• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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87: The Magic of Form

The Director looked across the table. Several supervisors are sat, looking at folders around the table in the windowless room. The walls are stippled and contained both sound muting and EM countering materials. The whole room was set up to counter people listening in. But what else would you expect from the CIA?

“They are listing another flight. They are not even trying to hide it.” One supervisor says, “An IL-76 this time is being sent down to Kenya.”

Flipping a file, another looks up, “They are sending a full load, but we can’t get a handle on exactly what. Food, for sure, but they are also sending some machinery down there as well.”

“Look we can’t have them getting a foothold in that community. Especially with a dragon like that there.” The director said sternly, “Lets have some ideas folks.”

“I think we should start with PR first, if they are terrorists or sympathetic to terrorist groups then we can pretty much do whatever we want. We don’t even have to mention ponies or dragon. Simply a break away group, show the destroyed vehicles and dead bodies. Should be easy enough.” One analyst says.

“At the same time quietly try and find out what they want, what we can do to help them, to save them from… Making a mistake.” The director says with a smile. “I like it, lets get to work.”


Laughing, I find my attention drawn to the foals. I know they are twenty-five years old. But still they are as silly, and full of energy, as any Equestrian foal. Their wisdom and experience taking a back seat to their quests for cutie marks and trying to find out who they are as ponies.

“Maybe you should try something like a cutie mark in cuteness.” Candy says, bouncing beside Feather.

Scrunching up her nose, Feather huffs, “I’m not that cute.”

“Oh come on, you define cute and adorable.” Cloudy laughs.

With a huff Feather fluffs her wings, “I’m not that cute.” Feather repeats resolutely.

“With a huff and a fluff she’ll cute the house down.” Candy chirps.

“Fine, you want cute?” Feather says with a snort. Turning to face the other two, she breaks into the most childlike singsong voice she can muster, “Oh I’m a little pony, short and stout.” Turning her rear to the two she gives her tail a little wiggle. “This is my tail, and this is my snout.” Finishing the line poking the end of her muzzle with a forehoof. “If you need to hug me, I won’t pout. I’ll spread my wings and snuggle you out.”

The two unicorns go wide eyed in shock, “Feather, your flank!”

Blinking, Feather closes her eyes, “No, don’t tell me… if I just got a cutie mark for cuteness…”

Candy voices in awe and shock, “It so…”

Slowly Feather blinks at the two unicorns, then she looks back at her flank, and blinks seeing nothing there.

“Blank…” Cloudy says, finishing the sentence. Then both foals fall over, laughing.

“ARGH!” Feather leaps and tackles both Candy and Cloudy, starting to tussle with them both playfully.

“Help! I’m being attacked by an adorable pony!” Candy says, holding up a hoof before disappearing under Feather.


“Stop it.” Nightshade says, stretching out her wings. It’s summer in the scrublands.

Kira blinks and looks innocent, folding her wing against her sides. “You are worrying too much, they will be fine.”

“I don’t like them being gone that long, and why did they go without me?” Nightshade says, walking in circles.

Using her wing again, Kira angles it ever so slightly to shine more light on Nightshade. As if the poor thestral isn’t hot enough. “Look, it’s going to be a full day flight to the coast for them. Once there they are going to spend a day gathering cloud matter, then it will be a full day to push it back here.”

Grumbling, Nightshade looks at the glare off of Kira’s wing. “It’s forty five in the shade and your trying to make me more warm? Doesn’t the heat…”

Kira looks down and spits a very small gout of flame out of her mouth and smiles.

“Never mind, I’ll take the shade.” The thestral says and trundles around to the other side of the dragon laying down under her wing. A few other ponies had opted to use the wing shade too while watching the farms.

“Don’t worry they should be back tonight with the clouds, then they will make it rain all over the farms and at the same time fill the cisterns.” Kira says with a soft smile.

Nighshade lay down in the shade of Kira’s wing and grumbles, “And you couldn’t go with them to guard them?”

“They are cloud farming at fifteen to twenty-five thousand feet, they are out of the height of even 20mm cannons, really. Besides, this is my home.” Kira says, looking around her valley.

“What? Haven’t you ever just wanted to fly off and visit somewhere else?” Nightshade asks.

