• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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82: Magic of Fun

Lt. Sanders practices air-walking, trying to figure out the pattern for moving the legs by kicking them in the air. He has to get used to this body, if he can’t walk, there is no way he is going to fly. After a few moments he hears a beeping sound. Grumbling, he looks at the monitor that had come undone. Sanders knows what it means. It’s like an evil spell, like some dark magic, and it would summon….

The nurse walks in, looking at Sanders sternly, “Okay, why are you so intent on trying to get out of bed?”

“I need to.” Sanders says, almost with a whine. “I just wanna try flying.”

“Pilots, all the same.” The nurse huffs as she re-attaches the monitor to Sanders’ foreleg.

“No, you don’t understand, its not some macho need, its not some thrill, it’s almost like its calling to me.” Shaking her head, Sanders grumps. She looks at the nurse, perhaps some more information would be helpful.

“My dad came from Kishacoquillas Valley in Pennsylvania. It was a Mennonite community, but dad left it when he met mom.” Looking at a picture of her parents, Sanders smiles.

“While dad was a traditionalist, mom’s a free spirit. Dad didn’t want her working, but she insisted, working part time in a book store. To dad, women should stay at home and raise the children.” Chuckling and looking at her wing, Sanders shakes her head, “Nope, I wouldn’t stay at home either.”

“Mom and dad moved to Altoona, well, the outskirts of Altoona. Dad worked as a carpenter, he specialized in flooring. So he had lots of jobs opportunities there.” Shaking his head, Sanders giggled, “We never had much money, mom used to joke around, saying that they couldn’t afford to get me or my sister a car, but they might be able to get us horses. My sister loved that idea.”

She sighs softly, “My sister, somewhat of a special needs girl, she’s twenty now. She has epilepsy, but she’s on meds, so it's under control. She loves horses, she would flip if she saw me like this. Me, I was never really a big horse person. The stallions kept biting me. Mares were fine though, especially younger fillies. They would hang round with me, but older ones often pushed me around when I was in the stables. Sis was a natural with them though. She’s always been a strong rider.”

“Me, on the other hand, I always dreamed of the sky. I grew up on movies like The Red Baron, Red Tails, and Flyboys. I went to school for my Bachelors degree in meteorology. I figured it would be a good fall back if I didn’t make it as a pilot.” Chuckling, “Drawn to the clouds.”

“Since I couldn’t afford piloting school, I joined the military. It just seemed like the best step. I did the ROTC Air Force program while at Penn State. I passed my initial flight training, that was so easy. Then I did my pilots course. Fifty-two weeks of fun.” Looking in the mirror, she smiles, “I was certified at first in the F-35. They had me doing missions against terrorist groups in Africa.”

Shaking her head, she sighs, “The speed, the g-forces, were great and all, being shot at wasn’t bad since we knew how to evade. But the flights were always so short. So I got into transport piloting. First the big transports, then the little ones. I could live, eat, and sleep in the clouds.”

Looking back at her wing she huffs, “I want to try these out so bad.”

The nurse shakes her head, “Another day, doctor’s orders.” And as if to make her point, she gets a set of straps and straps the filly’s hind legs down with buckles, there is no way hooves would ever undo those.


It’s dawn, the sun is just coming up over the forests and hills. The light is casting long multi-colored streams across the snow. The air is fresh and crisp, and the temperature is just about freezing.

Spreading her wings as wide a she can, Spitfire rocks side to side as she dives down towards the river. Feeling the pure joy of flying she just starts to sing, “Apple and pear trees were a-blooming,”

Letting her hooves dip into the mists above the water, creating vortices and waves, she levels out, skimming just feet above the river surface, only her hooves touching the mist as she streaks along, “Mist (was) creeping on the river.”

Inhaling deeply, Spitfire lets her wings brush the mists on a down stroke, causing valleys and banks to form in the mist, “Katyusha set out on the banks, On the steep and lofty bank.”

Laughing, a brown griffin with tan head and dark brown wings drops in beside her, joining in the song.

“She was walking, singing a song,” Naomi calls out, holding her head high, “About a grey steppe eagle.”

