• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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69: Rainbows and Clear Skies.

“Cutie Mark Crusader Aircraft Mechanics!” The three foals call out at once.

The lead tech’s head whips over towards the foals, “No, on so many levels no! There is no way you are going near an aircraft without a three year course followed by an apprentice program.” He says firmly.

“You’d stand in the way of foals getting their cutie mark?” Cloudy says, her lower lip quivers as she gives him wide sad eyes.

He huffs, “If it’s for the safety of every person on this base? YES!”

“But? But? How can we find out if it’s our special talent or cutie mark worthy if we don’t try?” Feather asks, adding in her eyes to the assault on the poor tech.

He looks at the three, “Okay, how about this, there’s an old RQ-2 Pioneer drone sitting on the rack over there, we’ve been pulling it apart when we have time, salvaging things. All of the sensitive and dangerous stuff has already been removed. If you want to experiment or see if you have a talent with it. Try that.” He says, shaking his head.

Candy blinks going wide eyed, then they all hug the tech’s leg. “Thank you, thank you thank you. You don’t know how much this means to us.”

“Just don’t scatter parts around, there no fuel, no batteries, but it will give you an idea about how it works.” He says, shaking his head before kneeling down to pat Candy’s head softly. “For twenty-five year olds you do act like kids sometimes.”

“Come on girls!” Candy says and charges for the drone. “Let’s see if we have any special talents with this. For our cutie marks!”


“Morning Private.”

Stretching out, Hanson blinks a few times, “Sorry Sarge.”

“What are you sorry for?”

The private looks at the bed and chuckles, “Lying down on the job. I know how you feel about that.”

“Don’t worry about that, rest as long as you need. They apparently had some specialist on board that was able to fix you up fast.” The Sarge says.

“Man whatever drugs they used were great, I can’t feel any pain.” Stretching out again he looks up at the Sargent. “So when can I rejoin the squad.”

“That’s… what I’m here to talk to you about. When they were operating, they found something.” The Sarge says softly.

“Cancer? Oh god, don’t tell me I have cancer.” Hanson says, looking around the ward, panicking.

The Sarge reaches over and smacks his head lightly, “You don’t have cancer, idiot. But it is going to end your career with the marines.”

“But Sarge, the marines are all I have.” Hanson says, “You know I don’t have any family I can turn to, and it was pretty much military service or jail for me. I don’t wanna go back to that kind of life.”

“I’m trying to work things out but…”

“Sarge what’s wrong with me? What’s got them so they don’t want me?” Hanson shakes his head. “Is it something they can fix with surgery? Even if it’s a risk, I’d rather that than…”

The Sergeant smiles but shakes his head. “It’s nothing like that, son. There’s no cure, it’s just… You’ve got a cutie mark now. I didn’t want you to find out on your own or have some doctor or pony tell you. I figured it would be best if you heard it from me first.”

“A cutie mark? Like as in, I’m going to become a pony type?” Hanson says, looking at his hip in shock.

“We don’t know for sure yet, no one knows really. The specialist said it was real but… there are stories about people with marks that didn’t change. But for now, the marines are looking at processing you for medical absence pending…”

“Because of a cutie mark?”

*** Velvet ***

I don’t know why but something just doesn’t sit well. It just doesn’t look right and neither of them know it, or seem to mind. While I guess it’s okay, if it’s okay with them. Smiling, I tilt my head, looking at the Captain.

He’s sitting up in a chair in his room. Beside him, Blue Lagoon sits, looking like a loyal dog. I know they aren’t equals in rank, but she isn’t an animal either. I don’t know if the Captain sees her as a pet or friend, but…

“Henry I’m sorry.” The Captain speaks gently, “Thank you for saving my life, but they had no right to force you. Asking a unicorn to use their abilities is one thing. We don’t know how much power or energy things like magic takes or if it will have any lasting effects on the unicorn using it.”

Looking up, Blue Lagoon shakes her head, “It takes energy and can tire us out, but I don’t think we’d have survived as a species if it had bad lasting effects.”

“My life and really no life is worth stripping another of their rights. They shouldn’t have ordered you to change forms. Asking you is one thing, but making it a direct order is something else.” The Captain shakes his head.