Tilting her head, Kira thinks for a moment and laughs, “Well yes but I don’t have a visa, and me flying over five hundred kilometers to Kenya or a thousand to Djibouti just to go swimming seems a bit…excessive.”

“Why would you go there to swim?” Nightshade asks with confusion, “You could have gone with the cloud group and swam in the ocean.”

“Swim in the ocean? With sharks? No thank you! I’ll stick to the nice safe volcanos and lava flows. And Kenya and Djibouti are the closest countries with active volcanos.” Kira says and smiles, sticking her head under her wing.

“I keep forgetting just how much heat a dragon can take.” Nightshade says and laughs.

“Not much, chili gives me heartburn and gas, and you don’t want to see a dragon with gas.” Kira says with a straight face.

“You know, given the density of lava, there’s no possible way a dragon could really swim in it.” Nightshade responds, looking up at the white dragon.

Kira tilts her head and smiles, “Says the pony that fell asleep on a cloud. Small density difference there.”

“Point, Dragon.” Nightshade says with a chuckle.

“Dragon magic is about super dense materials. There’s a reason a little dragon like Spike can actually bite a diamond, or we can swim in lava. Its…our magic.” Kira says, looking proud.


“How dangerous is this?” Katie asks, looking over at me.

“I figure an eighty percent chance it works properly and he comes back out a pony, probably only eighteen to nineteen percent chance the magic on the mirror overrides the precautions and he comes back as a human again.” I say.

“You mean there’s a chance this wont work, Velvet?” Mindy asks.

“There’s always risks with major magics and spells. Chances things can go wrong. But there are chances things can go wrong with everything.” I say, shaking my head.

“What’s the worst that can happen?” Katie asks.

Blinking, I look at her, then at Blaze. “Ok why do people always ask what’s the worst that can happen? People talked about the worst that could happen with dropping a nuke… oh it could cause a chain reaction and burn off the entire atmosphere of the planet. Yep, that’s possible… at such a low probability of happening.”

Giggling, Mindy bounces a few times, “It could rupture the time space continuum causing Equestria and Earth to collide, destroying both worlds!”

“Actually that’s only if I force a connection to Equestria.” I say to Mindy, “And our worlds are far enough apart that that’s not likely to happen, according to Star Swirl. Only happens in alternate realities that are very close to our own.”

Katie whimpers and looks at her brother, “Are you really sure you want to do this? Can’t they just… get rid of the mark? Wouldn’t that be easier?”

Sunshine shakes her head no, “Removing the mark doesn’t just make it go away, it removes the passion, the drive. It removes what makes him special so that the mark will go away.”

“Trust me, its not a good thing to have a mark removed.” Mindy says. “It leaves you feeling hollow and not wanting to do anything, not even a party can cheer you up.”

Katie looks at Mindy, “I don’t want to lose my brother, okay? I don’t want him doing something stupid.”

Taking his sisters hand, Sanders shakes his head. “Trust me, I need to do this. Not for them, not for you but for myself.”

“But what about me? What about the brother I need?” Katie says softly, “How could you do this to me?”

Sighing softly, Sanders shakes his head, “I’m not doing anything to you. And I’ll still be there to protect you if you need it… Help you when ever I can, support you. I just… I was just hoping you’d support me a bit. But this is something I have to do for myself. For my well being.”

Turning, Sanders walks beside me. I glance over and look at Sunshine with a sad look on my face.

“This sort of thing happens sometimes. People have to find ways to adapt to things and sometimes lash out.” The purple pegasus says softly.

The Statue is still in the storage shed. It seemed like the best place to keep it for now, until a better building can be built. Right now though, it is safe and secure. Everything else in the shed had been cleared out weeks ago to make room, and give unobstructed views of the gate. Now there is just security cameras, locks, and guards.

“Well it could be in a worse place.” Blaze says, looking at the gate as the doors open.

“Really?” I say, blinking.

“Yeah, it could be in Cheyanne Mountain, behind a door labeled broom closet.” Blaze chuckles.

Groaning, I fac hoof. “Really?” Shaking my head, I went to work making the last few checkups.

“I grew up on Stargate, there just weren’t that many Sci-Fi or Action shows on TV in the 2000’s.” Blaze continues.

“Remember this is a one-time one-way fix.” I say sternly, looking at Sanders. “If you decide you don’t like it, you can’t just go through and come back again.”

