• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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20: Empty scabbard

*** Twilight’s Dream ***

I lay by the river, the sound of the wind playing through the reeds, the burbling of the water against the stones, filled the air. The air is full of the scent of fresh grass, lilacs and honeysuckle, as fireflies dance along the tops of the flowers.

Celestia has already lowered the sun, and Luna’s moon is high in the sky over Equestria, her stars in a beautiful array over my head, over our heads. Inhaling deeply I smell the scent of Blaze as he comes over to stand beside me.

I let out a soft giggle and shake my mane, my ponytail bouncing to hit him lightly. I can feel the pinch of the tail ribbon I'm wearing but it isn’t for me, it was for him. I want him, I need him to notice it, and to notice me.

Looking back he gives my back a soft nuzzle before giving my ear a gentle kiss. The kiss sends a strong tingle down my back, so I press my muzzle tighter to his chest. Closing my eyes I breathe slowly, his scent becoming my world. I can feel his heartbeat against my cheek, its strength.

“You look so pretty tonight,” he says softly, “I told you the tail ribbon was you.”

“I know how you like them,” I say, keeping my eyes closed, “so I did it for you.”

Lowering his head, he starts to gently suck on my ear, sending sparks down my body again. I feel my tail rising and I can’t put it down, I don’t want to put it down. Rubbing my cheek against his chest I press my side as tight to him as I can.

I could feel my heart starting to race as my breathing picks up, with each breath his scent filling my nose. “Oh Blaze, why couldn’t we have done this sooner.”

“You weren’t ready before,” He says gently.

Looking up at him I see him haloed in the moonlight, the light growing brighter as my heart beat races. His eyes reflect the love I feel, he's so strong yet so gentle. His wing slowly rubbing over my back like he always does, holding me to him. Closing my eyes I sigh.

All I can feel is warmth, the safety he brings, he has always been there for me when I need him, and I try to always be there for him. I will be there for him. Opening my eyes again I see his face, the moon behind him flashing bright.

“I’m ready now, Blaze.” I say softly.

Luna’s wings spread wide, her horn glowing in the moonlight, slowly descending to the ground in front of us. Her eyes glowing as her ethereal mane flows in the breeze. “I’m sorry to disturb you two in a dream like this.”

Blinking, I bow my head to the ground, Blaze stands up and bows as well, “Princess?”

“You were so close to each other, I felt I could bring you together into the same dream, easier to talk. Normally I wouldn’t intrude in a dream like this but it’s urgent.”

Looking at Blaze I feel my face heating, “brought us to… Blaze?”

Blaze nods slowly, “Yes?”

We both look at Luna, our eyes wide, and she starts to talk, “A group of ponies are gathering in Iowa, the Apple family is there as well as both of your daughters.” Turning to her side we can see the farm, the sign hanging in front of it.

I find myself slowly inching away from Blaze, feeling like I had just been caught doing something bad. I felt embarrassed, somewhat scared.

“They are organizing there,” she says, “I must go now, there are others that need to be told.”

Turning, she spreads her wings, flying up and vanishing into the moon.


Inhaling deeply I find my muzzle being filled with Blaze’s scent. Blinking, I sit up quickly, looking around. I'm in the hospital room, I had fallen asleep sitting beside Blaze, my muzzle against his wing.

Looking around I see the girls in the room relaxing, talking quietly with each other. I look back at Blaze and he moans.

Sitting up a little Blaze rubs his eyes, “Luna, where did Luna go?”

I find myself getting very nervous, “She had to go to others dreams. The farm?”

Blaze nods slowly “Yeah, the farm.”

Behind me I can hear the LT’s voice, “What farm?”

Blaze looks over at the LT, “Princess Luna said the ponies were gathering at a farm for safety. She let us know where it is.”

Looking around, I gulp once and force my tail down, “I umm, and… bathroom.”

The LT points to the bathroom and I grab my saddle bag and run, skidding around the corner and slide in. I slam the door behind me.

Ah-Pee looks curiously, inhaling then blinks and starts to giggle. Getting up she looks at Cipher and noses to where Velvet was lying beside Blaze.