Looking to her side, Spitfire smiles brightly and nods.

Continuing to sing, Naomi flaps her powerful wings, sending waves through the mist, “About her true love, whose letters she was keeping.”

Dropping in on the other side of Spitfire, a second griffin giggles. Snow white with dark grey wings, Galina joined in, singing and looking across at Naomi, “Oh you song! Little song of a maiden…”

Pulling up hard, all three sing in harmony as they climb, “Head for the bright sun. And reach for the soldier on the far-away border, Along with greetings from Katyusha.”


Flying in lazy circles, Kara watches the convoy closely, they are Kenyan trucks, not the type the raiders and rebels used, but still driven by humans. They had come to a stop about twelve miles from the valley, and there seems to be an argument.

They are armed, but not like the military or rebels, only a few of them had guns and they are obviously hunting rifles. Narrowing her eyes, she muses, “Poachers? Or are they going to try and kill a zebra or such?”

“I don’t know.” Nightshade says, keeping pace with the dragon, looking down. “They could be lost.”

One of the men walks out and starts digging in the dirt.

“Or looking for a bathroom.” Kara chuckles.

Circling slowly, Kara watches as they started painting on the ground, the pink standing out against the darker brown of the dirt. One by one they completed each of the symbols, easily visible from miles away. To the keen eyes of a dragon or pegasus…

Kara’s wings freeze. She locks herself into a glide as she stares at the pattern. She knows it, she recognizes it. She knows exactly what it means. And she doesn’t know why they had chosen that, but she knows what it means.

Looking at Kara, Nightshade blinks, “Are those…”

“They’re friendly!” Arcing over, Kara dives, heading down for the trucks.

Blinking, Nightshade dives after the dragon, she doesn’t understand why these shapes would create such a reaction in Kara, but what ever the reason was, the dragon trusted it, “Kara! Watch out for the….”

Nightshades call wasn’t loud enough, wasn’t quick enough. The dragon had seen it and adjusted her dive, but it wasn’t quite enough… whipping past the black delta winged drone, her tail clips the leading edge of the wing sending the drone spiraling down.

Looking over her shoulder, she sees the drones wing break off as it spins down towards the ground. “Stay out of my airspace!” She roars, then pulls out of her drive, slamming to the ground in front of the terrified humans.

The leader of the group steps forward slowly, obviously trembling. He had been assured this was safe, but seeing the enormous dragon standing before him, he’s still terrified, “Noble one, we come with supplies to help your colony. We will leave them here if you want, or bring them further.”

“Who sent this?” Kira asks looking at the trucks.

“I was told to say, The Dragon Spike.” The man says and lowers his head.

“ANOTHER DRAGON! Here on Earth?!” She shouts.


“Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds? Really? Are you serious?”

Lowering the book so her eyes are just peeking over the top, Sanders looks at the pegasus chuckling in front of her. “And here I thought Rainbow Dash was a girl.”

“I’m Rainbow Blaze, her dad. Corporal, US Army Rangers.” And clicks his hooves once, standing at attention.

“I know, I remember. So what brings you here?” Sanders says, laying the book on her belly.

“Oh came to check up on you, offer condolences for the crash.” He flicks his ears several times, looking at Sanders, “Wow, when Mindy messes up a spell she really messes one up.” Blaze chuckles.

Shaking her head, Sanders smiles, “She cast transformation into an Amazon Fashion model pegasus. Look at these wings.”

Chuckling, Blaze shakes his head, “Yeah, I see, blank flank?”

“Yep blank flank,” Sanders says, moving his blankets so Blaze can see the hip.

“So what is with the book?” Blaze asks, chuckling.

“The evil, evil, nurse won’t let me out of bed. She even strapped my legs down so I don’t move as much.” Sanders huffs.

“Yep, she said I can’t let you free.” Blaze says, smiling, “So how are you feeling? How are you holding out given the change?”

“This is going to sound stupid but, I’m more frustrated I can’t fly than anything else. Laying here, it feels like I just have to get up and get into the sky to feel better.” Sanders says and huffs again.

Blaze chuckles, “Well I brought you a care package.”

