• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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48: The Fourth, The Fifth

I really don’t want to be associated with this. It is seriously getting to be a bad situation here in Hawaii. The protests are peaceful, but the terms being thrown around, like war crimes, human rights violations, animal rights violations. The emotions are getting very intense.

The Governor herself is being compared to Hermann Göring. It’s an absolute political disaster. Neither party really wants to touch the issue. It has been turned into career poison. The only thing the Governor has going for her is that this won’t go national.

This is ICE’s doing. ICE’s call, but she is taking the heat for it. And she has to end it fast. There is only so long it can be contained.

“Corporal Twilight!”

Oye, here we go again. Turning, I trot up to the Governor and sit down. “Yes Ma’am?”

“The army sent you down to defuse this situation and get intelligence.” The Governor states, “Can’t you do something?”

“Ma’am this is a political problem. If there is a solution for this, it’s a non-military one.” Shaking my head, I sigh. “Ma’am, your best chance is to sit down and talk with Fiddlesticks.”

“Why her?” The Governors aid barks sternly.

“She has an apartment building. I don’t know if it’s possible, but it might be acceptable to compromise. Maybe have the ponies moved there. Quarantine the building maybe. At least, there the ponies will have dignity.” I shake my head. “The problem is food and supplies, plus the apartment needs fixing up.”

Grumbling the Governor nods then looks to her aid, “Fiddlesticks, find her, bring her to me. NOW.”

After a short time, Fiddlesticks walks in with her scarf and cowboy hat on. She sits down on the floor and looks sternly at the Governor. I still swear she has Apple blood in her. She has the Apple Family stubborn streak, and right now she is digging her hooves in something fierce.

“I need you to get your protestors to go home.” The governor says firmly.


“No? What do you mean no!?!?”

“I mean no, ma’am. No. I will not ask them to go.”

“Do you want me to have them all arrested?”

“Go fer it. There’s press there, ACLU lawyers.” She looks back just as sternly at the Governor.

“What do you want then?”

“I want ‘em to have freedom, I want them to have the rights they deserve. Hawaii had internment camps once before. Most Hawaiians won’t accept it again, regardless if it is ponies or humans.”

“Well we can’t just let them walk around.” The Governor says firmly.

“How about a compromise,” I say softly, then I cringe as all eyes latch on to me. Yeah, I started this mess.

“Let’s hear it Sugar Cube.” Fiddlesticks smiles.

*Somewhere, Eric sneezes.*

“Give them temporary visa’s pending refugee status. As Governor that most definitely is in your power. Let them stay at Fiddlesticks apartment. Arrange a loan, tax relief, emergency shelter benefits, something to help Fiddlesticks get the place ready. I’m willing to bet many of the ponies there can help build or repair the building. For the first month let ICE watch the place.”

Looking sternly at the Governor, Fiddlesticks nods, “I’m willing, IF and that’s a big IF you are willing to let the ponies come to the apartment right away. Ponies can’t take that kind of imprisonment well.”

“We’ll make the arrangements; they should be free in two hours.” The Governor says. “Now the press will not get wind of this?”

“As long as they are not mistreated.” Fiddlesticks says firmly with a nod.


Turning Fiddlesticks turns and storms out of the office.

Blowing at my bangs, I look up at the Governor, “Anything else ma’am?”

“No, thank you.” She says.

Taking a deep breath I turn, trotting out of the office. This is just not what I want to deal with.

Trotting up, I catch up beside Fiddlesticks and thump my side against hers. “You’re getting some new tenant’s and some money for repairs.”

“Yes, but did it have to be because of their suffering?” She sighs.

“I know, it’s hard, but you did the right thing.”

Nodding, I shake myself out. “ugg.”

“Whats wrong?”

“The heat, the humidity, I’m used to dry heat.” I huff.

“Well I’ll head back home, get things ready.”

*** Henry ***

“There you go, feeling better?”

Passionate nods slowly, her color has returned as she sits, munching on some MRE’s.

“Don’t try and talk if you don’t want to, just relax.”

“Are the foals…”

“They’re with the doctors now, being fed. You did a great job.”

Looking around at the ponies, Henry chuckles, “Ok careful with those MRE’s, each package is like 2500 calories. You’ll get fat eating more than one.”

Everyone looks at their food and blinks.

