• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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23: Reflections and Musings

*** Velvets Dream ***

There was no noise, which was wrong, I knew it. I had only fallen asleep for a bit, I was so tired but I should have watched them closer. Sitting up looking around I couldn’t see Twi-Twi or Shining Armor, both of them were gone, and they had taken their Pith Helmets.

“Nightlight the foals, there gone!” I said, “They couldn’t have gone into the woods, could they?”

Nightlight blinked, “They were talking about monster hunting, Twilight had her monster manual with her.”

“Oh Celestia, I’ve got to find them.” I said

“We need to get the guards, why weren’t you watching them?” Nightlight called running for the castle.

Why, why did we have to stop so close to the forest, I know the foals were tired but we could have carried them further away, and now they are gone because of me, because I fell asleep.

I ran into the woods searching they hadn’t been trying to hide their trail, so I could follow it easy and fast, I see drag marks, from the little play net Twilight had with her. I ran as fast as I could hoping I’d find them soon, find them safe, these woods were not as bad as the Everfree but there were still creatures in here.

I stopped, panting and closed my eyes, pivoting my ears side to side listening, I couldn’t hear anything yet so I kept following their trail as fast as I could. Those two loved playing monster hunters but this was going too far.

The scream came from off to the left of the trail I had been following, turning I started running towards it, I knew it was Twi-Twi, and the roar I heard sent a chill down my spine… With a leap I landed with the foals on my left, and threw up a shield spell.

The acid spray splashed off my shield and melted the trunks of 2 nearby trees. As they fell slowly I turned to face the creature, planting my hooves, its large dragon-like head, watching me, as it walked on its hind legs and bat like wings… the scorpion tail high above it ready to strike. These lesser cousins to the dragons were in some ways far more dangerous, because they lacked intelligence. There was no reasoning with them, it was hungry, and my children were prey, and to me that was not acceptable.

“Stay behind me,” I said, firmly, as Shining and Sparkle cried.

The creature lunged at me hitting the shield diving me and backwards, this thing was strong, far stronger then I would have liked. Sparkle screamed and in the moment I looked over to her the creature charged again slamming into the shield and breaking through it. I was struck by its head and thrown into a tree.

My sides hurt, my head was ringing, but the creature wasn’t about to stop. I had blood over my right eye but I didn’t care, my foals ran to keep me between them and the monster, as he looked back at me my horn was glowing bright. I was not going to let this thing hurt my children.

My mane and tail crackled with energy as my eyes flashed locking with its… rocks slowly began floating off the ground around me as the earth beneath my hooves cracked and crumbled forming a dark circle. As the creature charge again I fired.

The EUP had probably seen that one, I heard them running, towards us, weakly I turned to look at the foals collapsing as they ran over to hug and nuzzle. Panting I coughed up a little blood, but pulled the little ones closer. I fought as hard as I could to remain conscious, I didn’t want to pass out infront of the foals.

The first of the EUP Pegasus landed in the clearing, strangely he never remembered a clearing there before, but all the tree’s for about 50 feet had been flattened, and there was a good 200 foot line of missing foliage so it was easy for him to get in. Calling out to the others he came up then looked back at the skeleton of the creature.

I felt myself being enveloped in a magical field being picked up, looking over I saw a unicorn guard in armor holding me, beside him was Nightlight running over to the foals, “Its ok, daddy’s here I’ll protect you.” He said hugging both of them.

Sparkle and Armor looked at each other than clacked hooves “page 213 wyvern!”

Closing my eyes I passed out.

*** Velvet ***

I felt the foal being pulled from my belly and leapt to my feet, horn glowing and I whinnied out in challenge. I could feel the magic surge through me ready to lash out, I was not going to let them take my little Twi-Twi.

Henry scrambled away quick as did the LT, both of them looked shocked and worried. This was rare for them, given their training as rangers for them to back off that quick. Ah-Pee blinked lifting her head, as did Cipher who were both sleeping near me just a few feet away.

Grandfather on the other hand walked forward one hand out speaking softly, “Your foal is safe, be calm.” He said lowering himself a bit to appear less imposing trying not to loom above me.

Looking down I saw the form of the little foal, she was still asleep but her colors had come back a little to a richer pink. It wasn’t Twilight, was it? Twilight was a unicorn. This was a pegasus. Shaking my head I let my magic drop.

“I’m… I’m sorry, I had a dream… Sparkle and Armor were in danger… I had to save them…” sitting down I whimpered softly.

Henry looked over at the LT, “PTSD, Pony Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

“I was just going to move the foal so Henry could check her over.” The LT said.

“Sorry sir, its…” I shook my head.

