• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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77: Families and Community

“I still can’t believe how fast this place has been built up.” Kira says, crossing her forelegs on the warm rocks.

Strepe giggles, “It’s because for the first time in a long time, many of them feel safe. In some ways the change has given us freedom. The thestrals are even starting to fly out looking for things we can use now.”

“I know. I’ve seen them. Some government though, USA, South Africa, someone, still has their drones flying around.” Looking up, she sighs, “They keep watching us and I don’t know why, and I don’t think they’d be happy if I ate them.”

“Look! They’re putting up the new windmill for power.” Strepe calls out, looking down at the valley.

Tilting her head, Kira watches as the ponies work to erect a third windmill. It will give them energy for a variety of different uses. They can now grind flour, run water pumps, and even have lights. They even have started a clinic, the beginnings of a hospital and school. It isn’t that bad for a community of nearly four hundred refugees from another world.

Blinking, Kira lifts her head, watching the third tower starting to wobble, “Wait here, Strepe.”

Spreading her huge wings, she leaps off the cliff and dives down. Dragons aren’t known for speed like ponies, but they are still fast enough in the air. Hitting the ground, she rears up and grabs the tower holding it to steady it.

Looking up in shock, several ponies freeze. The size of the dragon still scares many, but somehow, she has become their protector. Cheers start as a few ponies hug her legs.

Blinking, Kira shakes her head, “Thanks later, can you tie this down first?”

Several ponies laugh as they get to work securing cables and tightening the base. The tower will need to withstand big gusts of wind. With Kira’s help though, they soon get the tower secured safely.

Given her raw size, a new use for Kira has just been noticed. She can do industrial work like a crane, backhoe, or such. That is, if she wants to, but how does one convince a dragon to be a backhoe?


The convoy of trucks run down the road way. They have been brought together quickly and are all volunteers. The equipment is all owned by the company, but is assigned to this project. A large International Auger truck leads the pack, behind it, a truck with a trailer carries the backhoe, another truck and trailer carries the boom lift. A cherry picker follows behind, and finally, the big box van used as a cargo carrier brings up the rear. A couple of regular service trucks also follow all of the equipment.

There are nearly a dozen volunteers. What was originally supposed to be a small project is looking like a major program now. It’s something though. Something to get their minds off what is going on. Something to help out. Something that might make a difference now, or later on.

Pulling off the dirt road, the convoy stops. The workers get out of the vehicles and gather in a semi-circle. Looking at the assembled crew, the team leader takes a breath. “Folks, I know this isn’t our normal job. Dust has been missing for a while now.”

Everyone lowers their heads, murmuring.

“We aren’t just here for some foals. We are here for Dust, for his friends, family and all the ponies. We are not making something that will fall apart in a year or two. This is something we want to be there for years. This is something we want to be safe for the foals.” Looking up at the tree he chuckles, “So let’s build them a club house that Dust would be proud of.”

Nodding the crew spread out and begin to work, they figure they can have the tree house built in a few days. They have the plans and materials. Lightning Electric’s design-build team has been working overtime for a few days to get all of that ready, and now they will be doing the building. The foals would have a safe place to play.


“Are you awake?”

“I’m flying, of course I’m awake.” Streams says over the coms.

“It’s hard to tell sometimes, you don’t talk a lot, and you can fly forever.” Drizzle laughs.

“Are you on a cloud Drizzle?” Streams asks as she weaves back and forth across the sky.

Streams hears a few puff sounds and quick flapping, “Nope, no clouds here.”

“Drizzle, you can rest on a cloud. We are doing lookout for the pegasus, you can rest as long as you’re watching.” Streams giggles back.

“Oh now you tell me.” Drizzle huffs.

“Just grab another one, we can’t do anything until she crosses the border.” Streams says.

“So how are you taking to being pregnant?” Drizzle asks, changing the subject.

“It’s, different, you don’t notice it much at times.” Fleetfoot calls out, “Other times you’re painfully aware of it.”

“There aren’t that many pregnant mares on Earth, are you sure you should be flying?” Streams asks.

“Oh piss off, I’m fine flying. Come on, Velvet’s pregnant and she’s still casting spells.” Fleetfoot says, “I’m not giving up flying.”

“Would you give up flying if you were pregnant, Drizzle?” Streams asks as she scans the ground, looking for signs of their target.