“I’m serious, there is a LOT there, if you feel hungry afterwards, that’s what the alfalfa is for. It will fill you up quickly. Don’t worry, I’ve even eaten it, it’s safe.” Henry says, smiling at the ponies.

Slowly, they try some then nod, accepting it as edible.

“Eric over there, was a pegasus, so flying questions go to him. I’m a field medic though, if you have questions about wing care I can probably handle those too.”

“How?” Passionate says softly.

“Because I work with ponies every day, I’m best friends with them.” Smiling softly he whispers into Passionate’s ear, “We even earned our cutie marks in Equestria. We’ve been as close to real ponies as any human can be.”

Laying her head down on his legs she lets him feed her some alfalfa slowly.

“You used magic too, remember, when made yourself have milk for the foals?”

“Magic?” Lifting her head slowly, she looks into his face.

Gently he touches his forehead to her horn, “Yep, you have magic, just concentrate, let it flow to your horn.”

Slowly her hornshine forms against his forehead, growing brighter and brighter.

“There you go.” He says gently.

“I… I remember.” Passionate murmurs, “I’m from New Zealand.”

“Welcome back.”

“I was sailing, we were near New Caledonia when the change started. We put to port in Wala and looked for help… Then the pirates showed up.”

“Priates?” Henry asks, keeping his head against her horn.

“Yeah. Piracy is big in the area. They work off of cheap speed boats. They landed, came ashore and took me and two other ponies there…”

“So how did you find the babies?”

“They kept us in shipping containers. They put the foals in with me. I don’t know where they came from. I knew they couldn’t survive and I knew I had to do something. I didn’t know I could or how I did it but...”

“Magic.” Henry says softly, “You used your magic out of instinct.”

“I… guess. A little embarrassing though, given what I did.”

“Naw, I think it was noble and selfless. Very pony.” Henry says, smiling.

“Do you know where you were taken?”

She shakes her head slowly. “The small skiffs took us to a mothership. Then that ship took us to a port. It had to be a port cuz they moved the shipping containers between ships with a crane.”

“Could have been a crane barge, or ship with its own crane, but yeah. Now we have something to search for.” Henry says.

“Search for?”

“Uh huh, the pirates are likely using a safe port to transfer equipment and goods. This will give us something to look for.”

Eric walks over, followed by a group of pegasi and earth ponies, chuckling. “What would your special somepony say?”

“Ohh.” Passionate said. “You have a special somepony? What’s a special somepony?”

Eric looks around and chuckles, “Ok folks, this is going to sound stupid but you’re going to hopefully run into it soon. Ponies tend to use terms such as everypony, somepony, or such. You don’t have to, but you’re likely going to find or catch yourself doing it over time.”

“Since Eric and I are not real ponies. We often refer to it as going native. In actuality though, it’s likely just memories of your pony lives affecting your subconscious choice of words.” Henry says.

Eric laughs. “Henry here has a thing for a pony named Sugarberry. She’s a cute mare.”

“Did you meet her before her shift?”

“Actually no, I haven’t even seen pictures of her human form. I just like her for who she is. I spent some time with her when I was a unicorn and it was some of the best time of my life.” Henry says, stroking Passionate’s neck.


“Eric here though has a thing for a unicorn named Ballad.”

“We’re just friends.” Eric says defensively, his cheeks coloring.

“He spent hours with her just having a karaoke battle, singing songs to each other, or duets. All I have to say is, when you hear them duet singing, ‘You’re My Zing’.” Henry laughs, poking Eric and chuckling.

“But your still not really ponies.” Passionate says quietly.

“I wouldn’t say that. Since our trip to Equestria we can’t eat meat. May seem like a small thing but, it’s a marker. That since we’ve been there, we gained some of the pony nature.” Eric said. “We still have pony instincts. We also feel a closer tie to ponies since the change.”

“Speak for yourself.” Henry says, “Yeah I can’t eat meat but I’d hate to think my soul is now that of a pony.”

“I don’t know, who’s to say. Maybe our souls were always pony. Maybe the mirror just gave us a chance to see and be our true selves. A reflection of who we really are.” Eric says, rubbing his hip.

“I hate you, you know that right?” Henry asks, smiling.

“Henry here just hates his fur color. He came out a pink stallion.” Eric chuckles.

“Hey I’m a Ranger, Rangers don’t do pink.”