“It’s a combat reflex, you weren’t awake, you perceived a threat and you reacted, its fine.” The LT said coming over and giving me a hug. “Combined with your nightmare or dream, we just needed to back off and let you come to your senses.”

“Thanks LT. Umm, let me guess, this is going on a page 13 report isn’t it?”

“Doesn’t have to, probably a medical, but I still believe you’re fit for duty.” He said with a smile.

I watched as Henry carefully started examining the foal, thought the LT still kept a hand on me to keep me calm. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me, if it was the heat, or something else. I'd never reacted that way before.

Ah-Pee walked over and put her body against mine side to side pressing gently and nuzzling. “Relax, calm down and breath.”

I took a deep breath and looked at her, “Sorry Ah-Pee.”

“Don’t be, you’re in full mother mode. Your body language is telling everyone around you that you are protecting a foal. She doesn’t need protecting from us though.”

I sit down and look at the foal calming down and snort once.

“You are one protective mom,” Ah-Pee said hugging me tight, “You have a serious case of maternal instincts.”

“I blame it on my heat,” I said then looked down at the foal again.

“Her vitals are up but she’s still not waking up.” Henry said.

“What about food? She needs to eat.” I said looking down at her.

Grandfather headed inside and came out with a baby bottle again, looking at it I took it with my magic and curled around her trying to get her to nurse.

Ah-Pee giggled softly and took the bottle sitting and worked it into the foals mouth coaxing it to start feeding. “There we go. In a case like this it took a little more force than usual, but she’s drinking.”

“Where’s Fleetfoot?” I asked looking around.

“She went back to base. She does work you know.” The LT said with a chuckle.

“Where’s Blaze?” I asked blinking.

“His room, he had to get away from you girls.” Eric said snicker.

“What? What did we do?” Sugarberry asked.

“Something about your tails, and his nose, and he really needs nose plugs.” Eric said with a snicker.

“I guess he can smell us.” I said to Sugarberry with a smile.

“Well, just think of it this way, at least we aren’t the only ones suffering.” I said with a giggle.

Cipher bounded by, “Who’s suffering I feel great. Anyone wanna play?”

Ah-Pee gently took the bottle away from the foal laying her back to my belly, and I curled around her a bit. “You don’t want to play mom Ah-Pee?”

“Nope, I don’t mind taking care of foals on the farm, or here, but I wanna call home, make sure everything is ok.”

“Yeah it’s been an emotional night.” I said looking down and softly kissing the foals head.

“I know, I’m just really worried and a bit stressed. I just want to talk to my own mom now.” Ah-Pee said looking off into the distance.

“Not a problem, I think we all need a break today from the…” Going wide eyed I let out a loud squeak.

Ah-Pee looked over worried, “Twilight, what’s wrong?”

In a shaky voice I replied, holding very still, “Can you bring some more milk. Feather’s still hungry.”

“Are you sure? How can you tell?” Ah-Pee asked trotting back.

“Because she’s… trying to nurse… from me.” I say whimpering.


The small hatchback pulled up outside of the police station. The police had chosen to protect these creatures and were causing problems, it was best to make them think twice. Looking at each other the 2 men inside the car nodded.

They had been raised since children inside the walls of one of the compounds. And now was their time to prove themselves, they would face their enemy in the name of god, and his angels would protect them.

Looking to each other they nodded once and opened a small bag of white powder, a mix of synthetic Khat and Meth, it would help them stay strong. Getting out of the car they walked up to the small police station readying their rifles.

“God’s will be done.”

*** Sometime over 1000 years ago, though it’s still a Sunday ***

“Yep, it’s done,” Starswirl stated pulling his hoof out of the mirror.

“So now what?” Willow flicked his tail up tilting his head unsure of what to do next.

“Now, we see what awaits on the other side.” Starswirl said cheerfully.

“Shouldn’t we send something through first? To see if it’s safe?” Maple asked, obviously very frightened of this.

“Really, we don’t have any way of knowing if it really is safe, there’s no way to get information back, besides, everything I’ve done should make gate travel perfectly safe, what could possibly go wrong?” Starswirl said.

“Then, why haven’t you stepped through yet?” Willow asked with a nervous chuckle.

Looking at the deer then at the gate he took a deep breath, “Good point, Equestria Stands!” He said and trotted though the gate.

The small group of deer watched him vanish looking at each other, then followed him.

The travel through the gate was less than pleasant, to say it was like being punched in the gut was an understatement, more like having your guts ripped out, reshaped and stuffed back in. Of course in all essence that was what had actually happened.