“First, I’m not the strongest flyer to begin with, so I’d just fly slower. Second, I don’t think I want to get pregnant, seriously the idea of letting some stallion…” Drizzle says with an audible shudder.

“You were a girl before the change right?” Fleet asks.

An audible huff comes over the coms again, “Yeah, what’s that got to do with anything?”

“Fillyfooler?” Streams asks.

“Fillyfooler.” Fleetfoot agrees with a giggle.

Drizzle grumbles over the coms, “Whatever happened to don’t, ask don’t tell?”

Streams flies under Drizzle, doing a roll to be on her back and sticks her tongue out at the other mare. “BFF’s don’t count.”

Reaching down, Drizzle poked Jetstreams belly, “It’s time.”

“Oh? Time for what?” Streams says with a giggle.

“Time to get to work, there she is.” Drizzle says and points.

Flipping over, Streams looks down, “All ponies, all ponies, I’ve spotted the pizza van! Its om nom nom time!”

With a nod, the pegasi break formation and spread out to start tracking the pegasus mule.


Eric looks at her nose. Well, at her muzzle at least. Her nostrils flare a few times as she huffs. She isn’t in a good mood. Her ear is twitching with in time with the clock on the wall, giving it a weird tick. Her tail is clamped tight to her side over her cutie mark.


“What, what? I’m here for you.” Eric says with a chuckle.

“You’re lying in front of me and not saying anything.” Ballad grumbles, “I have no idea where to begin or what to do.”

“Well the Cutie Mark Crusader approach won’t work for you. You already have your mark, what you need is to remember what it was for to jog your memory somehow.” he says softly.

“I know, so what am I supposed to do?” She huffs.

“What you’ve been avoiding. You’ve been ignoring your past, at times even trying to forget it. Just like Sugarberry. Cipher… umm… I’m not so sure about.” Eric said.

“But…” Ballad sits up, looking at Eric.

Pushing himself up, Eric wraps his arms around Ballad, pulling her into his lap somewhat. “But nothing. Most of Velvet’s memories came back during fights, she would remember when she was in a similar situation in Equestria. Blaze would remember when he was flying and when he taught his daughter or other students something just like that.”

Ballad blinks a few times. Then closes her eyes, “What if my life isn’t or wasn’t worth remembering? What if…” Looking back at Eric with tears in her eyes, “What if I was some kind of bad pony… Or a mother and I abandoned my foals…”

Eric shakes his head and hugs her, gently brushing her mane with his hand. “Oh Ballad, you could never have, never be. Yes you might have family, in Equestria. But not knowing could hurt you more in the long run. You’ve been following military routines so long, that you haven’t had the chance to be a pony. That’s what this is about.”

“But what if I had a foal and she’s lost somewhere?” Ballad says, whimpering.

Eric sighs and shakes his head, “Then we will find them. You and I together, we will search the world over. But you won’t know if you don’t remember.”

Ballad closes her eyes with a shiver.

“But you won’t remember if you fight it. Look at Velvet, she had a husband, a family in her past. She remembers it, but still choses Blaze. You need to remember it and reconcile it, but you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to.”

“Okay, what should I do?” Ballad says softly, looking up at Eric.

“I’m not a doctor, psychologist, or unicorn, we could see about getting help, maybe from Moony. Or we could try on our own.” Eric says, looking around his room he is renting.

“Who’s Moony?”

“She helped Fleetfoot with some trouble, a few months ago. She can apparently go into minds or something. And bring others with her.”

“I don’t know if I’d trust somepony poking around my mind.” Ballad whimpers.

“Then you don’t have to. I’ll be here for you.” Eric says and chuckles softly. Gently, he strokes her cheek and leans down, kissing her horn tip. “Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head.”

Closing her eyes a bit, Ballad sighs softly.

“Hush now quiet now it’s time to go to bed.” He continues hugging her neck softly.

“Oh wait, I know this one!” Ballad perks, her ears going straight up. Giggling she puts on her best Sweetie Belle voice, “Hush Now! Quiet Now!”

Laughing softly Eric covers his ears and shaking his head.


Rolling sideways Fire Streak goes in first, throwing tear gas grenades into the windows. The shattering of the glass and the hiss of the canisters as they start spraying their contents is the first warning anyone has of trouble.

Looking back over his shoulder, he sees Wind diving in, laying her canisters on the street in front of the building. A moment later, the other team is covering the windows and doors from the opposite building. There is a certain advantage about being able to silently take the high ground.

