• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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38: The Bomb Blast

Marine Corps Base, Quantico is a very busy base. Several different government investigative branches both operate and train there. You have the FBI Training academy, the DEA Headquarters, the NCIS headquarters, the CID Headquarters, not to mention the Air Force’s OSI, all on one base.

You would think having all those different agencies in one place would help information sharing. However, it merely breeds competition. Especially in multi-branch issues where several different agencies can have jurisdiction and decide they want to race to see who gets there first.

In the case of CID, information from field agents in one part of the country will come in, such as pictures and reports. It will be processed by a case overseer then sent out to other agents in a different part of the country to continue an investigation if needed. In doing so it allows for cases to proceed quickly without having to constantly fly agents all over the country.

Some days, cases come in very slowly, often from MP’s or local police departments. Other days, it is like a flood, when dozens of different leads, false claims, and incidents all happen. The report for the hostage situation is going to be confusing to deal with. It is becoming a case of who did what to who, but CID had chosen to reach out for help on this one. Photos of the two pegasi are being sent out to Dust’s group in Montana, to Army SOC, and to the team at the gate. Hopefully one of them has seen these two so they could be questioned.

As it is, CID officials just hope no major bombs drop today. Maybe they can get ahead of their case load for a change.


The fax machine at the farm wrrs softly as page after page comes through. Dust is getting ready for the funeral today, but Mindy takes note of the sound. As the machine finishes, she picks up the pictures. The pages are a looking for information file on two mares, that may have gone through the gate. At the bottom was: Please forward to other pony communities, report sightings or information back to US Army Criminal Investigations Command CID.

Humming softly, she types in the fax number for Big Mac’s farm, and re-faxes them there. Then she takes a look at the pictures, they are cute mares, younger than her, but older than the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Probably equitable to mid or late teens, she thinks.

They just look so scared and lost in the photo she muses, well one of them does, but the other looks downright defiant. It includes their cutie marks at the bottom of the page, and a written code for eye, coat, and mane colors. The CID seems to take and list the pony information in a way both human and pony can understand. They don't leave details to chance.

“Mindy are you here?” Moon Shadow pokes her head in, looking around.

“Yep, just doing some paperwork, we are getting police fax’s now.” She says softly.

Moon Shadow walks in with a UPS Package on her back and looks at Mindy, “Anything important?”

“Just CID looking for information on some ponies, what’cha got there?” Mindy looks at the box.

“Came in, apparently Velvet and Cipher arranged, but I’m not sure what it is. It’s listed as from them, but it came from a fabric company at Fort Bragg. At least that’s what the return address on the package says.”

Mindy looked at the box sadly and sighs. After a moment, she opens it up, looking inside, “I usually love presents but today…”

Moon Shadow tilts her head then goes wide eyed as Mindy pulls out the cloths and opens them up, an EUP flag, a flag for Equestria, depicting the two royal pony sisters, and a Wonderbolts flag. Here in time for the funeral.

“Oh Celestia, Dust is going to flip. They are exactly what we need, a perfect honor for him. To go with the Wonderbolts uniform he will be wearing” Mindy says, with tears in her eyes.

“Copied from the EUP Field Guide, just in case we can’t make it. With honors, Velvet, Blaze, and the Unicorn club.” Moon Shadow reads the card and smiles. Then turns and gives Mindy a soft hug. “It’s okay.”

Mindy nods and folds them up carefully, “Dust will be speechless.”

Putting the box down and the letter back in the box, Moon Shadow glances at the Fax. “So who are they?” She asks picking up the pictures and looking at them.

“Don’t know, the CID are looking for information on them.” Mindy said then looks at Moon, “Moony, are you ok?”

Sitting down hard, Moon Shadow looks closely at the pictures, “Oh Celestia… no…” She said and gulped, the horror clear in her voice.

*** Other side of the pond ***

They sit looking down the tunnel, there are no cobwebs on the walls, but there is dust, the air is stale and has an earthy scent to it. Slowly they look at each other and smile. Deep dark scary tunnel under an ancient castle…

“Want to explore it?” Beth asks, pulling out her torch from her backpack.

“Do you have to ask twice?” Tommy doesn’t have a torch, but he has a headlamp from his bike that will work just as well.

Tommy takes the lead, walking down hunched over, “How did you open the door?”

“I don’t know, I just touched my horn to it like I saw the unicorn do, and it opened. I didn’t do anything.”