Arriving on the other side the deer dropped to their hands and knees panting hard. Completely naked except for their flasks around their necks, the 5 looked at each other than at Starswirl.

An older Caucasian man with white beard and white hair he sat looking up wide eyed at the gate’s anchor point on this side. The gate had locked on to a huge marble stone that had been roughly shined and polished on one side. Obviously there were intelligent and tool using creatures around.

Maple blinked looking at herself then at Starswirl, “You having a mane is one thing but why do we? And what’s with these udders?”

Looking back at the deer Starswirl noticed they had changed into strange creatures, furless though in some ways reminiscent of Diamond dogs or minotaurs. Their skin was a deep tan, much like their fur color, and their manes were a dark black. Strangely though, their udders seem to have been cut in half, and moved up to their chests. What a strangely odd placement for them.

“Well this is a new sensation.” Willow stated still somewhat in shock.

*** Velvet ***

“Seriously, that was a strange sensation.” I said shaking my head. “Having somepony suck on…”

All of the girls were doing their best to look innocent, well all except for Cipher who was having a lark at it. “Oh the look on your face, we really need to keep a camera around just for you. Oh wait, I have one.” She said laughing.

Ah-Pee poked my nose with her forehoof, “Don’t worry your head about it, don’t think or dwell on it.”

Blinking I looked at Ah-Pee, “Well it’s not like you know what that feels like.” I said then blinked as she started laughing, as did Sugerberry.

“Should have quit while you were ahead on that one Velvet,” Ballad said giggling. “What do most human boys like to touch on girls? Sorry we got you beat on that one.”

Opening my mouth I blinked, than slowly closed it again, “Is there a vet around, I think I have caught hoof in mouth.”

“Now now, I’m sure it would be different if it was a stallion nibbling there,” Cipher said, “Oh where is Blaze, maybe we should get him to try.”

My eyes went as large as saucers, “NO!” I said blushing.

“You’ve already had 2 foals,” Cipher said giggling.

“Exactly, they are already stretched out of shape as is.” I said nodding then blinked, and covered my mouth with my foreleg, I can't believe I just said that.

All the girls were blinking looking at me before they just broke down laughing. The amount of joy in the air was contagious, even the LT was chuckling.

Feather Pinch whimpered softly, and snuggled tighter to my belly causing me to stop and look down, “She’s responding.”

Everyone came around and gave her nuzzles quick rubbing muzzles against her. The little one opened her eyes looking around, before starting to cry.

“It’s ok Feather Pinch, your safe, you’re with ponies now.” Ah-Pee said softly.

“No one’s going to hurt you here,” Cipher said and kissed her ear.

“Who, what are you?” She asked crying softly.

“I’m Twilight Velvet, this is Cipher Splash, Ballad, and Sugarberry, we’re all unicorns, that’s Ah-Pee she’s an earth pony, and you are Feather Pinch, a pegasus.” I said softly.

“I’m… I’m…” She started, tears in her eyes.

Gently I scooped her up and cradled her, “When were you born Feather?”

“May First, 1995.” She said timidly.

“OK, so you were probably born a few years before that then, you were born as a pony, either in Ponyville or Cloudsdale. You grew up there, went to school there for a bit, again probably in Cloudsdale. Then you got cursed, do you remember a creature with yellow eyes?”

She shook her head whimpering, “Five score divided by four…”

Everyone shivered at those words, the primal fear of them still strong. I hugged her tighter to me and softly started licking kissing her ears nuzzling her.

“You were always supposed to be a pony, but the mean spirit creature cursed you. Sent you here to grow up as a human instead, now that the curse is over, you’ve turned back to your real form.” Looking own I saw her color starting to fade again as she looked like she was going to be sick, gently I held her to my heart rocking her. “Calm, calm, its OK.”

“I wish I had died, I wish they had killed me.” She cried softly.

“Oh Celestia no, you’re just a foal, you have a whole life ahead of you.” I said softly.

“No, no pony will ever trust me, will ever like me, I’m a monster.” She cried.

“Hush, hush, you’re not a monster,” Ah-Pee said, “and no one will hate you or think bad of you.”

“For the last 5 years I worked at a horse slaughter house, putting horses and ponies to death every day… maybe this was supposed to be my punishment, to be put to death like them…” She cried softly.

We all looked at each other, feeling sick to our stomach’s, she’d have to grow up now knowing what she’d done, every time she looked at another pony, or looked in the mirror, she’d see… the ponies at her her work.

*** Blaze ***

“ARGH… MARES….” I huff and snort once, “Why do they have to be so damn… cute.”

“Having problems?” Eric said coming in and flopping down on the chair putting his feet up on my bed.