It takes only moments for the pegasi to secure the outside, but that is only the first step. Now the dangerous part comes, going inside. They know from footage there is at least three people inside but they don’t know how much fight they have in them.

“Since when did the Air Force become Marines?” Wind shouts as she smashes through the window and slides sideways across the floor into the room. Shots from an M-16 ring out behind her, stitching across the room as she powers her way behind cover.

“When they put Velvet on maternity leave and we volunteered.” Fire says as he comes through the window a few seconds later, firing on the gunman. The 5.7mm AP rounds impact and penetrate across the gunman’s vest, just below the FEDA logo.

“Are these guys police?” Wind asks. Standing up, she starts firing at the second gunman as he tries to bring his M-16 to bear on Fire.

“No, most of them seem to use US equipment though. Likely they looted it from a police station.” Comes over the coms from Goldie. “You know,” She huffs, “being an earth pony really sucks sometimes, I can’t really help on missions like this.”

“I know you do Goldie.” Fire Streak growls as he takes a hit on his armor. He turns, firing at another gang member. “Okay, that’s the last of them.”

“I got the foal here! Damn it.” Wind calls out.

Looking over, Fire blinks and sighs. “We have a problem, Patches isn’t a Pegasus.”

Fire and Wind blink, looking at the little cream colored earth pony with pink mane and tail. She isn’t a foal, but she isn’t full grown either. Just large enough to make flying inconvenient.

“Well at least things can’t get any worse,” Wind says with a weak smile, “Let get her out of here and…”

The concussion of the explosion throws the three ponies to the ground, Fire covering the teenager with his body. Shaking his head, he blinks, trying to get his bearings as plaster falls from the ceiling. Smoke and dust fills the room as Wind groans.

“A tank?!!?” Came over the coms, “guys get out of there, they have a freakin’ tank.”

Lifting herself up, Wind pokes her head out the window. It isn’t an actual tank, but it is a problem none the less. It looks more like an armored car or some kind of cobbled together APC. It’s some kind of small truck that has large slabs of steel plates welded to its top and sides. Its windows are covered with armor plates, metal leaving only metal slits to see out, behind the armored glass. Gun ports had been added to its sides. On top, it has a turret with a heavy machine gun of some sort, and a 40mm grenade launcher, which is slowly turning in Wind’s direction.

“INCOMING!” Wind yells as she dives back from the window.

The heavy machine gun opens up as does the grenade launcher, more than enough firepower to kill anyone in the room. More than enough fire power to remove the walls on that side of the building. The two pegasi simply don’t have the firepower or armor to deal with this.


Laying down, I push my cheek tight to Cookies, giving her a soft nuzzle. Almost instantly her ears perk and her tail gives a little wiggle. Giggling softly, I keep my cheek against hers, “Hi Cookie.”

“Hi Velvet, what horn melting torture do you have for me today?” Cookie says as she leans against me and snuggles tighter.

Giggling softly, I shake my head, “Oh come on, we are the United States Of America, the US Army, we do not torture.”

Nodding her head, Cookie smiles, “Right… Enhanced teaching techniques then.”

“Nope, shouldn’t be anything like that, I thought I’d let you pick today.” I say, smiling.

“Me? pick?” Perking her ears and lifting her head she starts wagging her tail.

Lighting my horn, I pull over a hat filled with scraps of paper, “Yep, just reach in with your magic and choose.”

Blinking, she shrugs, “Ok so I choose my own death, great.”

“What? There’s some fun stuff in there, like watching movies.” Shaking the hat, I smile, “Come on, choose. Choose the form of the destroyer.”

Rolling her eyes Cookie lights her horn and grabs a piece of paper. Floating it over to her, she opens it and starts reading.

“Yeah, each of the girls can pull out a paper to choose their…” I blink, watching Cookie.

Dropping the paper cookie is backpedaling away from the scrap looking at it with horror. “No… no, no, no, no, no!”

“Oh come on, how bad could it be.” I say, lifting the paper.

Shivering, Cookie tucks her tail between her legs. Her ears droop to the sides as she looks at me pitifully, “Oh God no. Please no.”

Looking at the paper I cringe, “Ugh, I know some of the other unicorns would have loved this but...”

Cookie shakes her head no vigorously, backing up more and arching her back, almost looking like a scared cat.

Sighing I stand up, “It’s ok, you don’t have to, I understand something like this might be terrifying.”