Looking at his hip Sanders shakes his head, “I wouldn’t want to. I need to be who I was meant to be. I know it.”

Lighting my horn, I cast the last prep spell on Sanders, “And…there, it should only take a moment now once you step through.”

Looking back, Sanders smiles, “For the USDA and Beyond!” Then with a nod he steps through the event horizon.


Quickly I look around, poking my head outside to look at the sky and then around the grounds.

“What are you doing?” Blaze says, confused.

“Checking to make sure I didn’t just rip a new hole in the time space continuum. Everything looks fine.” I say ducking back to listen to the hum of the gate.

“Is it supposed to sound like that?” Katie asks.

“No way, normally its all whur whur, WUMM wubba splat!” Mindy explains.

As if in response to her call, the gate whurrs once.


The pegasus mare is snapped backwards out of the gate a little faster than anyone expected. Landing on her tail she slides across the floor before hitting the wall. Blinking, she sits wobbling a bit, looking rather dizzy and somewhat out of it.

Running over, Mindy quickly waves a hoof in front of the pegasus’ face. “Sanders, Sanders, are you ok? How many hooves am I holding up?”

“Umm six?” Sanders replies weakly, the voice taking on the slight British accent again.

Giggling, Mindy looks over her shoulder, “Eyes are working fine, back to normal.”

“Mindy how did you…. Never mind.” Shaking my head, I trot over. “Sanders, Sanders how do you feel?”

Closing her eyes, she shakes her head, “My name isn’t Sanders, it’s… It was Masquerade.”

Katie ran over, “What have you done to him?”

Looking up the pegasus smiles, “It’s okay sis.”

“You remember me?” Katie asks, worried. “Then why is your name Masquerade?”

“Because that’s who I am. Or was, I guess…” Sanders says.

“You’re a mare?” Katie says, backing up a bit.

“I wasn’t sure if the gate would turn him into a mare or stallion.” I say, shaking my head. “That’s my fault. When the spell was first cast he became a mare. Not sure why but I blame Mindy for that.”

“Hey.” Mindy protests.

Shaking my head, I sigh, “Mirror returned the form, but made him female again. Sorry about that.”

Masquerade looks over, “Nothing to be sorry about, its who I am. Who I was,” She looks down, her ears folding back, “I guess. It’s all part of being the pegasus I’m supposed to be.” Spreading her wings wide, she flares them and strikes a pose. “I’m back in…” Looking back at herself she giggles, “Back in yellow? Well that doesn’t sound right.”

“No… I can’t deal with this right now, no.” Katie says and backs up.

“Sis? What’s wrong?” Turning Masquerade steps towards her sister.

“You… you’re not the brother I knew. You’re not my brother.” Turning, she runs out the door.

Moving forward, Sunshine puts a wing in front of Masquerade, “No, let her go for now. Trust me. She needs time to think to come to terms and figure this out for herself.”

Looking back, I walk over and lean against Sanders, “You have lots of friends here to support you. By the way, Masquerade?”

“Yeah um… I heard the name… and some kind of laughing… and… the eyes… misshapen mismatched orange and red eyes…” Shaking her head, she stumbles for a moment. “I saw when I came out of the gate for a moment. Maybe I just hit my head too hard. You know, on the landing.”

Bounding by, Mindy giggles, “See I Told you, Wumm, splat.”

Sunshine goes wide eyed, she finds herself gulping as her wings flare. A cold shiver going down her back as her fur puffs out a bit.

“Chalk that one up to Mindy’s spell also.” I say with a chuckle.

“Hey why is everything my fault?” Mindy says in defense, blinking.

“Because you’re chaos magic, and everything’s chaos magic’s fault of course.” I say, perking.


Spitfire’s hooves set down on the snow before she shakes herself out. Really she could have walked across the ice to get here. But seriously, what pegasus would walk when they can fly?

On the books, it is listed as Project C21238, Lukomorskaya Druzhina. To its residents through, it is simply, home. It had started as a rescue project for a few ponies and griffins, needing a place to rediscover themselves. But in the last few months, the gated community had grown into a small town with nearly four hundred residents.

While Spitfire and her twin brother Spike still live with their parents, this is like a second home. Ponies and griffins alike have been working together to build a little community here. They have a few stores, offices, a small clinic and even a little school has been started up to try and help the blank flanks.