“Food!?” Perking her ears, Sanders looked so hopeful.

“Yes I brought food, I know this hospital, they have NO idea what healthy food is for ponies. But I also brought you this.” Stepping out into the hallway Blaze chuckles as he pushes a small tightly packed cloud into the room. “I figured a…”

“A FLUFFY!” She squeals. “Wow, where did that come from?”

Laughing, Blaze shakes his head, “Your inner pegasus is hanging out for all to see.”

“Actually I’m a mare, so it's hanging in.” Sanders giggles, “Okay, I’m adapting to mare way too easily. Lucky this is only three days, or I just might suffer an identity crisis.”

“Oh? Finding yourself attracted to stallions?” Blaze says smiling and noses the cloud to Sanders.

“What ever happened to Don’t ask Don’t tell.” Sanders says, laughing.

“It was repealed.” Blaze snickers, “And I’m not sure how it would apply with ponies anyway.”

“I still shouldn’t have to tell.” Sanders says with a smile, “Now, how do I get on my fluffy.” Reaching over he pokes it a few times then strokes it, “So soft…”

“Let me help you.” Blaze says as he helps the mare onto the cloud. Tilting his head, he looks at her wings and body as he helps her. Something about her reminds him of something, but he isn’t sure what.

“Oh this is so nice.” Sanders wraps her forelegs around part of the cloud, pulling into a pillow and snuggling into it. “This is so much better than the bed.”

“Yep.” Blaze smiles and pulls the cover over the mare, then trots out into the hall. He enters the room again, wheeling in a selection of food, including alfalfa bits, twice fried banana chips, carrots, and several apples. “And this should help with your digestion, appetite, and strength.

“Aww no fish?” Sanders says, looking at the food. “I’ve been craving salmon stuffed Portobello mushrooms, covered in Parmesan cheese. Laying her head on her side she finds herself drooling into the cloud.

“Oh that will take about half an hour. Wait here, dig in to this, and I’ll get your order.” Looking over his shoulder he chuckles, “Need anything else? Tail bow? Dress? Hat?”

“Oh har har, I’m not that far gone, and remember this is only for two more days. I so want to go flying.” Sanders says, smiling.

“Yep, still Mindy said to tease you a bit.” Blaze says and turns, heading out.

“Oh yes, pick on the poor crippled pilot.” Looking over her shoulder she wiggles her tail lightly. “Tail ribbon? Large pink bow?” Shaking her head vigorously, she looks down and starts in on the Alfalfa Bits. She always wondered what they tasted like.

*** McLean, Va ***

“What happened?” The Deputy Director blinks, looking at the analyst.

“The drone’s gone unresponsive, just before we lost control, its cameras caught a clip of the dragon.” The controller says.

Shaking his head, the analyst blinks. “The dragon seems to be very territorial. It attacks anything it perceives as a threat around its home.”

“We are the United States of America. The greatest nation on any world. Does some dragon think it can destroy multi-million dollar US property and not have repercussions?” The director says sternly.

“Looks like she just did.” The analyst says with a snicker, then he frantically looks at the Deputy Director and clears his throat. “Can you play back the ground footages of the symbols they drew?”

Rewinding the footage, the drone controller leans back, looking over his shoulder. “That what you wanted to see?”

The director and supervisor both look to the analyst, “Well what does it mean?”

The analyst blinked, “I… Have no idea. Why would that mean anything to a dragon, or anyone for that matter?”

“Well earn your paycheck and find out.” The Supervisor says sternly.

“Three pink butterflies in a staggered pattern. It’s got to mean something.” The analyst says, shaking his head.


“How long are you staying Fleur?” I ask, smiling.

“Until Jenny, I mean Sea Swirl is settled in. Thanks for this, Velvet.” Fleur says and lays her head over my back.

“For what? You know I love helping out these newbies. Even if I’m not a teacher.” I say and stretch out on the pillows.

“Hey, you’re a great teacher.” Cookie says as she lies upside down, her forelegs curled.

Ballad lays her cheek against Cookies side as she watches the TV. The movie had come out in the theaters years ago, but it’s still a cult classic. The Disney channel liked playing it a few times a year, starting a year ago.

