• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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19: Sharpening The Blade

“[Buy some apples]”, I yell, “I can’t do this alone.”

I move up to the top of the roof to looking at the incoming trucks, if they pass the building they will see the mare, I have to hold them there but if I'm going to make a stand I'll need a lot of help.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Sprinkle Medley,” she moans.

“Ok Medley, I need you to curl up as small as you can behind that chimney, its solid brick so it should provide you cover.” I say, checking my cellphone, no signal… There has to be a way to call for help. Then a thought hits me, slowly I look down at the transponder.

“Oh hell, if Fleetfoot wants to kill me or arrest me she’ll have to come here to do it.” Taking deep breath I plug the code into my transponder, 7 5 0 0… Squawk.

Standing up, I’d better try something, and quick, I know ponies can create weather effects, so I build up some energy in my wing, spinning fast and hard I snapped my wing. I manage to generate a small twister of air that slams into the ground in front of the lead vehicle.

The little cloud busting twister sends up a small explosion of dust, it isn’t strong enough to do any real damage, but it is enough to make them stop. Veering off on either side of the road, they yell and pile out of their trucks. Fifteen against little ole me, I grin savagely, I don’t stand a chance.

*** Tophat 22 ***

The E-3 Sentry begins its right turn at the bottom of its racetrack circuit. It would be on station flying these circles for twelve hours every day due to the current Defcon status.

“Commander, I have a 7500 emergency squawk, 180 miles west of here, north of Flagstaff.”

“I confirm, 7500 hijacking call.” A second radar officer said tapping the screen with his computer pen. “Stationary target, no radar contact only the transponder call. It may be on the ground.”

The commander turns “Vector Nightbird-14 in to take a look.”

“Nightbird-14 this is Tophat 22, vector 097 drop to altitude 9000 we have a 7500 transponder call, lock it down and get eyes on it.”

*** Blaze ***

I throw 2 more windballs before ducking down, they've fanned out somewhat. I have no real accuracy with these tornados but it looks scary enough to them to keep their heads down somewhat, and unfortunately now they are firing back.

Standing up I throw another ball and duck back behind the roof peak as the roof splinters with bullet impacts. Medley is curled in a ball crying, as a round plinks off the brick and cinderblock of the chimney.

*** Nellis Flight Operations Room ***

Fleetfoot storms in, “What the heck is it now.”

“It’s Rainbow Blaze, he’s broadcasting 7500 apparently he’s been hijacked.”

“Well that’s it, his tail is mine.” Fleetfoot growls.

“F-15 SE is coming on scene, its Link-16 is up and broadcasting.” The radio operator calls out.

“Put it up on the screen.”

On the big screen, the camera on the fighter shows clearly what is going on, Blaze stands up to throw an airball, as several people open fire on him, the image of another pegasus curled up behind the chimney.

"Target GPS has him in the badlands, it will take 20 to 30 min for any ground assets or police to reach there."

“Oh Hell, Tophat 22, flash traffic, we have a US ranger and a civilian under heavy fire. What assets do we have?”

*** Tophat 22 ***

“Commander, Nellis operations is advising us, we have a Ranger under heavy fire, we’ve been asked for assistance.”

The commander turns “Control, who’s got active strike packages?”

“Polecat 4 and 5 are the closest, training bombs and rockets en route to White Sands.”

“Polecat 4, Polecat 5 this is Tophat, redirect on transponder 1-NP990003X your 292, we have friendlies under fire, this is not a drill, Authenticate Tango Echo at 1830 Zulu, you are weapons free. Your control will be Nightbird-14.”

“Specter three five come left to 325, authorized to use military speed, we may need your help.”

The planes that just received the emergency calls immediately redirect. Including a very special surprise.

*** Blaze ***

Looking up, I hear the roar of engines as the F-15 runs over head, using him as a distraction I stand up and throw three more small tornadoes at two of the guys who are trying to advance on my flank before ducking down again.

Panting hard I look over at the mare “I’m not leaving you Medley.”

She looks over at me and whimpered, terror evident in her face.

Moving to the other end of the roof I fire off one air ball at the ground driving another person back.

*** Nightbird-14 ***

Arching over the the scene, the Captain shakes his head, his RIO calls out over the radio “Polecat 4, fire mission is danger close, enemy within 50 meters of farm house, friendlies are on north side, make your pass east to west look for puffs of dust as your target. Kill box is yours, I say again, kill box is yours.”