“I… I…” Cookie stammers, looking at her forelegs.

“I know, trust me, I know big time. I know I’m going to have to put my hoof down and do it someday too but I’m still not that…” I sigh shaking my head.

“I’ll do it…” Cookie says, gulping, “I won’t back down from any challenge.”

“You can pick another.” I say, offering the hat.

Shaking her head, Cookie stays backed in the corner, “I said I’ll do it.”

Blinking I look at her, shocked. “But…”

“I can’t neigh say something like this and expect others to do other things.” Sighing softly, she turns, walking with her head held low.

“I’ll join you so you’re not alone.” I say and sigh, giving her a gentle nuzzle. Walking out with her I have this feeling I’m walking off to my doom as well. I swear, Ah-Pee put that one in there just to be mean.


The Mark 19 grenade launcher can fire up to three hundred fifty rounds per minute, that’s about five per second. The vehicle has been built with a turret to carry this weapon, often used by the Mexican military to supress or kill groups of insurgents. The gangs, though, had raided police stations and bases over the years, acquiring such things for themselves.

As the grenade enters the room the first solid surface it comes into contact with causes the nose to compress and the grenade to explode. While not truly a fragmentation warhead, fragments of the casing still fly out, causing lethal injuries. The killer though, is the overpressure wave, which expands in all directions from the point of impact. The wave shatters glass, and causes internal injuries. Even one or two of these grenades will clear a room.

It isn’t just two though, more like ten. A full two second burst with rounds exploding every two tenths of a second. The sound is deafening, the flashes of light followed by the pressure waves fill the air with smoke. Pieces of plaster fall from the ceiling and dust billows out from the windows and hole.

Then it is silent. The dust and smoke slowly clear. The only light is a violet, almost pinkish glow that fills the room. The glow forms a dome over Fire, Wind and Patches, protecting them from the blasts and falling ceiling. The glow had absorbed some of the blast, redirecting or deflecting the rest of it. The glow matches the color of Fleur’s eyes, as well as the glow around her horn.

Walking forward, Fleur looks down at the vehicle. The turret starts to turn towards her, but it isn’t fast enough. Its traverse rate couldn’t bring it to bear before Fleur fires.

Fleur is still learning her magic, she is still learning to control her power. She can’t muster up the energy for massive blasts like Velvet has done, but what she can do is very tight and powerful energy lances. They are narrow but very powerful shots of magically created heat that punches through the top armor of the tank.

Like a fencer, she lunges with her magic, punching hole after hole along the top of the tank. Setting fires inside, piercing crew, and causing structural damage. It takes a few shots before the vehicle explodes in a fireball as once of the lances cuts through the ammunition storage bins.

“Good girl. How are you holding out?” Tony asks with concern in his voice.

“Scared, annoyed, a little tired.” Fleur says, backing up from the window and looking at Fire.

Fire blinks, “I’d hug you, but we have to get Patches out of here.”

“Take her and go. I’ll cover you, then wink back to the boat.” Fleur says as she digs her hooves in, looking at the street. Her horn starts glowing and she puts up a shield again.

“Wink?” Wind blinks, looking at Fire.

“It’s what we call teleporting, or some of us do. Especially young foals who can’t say our word so they use something that translates to winking. We wink out of reality in one spot, and wink back in at another.” Fleur says, “Ok, the shield’s up, go for it.”

“Our word?” Goldie blinks and looks at Tony.

Covering his mic, Tony blinks, “The ponies native language. Fleur learned some of it and it brought back memories of it from Velvet.”

Goldie grumbles, flattening her ears and thrashing her tail a bit, snorting. “That’s BS.”

“Huh?” Anthony blinks, looking at Goldie.

“Fleur gets special training that includes learning her native language. Pegasi get special flight training, but they expect us Earth Ponies to figure things out ourselves. Not fair! Where was my chance to learn the Pony language?” Goldie thumps a foreleg on the ground a few times and grumbles.

“NOT the time you two.” Fleur says into the coms and waits until the pegasi make it high enough to avoid ground fire.

“No love for us Earth ponies.” She says with a huff, grumbling.

Winking out, Fleur appears back on the speed boat that is anchored just of the coast, “Okay, fine. I’ll talk to HR see about getting you sent to Velvet for unicorn training too.”