Sugarberry lay on her side with both Cookie's head and my head on her back. Ponies tend to like physical contact more than humans in some ways. Laying together leaning against one another. Especially during movies. It just seems natural.

Ah-Pee giggles as she sticks her muzzle between Sugarberries neck and forelegs, peeking out under her to watch.

“I don’t know why I’m so social these days.” Cookie says, “I just keep feeling like I want to snuggle or be snuggled.”

Several of the girls giggle.

“It’s biology.” Ah-Pee says, glancing up at the mare, “It’s the same reason the boys are avoiding you.”

“Huh? There not… why would they be avoiding me?” Cookie says, confused.

“Blaze has been keeping his distance a bit, so have the other stallions.” I say softly, “Don’t worry, its not your fault.”

“Why?” Cookie asks, looking around, “Is something wrong with me?”

“No hun, you’re just in heat.” I say looking at her with a smile.

“In heat?!?!?!” Cookie squeaks, lifting her head quickly.

“Yep, your giving of a scent that excites boys. So the boys are keeping their distance, so as not to embarrass you, or themselves.” Fleur says with a giggle.

“Don’t worry, it happens to all of us.” Ballad says softly, “Just part of being a mare.”

“But but but, I can’t be.” Cookie says in a panic. Looking around, her ears shoot up and her tail starts flicking rapidly.

“Calm down,” Fleur says with a bit of a giggle, “It’s part of being who you are. It’s normal.”

Blinking Sea Swirl looks at Fleur. “Umm, will I go into heat?” She asks almost timidly.


Rolling onto her back she moans softly, spreading her wings out on the cloud. She is in pure heaven in a way she is completely unable to describe. The cloud cushions her wings and forms to her back perfectly. Crossing her hind legs at the cannon, she sighs, “Oh Celestia, that was amazing.”

“I did good huh?” Blaze says, smiling.

Nodding slowly, she feels the warmth settling in her belly. “You did great, that was wonderful. That was the best I’ve ever had.”

“See, us stallions are useful for some things.” Blaze laughs.

Hanging her head upside down on the cloud to look at Blaze, Sanders sighs, “Do you do that for your girlfriend?”

“Oh yes, she loves it too.” Blaze says and strikes a pose, looking proud. “She compliments me every time too.”

“Wow, I feel so full and content.” Sanders says with a little giggle.

Blaze chuckles softly, “I bet there are pegasi out there making a living as delivery ponies.”

“Oh yeah, ignore traffic, ignore roads, ignore everything just take off from the store, and land at the location. Amazon drones, eat your heart out.” Sanders said and rubs her tummy.

“Okay, I have got to ask, what’s with the accent?”

Blinking, Sanders tilts her head, “Accent? Honestly I sound normal to me, do I actually have an accent?”

Blinking Blaze just shakes his head, “Yes, but most ponies don’t notice their voice change. Picking up accents or changing speech patterns though, only happens if you’re a… well… real pony.”

“But I am a real pony, see? I have hooves and wings.” Sanders says, lifting a wing and looking innocent.

“Oh you know perfectly well what I mean.” Blaze laughs.

“Okay we are talking about magic here. Maybe with the change of the vocal cords, my subconscious mind is relating the voice to a character its heard before, say, on Doctor Who, and since it sounds like it, its giving me the accent.” Sanders says and looks innocent again, “Allons-Y”

“Okay so we’ll blame it on the spell too.” Blaze chuckles, “When Mindy messes up a spell she does it big time.”


“Cutie Mark Crusader Pageant winners!” Feather calls out.

“No, no on so many levels no.” Candy calls out firmly.

“Why not?” Feather whines, “I always wanted to try.”

“First,” Candy says, holding up one hoof, “We aren’t foals, okay, we were foals when we were changed, but we grew up for twenty-five years on Earth.”

“Second,” Candy says, holding up a second hoof, “We aren’t human children and these contests are for human children.”

“Third,” Candy says, a third white hoof comes up, causing Feather to blink, “I’m not female anymore, I’m a colt, so I’m not eligible for princess.”