He watches the first F-35 rolling in, flashes of light and contrails as the rockets streak in, striking one of the trucks, killing 2 of the men and reducing the truck to a pillar of flames. Pulling out hard Polecat 4 clears the zone.

“Polecat 5, your turn, enemy advancing in open forty meters from building.”

*** Blaze ***

I hear the explosions, seeing the first F-35 pull out I stand up looking over, a truck is in flames but the men are pushing forward. Why are they not running away after having an fighter attack them? Quickly I throw out several more air balls that explode against the ground around them.

Some of them returned fire towards me and I feel and impact in my shoulder, but several more are firing futilely at the F-35 as it screeches away.

Sliding down the roof behind cover again I hear several blasts, and gulp, my foreleg feels like it’s on fire, checking my shoulder I see the blood but can’t tell how bad it is.

*** Nellis Flight Operations Room ***

“Damn it,” Fleetfoot said, “I want medivac choppers in the air, NOW.” Slamming her hoof down on the table, she hears the radio operator vectoring a Blackhawk.

“Polecat 5 reports taking ground fire.”

“They are not playing around and neither are we. It would take me 5 minutes to get there.” Fleetfoot says.

“He’s hurt, do you think he can hold out for another five minutes?”

*** Tophat 22 ***

The F-35's were not enough to drive off the aggressors, it's time to bring in the special surprise.

“Spectre three five, we need you. Override safety protocol, HE with contact fuse and HEDP only, pass 096 vector east, targets in the open, friendlies on other side of roof, cleared for fire at ranges up to thirty meters from friendlies.”

“Shit he’s going to get covered.” The radar operator groans.

The Commander takes a deep breath, “I authorize this action, let’s hope he can keep his head down.”

“Bring the rain.”

*** Blaze ***

Taking a breath I stand up for one last barrage of air balls when I saw the AC-130 passing to the south of us, “Oh shit…”

I see the Army of God men firing at me and I throw off one last airball before sliding down and limping over to Medley, “Cover your ears!” I shout and throw my wing over her, "This is gonna suck."

40mm rounds began slamming into the ground and vehicles around the men, then the first 105mm artillery round lands, showering me with dirt. I try to huddle tighter to the chimney, protecting the mare with my body and wing.

The 40mm rounds keep coming as the C-130’s Bofors canon rips into the small force, The next 105 round hits and I cover her again tightly as large rocks are hitting my back and hind legs. Even with my ears down tight to my head the noise was deafening, one last 105 round and the air is filled with dust and debris.

*** Nellis Flight Operation Room ***

“Jesus Christ.” Fleetfoot says as the smoke starts clearing from the scene. She can see dead bodies lying all over the ground, all 3 vehicles are burning, but so is the front of the building. The rounds have blown out and collapsed the front part of the house.

The camera pans around and the forms on the roof come into view.

“Come on Blaze, move… move dammit.” Fleetfoot says watching the screen, her wings quivering.

“Tophat 22, this is Spectre three five, showing no movement on enemy force, I say again no movement on enemy force, returning to base.”

“Medivac will be there in one five minutes.”

“Nightbird-14, kill box is closed, heading home.”

“Blaze…” Fleetfoot moans, watching the non-moving figures on the roof.

*** Blaze ***

“Ow, are you ok?” I ask the mare.

“No, you?” She asks whimpering

Rolling onto my back, panting I look up at the sky and wave at the F-15 as it flies over, biting my shirt I push it hard over the injury on the shoulder, I suppress a yelp, but I need to stop the blood. Laying on my back all I can smell is blood and smoke.

“So how close are you?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never had a foal before, and they never talked about things like this in the show.”

I hear the sound of the helicopter, I really can’t move right now even if I want to, I'm exhausted, in pain, my leg and back hurts as well as my head. I see the blades of the helicopter as two men drop onto the roof and slide down beside us.

“Get her first. She’s in labor.” I say, gritting my teeth as they put a needle in me and start a field dressing.

In minutes a stretcher is dropped with a rope tied to it and they gently put her on it and strapping her in, the winch pulls her up carefully and they pull her into the body of the helicopter. Then it's my turn.

They wrap my neck in a thick blanket to brace it, and help me into the basket. My eyes flutter as the winch pulls me aboard, by the time I'm lashed into the stretcher, I'm asleep.

*** Twilight Velvet***

I lay with my forelegs over a pillow on the floor listening to Ah-Pee. The only one who seems eager to find out about estrus is Cipher, but I swear, she’d probably be eager to find out what it felt like to chip a hoof. To her being a pony is the greatest thing ever. Sometimes I think she probably wanted to be back in her pony body from the moment she was born.