Glancing over, Cipher blinked and nods and uses her magic to drop a towel over where Velvet was sitting, and Ah-Pee moves over to take her spot.

“Am I missing something?” The LT asks.

All the girls nod at once, “Yep, don’t worry about it.”

Blaze looks at the girls then at the LT blinking, “I think we both are."

“So what all happened in the dream?” The LT asks.

“I um, it was a dream, so it was private, though I’m not sure if it was mine… or hers.” Blaze says, looking off towards the bathroom.

*** Grandfather ***

Grandfather sits, tapping his rattle in front of the fire, he feels troubled and has been chanting for hours now, seeking help. He knows the kachina often holds the answers. Offering tobacco to the fire the image of a proud stag slowly comes to him.

Bowing his head in respect and submission he speaks in the traditional language. “Great Kachina, Stag of the lost forest, I seek your aid and guidance.”

“It has been a while Thorn, or do you prefer Grandfather these days?” The stag speaks, his voice calm and true.

“I haven’t heard myself called Running Thorn in so long. I must say though You are looking as majestic as always Prince Bramble.” Grandfather says, keeping his head low.

“I have never understood your need to try and flatter me Thorn, we are old friends, over quarter of a century by my count.” The stag chuckles.

“I remember when you were a little fawn finding your legs. How time has passed, I have taken in some lost Kachina of the great horse clan, they are going strong but I fear they may have trouble with the next trials ahead.”

“The great horse clan, I knew you were near a great desert but I had no idea that the Horses of the Sands were there.” Bramble says, looking surprised.

“My apologies, they are not actually horses, it is a male pegasus, several female unicorns, and a female, pony.” Grandfather states, worried he had offended the spirit.

Bramble blinks, “Really? I have not seen ponies in some time, those that lived near here were all driven off by the chaos one.”

“Even in the dream world there is disharmony now.” Grandfather said shaking his head, “When summer comes we will do a ceremony of cleansing in your honor.”

“I thank you for your concern but our forest has always been chaotic, so we have mostly remained untouched. So these ponies, you had concerns?”

“I have helped them find their footing, shared with them some of the teachings of you and your father, but they are still very new to their earth forms, I fear if their first heats come on them, they may lose themselves to it, and as such lose their balance.”

Bramble laughs, shaking his head, “Wow Thorn, when you have troubles you have troubles, the doe’s around here brew a special tea, it’s a herbal blend of common plants and tree bark, it helps the young ones with their first times. It is known to work on the zebras so it will likely work on the ponies too.”

“You honor me with this Bramble.” Grandfather says.

“You know it’s probably going to be worse for the pegasus, their scents might test him a bit, unfortunately there’s no cure for that. Well no cure other than nose plugs.”

“Sometimes we have to find our own ways and paths, through the briar.” Grandfather smiles.

“Dads favorite saying.” Bramble says, nodding.

“Peace be with you and safe journeys.” Grandfather bows his head deeply.

“May the forests always part for your hoof beats; you will always be like a brother to me.”

Shaking his head, Grandfather stands, those ceremonies tend to take a lot out of him, especially when he does them alone, and contacting the spirit world is never easy. Picking up his satchel he turns and begins looking for the herbs he had seen in the vision. A good tea always seems to solve problems.

***Twilight Velvet***

I sit on my haunches in the bathroom rubbing my combat pants with a cloth when I hear the knock at the door.

“Is everything ok in here?” Ah-Pee asks.

With a sigh I looked over my shoulder, “Nope.”

Ah-Pee slips in the door and sits beside me, “Soaked right through, huh?”

I nod, still rubbing with a cloth, “Talk about embarrassing.”

“Let it dry for a few minutes then you can put them back on, your tail covers that area anyway. Thank gosh for tails.”

“It’s weird, in all our talking about scent, no one thought to mention Blaze’s scent.”

Ah-Pee blinks, “What do you mean?”

“It’s just… how much I like his scent.” I say, my face heating in a furious blush.

“You know, wouldn’t it be funny if the reason the pony population seems so segregated in the show, is that males try and avoid females because of scent driven issues?” Ah-Pee says with a giggle.