“This spiral feels like it’s going down 15 meters. Every rotation is 1.5 meters I think and we’ve done 10 rotations.” Tommy says, looking a little concerned.

“How far down do you think it goes?”

“Oh, I’d say another quarter of a meter.” Tommy says with confidence.

“How do you… Oh…” Beth stops and looks around slowly.

The tunnel opens up into a chamber, with a two meter tall ceiling made of brick and mortar. The room is nearly fifteen meters wide and twenty meters long. A passageway leads off the main chamber on the other side into the darkness. The room has several pillars placed in two rows down the center, spaced every five meters apart.

The room itself, however, is an anachronism. There are shelves made of preserved wood along the walls, and tables between the pillars. The crafting of which looks like it dates back a thousand years. Most of the books look like they’ve crumbled to dust. The problem is many of them looked much newer, judging by the bindings.

There are suits of armor here, for both human and warhorse, some bearing the marks of battle. However they are from different times, a few from the War of the Roses, a few from The Crusades, A couple of suits even looked like they are from colonial times.

There are daggers, a Norman Sword, a Great sword, a matchlock, flint lock, and a Martini-Henry rifle. There are lances, maces, and other weapons as well. Each has been laid out in its own spot, and labeled in strange writing.

The problem is, the castle has been abandoned since the 1700’s, so many of these items should not be here. All in all, this seemed to be some sort of storehouse collection, from all over England, like some museum.

On the far wall there looks to be some kind of chemistry setup, with glass vials, pitchers, and other items. Beside it, a large chalk board, strange writing on it, and also what looks like mathematical formula still written on it.

“Sis.” Tommy calls out slowly.

Shining her light over, she fumbles with her torch, almost dropping it then putting the light back on what her brother is looking at. Several crowns of gold and silver sit on a table, as if for examination. Necklace’s made with diamonds and emeralds are laid out on tilted slabs to better show them off. There is even a box that has dozens of gold coins in it. There is an absolute fortune sitting here.

By the level of dust though, no one has been down here in what looks like two hundred years. All of this has been below the ground, gathered here, but never seen.

“What… is going on here?” Beth says slowly.

“I have no idea, but this stuff must be worth millions.”

“We need to let the coroner’s office know, they need to see this place.” Beth says, then stops and kneels down. “Tommy.”

Turning, Tommy blinks and sits down hard. There are several ‘manikins’ standing in a row but their size was wrong. They are pony sized, but more compact than a true pony, their body length isn’t as long. One wears armor that looks like it is made of gold and silver, with a set of blades that looked like they are meant for wearing on wings, based on where they are connected to the suit of armor. One manikin wears a suit of armor that looks like it was made from a light blue steel with a lance attached to its side.

The last, however, simply wears a cloak and hat. The cloak feathers from dark to medium to light blue, and has several silver stars and golden moons stitched to it, as well as around the trim. Seven golden bells are sewn on. The hat matches the theme, with golden bells on it as well, one prominently hanging from the top.

*** Across the pond ***

Henry grumbles as he walks down the corridor of Finley Hospital. Cipher has lent him a spare pair of hoof boots so that he isn’t sliding around the floor. Cipher and Sugarberry walked on either side of him, just to make sure he stays safe and sane. Both of them know his view on being a fluffy pink unicorn.

“I can’t believe the guy kept pushing… she was freakin’ glowing,” Henry growls. “You see a unicorn glowing like that, you back down…”

“They said she is fine, the scan shows no real damage.” Sugarberry says, “I feel sorry for Ah-Pee though.”

“Well she, Eric, and Sanchez need to teach the poor things to walk.” Cipher giggles.

“And Jay is out looking for stragglers that were affected. How big was that blast anyway?” Sugarberry asks.

“I don’t know, but 2 of the patrol guards out nearly 250 feet were hit by it… man, it’s lucky we were in an area that didn’t have a lot of buildings around, other than the old school. Can you imagine that going off somewhere like New York City… Grand central Station, or worse the baseball field during a game… she could have hit tens of thousands.” Henry says, shaking his head.

“She didn’t mean to, you know that… and again, he was pushing her, I was ready to blast him myself.” Cipher giggles.

Henry stops and looks out the window. While looking outside he sighs, seeing his reflection in the mirror. “So where to girls, New Beginnings?”