Sugarberry puts her head on my back again as she listens to Ah-Pee’s lecture. Looking back at her I give her a gentle nuzzle and smile, “It’s ok, Berry.”

“I know, just waiting and worrying is hard.” She says.

Ballad nods slowly, “Tell me about it.”

“Yep so, till we figure it out, and relearn our cycles, best to keep the pads…” Ah-Pee stops as the LT opens the door.

Looking over I blink, “Sir?”

“Blaze has been hurt, apparently pretty bad.” The LT says gently.

Standing up quickly, I almost knock poor Sugarberry over.

“What happened?” Ah-Pee asks, “Where is he now?”

“Mike O'Callaghan Federal Medical Center, he was protecting some… pony… from an Army of God assault.” The LT always seemed to have problems with the someone somepony terms trying to figure out which to use where.

“Can we go see him?” I ask, all 4 hooves shuffling nervously.

“He’s in surgery right now. We’ll drive down there if you want. He’ll likely be out by the time we get there.”

I nod, tears in my eyes, “He’s always been there when I was hurt, and I’d like to be there for him.”

Ballad stands up, “Got room for us?”

“It’s okay, you don’t need to.” I moan.

Sugarberry stands up and shakes her head, “Yes we do, and right now you need our support more than ever.”

All four girls look at me, then look at the LT, giving him sad eyes and sticking their lower lips out.

“OK I surrender, you can come.” He says with a laugh, shaking his head, “You girls need a license for those eyes.”

I run out the door and down the stairs, grabbing my beret magically and hop into the van. Starting the engine I open all the doors at once with my magic, and looked back, waiting impatiently for the girls and the LT to pile in.

“Oh no, you are NOT driving,” he says.

“I’m supposed to show them how to drive with magic, LT, part of the quality of life aspect of the training course. I only have them for a few days so need to cover as much as we can.” I retort.

“Fine but if we crash I’m going to come back and haunt you.” The LT says as he pulls on his seat belt.

“You don’t trust my driving with magic?” I say, buckling myself up and slamming all the doors closed.

The LT just looks at me “Velvet, magic has nothing to do with it, I didn’t trust your driving BEFORE you changed.”

Rolling my eyes I toss it in drive and hit the gas. Ok so I was doing a bit over the speed limit. I figure it is an emergency, so we need to get there quicker.

“The truth is, while I use my forelegs to steer I don’t need to, you’ll find as you get better with your control Ballad, you’ll be able to work multiple controls at once. I can even drive the car from any part of the vehicle.” I explain.

“Don’t you dare, keep eyes on the road and concentrate on driving.” The LT warns sternly.

“I am, this is a little hard to explain but, unicorns can multi-task better than humans. We can lift and hold multiple things at once, and we are aware of every object we are holding. Picture having say 6 hands at once, and able to feel and move them all at the same time. Now add to that normal sensory input, plus controlling 4 legs and a tail. We seem to be able to set certain things to automatic freeing up concentration on other things as needed. That includes the magic.”

The LT looks at me like I just grew a horn in the middle of my head…

“It seems to be counter intuitive but we are not human. I’m not saying we are better or worse than humans, just different.”

The girls watched me as I drive, we chat about magic about a number of subjects, all pony related, avoiding the one subject that my mind keeps drifting to, I'm trying hard to avoid it, but I'm worried about Blaze, Army of God, Spectrum, Anti-pony factions were popping up even as the government tried to keep our existence hidden.

I don’t know if going public would be better or worse, it isn’t my place to say, or suggest. The idea though, that we would always be treated as outsiders by some is terrifying, but at the same time, how would a human feel in Equestria? Would we distrust them as being different, inept? Humans are not ponies, they are predators and don’t live in harmony so would they be shunned? They can’t fly, can’t do magic, can’t even understand the Earth.

Grandfather would probably get along great with the Zebra’s, but I can still see some of the Canterlot elite looking down on him for being different. Of course they would look down on a pony for walking in with their hooves dirty.

Pulling over I get out, “Can you drive the rest of the way LT, I’m starting to feel really depressed.”

“Worry is kicking in now,” He says as he gets into the driver’s seat.

I nod slowly and climb into the very back of the minivan. The LT kicks the vehicle in gear and I notice, he’s speeding too, I guess he’s worried as well. I look up blinking, as both Cipher and Ballad have turned to face me, their muzzles on the backs of their seat, both their ears flattened a bit showing their sadness. I never noticed just how much ponies project their expressions with their ears until now.