“Henry, did you have any weird dreams in Equestria?”

“I don’t think I had any dreams. Of course I hardly slept.”

“I had one the first night when I was recovering. Trust me, it was strange. I was in a floating city, with thousands of pegasi all around. Grand Greek like structures, all towering high into the sky. You know the way the show displayed Cloudsdale? Picture that, but several times bigger, with many different clouds full of settlements.”

“It was strange. I never saw anything like it in the show. There was some great battle. Changelings, I think. They were everywhere. Some great pegasus king was doing battle with the changeling queen. Several of us were guarding civilians trying to get them away from the battle.”

Eric shakes his head vigorously, “Something came through the clouds… a creature with misshapen eyes.”

One of the ponies closes her eyes, shivering, “Five score divided by four… those eyes.”

That sends a wave of shivers and whimpers though the ponies that could hear it.

“That’s the thing. He didn’t say anything in the dream. In my dream, at least, he watched as the changelings attacked. He was flitting between different pegasi, like he was looking for something.”

“Yep, silly dream, featherbrain.” Henry laughs.

*** Beth ***

Skidding around the corner, she touches her horn to the wall.

Even before it is fully open she is through and turns, facing the door. “Come on, close, close darn it.”

It takes a moment to cycle, but the door closes again, sealing her in. Lying on the floor she listens, it is quiet but that doesn’t mean anything. Hopefully they didn’t see the door. She had a good lead on them, but the door does take time to cycle.

Getting up she moved slowly down the spiral feeling her way down the first rotation before lighting her horn. She knows if anyone tries to get in with brute force, she’d hear it. It doesn’t stop her from looking over her shoulder a few times though.

Looking around she finds herself panting. The bobbies are out in force, and Tommy is in town. So she is trapped.

Picking up her phone she shakes it a few times. “Work, work, why won’t you work. No signal.” She whimpers then looks up, “Duh… need to be close to the door.”

Heading back up the tunnel she sits and sends a quick text. ‘Bobbies in the woods hunting me. Chased me to castle. Didn’t see me enter I think. Be careful’

A few moments later her phone vibrates. ‘okay, be there in 30. Stay hidden’

Turning off the vibrate feature and sound options she leaves the phone by the wall. That way she can come back and check messages.

Walking back down, she turns on the lights and looks for something to kill time. Honestly, searching the museum isn’t her thing but until her brother gets back, she’s trapped.

Looking through the old weapons and firearms is boring. There is just nothing here that sparks her interest. She was never a weapons person herself, past maybe fencing. Her brother was the big first person shooter fan.

The books, she had gone through them a few times. The ones she could read had nothing of interest. The ones she couldn’t read though, they held all the answers. The writing was just so alien, though it doesn’t match up with any known language.

Sitting with the jewelry, she tries on some of the pieces, looking at herself in the mirror. It is strange how some of them fit. Rather than just sitting on the head, they have to clip to the mane so they wouldn’t fall off.

Sitting, she looks at the crystals. Several of the crystals in the box are huge, at almost a foot long and multi-faceted. Honestly they looked like Goa'uld data crystals. Picking one up, she begins to examine it carefully.

Inside the crystal is an image, a picture of a winged unicorn in a throne room. It’s almost like a hologram, but stored in a crystal. Quickly going through the others she finds no more pictures.

Going back to the one with the Princess she looks at it and sighs. She knows her name, she just can’t remember it, it’s like it is on the tip of her tongue. She remembers her, and other crystals. She just can’t figure out where or why.

*** CMC EC ***

Having a trained engineer building a tree house is one thing. Having 3 unicorns with telekinetics backed by an earth pony that can drive nails with just her hooves. They could have probably built a real house in a matter of hours.

Though the Cutie Mark Crusader’s tree house is almost like a real house as is. Unlike the house in the show, this one has stilts for extra support. It stands a good ten feet off the ground, with a ramped stairway for the foals that they could pull up. It has a balcony, much like the CMC’s house in the show had. That, however, is where the similarities end.

The door has a lock on it, to prevent unwanted company or guests. The windows and shutters are real and working, to keep out rain. A bank of working batteries has been salvaged and placed under the floor in a storage compartment, to provide DC power storage. Three large solar panels have been mounted on an out hanger awning, they extend out from the tree canopy to catch the light themselves. LED lights, a small space heater, radio, a small cheap TV, and a few other things had been acquired from pawn shops, or used supply stores on base. All in all, the only thing missing is real running water. And they come close for that. On the second floor, a large 10 gallon water storage tank has been added so the CMC’s can make tea, juice or such.