Well speed boat isn’t the word for it… They are on a budget, after all. Appearing on the pilot house roof, she turns and lights her horn to start pulling up the anchor as quickly as possible. Even though she is exhausted and woozy, she has to work fast.

Hopping off the roof, she lands in the back of the boat and trots inside. It’s only a twenty-four foot long boat, but the pilot house is still large enough for people to walk around inside. The motor is an outboard, but it isn’t a pull start luckily, a key starts it from the helm.

There wasn’t a bathroom or head on board, there isn’t anything fancy like a stove, fridge, or even water taps. She had come prepared though. She has a cooler filled with sugary treats, oats, grains, and even P-Rations. She has a pair of water coolers, one filled with water, the other is loaded down with Gator Aid. Sitting down with one hoof on the wheel, she used her magic to bring over a large glass of the orange drink.

It will take her over an hour to get back to the rental agency in San Diego and she doesn’t want to pass out. While there is more than enough room for her to move around, the seats are not pony friendly. Worst of all the boat doesn’t have an autopilot, so the best she can do is sit on the floor with one hoof on the wheel. This lets her just barely see out the windows.

“Goldie?” She says softly over the headset. It is tied into the cellphones rather than radio, she might be roaming right now, but she just needs to talk.

“Are you ok? You really do sound tired.” Goldie says.

“Trying to stay awake and drive.” Fleur said.

Goldie giggled, “You mean pilot.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about being huffy before. I know you didn’t get a formal education like I did.” Fleur says.

“It’s not your fault, and I wasn’t offered one. I got the video on hoof care and such but…”

“But there isn’t a flight school or unicorn boot camp type thing for earth ponies. Not past Velvets videos.” Fleur says with a sigh.

“I don’t know, it’s not like we all need training bucking, runnin’ er liften things.” Goldie says over the coms.

Giggling softly, Fleur sighed, “You’re doing that voice again.”

“Voice?” Goldie almost sounds meek at that.

“The southern accent, you drift into it sometimes when you’re not thinking. It might be your normal accent.” Giggling softly, Fleur shakes her head, “It’s an Apple Family thing. Ah-Pee does it to though she’s from New Mexico normally…so.”

“Oh I hope not, I don’t wanna walk around the office sounding like Applejack.” Goldie says worriedly.

Fleur eats some more and relaxes. “You won’t. So how the capture team doing?”


“I got her, going up fifth.” Drizzle calls out over the coms, flying as fast as she can.

Banking hard and shooting down the street, Fleetfoot replies, “I’ll try and stop her at Spruce. Streams, swing around to Washington and come down to take her head on, if we can’t stop her we’ll corral her into the zoo.”

“Yes ma’am,” Streams calls out as she turns and dives to pick up speed. Banking hard, she reaches out with her forelegs to absorb some of the shock as she makes contact with the side of a hospital. Her front legs and hind legs compress, then kick out as she redirects her flight down 5th street, leaving four hoof prints in the white stone wall around the 8th floor. Starting her run down 5th she begins braking hard so as not to overshoot, or worse, crash into the other pegasus.

Ahead of Streams, she sees Fleetfoot yelling at the mare to stop. Pink Hearts is in tears, seeing Fleet and Jetstream, she turns down the street heading towards the zoo. She isn’t flying very high, just above the trucks and busses as she flaps as hard as she can. Tears streaming from her face as she cries.

Diving down, Drizzle pulled up beside her panting hard, “Stop… please… we’ve freed Patches!”

“You’re lying.” Pink Hearts cries, but she does slow down, landing on the ground. She’s crying and panting hard.

Streams lands beside Drizzle, putting a wing over her, “We aren’t lying. Some friends of ours broke her out of where they were holding her. If you keep going to the drop off point, they will kill you.”

“I’m Fleetfoot, this is Streams, and that’s Drizzle. Our friends rescued your sister.” Spreading her wings a bit, Fleetfoot swishes her tail as she works her cellphone. After a moment she pulls up a picture of Fire and Wind carrying Patches. “There, one of my friends took the picture, she’s safe, she has four pegasi carrying her to the USA.”

“But…” Pink Hearts looks back and forth, “We aren’t American.”

“I have a friend, we are getting you and Patches declared refugees. It’s not safe for you to be in Mexico due to your species and lack of protection.” Fleetfoot says, smiling.

Wiping tears from her eyes, “Where will we go? How will we live?”