Ah-Pee carefully wraps her forelegs around me, pulling me to her in a hug, I hug back figuring she wants to cry but I'm surprised to find myself crying instead. “What did he get himself into, why was he taking them on alone?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know why he just didn’t fly away either,” Ah-Pee says, “but when we see him we can pound him for taking risks, ok?”

I force a weak smile, “Ok, just no gelding him unless I say so.”

Ah-Pee and the other girls start to giggle, but the LT calls back, “No talking about gelding while I’m driving, I can’t cross my legs.”

We all blinked looking at him and just started giggling. “Thanks LT, we needed that.” I say with a smile.

We pull up to the hospital or medical center and pile out of the van. I start to run for the door, stopping dead with the LT holding onto my tail.

“Wow, fast hands,” Ah-Pee says, blinking.

The LT looked stern, “I know you are worried but no running, stay with the girls, and take it slow, the last thing I want to see is you losing your hoof grip on the floor, and sliding into 50 thousand dollars worth of medical equipment.”

I blink and look back at my tail then at the LT and sigh, “Yes sir, umm, my tail is personal.”

“Oh come on,” the LT says letting go of my tail, “AJ, Twilight, and Rarity are grabbing Rainbow Dash by the tail all the time.”

“Point, sides, I have pants on, so…” I say, putting an innocent look on my face.

“So I’m not going to get charged with sexual harassment.” He chuckles as he walks in the door.

I start to blush and follow him inside, man he knows how to shut me up fast. Ah-Pee comes up beside me and puts her shoulder on mine. Cipher is doing a Pinkie Pie bounce, though she did that in the TV show to when roof hopping. She's doing fine right up to the point when she hits the hospital floor and her legs go in every direction.

“Ow,” she whimpers, “Look mommy, Bambi can’t stand up on the ice.”

Sugarberry shakes her head and picked Cipher up with her magic, setting her back on her hooves. I looked back her, feeling very impressed, she's getting a lot stronger with her magic if she can lift a pony now, though it did look like it took a bit out of her.

“Careful Berry, don’t over exert yourself,” I point out, “you're still in training.”

“She’s heavier then she looks, she should lay off the apple pies.” Berry tries to look innocent, but I figured that that was about her max for lifting.

Walking up to the front desk, the LT shows his ID “Here about Blaze, I mean Corporal Christian.”

The nurse looks at her computer screen then nods, “Waiting room down the hall, I’ll let the doctor know to see you.”

After Cipher's wipe out, we all take things a little slower, these floors are deadly smooth, and since none of us want to try and beat Cipher in flexibility, slow and sure is how we go. Though now I wish I'd brought my boots with me.

We all sit on the chairs, looking at each other, well all of us except Ah-Pee who ends up lying on two chairs, using her hoof to flip through a magazine. Sighing, I pick up a Women’s Health magazine and begin flipping through it, I have to wonder, why does it seem that all waiting rooms are almost always stocked with just women’s magazines of some sort?

“Sometimes I wonder, do men actually ever read in hospitals?” I mutter.

The LT blinks and looks at me, “Pardon?”

“Oh just saying, it’s all women’s magazines here.” I giggle.

“My theory, it’s the nurses; they drop off magazines they get after reading them, as such the place ends up stocked with what they bought.” The LT said looking at his smartphone. “Me, I have my e-books, I can even read the newspaper on this.”

We all wait for what seems like forever, finally a pair of doctors walk in, looking at us, then at the LT. “Are you his CO?” the first says.

The LT nods putting his phone into his pocket, “Yes.”

“I’m Captain James, this is Doctor Vance. Doctor Vance is a specialist we brought in.” The captain states calmly, then he looks back at the rest of the ponies.

Dr. Vance holds out his hand with a smile, “Pleased to meet you, I’m a specialist in equine medicine.”

The LT shakes his hand, “So how is he?”

“Mild concussion, badly bruised wing, took a bullet to the upper left foreleg and shoulder, both have been extracted. Badly bruised back with several lacerations some required cleaning and removing of rock fragments. Right hind leg has a small compression fracture and badly bruised.” The vet said, “If he was a normal horse I’d be saying months of recovery.”

Cpt. James looks over, “We had to bring special equipment in for the surgery, we don’t handle many non-humans. We should start keeping a few things on hand through.”

“Can we see him?” I ask, shifting my weight back and forth between my forelegs nervously.