They aren’t kids, but this isn’t about age, this is about giving them a place where they could go, and not be underfoot of humans. Not have to worry about things. It is about a level of freedom.

It just happens to be cute and adorable.

Feather lay on the rug tapping a forehoof and sighs softly.

“Ok what’s on that brain of yours?” Candy says, lying beside Feather.

“You mean, other than wanting Star Crossed back?”

“Yeah, other than that, come on, you know some guys can’t deal with pink.”

“You have no problems with pink.” Feather says, and then blinks, realizing who she was talking to. “Scratch that.”

“Not all ponies are equal. It’s not like we all have an equal sign on our flanks. We are all unique. Someday maybe Henry will come to terms with things.”

“Yeh but he got his cutie mark. We still haven’t.” Feather giggles.

“Ok that’s different. That’s just stupid luck.” Candy says with a huff.

Feather tilts her head, “You don’t think Henry deserved his cutie mark? Don’t think he earned it?”

“Yeah, and so did James and the rest… it’s just. What if it’s Earth? What if we can’t get our marks on Earth because it takes Equestrian magic? What if…” Candy sighs and looks as Feather sticks her hoof in Candy’s mouth.

“What if you catch hoof in mouth?”

Cloudy trots in and sets her saddlebag down with snacks from the commissary. While the CMC’s have their tea set for play parties, the CMC EC actually has paper plates and glasses. Setting out the picnic lunch, Cloudy smiles.

“So what’s the cutie mark plan for today? CMC Full Metal Alchemists?” Cloudy says.

“Yeah, but we only know one potion.” Candy says and sighs.

“Yeah but it takes a feather!” Feather says, lifting her wing.

“Ugg no, we saw how much horror that caused in Ponyville, can you imagine the terror here? We’d have to duct tape someone to a water tower just to keep them apart.”

“Cutie Mark Crusader rock band?” Cloudy says.

“Hmm, sounds good, how much trouble could we possibly get into doing that?” Feather says, perking her ears.

*** Velvet ***

“Well, the ponies are opening up to the SP’s about the pirates.” I say, walking beside Blaze along the beach.

“More than just that, they are forming a community. Parents, foals, I wonder if they will contact their families.” Blaze chuckles.

“Oh Celestia.” I whimper.

“What now?” Blaze stops, looking at me.

“My mom, what am I going to tell her?”

“That we are displaced spirits from the fourth world, trapped here after returning to our spirit forms?” Blaze smiles. “It worked for my family.”

Ok, I just have to facehoof at that one.

“Mom, remember when you had that sit down talk with me about the birds and the bee’s? I think I understand what you meant about the girl parts!” I say, shaking my head.

“Hey I like those girl parts.” Blaze chuckles.

“I know you do. You keep looking at my tail.”

“It’s not actually the tail I’m looking at.” He says, wiggling his eyebrows.

One hip check later and he’s lying on his side in the sand laughing. Curling his forelegs he shakes his head… “Hey Mrs, your son has the cutest spot under her tail. She squeals so adorably whenever it’s touched.”

“Do it and die.” I snort and trot off, leaving him there.

“Aww, it’s not that bad.” Blaze says, scrambling to his hooves and catching up. “Really I don’t think she will be upset. Shocked, maybe but if she really loves you, she’ll understand.”

“I hope so.” I stop, blinking, and then start giggling. “Oh Celestia… Mom was bugging me about wanting grandchildren. Well, now she has two.”


“Well you’re a dad too.” I say, looking at him. “So we can get our families off our backs for that.”

Blaze chuckles and nips my ear, sucking on it gently. “You mean you don’t like me on your back?”

My entire body trembles at that. “Tease. And that’s different, that’s you.”

“When we get back to the mainland we’ll see about visiting your mom for a little bit if you want.” Blaze says softly.

“Taking my mate home to see my family?”

“Yep, if I’m going to be married to you, might as well meet your mom.”

“Might as well? Gee thanks.” Huffing I turn my head away. “Like meeting mom is so bad.”

“I’m kidding.” Blaze said and nibbles my back, causing my tail to go right up.