“I feel like I’m a teenager. Every time I’m around a mare in heat my body reacts.” I say with a huff.

“You know, in the cartoon we see mares with perfume, bets they actually have something to counter or cover that?”

“Damn lot of good that does me now.” I say grumbling, “And then there’s Twilight, even when she’s not in heat she’s just so…”

“Cute?” Eric laughed.

“I think you fell for her at some point.” Eric said patting my head.

“That was like over 30 years ago.” I said narrowing my eyes.

“Nope I mean YOU fell for her, not Blaze.” Eric said, “She’s a beautiful mare, strong, willful, trained as well as any other ranger, but at the same time with magic.”

“You left out married.” I said, “Remember she’s got a husband out there somewhere.”

“25 years separation, I say go for it.” Eric said.

“Right, Wally would flip out.” I said looking to the window, “especially if I got her pregnant.”

“I think Wally stopped being Wally about a week ago, Velvet remembers everything Wally does, reacts like Wally to some things, but in her heart I think she’s a girl. Have you seen her with the foals?”

“Why do girls have to be so complicated?” I said huffing.

“Did you really just say that… seriously? Females are like that in any species I think. It’s a universal constant.” Eric said. “Just think about all the times we hit night clubs.”

“And Wally’s luck.” I said laughing.

“Yeah how many times did they decide they just wanted to be friends with him. Maybe it was his… marehood showing through.” Eric said, “They just figured he was one of the girls.”

“Oh that’s mean. He did try, better than the LT, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him go after a girl.” I said.

“Looking back I wonder just where in Wally’s life Velvet began.” Eric said, “You were Blaze from birth, you loved the wing suit, you were always daring and brash. You haven’t really changed much.”

“Kind of like Cipher Splash. We seem to have changed the least and take to the change the best.” I said.

“Ah-Pee too,” Eric said.

“Ah-Pee’s got the cutest tail. Cyphers got such a pretty face. But Velvet is just beautiful.” I said with a sigh.

“You know, aside from the colors they all generally look the same to me.” Eric said shaking his head “I guess it’s just me being a human.”

“Funny thing is, I’ve kinda lost interest in human girls, some are nice looking but.” I wonder when I stopped being that interested in humans.

“No tails. And you have a thing for tail ribbons, I’m sure if one had a long enough pony tail with a ribbon you’d find her cute.” Eric said.

“I… I don’t know. I wonder.”

“But it wouldn’t be our Twilight would it?” Eric said with a chuckle.

“Nope, it wouldn’t.”

*** Cipher ***

I left Feather Pinch with Velvet, it shouldn’t have bothered me but I really hated the idea of working for a horse slaughter house. If it bothered me then it’s likely it would bother others too, and it’s just not fair to Feather, but there’s nothing I could do to help her.

Sitting down in front of my laptop I sighed opening it and turning it on, “Wakie wakie princess.”

Grabbing my air mouse I started typing on the keyboard connecting to the net, “Lets dive.” The magic from my horn brought up extra windows around me with my google glass monitoring the connections, I began searching for information on ponies first, and then correlating cases with date of births for May 1995, looking at dates from 1st to 25th just to see what was there.

While that was working I dove into Spectrum, I wanted to take a peek into their operations. Dropping a few data worms at the edge of their firewall, I targeted the internet hubs leading up to their sites rather than them directly. I could decrypt data going to and coming from them though that.

“Oh hello, who are you looking into this?” I said noticing a few other worms already in place, “well now, looks like a busy little place might as well drop a little tracking worm here just to see who’s all here.”

Leaving a loop back virus with IP masking, and a virtual computer, anyone looking for me would get redirected to the Smile Smile Smile song on YouTube. Hey I was in that song so always fun to link to there.

Grabbing a triple thick coffee I took a long sip looking at the results, to my searches before creating a virus bot on the cloud, i could come back and get it later, but it would work for storing any of my results.

Finally, I put a semi open question on the web groups to see if anyone knew who Feather Pinch’s mare was or sister.

Shutting down the computer I lay back in the chair sipping, I really couldn’t wait to see what I could do with the mainframes at work.

*** Velvet ***

I stayed curled around little Feather Pinch, I felt miserable, I didn’t know how to console the little one, she had done a normal job for humans, and now she was taking it as some kind of war crime. Honestly, I know it’s not right, but I’d almost want to re curse her so she forgot her human life. But we all had to come to terms with and deal with our pasts.

Our pasts as humans, and as ponies. All of us had demons in our pasts, all of us had things we hated, we wished we could hide from. There were probably ponies out there scared to remember their pony lives like I was, and ponies eager to learn like Cipher.