“Sure I don’t see why not, he just needs rest. He might be a little groggy from the painkillers and anesthetic.” The vet says and turns to lead us to his room.

“Are you sure he’s going to be ok?” Ah-Pee asks, looking at the IV and bandages.

“Oh Blaze I was so worried,” I say, trotting up and putting my cheek against his good foreleg.

“Is his face going to stay that way?” Cipher says, tilting her head.

Blinking, we all look at Cipher.

Gently Blaze lifts his leg and ruffles my mane before moaning, “Doc, something’s wrong.”

Coming over quick the doc looked at Blaze, “What’s the matter?”

“I can’t feel or move my fingers.” Blaze said.

The vet blinked “Yep, way too much Ketamine.”


Fleetfoot opens the door, stepping in to look at the mare lying in the hospital bed. Pulling her mane behind one ear a bit she trots up and stands on her hind legs and balancing her forelegs on the bed.

“Hi there, feeling better?” Fleetfoot asks, trying to put on a friendly face.

“A little bit, I still don’t understand what those men wanted.” She said looking down.

“Pro human pro Christian group, same thing all these groups want, the death of anyone different then themselves.” Fleetfoot started, then stopped quick so as not to scare the other mare.

“So how did you get… with foal?” Fleetfoot shakes her head, it’s sometimes hard to deal with civilians, after dealing with military personal for so long. At least she can say she was better with kids then Spitfire, but well, anyone’s better than Spitfire.

“I wasn’t pregnant till a few weeks ago, when I changed, I started growing a belly. Luna said it was because I was pregnant at the time Discord cursed me.” Medley looked at her sides and sighs. “This thing is sitting on my bladder, kicking me, and driving me insane. Even my udders hurt all the time, feel like they want to burst.”

Fleetfoot blinks “You met Luna?”

“She… Came to me in a dream, told me I had to get to Iowa. She said there was a farm there I’d be safe at. She also said I had been cursed about a month before I gave birth so I was likely going to be going into labor sometime soon. I’m not supposed to let humans know though.” She says with a soft whimper.

“Do I look human?” Fleetfoot says as she spreads her wings.

“Nope, that’s why I told you. She said we were gathering that we could find safety.”

“So you were walking there, while pregnant?”

“I can’t fly right now more than a few feet at a time, I can’t drive, don’t have a car.”

“No friends or family?” Fleetfoot asks, looking down.

“College student, I’m a storm chaser out of Flagstaff, going for my atmospheric sciences.”

Leaning to her side a bit, Fleetfoot lifted the sheets to look at her cutie mark, a raincloud with raindrops coming down from it. “Yep, weather pony.”


“Your specialty, you’re a weather pony, probably part of the rain makers group. Little hard to explain, look do you need help getting to Iowa? I really don’t want to risk you… dropping your foal, mid trip. If you’re not staying here, then getting you there should be my priority.”

“God yes, there are so few people I’ve met since my change that would even offer to help.” She closes her eyes, relaxing a bit, “How’s the pony that saved me?”

“He’ll be fine, he’s just sleeping it off right now.” Fleetfoot says, rubbing Medley’s belly softly.

“I really do owe him.” She says.

“Oh, mustn’t feed the ego.” Fleetfoot says with a giggle.

“So what happens now?” Medley asks, stretching out a bit.

“Now, I talk to some pilot friends of mine, we get you into a small civilian aircraft with a medic on hand just in case, and we fly you to Iowa.


The LT sits watching the footage of the fight, piecing it together from the different gun cameras as well as the F-15’s camera. He had already talked to Feetfoot and Medley getting their sides of the story, and was now filling out the paperwork.

Reports were already filed with the Air Force, but the SOC would need their own version, no doubt this would be covered up and not reported publicly, probably something like a misfire or misdirected attack. This wasn’t any real concern though to the LT, he knew Blaze was in the right.

Smiling softly, he files the forms for the Purple Heart, at minimum Blaze deserved that, but he also took a chance, he didn’t know how SOC would take this but, he also filed for a Silver Star, gallantry under fire, refusing to abandon a civilian, holding his ground while unarmed against a vastly superior armed force. The Silver Star might just be allowed for a pony.

Attaching the file footage, to the paperwork via flash drive, he hums softly. Even if the humans would never know what Blaze went though, the ponies should. Downloading a copy of the footage to his phone, he sends it off to Soarin and Lightning Dust. “Right now, on the edge of war, they can probably use a moral boost.” He says softly to himself.

Author's Note:

Help!!! Michael Bay stole my keyboard!!! Make him give it back...

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