“It’s not your fault, sir. And it’s not yours either, Blue Lagoon. If it wasn’t this situation it would have been another. Maybe some politician or their child would get hurt or sick. Maybe some Admiral might have gotten ill. At least now the military is looking at preventing it from happening again. If they can make it a regulation, then they can protect Velvet and Blue Lagoon.”

“It doesn’t make it feel any less right.” The Captain says quietly.

“At least I was able to help others here though. Many of them deserved healing.” Henry says, looking down at his cutie mark. “Am I just… my cutie mark though?”

“What do you mean?” I say, blinking.

Henry shakes his head, “Am I just my cutie mark? As a unicorn is that all there is to me? The expectation for me to be a healer?”

“You weren’t born a pony, but even to us who changed, sometimes we ask the same question.” Blue Lagoon says, looking down at hers. “I love the sea, I love the weather. I like to think though that there’s so much more to me than just that.”

“I love magic, but I also love being a mom, being a Ranger, and being in the military. My mark is about magic, three stars, and I try and use magic in all parts of my life and my loves. I think it more shows what we love than defines us as who we are.” I say.

“Do I love healing? Or is it just what I’m good at?” Henry sighs.

“With you, it’s both. Trust me.” Blue Lagoon says softly, “You can’t sit by and have someone suffer when you can help. At the same time there’s a joy about you when you help someone. It’s probably the same reason you joined the military.”

“Trust me, I like being human so much better.” Henry says with a firm nod, “No pressure.”

“There are probably a lot of ponies that feel the same way.” I say softly. “There’s one on board I’m supposed to have a talk with.”

The Captain blinks. “One of the rescued ponies?”

“Those are all being handled by psychologists. No, one of the marines got his cutie mark yesterday.” I say.

“Ouch, well, maybe we can move him to the army, navy, or air force. I know the marines are pretty strict with their policies.” The Captain says.

“I don’t even know what tribe he is. I know he’s got a cutie mark that I’ve seen before, Cookie Crumbles, but she’s accounted for.” I say, “So it’s a wild shoot from there. It could be one of any background ponies with it.”

“Cookies, well, he’s not likely going to be a combatant type.” The Captain says with a chuckle, earning a glare from all unicorns present.

“Just because its cookies doesn’t mean he can’t still do combat. Look at all the raindrops, rainbows, hearts, diamonds and clovers fighting for us right now in this fleet, Sir.” I say firmly.

The Captain of the USNS Comfort walks in, chuckling, “Oh there you are, Henry. We just got a package from the HMAS Brisbane, and we need you in the lounge.”

Blinking, I follow into the room, several doctors, nurses and even officers are already gathered in the room. Definitely officer country, and as usual, we low ranking ponies get the jitters.

Henry’s ears shoot up instantly and start panning around as he looks about the room timidly. I can see his tail flagging a bit in fear. Moving up beside him, I push my side to his. “Don’t worry, I’m here too.”

Lightning Blue and Rosewing are there as well. By the looks of it though neither of them knows what’s going on either.

“Your attention please.” Captain Stevenson calls out. “I’m sorry this isn’t being carried out with all the pomp and ceremony it deserves, but I have been granted permission by the Minister of Defense.” Looking around for a moment the Captain chuckles, “Of Australia, to issue a pair of awards.”

Walking up the Captain of the HMAS Brisbane kneels down, in front of Lightning Blue. “For recognition to persons who in the presence of the enemy, perform acts of the most conspicuous gallantry, or daring or pre-eminent acts of valour or self-sacrifice, as authorized by the Australian government, I present you with the Victoria Cross of Australia. By placing herself in harm’s way with little chance for survival, Lighting Blue did ram a missile meant for an Australian warship pushing it out of the way and saving not just the ship, but the lives of all those aboard, sustaining life threatening injuries in the process.”

Gently Captain Stevenson slips the ribbon with a gold cross over her head and around her neck. Quietly he whispers into her ear, “Daring Do would be proud.”