“Naw, the food there is just awful.” Tapping her cellphone with her hoof, she pulls the Google Maps window off her phone and put it up on the window on the wall. “Starbucks is too far from here to walk, and we know how she’s going to feel when she wakes up.”

Henry looked at the glow on Ciphers horn and chuckled, “Ok, I knew you could do magical windows off your computer, but off your cellphone?”

“Yes, my cellphones a phablet, I can drag stuff from that window to other windows. It’s built right into the OS.” Cipher adjusts the size of the map on the hospital window, and points out the nearest coffee shop, just four minutes away.

Sugarberry taps the coffee shop icon with her hoof, calling up the web page on the hospital window. “Yeah but its closed, 6 am to 6 pm.”

“Starbucks is our best bet then, 6 min drive so we can’t walk it.” Cipher says, then grabs the window and pulls it back onto her phone screen.

Henry just groans, “Unicorns.”

“You said it.” Cipher giggles, then gently touches her horn to his. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep you safe. Sides, I think the spell will likely only last a few days… transformations like this are rarely permanent.”

“Thank Celestia.” Henry says, and trots downstairs towards the JLTV, Sugarberry and Cipher in tow.

Out at the vehicle, both girls stop and looked at him as he fumbles with the keys.

“What? I spent three days in Equestria, I’ve done my time as a pony.”

“Don’t make it sound like it’s a punishment, please, Henry.” Sugarberry says, looking down, her ears falling back.

Putting his head under her neck, he lifts her muzzle, “That’s not what I meant, I meant I’ve done my time as a pony, I know the words and terms, like thank Celestia.”

“It’s ok, I’m just sensitive about it I guess. I’m a pony, I was born one. I was cursed, I’m now back to my true form. So the idea that its punishment, or wrong…” Sugarberry sighs.

“So who’s driving?” Henry asks looking between the girls.

“I’ll do it,” Sugarberry says quickly, and gets the keys tossed to her. “Cipher drives like its grand theft auto VII, and I don’t trust your TK skills enough to drive.”

Cipher scowls, “So I thought that sign said 100 bonus points, not 100 mph.”

Climbing into the JLTV, Henry reaches out, grabbing the door and pulling it closed. Then looks at the girls. “Umm, what?”

“It’s just fun watching you use magic.” Cipher says.

“And somewhat embarrassing, we needed to take a class to do it.”

“Ohh, maybe we can find a puzzle, fundamentals!” Sugarberry says, an evil gleam in her eyes.

Just the word makes Cipher and Henry shiver. Henry watched them doing that, and he knows just how much it took out of them. “No thanks. I’ll leave that to the real unicorns, like you two.”

Sugarberry barely pulls onto the highway before red and blue lights come on. “Oh come on, that just isn’t right.”

Looking over her shoulder, she sees the cop car and just shakes her head, pulling over to the side of the road. The cruiser pulls in behind and the officer gets out. Walking forward to tap on the armored glass.

Lowering the window, Sugarberry looks out innocently, “Something wrong officer?”

“License and registration please.” He says, then does a double take, looking closer at SugarBerry, his head rotates slowly, looking at the other two unicorns in the JLTV.

Floating up her license, he looks at it, as well as the military papers, and blinks. “They make these for… you?”

“Yep, military personal.” Smiling, she waits while the officer takes the information back to the car.

“I bet he stopped you for not having both hands…or any hands… on the wheel.” Henry chuckles.

Walking back the officer handed her the ID back, “Okay, you’re clear to go, drive safe.”

“Officer, might I ask what triggered the stop?” Sugarberry asks, concern in her voice.

“I thought your… muzzle… was a cellphone and it’s illegal to drive and use a hand held device. Everything is okay.” Turning, he walks back to the car.

Cipher starts giggling almost immediately, “And I thought males had blocky muzzles, yours must be downright squared off.”

Putting her hoof to her muzzle Sugarberry pouts and whimpers, starting to drive again.

“Oh come on Berry, she was only joking.” Henry says softly. “I think your muzzle is very feminine and cute.”

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” She whimpers, then sighs, “Thank you, Henry.”

“Actually I’m not. Cipher has a really cute smile, and pretty eyes. You have a really nice muzzle and cute ears. I’m just saying, from experience in Equestria, I saw a lot of ponies.” Henry admits.

“Uh huh, and how many rears.” Cipher giggles.