“Gee thanks.” I huff as I put my pants back on.

“What? What did I do?”

“I was all worried about how I’d deal with my heat, all scared, and now I’m worried about Blaze.” I say softly.

“If that’s all your worried about, you’ll be fine.” She smiles brightly at me.

“I don’t know if I can go back and face the boys. They are probably laughing their heads off at me right now.” I say as my face heats again, I hang my head in response.

Opening the door Ah-Pee looks back and forth down the corridor then closes it, speaking very softly as if sharing some great secret she smiles “Now you listen here, sugarcube, there’s one important thing you have to know about males. When it comes to women, they are clueless. And if you ever tell Henry or Eric I said sugarcube, I will hurt you.”

Giggling softly I get up and take a deep breath.

“Besides, all us girls are here, you’ve got it easy right now, you have lots of support if you accept it.”

Smiling I look back at her then blink as she pushes my tail down with a hoof and giggles.

Stepping out into the hall I saw a janitor looking at me sternly as he tries to buff out the scuff marks I had left on the floor from my sliding across it. Trying to look innocent I trot into the room where Blaze is.

Smiling, I inhale, half closing my eyes then nodded at the LT “Back.”

“Tail.” Ah-Pee giggles.

Looking back I saw my tail high and quivering side to side, “Behave, you traitor.”

Blaze on the other hand had moved a pillow over his belly; at least I wasn’t the only one with involuntary reactions. Taking a seat beside Blaze I nuzzle him aggressively.

“Doc says you were pretty beaten up,” I say smiling, “your turn for light duties.”

“It’s funny, I don’t feel that bad.” Blaze says, flexing a wing.

“Ketamine, it’s the morphine of horse meds.” Henry smiles looking up, “The army actually gave me a supply of it to add to my med kit.”

“Well you're still on light duties, hospital wants you in here for a few weeks. A pegasus here has arranged us some temp quarters on base.” The LT says.

“Oh come on LT, I can’t just lay around a hospital, I’ll die of boredom.” Blaze whines.

“Really, you’ll die of boredom?” Ah-Pee shakes her head, “Blaze you have TV here, computer access, what more do you need?”

Blaze holds up one forehoof and taps it with his other “Flying, umm, I just noticed, how do you count on your hooves?”

Tapping at the door, Fleetfoot pokes her head in, “Hello, I thought I’d visit, drop off something for Blaze.”

“Hi ma’am, let me guess, I’m grounded.” Blaze says with a weak smile.

“That was pretty smart using that squawk code like that, do it again and it’s a $10,000 fine.” She says with a smile and holds up a book.

We all blink, well except for Cipher who is giggling.

“Is that real?” I say, feeling confused.

“Yep, it’s real, A.K. Yearlings Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds.” She smiles and lays the book beside Blaze.

Cipher bounces a bit “Oh yeah, I have the 3 box set, it even came with a statue of Yearling in it. They were put out a few years ago. Hey wait, does that mean DD is real? Hmm, I wonder how she feels that someone used her name to write these books.”

I blink a few times, “Umm, does that mean she could sue for royalties?”

Fleetfoot blinks and looked at her cutie mark, “I wonder if we all could.”

“Yeah, no, Do might have a case but I doubt the rest of us could.” I say.

A nurse comes in, her face breaking into a smile, “I have lunch for you Blaze. You’ll love it, a double service English style fish and chips, with tartar sauce, a big fruit salad, and extra-large Chocolate milk.”

Ah-Pee blinks, “You know he’s a pony right?”

The nurse looks to Ah-Pee, “Really? I thought he was a sheep with a dye problem.”

“I mean, you’re giving him fish.”

Fleetfoot puts her hoof up, “Umm I eat fish, its fine for us. I also eat eggs, milk and cheese.”

I grumble softly “Carnivorous pegasi.”

“Island hopping pegasus couldn’t always graze. But we can fish.” Fleetfoot responds.

“Well that makes sense.” I say watching Blaze dig into his meal with gusto.

“Pegasus eat tons when they are injured, helps the healing.” Fleetfoot says.