Standing up he chuckles, “The second medal is for outstanding medical service, without which I would never have been able to present the first.” Walking over to Henry, the Captain kneels down, “I’ve heard some of what you went through to get here and help, I know it was against your will which makes it all the more amazing that you took the time to heal others. Rather than just healing the Captain and going home, you took the time to help others in need. You are listed as just a medic, but the Australian military is honored to present you with the Nursing Cross. For nurses and medical support staff that have gone above and beyond the call of duty and distinguished themselves.”

Smiling the captain places the white ribbon with a red cross around Henry’s neck. Quietly he leans down and whispers into Henry’s ear. “You have the thanks of everyone on my ship.”

*** Somalia ***

Several tents have already been set up. It isn’t much, but it is starting to look like a community. They are all refugees. Unwanted in the neighboring countries, their lands taken by criminals, gangs, and pirates.

Some of them have already lost family members to the slave trade, or had children pressed into service as gunmen.

The well is good and the water is clean. This gives them a chance to survive. It’s the only water for miles. With it and with a little luck, however, they can grow crops. No one really knows or understands what is going on. Why some humans have changed into zebras, ponies or stranger things like the horned ponies, or even the ponies with the leathery wings, like bats.

It doesn’t matter though. Here, they are all the same, human or pony, they are all refugees. They don’t have much, but they make do with what they find.

The little zebra foal flinches at the sound of the crash, running outside, he sees the truck. It’s one of the old tactical vehicles the rebels and gangs have been using. It hits the ground hard, upside down. It only takes moments for one of the earth ponies to flip it back right side up.

The weapons on it have been ripped off. The roof was ripped open, steering wheel is gone. The frame itself is badly twisted, but it doesn’t matter. Almost right away the people and ponies start to strip the vehicle down. Things like the hood can be bent and shaped into a plow for the first crops. The seats can be used as chairs. The battery, lights, anything that can be repurposed to help the community or families is quickly taken from the vehicle.

Sitting down, the zebra foal looks up. “Thank you.”

There is no response. There never is. But the foal has to say it.

*** Fleur ***

“So the griffins are on the flight to the UK?”

Fleur blinks and looks over at Goldie, “Oh yeah. The courts cleared them to leave last night. They are chocking everything up to self defense. Since she’s not an American Citizen, the courts and immigrations services are more than eager to let her go.”

“But the UK will accept her?” Goldie says, sitting in front of Fleur.

Taking a seat on the floor, Fleur nods, “Yeah, there are a few griffins there, so they are adopting her.”

“At least she’s got a chance. So how’s OSI?”

Goldie grumbles, “Somehow we’ve gotten swamped with fraud cases in the last week. A few of them got dumped on my desk because they were ponies that went through the gate.”

“You sure they haven’t returned?” Fleur asks, tilting her head.

“Yeah I am. Some cases it looks like family trying to collect benefits on members that are in Equestria, others are actual frauds where people have assumed the identities of pre-change ponies.” Huffing, Goldie shakes her head. “Seriously, we are getting hits on credit cards on these ponies.” We are going through now and flagging all their SSN’s and such but it’s a pain in the cutie mark.”

“Pain… in the cutie mark?” Fleur says, giggling.

“Well I wasn’t gonna say flank.”

“If you need some help, send some down to CID. It’s been quiet at my desk for the last 48.”

Goldie cringes, “Oh don’t ever say that, you know what happens if you say it’s quiet.”

“Fleur, grab your saddle bag. We’ve got a rape and double homicide.” Her boss calls down the hall.

Fleur shakes her head, “Well it could be worse, it could be a Monday.”

Goldie laughs and heads back to her office, stopping to look at the large cardboard cut-out of Fleur in the hall. She has to admit, Fleur really does make a cute model.


“Private Hanson?” I say softly as I poke my muzzle in the door.

“Um hello corporal.”

“I’m Twilight Velvet, 2/75th Rangers. Mind if we talk?”

“Rangers, so you weren’t part of the assault?”

I shake my head no slowly, “Nope, though I’m here as an advisor now as well as medical support. They don’t want me anywhere near combat.”

“Yeah, they want me out of the marines.” Hanson says softly.