“Ugg. You’re pushy today, you want something?”

“Well we have a while before the plane leaves.” He says and nibbles again.

-The following scene is best left to the imagination, for what ponies do in the wild should stay in the wild. Please ignore all the loud squeals from the trails.-

*** JSOC/SOC ***

“They want what?” The Brigadier General blinks, looking at his aid.

“As part of NATO they have called for assistance from us as an allied state.” His aid says, shaking his head.

“That can’t be right, wouldn’t this be a civil issue?”

“Consider the percentages as we have it, then the size of the UK. There UK simply doesn’t have that many ponies. Maybe a hundred or so total. Add to that, all their information they have about ponies comes from us.”

“So they are asking that we send in a military team to capture and extract a unicorn causing problems in the English countryside?”

“That’s about it, the request comes directly from the Crown.”

Covering his face, he just shakes his head. “Ok let the team know they will be diverted to England.”

“Ok, have they got any information on the unicorn?”

“Just that she’s caused over 1.5 million pounds in damages to a construction company. They also have one picture of her taken from a cellphone camera.”

Looking down at the camera, the Brigadier General just shakes his head, “That little thing, she looks so scared in the picture.”

“Remember how dangerous Velvet is when she gets scared.”

“Give a unicorn a cause, and look out. And just think we have two foals on base.”

“At least they aren’t using magic. Yet.” The aid says, with a chuckle.

“Don’t remind me.”

*** 21.471183, -158.183784 ***

“It’s not their fault.”

“Yeah, I know, they couldn’t help running into the carrier group.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“Do you still have contacts in the jail and prison?” He asks, crossing his ankles looking down at the waterfall below him.

“Yes sir.”

“Well then it’s easy. Kill them.”

“But sir.”

“A dead man tells no tales.” He says, relaxing as the wind rocks his hammock.

“Yes sir.”

“That product was worth 4.5 million dollars to me. It’s best to send a message. As well is best to keep our involvement out of the picture.” Unpacking a Piña Colada, he sips it, relaxing. “And that’s not including the weapons they lost. I want them dead. Painfully, slowly, I think having them gutted would work.”

“And the weapons?”

“Have our friends at Chapaevsk arms depot arrange another shipment. We can fly it out by plane to the Philippines directly for distribution there.” Looking to his drink he hums. “Has Piña Colada shown up anywhere?”


“Piña Colada, pale pink coat color, a pink mane, and blue eyes. If she shows up, let me know. She’s probably worth a good 3 million to the right buyer as is.”

“Don’t know, I’ll check around.”

“Good, I wouldn’t mind to play with her myself for a bit beforehand.”

Hanging up the phone he smiles and relaxes, sipping his drink, the view is incredible from where he is, well worth the flight. Even if his product was lost, for now.

*** Velvet ***


Blaze chuckles softly as we walk up to the plane.


“Well I hope you enjoyed your stay in Hawaii, cuz now we have a new stop to go to.”

Looking up at the LT I blink, “Hic…”

“I think she means where.” Blaze says.

The LT puts a hand over his mouth, “Hiccups?”

I nod slowly, “Hic…”

“She’s been like this for about twenty minutes now sir.” Blaze says, chuckling.

“Tried holding your breath?”

I nod slowly. “Hic…”

“Water?” Henry asks, walking on board the plane.


“Yep, she went through a half gallon bottle.” Blaze says.

“What started it?” Henry asks.

“Well we were out on the beach and I started nibbling her ear, then we…” Blaze starts.

Squeaking loudly, I smack Blaze with my tail, blushing fiercely.

“Five, six, seven.” Henry says, smiling…

Blinking I look between the two. “What?”

“Shock cleared them up.” Blaze says, and takes his seat.

“Jerks.” Sitting down, I pout.

“Ok team, were off to England, the government there has asked us to help hunt down a unicorn interfering with a highway construction project. Since the road apparently has military applications, I don’t know, I think they are setting it up as an emergency runway or something… the UK have asked for help under NATO.”

“To deal with one unicorn?” I say blinking.

“Yeah, she’s apparently cost in excess of 1.5 million in damages. Police can’t even get close to her.” The LT says.

Looking over I grab Blaze and snuggle tightly against him. I don’t know why, I just want to be snuggled with him right now. One of those days I guess.

“We’re ready back here.” The LT calls out and takes his seat.


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