smoked… Oh hang on a sec.” Walking over the server opens a steamer and pulls out a towel.

She puts the towel on the table in front of me. “Here you go, Lightning Dust.”

Blinking I look at the towel, confused, then at the server.

“Now where was I, oh yeah, the Shredder. Apple wood smoked pork, pulled apart by hand, Smoked turkey slow cooked then pulled apart too, all white meat. Finally, it’s your choice of pulled beef or pulled venison. The cheese is tossed right in with the meats and then it’s covered in a spicy tomato sauce. All on one pizza.”

Sam blinks, “Pulled venison?”

“Yep, we found that pegasi can actually eat venison, so we contracted a local farm. They supply us with meat as a beef substitute.”

Oh, so that’s what the towel is for. I rub my muzzle on the towel gently. Though I immediately start drooling more. That sounds really good.

“Or we can go with the Pegasus special, anchovy, barbeque chicken, and green pepper pizza with caramelized onions, topped after baking with fresh diced alfalfa sprouts and spinach.”

Looking down at Dust, Sam shrugged. “Up to you.”

I groan softly, now that’s a hard decision. I think for a moment, looking at the human across the table, then I smile, “The Shredder sounds awesome.”

“And a pair of Apple Beers as well.” Sam says with a smile.

The server nods and walks off, shortly she’s back with a pair of large beer glasses, with the smell of apple cider and beer mixed.

“So how many pegasi work here, or is the owner a pegasus?”

“Nope, none.” Sam says with a chuckle.

“Family members?” I ask, looking around confused.

“Nope, just humans, they are a local restaurant. The 520th started coming here, so they started finding out how to… treat… ponies. The biggest joke is that none of them watch the show.”

“They don’t?”

“Not that I know of, they ask questions, treat each pony as a person, and don’t pretend to know them from the show. There is no fake familiarity. It’s just real friendship, kindness, and helping.” Sam chuckles softly and taps glasses with me before taking a drink. “Beer mixed with apple cider. Served with cinnamon sticks, just seems to work.”

Sam and I chat for a while, she goes over her mission once again, but she also tells me of some of the other missions she has done. I listen raptly, as a human, I always loved flying, and always regretted never being able to join the Air Force. I’ve thought about getting a private pilot’s license, but I never had the money, and when I finally had the money, never had the time.

“Oh my god.” I say, blinking as the pizza is put down in front of me. It looks like a Philly Cheese Steak on a pizza, but smells so much better. Yep that towel is useful, they know pegasi.

Blinking, I realize the cloth is white. I mean really white, bleached white. They either do a serious clean on them after each use, or throw them out after every use. Either way, they really do take care of their customers, be they pony or human.

I look up to see Sam looking down at the pizza on her plate.

“Happy birthday?” I blink a few times. “Come on Sam, smile or something. The food’s great.”

The server walks over and puts a full foaming pitcher of real apple cider in front of me. Instantly the smells brings me back to Equestria.

“Oh God, you have to try this.” I say smiling at the cider.

Looking up I start to get worried for a moment, Sam’s just sitting quietly, looking at the pizza, not even eating or drinking.

“Sam? Sam!” I call out, waving a hoof in front of her.

Blinking a few times she huffs. “Sorry, I guess I’m just worried about my team.”

I stand up, looking at her closely. “Nope, we gotta check your hip. Little fillies’ room, now” I say in my command voice. Causing her to immediately struggle out of the booth.

“Why?” She says as she follows me, confused.

“Cuz you just had a zone out.” I tap my phone to show the time on the screen and show it to her, “It’s just after 9:21 PM. We need to check.” She’s not moving fast enough for my taste, I grab her hand gently with my mouth and pull, we need to get into the restroom.

My rear pushes the lady’s room open as I bring her inside. I let her go and look around, the lady’s room here has been redone; it’s all been re-worked so that both humans and pegasi can safely use the facilities. The stall doors are hoof friendly. There are toilets just for the ponies, with a cute sign above with a rearing pony on it to indicate the pony friendly stalls. Even the sinks and dryers are restyled, so both human and pony can make use of them.

I reach forward, I know this is a little awkward, and I bite the button on her slacks, using my lips and tongue to undo the button. I’ve actually gotten pretty good at doing that, thanks to Helen. I get my hooves on her hips and start working the cloth down. “So let me get this straight, you just dragged me into the bathroom to rip the clothing off me.” Sam says, smiling as I freeze, looking up at her, “You just can’t wait to see me without my pants on.”