I let out a soft giggle, “Um, no, normally I’m allowed in combat, I’ve been in three big combat missions since I changed. I’m actually sort of an instructor right now at Fort Bragg.”

“Oh? What do you teach?”

“Magical Theory, Fundamentals, and Basic casting.” I say, scuffing a hoof on the deck. “It’s a quality of life thing. As military ponies and their dependents change, unicorns are sent to me to be taught.”

“So I’m a unicorn?”

Climbing up on the chair I shake my head, “I don’t know yet. You might be an earth pony or even a pegasus.”

“Can’t you tell from my mark?” He asks, rubbing his thigh where his mark is.

“Unfortunately some cutie marks are rather common. Mine for example, there are a lot of unicorns with my mark. Not necessarily exactly like mine, some have stars of different sizes, some the stars are in a different order or position. The same goes for you. Three cookies, I know for certain, of one unicorn that changed has that mark already.” Sighing, I nuzzle his cheek for a moment.

“Whatever the case is, I’m still out of the field.” Hanson shakes his head. “Like you.”

“Umm I’m not out because of being a pony. Or being a mare.” I say.

Blinking Hanson sighs and looks up at the ceiling. “Then why?”

“I’m out of combat because I’m pregnant.” I say, “Mare, unicorn, that’s fine, pregnant, not a chance.”

“Oh, ouch.” Henry says, looking at me.

Looking up I think about it a second. “Oh no, it wasn’t painful, it was actually quite…”

“Umm forget I asked.” Hanson says with a shiver.

Blinking, I shake my head, “Sorry, I’ve been hanging around Cipher too long. I would like to extend a chance for you to come to Fort Bragg.”

“Fort Bragg?”

“Yep, the base is pony friendly. It will give you a chance to adapt, get used to being a pony.”

“You’re like a powerful unicorn, can’t you stop me from changing?” Hanson asks plaintively.

“No, but I’m not sure I would if I could. You have to understand, it’s not a bad thing to revert to who you were. Who you were supposed to be. Remember, we were all born as ponies first.” I say softly.

“Yeah I know, I saw your video already.”

Blinking, I blush, looking down, “They are still showing that?”

“Yep and wow, was it cheesy.” He says, shaking his head and looking up at me.

“Yeah okay, I’m not used to talking to the camera.” I say, shaking my head.

“I’ll think about it, maybe it won’t be so bad being a pony.” He says with a sigh, looking around the hospital room.

“Great, we have a Greyhound booked to take us back to Japan.” I say smiling.

“Maybe being a stallion won’t be so bad.” Hanson says, relaxing.

Inhaling through my teeth I cringe. I know the pegasus with the cookies was a Wonderbolt, but a mare. “Or mare.” I squeak.


Jetstream rolls over onto her back stretching out and relaxes. “Oh this is great.”

“Tell me about it.” Drizzle says and pounces onto her bed, laughing. “I still don’t understand, but who cares.”

“Come on what’s to understand?” Jetstream says, giggling, “Come on if I was a Christian I’d say this proves it.”

Drizzle blinked looking over, “Proves…what?”

“That gravity isn’t a law.” Streams giggles.

Drizzle throws a pillow across the room, smacking Streams in the head. “Behave. You still need to find a place on your own but this isn’t bad.”

“I don’t know, I found out I could actually get Wi-Fi here on my laptop.” Streams says innocently.

“Yeah but what about power?”

Streams leans over and points at the wall outlet.

“Really? Are you serious?” Drizzle says, looking in disbelief.

“Nope, but it got a good response.” Streams says, laughing.

“Argh!” Rolling off the bed Drizzle bounces over to Streams, biting her ear laughing.

There was a tap at the door causing both girls to stop. “Who is it?”

“The mailmare.” White Lightning calls out, laughing.

“Come in, it’s not locked.”

Opening the door Lightening shakes her head, “Do you know this neighborhood? You should keep your door locked.”

Drizzle and Streams look at each other, blinking, then they look at Lightning, laughing.

Trotting over, Lightening climbs up on Streams’ bed, “Oh, this is comfortable.”

“I know right? And the blankets are great.” Streams says.