“Only looked there once, and that was when the LT pointed out the line of sight. I still have to get him back for that.” Henry huffs, shaking his head, “Seriously, who’s idea was it to put THAT at eye level for ponies.”

Cipher giggles again, “We are quadrupeds, where else could that be put?”

Pulling into the Starbucks, the three exit the car and walk into the shop. It is actually more of a semi-kiosk located inside a grocery store than a full Starbucks, but it has what they need. Walking up to the counter however, seems to leave most people speechless.

Cipher, being the coffee specialist here, is quick to order, she speaks the language of coffee far better than the other two. She places orders for herself, Sugarberry, Henry, Fleetfoot and the LT, as well as a large selection of muffins, bear claws, and brioches.

It is somewhat of an expensive load, but will likely end up being covered under military transportation, lodging and food expenses. Not everything gets covered by that, but in cases where units are off base, on duty, and in a situation where normal military food is unavailable or in an emergency situation, claims can be filed for travel expenses.

Grabbing the items magically, Sugarberry and Henry pick up their coffees in hoof and walk back to the vehicle, sipping the elixir.

“I hope we got enough, with the amount of power Velvet blew through… She’s going to be famished.”

*** The LT ***

“She’s fine, Blaze.” The LT says, sitting on the floor. He is thanking his stars that the military kept a supply of pony boots, combat pants, and combat vests in the truck in case extra ponies show up and want, or need, clothing.

“But what if it’s something they can’t detect.”

“Henry said she was fine Blaze.”

“But what if he’s wrong.”

“Blaze… she just overtaxed herself and passed out, this isn’t the first time. She’s fine Blaze.” The LT says, yet again.

“But...” Blaze starts then stops, looking at the LT. Honestly, the LT can be a fearsome pegasus when he wants to be. He just has an air of danger and command about him, Blaze knows he is worried about Velvet too but finally figures its best just to bite his tongue for now.

Lowering his wings, he nods firmly, the LT stands up, and looks over at Fleetfoot, who is smiling innocently. “So, how much trouble do you think this will cause?”

Fleetfoot shakes her head, “I can already hear the yelling now. Truth is though, the President said exceptions are being made for ponies coming through for the gate. I.C.E. should NOT have been involved in this.”

“At least everyone was an adult, and no one got gender changed or anything. They will get a little while to see what the ponies go through.” Fleetfoot blushes a bit, “Though I will admit, I had to fight with everything I had not to break down laughing. Seeing the look on their faces was just priceless.” She giggles.

“I think it’s lucky that the blast was so big an area.” Blaze says with a glance at the LT.

“Lucky? Really? How do you even consider this lucky?” James says, lifting his wing.

“Simple LT. Consider what would have happened if she focused that amount of power into a very small area or onto a single person or small group of people.” Blaze says, “The more area she affected, the more she spread out the effect, the longer the range she affected… the less power was focused on one person.”

The LT shudders at that thought and Fleetfoot laughs softly, “Ok yeah, that could have been bad, someone might have had to wait two and a half years to be able to go through the gate and come back, just to get to be human again.”

“It’s going to take a long time though before that amount of energy is available again. So we won’t have to worry about something like that again.” Blaze said and presses his face tightly against Velvet’s sleeping form.

“Police and law enforcement also learned a valuable lesson. If a unicorn is glowing like that... back off, let them calm down, talk it out…” Fleetfoot says, “The fact that he ignored you and kept pushing, James, he should have known better. I.C.E. agents are trained in conflict resolution.”

“It’s okay Fleet, watching him fall on his face a few times trying to walk might be worth this for a day or so.” LT James puts on a fake smile, this form still hold loads of bad memories.

“Tomorrow I think we need to take a flight down to SOC deal with them. Cipher actually recorded the incident. We can also hop to Quantico. I figure we are going to have a debrief with CID, NCIS, and such.”

“Ugh, yeah, I’ll see about booking an airline.” The LT sighs and shakes his head.

Blaze and Fleetfoot just look at the LT, Fleetfoot tapping her hoof.


“We all have wings? It will be faster if we fly rather than take an airliner, no waiting, no mix ups and such. We also won’t have humans asking questions. We can get it done in a few hours rather than two days.” Fleetfoot states firmly.

Looking back at his wings, then back at Fleetfoot, the LT huffs softly. “Yeah, I guess.”

Glancing over, Blaze smiles, seeing the coffee delivery coming in. “Thanks guys.”