“Doctor said he’d likely be down for a few months.” The LT says with a chuckle, “Should be able to go home in a few weeks.”

“Try days, remember it only took Rainbow Dash two days to heal a broken wing. Pegasi heal fast, we have to, or we would never survive learning to fly.” Fleetfoot nods once and heads out.

“Lucky sods.” I grumble. “Fast healers, eat fish, weather magic.”

“Yeah and all I get is the ability to buck a pegasus out of a tree,” Ah-Pee giggled, “Just not fair.”

“It’s getting late,” the LT chimes, “best we get to the hotel room.”

I gave Blaze one last kiss on his lips before heading out, I knew my tail was high right now but I didn’t care, it didn’t matter much in my mind. The Nellis base runs its own hotel, usually booked weeks in advance, strings had been pulled to get us some rooms.

The rooms actually are pretty nice, large, with two big beds per room, the only problem is there is only five rooms available. That meant either three girls in one room, or one of the girls is bunking with one of the guys. I figured I’d take the time then for some more teaching.

“OK girls, more fundamentals,” I said smiling as I trot into one of the rooms. This is met with lots of groans and whimpers.

“I’m starting to hate having TK.” Ballad groans, “who ever came up with those fundamental training lessons needs to be hurt.”

“Even if it was me?” I ask.

“Nope not possible, you’re too sweet and innocent to enjoy torture.” Cipher states and bounces up on to the bed. I notice she has a big coffee cup beside her.

“Cipher? What are you drinking?” I ask.

“It’s the same thing all crypto’s drink, triple espresso frappuccino’s.”

Ah-Pee groans, “No wonder she bounces.”

“Well at least it’s not caff-pow,” I state, “Okay let’s see, today we are going to get it in gear.”

Out of my saddle bag I break out a pack of 150 plastic gears. “Oh look another kids toy, rated ages 3 and up. I’m sure you’re better than a 3 year old right?”

The girls look at me nervously. “Um no…” Sugarberry says quickly, “I’m pretty sure a three year old will do better at this than I will…”

“This one is fun, and creative, there are no plans, no set patterns, you just have to pick up the gears, put them together however you want, one at a time. Oh, one other thing, you need to keep them spinning.”

Laying on the bed and watching, I put a hoof on Ballad gently, “It’s not a competition, I don’t mind if you can’t lift or move as much as them, not every unicorn has the same strength. Just take your time.”

I let them play with that for a while before getting up, “I’m going to take a quick shower, try and cool off, Ah-Pee, want to keep an eye on then? Oh and girls, try bringing them all together now into one large set of gears, each of you holding onto their own parts… only one will need to provide the power to turn the gears.

I giggle softly as I hear a few cogs drop to the ground, apparently they didn’t like that idea. Getting undressed though, I head to the shower.

Celestia, the cold water feels great on my back, I set it for a pressure massage and just let it work slowly down from my shoulders, down the curve of my spine, all the way to the base of the tail and back up again.

*** LT***

Rubbing his head, James walks down the street heading for the gate, a few moments later Fleetfoot backwingeds and hits the ground beside him, “You got called too?”

“Yep, disturbance at the main gate, and the guards can’t understand the person.” She says, trotting.

“So why are we being called then?” James asks, “I was just sitting down to get something to eat.”

“Apparently he showed a picture of a pony, so obviously I get called. I swear if someone shows up with a picture of a horse I get called.” Fleetfoot just shakes her head.

“Could be worse, can you imagine if they had some kind of convention for the show?”

Fleetfoot cringes and moans, “They do, just lucky but they haven’t swamped here yet about it.”

“So you were a pilot before the change?”

Fleetfoot nods slowly, “Ego driver, I had been applying none stop to join the Thunderbirds, the acrobatic team here. I’m qualified in the Falcon’s, but since I was an ego driver they kept bumping me. I did get accepted though.”

“Congrats, how was it?” James asks, looking down at her.

“I have no idea, my acceptance letter came in April 29th of this year, 2 days before my birthday. I was supposed to start my flight qualifications for the F-16’s again on May 6th. 3 years of sending in letters, requests, performance reviews.”

“Ouch.” James groans, “Sorry.”