“Fourth,” Candy says with the fourth white hoof coming up, “We would need parents or guardians’ permission and overseeing of us at the pageant by their rules, and I doubt Blaze or Velvet would go along with this.”

Leaning to her side Feather looks at Cloudy, holding out two hooves and wrapping them on either side of her brother. “That’s cheating.”

“What?” Candy blinks innocently.

“Using your sister to pull an Octapinkie trick.” Feather says and huffs.

Cloudy pokes her head over Candy’s shoulder. “Well if you got ‘em, use ‘em.”

“Oh that’s a great idea.” Feather says and smiles.

“Oh oh, what now?” Cloudy asks, tilting her head.

“Well, we can’t be the only foals here or the only blank flanks. So lets do a foal beauty pageant. Find out who’s the cutest foals on the farm.” Feather says with a smile. “Someone’s bound to get a tiara cutie mark.”

“Well I always wondered what Diamond Tiara did for her mark.” Candy says.

“Great, lets get this pageant together!”


“Dustie? Dustie! Oh, there you are.” Mindy pokes her head around the corner, looking into Lightning Dust’s bedroom.

Trotting up she swishes her tail, nosing Dust, “I’ve got to make a quick trip to Nellis Air Force Base.”

With a muffled grunt, Dust turns her head away, hiding her muzzle a bit under her pillow.

“A pilot friend of mine. He flies ponies all over the place for the air force, he’s a real cad. He was in a plane crash. A small group of pegasi flew right across a military runway while he was trying to land… rather than crash into them, or risk other lives, he bellied in his plane… totally pancaked.” Mindy says, making a splat motion with her hoof.

Dust twitches an ear and sighs.

“The guy has helped so many ponies, but he had massive burns and spinal injury. Doctors didn’t expect him to survive. It’s not like he was a pegasus, that can bounce back from crashes like that.” She says, giggling. “So I came up with the brilliant idea… I turned him into a pegasus!”

Turning her head a little, Dust half looks at Mindy with one eye.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on him, or well, her. Dr. Ray and I sorta screwed up the spell.” Giggling, Mindy shakes her head, “He ended up as a mare, her wings are a little too long, and I think I got some crystal pony mixed up in the spell to cuz her eyes look like gems.” Laughing, Mindy shakes her head, “This guy though, total cut up for humor. He’s really suffering though at being a pegasus.”

“Why?” Dust says sadly.

“Oh he gets turned into a female pony and all he wants to do is go for a fly.” Mindy says, giggling, “You have got to meet her.”

Looking away Dust sighs, “Bring her here then.”

“Can’t. The evil hospital is being a pain. Apparently he, she, tried to escape a few times already. Sneak out of bed. She can’t stand being stuck in bed when all she wants to do is fly. Says its like a constant itch… like the sky is calling to her. I don’t know what she means but, the nurses strapped her down so she won’t hurt herself.”

“What about the pegasi that caused the crash?” Dust says, looking up at Mindy.

“Still looking for them, they didn’t even stop, they just kept on flying.” Mindy shakes her head, “Hey wanna join me?”

“Join you?” Dust says very softly, looking up.

“Yep, visiting the poor guy. Just don’t laugh at how silly she looks.” Mindy says with a smile.

“I’d rather just stay here and rest.” Dust says with a sigh.

Laughing, Mindy nuzzled Dust, “Okay, if you want, I just don’t know how to talk to her. As a human she likes to sleep in the plane in the air. Seriously what kind of a person prefers to live in the air? I just don’t know how to talk to her.”

“A pegasus.” Dust mumbles.

“Pardon?” Mindy stops and tilts her head.

Looking up again, Dust shakes her head, “A pegasus, you know perfectly well.”

“And all he or she cares about is getting into the air, I don’t even know if she’ll be able to fly with the wings she’s got. She might need a coach.” Mindy says. She cocks her head to the side, “Irony had you on your hooves a couple of days ago. I know you can come. I’ve seen you walk.”

“It hurts.”

Mindy lets some tears leak from her eyes, “I know it hurts, Dustie. But we’ve got to help her. Please?”

“Ugh, fine. If she needs help.” Dust said and pushes herself out of bed.

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