Henry puts a coffee and straw in front Blaze, Fleetfoot, and the LT before sitting down with his, blowing on his own softly.

“Thanks Henry.” The LT says, “Why don’t you guys get some sleep, you can take over in the morning if she’s not awake. There’s an inn about a ten minute walk…”

“Five minutes, we’re ponies.” Sugarberry corrects.

“Five minute walk from here, I’ll see you back here at eight in the morning.” The LT nods.

“Oh… they have free Wi-Fi!” Cipher perks and turns, trotting out.

“Oh heck no, I’ll bunk with Henry, no way I’m spending a night listing to beep boop bing.” Sugarberry noses Henry out quickly.

“Wait, what? Me?”

*** Pond Life ***

Beth and Tommy had spent hours sorting through the ‘museum’. It seemed to be divided into five areas. There is a library, where several books seem to have actually survived centuries in glass cases, though most seem too brittle to use. Then there is the Earth artifacts section. It has items ranging from around 1000 AD through to 1890 AD, which seems to comprise things from about thirty or forty miles around the castle. Then, the lab workshop, which they could make no sense of whatsoever. There is the alien artifacts section, which seemed to include armor, clothing, gems and jewellery that is certainly not local, as well as gold coins, which bear the same stylized sun on one side and moon on the other. Then finally, the last area is an antechamber which has what looked like fireplace, table, chairs, and a small bed.

With the armors though were instructions, though she couldn't understand the language. It seemed to be a guide to make the different types of armor. There was also weapons that had been set, and a guide to modify the different weapons.

It would take historians a long time to sort this stuff out. The idea, however, that someone had been collecting and storing things here, for years after the castle fell into disarray, still bothers Beth.

“We should probably seal this up again.” Beth says with a sigh.

“Aww, can’t we take some of it with us?” Tommy asks, looking at the gold coins.

“And do what? The questions asked about finding items like this would be too hard to answer and end up with us being investigated for violations of the Treasures Act.” Beth says,.

“Come on, I don’t think the Treasures act applies to these.” Tommy said holding up a few of the gold coins.

“And how do you explain the markings on them when you try and pawn them?”

“Um, yeah, no real excuse why someone would mark gold coins like that. Gems we might be able to get away with.” He says, looking hopeful.

“Ok fine, take a couple of the smaller ones just in case of emergency. Uncut, unset gems aren’t covered under the Treasures Act, I think.”

Quietly they make their way back up the tunnel, though poor Tommy is mumbling about his back, walking bent over uphill.

“Doesn’t your back hurt?” He groans.

“Actually nope, feels more relaxing to walk bent over. It was bothering me standing up straight for a while.”

Reaching the top, Tommy finds the blank wall, there are no mechanics visible here, no levers, no way to open it again. Apparently it closed automatically once they were inside.

“And, we’re sealed in,” looking back at his sister he nods, “I guess you need to open it again.”

Moving her horn close to the wall, her horn begins to glow again, and in response, the wall lowers. It is well past noon now, and they can see the fields and forest. Moving out carefully Beth looks for signs of tourists, before moving into the woods. Glancing back, she watches the door close again on its own.

“A unicorn’s horn is the only way in or out. That’s going to make things difficult, they will have to demolish the wall to get in there.”

“That would risk bringing the wall down. Or worse, it could collapse the tunnel.” Tommy says, looking back as they walk.

Heading into the forest, they find Beth’s shelter, and just in time too. The sound of thunder fills the air as it starts to rain. A small storm is blowing in off the Atlantic. Of course, England is getting the rain.

Hiding in the little tent, they take the time for a quick meal before lying down. Not much they can do right now with the rain, besides rest and wait it out.

*** Back in the New World ***

It is about a two hour drive from Fort McCoy, Wisconsin to Dubuque. While the Rock Island CID office is closer, they only deal with fraud, and this was well above a fraud case. They have already asked the police to put a guard on the woman’s room. The idea that she might try and check out early and make a run for it is top on their mind.

It is starting to look like she might have done something to her own kids, and a person like that can be a huge threat. She is currently in a public hospital and the threat to other people is real. Though this might all be a false alarm, it is still possibly a huge risk.

The officers have been told to detain her and ensure she does not leave the room. Though without a little more evidence, they can’t arrest her. Urgency is needed.

They leave at 5:30 in the morning, hoping they can get there around 8. That will be the key.

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