“Meh, after I got out of the hospital on base, I did actually have to do my flight qualifications again, on May 6th, just wasn’t for the F-16 that time.” Fleetfoot said looking at her wings. “I have to ask, most humans seem to either gawk at us ponies, or treat us just weird. How come you seem so relaxed about it?”

“I was with Twilight Velvet and Blaze right through their changes, I’m their commanding officer so first I knew what they were like before, I trust them with my life, and they trust me. To me they are still Rangers, we don't betray that trust.” He shakes his head.

“Wow, OK that makes sense. It took some of my squadron members time to get used to the change, and for the most part, duty wise I’m grounded. I work in flight ops now rather than flying with them. I did fly with them though so they are more than willing to keep taking orders. Cuz they know even without a plane I can come up there and be with them, watch their maneuvers in person rather than some pure desk jockey.”

James looks at the gate, at the old beat up pickup truck, and the MP’s ready to pull their hair out, if they had any. Grandfather was chattering away in Navajo at them, leaving the MP’s hard pressed to do anything, one of the MP’s is holding grandfathers rattle, yelling at him to be quiet.

Fleetfoot flares her wings and jumps between the guards and grandfather “What the heck is going on here?”

Jogging the last distance James stops, “Why are you holding a religious artifact?” He demands looking at the guard.

“This idiot’s babbling on and pointing to a picture,” Another MP says, holding up a picture of Rainbow Blaze, “he refuses to give any ID, and doesn’t speak or understand English it seems.”

Fleetfoot rears up on her hind legs taking the rattle from the guard and presents it back to Grandfather.

“That’s Blaze, he’s a member of my squad. This is his grandfather.” James says sternly.

“So you know him, what’s his name?” The MP said.

Grandfather takes the rattle from Fleetfoot, kneeling down to her level, and softly stroked her face with his hand, talking to her in Navajo. Slowly he put his forehead against hers and strokes her wing with the rattle as he speaks. Almost instantly all of her feathers puff out, and she spreads her wings, she backpedals, looking scared. Whickering and nickering as she does so. Falling back on her haunches she sits panting.

James walks up “Grandfather, English please.”

“They do not let me see my son, or the Kachina, I brought medicine for the girls to help them.”

Kneeling down James put his arms around Fleetfoot, “Calm down, relax, this is Grandfather he’s well, Grandfather, I never did get his real name, he’s some kind of elder with the Navajo.”

Looking up, she lets out an almost incoherent string of whickers and nickers before James put his hand over her muzzle. “Calm down, think before you speak, your making horse sounds right now.”

“I… I saw Spitfire for a moment… And the other Wonderbolts. Fighting Discord.” She pants.

“It’s just a memory, probably of the last battle before you were cursed. Velvet and the other ponies have had them too. Just breathe.” Looking sternly at the MP’s James called out, “Water now, and get the OD for the MP’s here NOW.”

One of the MP’s brings out a glass of water, while the other gets on the phone. Grandfather stands quietly and waits, softly tapping his rattle.

Helping Fleetfoot drink some water, James picks her up and sets her into the back of the truck to lie down. Hopping up on the tail gate he sits, stroking her neck and mane to help calm her, this was the same reaction when the five score words were mentioned. He knew how scared and vulnerable she feels, he can see it in her eyes, but he isn’t going to say anything.

When the Officer of the day arrives, he stands up saluting, and shows his ID to him.

“Grandfather here is a religious leader for the Navajo people, we arrived here to find the MP’s harassing him and holding a religious artifact of his. This kind of behavior is unbecoming those in uniform. I would like to see them all on report.” James says sternly.

The OD nods once, taking the MP’s into the station. This was probably not going to end well for them, but had Blaze or the girls seen that, it would have ended in a fight.

Driving back to the hotel, James pulls in and gets out. He walks to the back of the pickup. “Feeling strong enough to walk again, or do you want me to carry you?”

Looking up, Fleetfoot blinks, “That… was unnerving.”

“Carry you it is,” James says and picks her up, cradling her somewhat, as he walks inside. “Come on Grandfather, you can stay with me in my room tonight. Girls room is this way.”

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