Softly I nuzzled and hugged Feather, I’d have to find her mom if I could but at the same time, I wonder if there’s a pony psychiatrist out there. I think we all needed one or would need one. Especially the little ones, they would have it the hardest.

“Ah-Pee, what are we going to do?” I asked looking up

“Find her a home, or take care of her ourselves, one of the two. Though I’d really prefer to get her out of the war zone this is turning into.”

“Me too, the sooner she's away from AoG territory the better. She’s going to need a lot of love and friendship to work through this.” I lay my head over her protectively.

“You want to keep her huh?” Standing up Ah-pee nuzzles me and smiles, “Or do you want another one of your own?”

“Just a few problems with me having a foal. One it would require a male.” I said with a giggle.

“Blaze, next.”

I cringe at that, “Yeah but think about it a sec, would he want to be a dad? Would he want the responsibility and to feel tied to me that way?”

“Oh I’m pretty sure he would but yes, there is a chance he could get skittish.”

“Two, I’d actually have to do the act, I may think guys are hot, may love their smell, but… well something about the whole idea of them putting… into my… scares the daylights out of me.” Looking at my tail I flick it side to side a bit. “There’s still a whole eww factor about it for me.”

“Well you could always practice with a toy, you know, to get used to the feeling.” Ah-Pee was just grinning now, I knew for a fact she was trying to tease me.

“Not in front of the babies.” I said with a smile, “And yes, next is the whole carrying and dropping a foal, both of those thoughts scare me to death.”

“Hun, those scare every woman, even women who have already had one. There is also the fear all through the pregnancy that the child is OK, that something will go wrong, it’s part of being a mommy.”

“What about my hips and butt though, it’ll just ruin my figure.” I whine playfully.

Sugerberry blinked looking at her own flanks then at me.

Ah-Pee smiled and hugged my neck laughing.

Not long ago a conversation like this would have driven me nuts would have had me stammering and embarrassed or wanting to run and hide somewhere. Now though it felt natural, “You know, I don’t think I ever really want to go back to being human. It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off me.”

“That weight,” Ballad said, “Was Discord’s curse.”

“Blaze should be strong enough for a long trip tomorrow.” I said softly.

“Long trip?” Ah-Pee looked down at me, “Sending him somewhere?”

“Sending us all, I figure we should check up on what’s going on in Iowa. They might need our help, and I want to put some distance between us and the Army of God for a few days. Think about what’s going on, and see if the police and FBI can make any headway there.” Looking at the foal I kiss her softly touching my horn to her little wing, “If her mom got the message maybe she’s in Iowa too.”

“How long will it take us to get there?” Ah-Pee asked.

“19 hour drive so a day if we make a few stops.”

We all jumped a bit looking up at the LT, then cringing. “You know, you don’t have to come with us.” I said softly.

“Yes I do, we're under orders to babysit you remember.” He smiled softly, but I knew he really did want to make sure we were safe.

“Thanks LT. Least with the military vehicles we won’t get stopped at as many road blocks.” I said, trying to look on the bright side.

“Always a good thing,” Ah-Pee chimed in.

“Though one thing has me curios,” sitting down beside me the LT began to gently stroke my neck and ears. “Ponies being sent here from Equestria and reborn as humans, OK, but the wood you used to heal Feather, that wasn’t a curse, that stuff sounds like it dates back well before the curse.”

I tilted my head thinking, than looked at Ah-Pee, “The portal?”

Ballad blinked and looked at me strange, “What portal?”

Sugarberry moved over as well, “Equestria girls portal?”

“What’s that?” Ballad asked, she hadn’t been as caught up to date on the show as me and Ah-Pee.

“Equestria girls was a pair of movies, apparently some magical mirror opened a portal between Earth and Equestria every 30 moons or so.” I said.

“So, you’re saying, somewhere out there, there’s a portal that leads home.” Ballad looked a little confused, but was running with this.

“That’s if the movie was real, or at least based on some aspect of reality.” Ah-Pee added.

Grandfather sat on the ground tapping his rattle gently, “Pahana, one of our Kachinas, is the Lost White Brother of the Hopi. He entered the 4th world with his brothers and sisters, and stayed with them a short time before returning. It is said the wood came from that time, from the waterbringers who honored the deer spirits. Pahana, it was told would return one day. When the white man first came, the Spaniards, we saw them as Pahana’s kind because they looked so much like the lost brother in appearance and story, down to the beards. They failed the tests through, they showed they were not of his people, nor were they bring or seek harmony.”

Ballad looked at me tilting her head, “Twilight, how… old… is this portal?”

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