“Sis, I need to talk to you about something serious.” Lightning says, rolling over, looking at the girls.

Drizzle blinks and lifts a wing, “Should I go?”

Lightning shakes her head, “Nope, its fine. Streams, I have a course for you to go through, you’ll be taking basic FAA flight training. Basic criminal investigations, basic law, as well as a trimmed down version of the Air Force Security Training program.”

“But I can’t. I can’t do a course like that.” Streams says, looking panicked, “Let alone three or more courses.”

“Yes you can. Trust me. There is one big difference here. While the courses are going to be taught by ponies instead of humans, it will be vetted by and verified by humans. Your teacher though will be pegasii, unicorns and earth ponies.”

“Ponies?” Drizzle blinks, sitting up and looking down at Streams.

“Haven’t you noticed? While she’s nervous still, she can read ponies. Understand them better than humans. I think if she’s taught by ponies she’ll be fine.” Lightning says.

Streams blinks and looked up at her sister, “Really?”

“Yeah, I really do. I think you were always wired for pony, even growing up. So it messed you up dealing with people.” Lightning says.

“Ok, I’ll try it on one condition.” Streams says.

“I already said you could have pizza.” Lightning laughs.

“No I was going to say Drizzle helps me if I get in trouble.” Streams said grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her sister.

“Only if she wants to, I can’t force her.” Lightning said softly.

Looking back Streams gave Drizzle sad eyes sticking out her lower lip.

“Oh come on, that’s not fair. Lightening make her stop, declare those eyes illegal to use or something.” Drizzle whimpers and finally sighs. “Fine, I’ll help.”

Streams hugs her tightly with both wings, snuggling up, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“And this way you can have enough money to afford a real apartment if you want.” Lightning says, looking around, “Though this is kind of cute, are you going to keep it?”

“I think so, if I’m allowed.” Streams says, looking out the window, “The view’s great.”

Looking down off the edge of the cloud she can see the 520th office building below. The cloud house has been pulled down so it drifts only a few thousand feet over the base. Several other pegasi are currently shaping their own rest areas on the cloud, taking Streams lead. It isn’t going to be a cloud city or anything. Instead, just a place for 520th members to rest and relax at. A home away from home for when ponies are too tired, or just need a place to rest.


I stand on the ramp of the C-2 Greyhound, leaning against the door frame. Someday these will be replaced with Ospreys but the navy has been reluctant to let them go given the speed and range.

Chuckling, I look at Henry trudging up the ramp. His mane getting tossed around by the wind on the flight deck. “Oh come on grumpy, you even got a medal out of this.”

Throwing a small kit bag into the plane he huffs, “You know perfectly well how I feel about pink.”

“I know but you can always look at it this way. At least you’re a stallion. You could have ended up a mare like me.” I say, shaking my tail at him.

“Oh god no…” Henry says and closes his eyes. “Bad, bad, bad, bad…Blaze would kill me for looking.”

I shake my head, laughing, “I’m wearing pants silly.”

“Yep but I’m staying loyal to Sugarberry.”

“Oh I see, you do love her.” I say looking out down the ramp, a few stretchers are being brought onto the plane.

Lightning Blue trots up the ramp and sits in front of me. “This the bus to Okinawa?”

Looking at Blue I cringe, “This is an airplane you know.”

“Well yeah, the wings kind of give it away.”

“Pegasi and airplanes tend not to get along.” I say with a giggle.

Blue shakes her head and smiles, “It’s okay, I’m not up for a long flight home under my own power. And it will give me a chance to say thanks to Star Crossed.”

Nodding, I look inside, poor Henry is at it again, checking over the injured, his horn alight. Shaking my head slowly I look back down the ramp. Finally, I see Private Hanson walking up with his head low. His hair has already started to change, going to this really nice 2 tone brown with blonde highlights.

“Hi, welcome to air pony, there will not be meals served on this flight. Our connecting flight, however, will have full food service as well as bathrooms.” I say with a bright smile.

“Is there a barber there? I can’t live with this hair.”

Laughing softly, I shake my head, “Give it a day or two, you’ll find it will grow on you.”