I feel my wings, why the heck am I popping a pinion? “Ack, no, that’s not why. Ok maybe it is.” I smile with a wink. She can see my wings, and I’m certain she knows what that means. Though I’m only half teasing her.

She backs up to the wall to help stabilize herself, Sam gets her pants down to her knees. Her dress slacks are air force, the Rainbow Dash panties are defiantly not service issue. What really catches my eye though, is the dark gray storm cloud with golden lightning bolt on her hip.

Rearing up I hug her as tight as I can. “You got your mark! And it’s a Speedster's mark!”

*** Lightning ***

“Any idea’s Lightning?”

“Yakyakistan or Griffinstone. He’s mostly concerned with Equestria it seems.” White Lightning lands by the group of earth ponies, panting a bit.

“Did you find your family?” An earth pony stallion asks, concerned.

Lightning shakes her head. “Dad and my older sister were in Canterlot when it fell, they, are probably in the list of missing from there. My younger sister got away though. She was heading west to warn ponies there.”

“What are we going to do?” A young mare asks.

Looking at the dozen or so earth ponies they have picked up along the way she sighed. “I think the routes to Saddle Arabia are clear. If you can get out of Equestria you might be safe.”

“You’re not coming?” The mare looks at the fields, “What are we supposed to do?”

“Find one of the other kingdoms, ask for sanctuary. Survive. As long as there are ponies, there’s hope for Equestria.” Lightning looks in the distance.

“You don’t want to leave without knowing for sure about your family do you?” The stallion says softly.

Narrowing her eyes, she focuses on a spot. “You wouldn’t. Dad and sis are unicorns, they might have teleported to safety. My other sister is the strongest endurance flyer in all of Equestria, if any pony could have escaped it was her.”

Shaking her head she looks at the road and kicks it, stirring up dust. “Damn it, I need you to move off the road. Move into the taller grasses and start to walk. Do not run, that will create a dust cloud. Keep slow and keep moving.”

“What do you see?”

“One of the dragons, they are working for Discord now. I’ll see if I can lead him away.” Spreading her wings, Lightning shoots off after the creature. All she needs to do is get close enough for him to see her, than have him chase her for a bit. Easy and safe.

It doesn’t take long for the dragon to spot her, a white streak shooting across the sky. Within moments, he is after the little pegasus. He might have her in size, range and power. But she knows he can’t match her speed and agility.

She leads him off at an angle from the group of earth ponies. She doesn’t want him doing a 180 and finding them. Instead she plays with him, not flying a straight course to make it harder for him to backtrack.

“Cowardly insect.” The dragon roars out at her.

Laughing, she goes into a spiral roll, she knew he can’t match that, and it will drive him nuts.

Roaring out, the beast does its best to stay on her tail, “And now with the spinning?”

She was about to cut loose and leave the dragon in the dust when she realizes she is too far east. By then, though, it’s way too late. Discord appears, grabbing her by the body and squeezing.

Gasping for air, she lets out the cutest little squeak. It’s enough to cause Discord to chuckle. “Playing with my minion?”

Glancing back she grumbles at the dragon, “Thanks for nothing, you useless reptile.”

Enraged, the dragon inhales to breathe fire, it would have hit Discord as well, but Discord is ahead of the game on that one and zips the dragons mouth shut. “Now, now, she’s my prize. No need to get huffy and puffy.”

“I’ve already lost everything, my friends, my family…” Lighting says with tears in her eyes.

“Aww the poor thing wants friends…” Discord laughs. “How about I send you somewhere where you can make them.”

“Five score…”

*** New York ***

The blankets are nothing more than tatters. She still wraps them around herself though, for some measure of comfort. Looking up at the sky, at the stars, she sighs softly.

She had grown up seeing death in the Ukraine. Most of her life was suffering. She had been kicked from the city by government forces, kicked from the farm by rebels. She had her apartments bombed out and shelled. Just when her life was starting to get back into order she changed.

Looking down at her talons she sighs. “I don’t want to have to kill.”

Flipping an old wooden box on its side she crawls in. The water tower would provide some shelter from rain, the box would have to do the rest. Another box, but at least this one she sort of feels safe in.

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