“There are lots of ponies in the USA, we can put you up with one of the groups, than you can choose to stay in on Earth or return to Equestria in two years.” Drizzle says, “We will help you.”

“I’m… not…” Closing her eyes, the young pegasus collapses to the ground, unconscious.


Looking up at the building I gulp. I really don’t want to do this, and I was hoping the town didn’t have one, but just our luck. They do, and it doesn’t seem that busy right now, but given most of the ponies grew up as humans, it’s likely a big business.

Looking at the doors my hooves just don’t want to work well. They want to stay, to avoid this place, to go anywhere but inside. Glancing at Cookie, I sigh, “Ready.”

“Nope, no way, not in the slightest bit ready.” She says, trembling a bit as well.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door for Cookie and smile, “Well let’s go in.”

Stepping inside I looked around in horror, it’s worse than I had ever imagined. The ponies here have been busy, apparently. The items of torture are displayed, hung on racks for all to see, laid out on tables, and even displayed on the floor.

Gulping softly, I look at the pony working here. She’s an adult, though a little rounder than most, her height is about the same as Cookie’s and mine. Her body color is an orchid pink, with her mane and tail being greyish violet. Her cutie mark shows her talent in this mode of torment, an expert who takes pride in her work.

I recognize her from the show, but I can’t remember her name. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or bad though. Looking back at Cookie, her eyes are wide as she looks at one of the shelves. Moving over, I whispered softly, “I know… breathe and relax, it can’t be as bad as it looks.”

“Hello and welcome too Counter Couture,” The pink mare says, looking up at us, “Forefront of equine fashion, found here on Earth!”

“It’s worse, its much, much worse.” Cookie says, looking for the door.

Blinking, I look over at Cookie, “It’s okay, we can go.”

“I… I know you.” The clerk says slowly, stepping forward and looking at Cookie.

Gulping, Cookie nods, “I… I mean maybe from the episode I was in?”

Shaking her head slowly, the clerk blinks. “No I… I remember you from my dreams.”

“This is Cookie Crisp, she’s from Canterlot. She was one of Rarity’s customers in the new store she opened there. That means she’s likely Canterlot Elite, or at least had enough money to shop at Rarity’s given the prices there early on.” I say softly.

“You… changed just recently? A… A few weeks ago?” The pony says softly, her voice trembling a bit.

Cookie nodded, “On my birthday, yes.”

“Me to, you were behind me, trying to buy some time for me and another earth pony to get away. We were being chased by…” The pony shakes her head slowly.

“By Discord, I thought I could distract him and delay him enough for you and… and…” Cookie closes her eyes and shakes her head.

“Shine…” The other pony says.

“Yes, Coral Shine, you two ran for the bridge. You were going to try and get under it to hide. Suri?” Cookie shakes her head and looks at me, “What’s happening?”

“Some of your memories are coming back. From just before you were cursed.” I say, nuzzling them.

“That would mean Coral Shine likely changed at the same time as us.” Cookie says softly. “I was born in New York, but changed overseas. I went Marines.”

“Nebraska, I ended up working in a factory, making assembly line saddles.” Lowering her head, she sighs, “I know how Rarity felt, day after day, making the same thing, no creativity. I even got told I shouldn’t try and embellish anything cuz the riders didn’t want it and the horses just didn’t care.”

“Well you showed them, ponies need clothing now. And we do care about style and fashion. At least some do.” I say, giggling.

“Well what brings you into my shop?” Suri asks, her ears perked high as she smiles brightly.

Cookie grumbled, “Umm, evil challenge tests, I’m in unicorn boot camp. I’m supposed to dress up like a mare on the show.”

Blinking, I tilt my head, “Wedding dresses?”

“Oh sure, ponies are getting married or remarried, I figured I’d make a few.” Suri says.

“Yeah, no, for my wedding I think I’m just going to wear my army mess uniform or dress uniform if they don’t have a mess for ponies.” I say shaking my head, then I blink. Both Suri and Cookie are looking at me, Suri has a smile slowly spreading across her face. “Umm, what did I say?”

“You’re getting married?” Cookie says, her tail starting to sway.

Nodding slowly I blink. “To Blaze, yes.”

“No mess uniform for you. For the first pony marriage on Earth, first marriage in this town we are trying to build here, you’re getting a special dress.” Suri says, her own tail starting to wag. “Oh this is going to be so much fun.”

“I’m so regretting this.” I say with a gulp, “The horror, the horror.”

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