Shaking his head, Hanson walks over. He sits in a jump chair and belts himself in, “Oh please tell me bad puns are not part of being a pony.”

“Nope they aren’t. Singing is though, so be careful there.” I say, strapping myself in.

Blue sits down and Henry helps strap her in before strapping himself in.

“So Henry, how many?” I say, shaking my head.

Looking back at me he cringes, “Um, just a few, I couldn’t help it though, it’s this stupid cutie mark.”

“Henry it’s not the cutie mark, it’s your heart.” Blue says softly, “You see injured and you feel sorry for them and have to help.”

Henry looks down and huffs, “It not that, it’s the mark.”

“I really need to thank you. You didn’t need to save me.” Blue says, putting a wing around Henry.

“I um… I have a marefriend.” Henry says with a waver to his voice.

Blue blinks, then laughs. “And I’m not interested in stallions like that. It’s a thank you hug. You did something very special for Rosewing, you saved my life, and you helped others. So for all that, you get a hug.”

“So he’s not really a unicorn?” Hanson asks.

“It’s complicated. He wasn’t born a pony like us, but he went through the gate. Best way of wording it, he’s a unicorn in soul not in body. Whereas you and I are ponies in body and soul. We were always meant to be ponies and it was taken from us.”

Looking over her shoulder, Blue sticks her tongue out at me. “Actually I think Henry is supposed to be a pony too, but that’s just me. There’s no way a gift like Henry's has could just appear randomly in a human.”

I stick my tongue back at the other mare, “Hey whatever the case, he’s not part of the five score curse.”

“Ok that I’ll buy.” She says with a nod.

Henry tilts his head, “So um, what are you doing now?”

“Heading back to Japan. I’m JSDF reserves since the change. I got the best job ever though.” Blue says, her ears perking up.

Chuckling, Henry looks over at her, “Oh and what’s the best job?”

“I’m a seiyu, I got heard on the radio after my change, and I got a job as a voice actor and singer for anime.” She chirps happily.

“Oh Celestia no.” I say blinking and shaking my head.

“Oh yes, and I do pony voices, to boot.” Blue says, perking, “They’re talking about me doing Rainbow Dash’s voice in a new anime spin off.”

Covering my face with both forehooves I groan. “No… just please, not that.”

*** Panama ***

“Full Steam, come inside please, it’s raining.” Sunny Daze whines.

“It’s okay, I can keep going, and the rain is good.” Full Steam says, keeping his head low.

“How is it good?” Sunny whimpers, “You’re soaked, it’s going to take forever to get you dry.”

“It’s good because we are making distance and don’t have to worry about people stopping us.”

Sunny sighs sadly and looks back at Ambrosia, “Please make him stop.”

Ambrosia sighs and pokes her head out the window. “Full Steam, stop now or I’ll come out there and walk beside you.”

Sighing, Full Steam pulls off to the side of the road. When it comes to Sunny, he might be able to argue with. But not Ambrosia. He unhooked himself and he walked around to climb into the back of the wagon.

Both mares are waiting for him and begin drying him off as soon as he is inside. “Sweet Celestia, you are drenched.”

“It’s a long trip.” Full Steam starts.

“And we need to pace ourselves. We can’t be getting sick or injured along the way.” Ambrosia says firmly.

Sunny smiles brightly and holds up a large bowl, “Carrot and pea soup, with a touch of ginger and potato starch.”

Looking down at the food, then at the girls, Full Steam can’t help himself. He just starts laughing. Pulling both the girls in for a hug he rubs his face against their cheeks. “What would I do without you two?”


“So they took the port?”

“Yes but it cost them, and all the civilian casualties and military casualties are going to cost the Americans.”

Rocking in his hammock he huffs, “Well it was expected to happen sooner or later. We still have other outlets to ship our product from. The computers?”

“Destroyed, like you asked. She was there.”

“Oh really now? I’m surprised they let her out of her gilded cage.” He chuckles, “I wouldn’t mind having some time with her. Or better yet sell her, sure I could make a…”

“She is mine.”

“Remember your place.” Comes the response, “you work for me.”

“She is mine, and I will have her back!”

“Oh you will, we just need to catch her when she’s alone.”

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