“Welcome to Lokomorskaya Druzhina, Spitfire!” Naomi says, curling her wings against her cat body.

Spitfire smiles, “Looks like everything’s being set up nicely here.”

“Well its two years before the next gate opening, so we might as well have a life, right?” Naomi says with a laugh.

Nodding, Spitfire falls into step beside the griffin, “Doing most of your business online or over the phone?”

“Yep, they don’t need to know they are talking to a pony when they ask for a translator or are calling for tech support.” Naomi says with a nod to one of the offices.

“Pony? I see, so its only the ponies doing the hard work huh?” Smiling coyly, Spitfire tries to be innocent.

“Oh don’t give me that, everyone pitching in and working.” Naomi says and punches Spitfire lightly. “You should see how hard we are working at the fish market.”

Spitfire blinks then laughs, “Sure, cuz most ponies won’t go near the place.”

“Cats crave fish.” Naomi giggles.

“And birds crave pooping on windshields. A dangerous combination.” Spitfire says, then she laughs as she ducks the swing.

“But yes, those who can have jobs for their cutie marks, those that can’t have jobs they like or did as a human.” Naomi says.

Sighing, Spitfire shakes her head, “In Equestria we’d be free to follow our cutie marks, we wouldn’t have to worry about money as much. Writers, performers, artists, were more free to explore their passions because there was far less mass media. Small bands or even single players were always in need in small towns. Writers and storytellers could always find a place where their talents earned them at least rent and food.”

“But on Earth, with mass media, internet, everyone competing for a piece of the market. I guess some could make it on digital media, selling E-books only. Or on Amazon or such for musical downloads. But still, how many humans or ponies here would be interested in just a violin playing, or just cello.” Naomi says and sits down, dropping a few rubles into a cellist’s case as the pony sits performing.

“Its only now, I’m noticing how different the worlds really are. All to often, a person or pony has to ignore what they are truly good at, their special talent, just to put food on the table. Or worse, just to be accepted in society.” Spitfire said. “Well at least the ponies here are free to try and explore themselves.”

Sitting down, Spitfire looks at her own cutie mark for a bit, “Once I was a Wonderbolt, part of Equestria’s military. Now I put my skills to use helping design and test fighter planes. I was lucky though, my family was in the business before I changed. They accepted me and supported me through the change and after. How many ponies are out there that aren’t so lucky?”

Naomi looked up at the sky and sighed, “How many refugee’s, not just ponies.”

*** 50 km west of Bathurst island.

“We’re holding steady at nineteen knots sir.” Commander Cruz says, looking back at the Captain.

The bridge lookout turns his binoculars, “The Ararat and the Hammersley are pulling up on or port side. Maitland’s on our starboard.”

Commander Cruz clears his throat.

“Sorry, the Broome.” The lookout says and tries to look innocent.

Leaning over, Captain Stevenson looks sternly at the lookout. “Don’t make me change my mind about letting you off the hook for that prank. Replacing their mascot, and leaving PB 82 Caps around their bridge.”

“Hey, they’re the ones that boasted about being used for that. And Do is still safe, Sir.” The lookout says and pats the stuffed Daring Do.

Captain Stevenson sighs, “The navy is making such a tactical error. Pegasi should be allowed to serve permanently.”

“Sir?” Cruz blinks looking over at the captain.

“Well think about it, those little Armidale Class patrol boats, having two pegasi on board as permanent crew would be like having a pair of multi-role drones. Scouting, light cargo transport, search and rescue. It would extend the usefulness of the class to match that of ships four or even five times her weight.” Captain Stevenson muses.

“I know, but you know the Admiralty sir, we need to think about the big picture, the moral, and worse, the impact to civilians seeing and finding out about ponies.” The commander says.

“I know XO, and those little Patrol Boats see more civilians than any other class.” Leaning back in the chair the captain sighs, “I still hope she’s doing fine back in Equestria.”

Looking over her shoulder the navigator smiles, “sixteen hours till we are in the patrol zone, sir.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant…” The Captain stops and blinks, trying to remember the new crewmembers name.

“Lieutenant Mills sir, I was transferred on because it was getting close to Lieutenant Roland’s birthday.” She says with a smile.

“Seriously, the idea of removing sailors close to their 25th birthday from active duty just in case. This is going to cause even more problems.” The captain just shakes his head. “If they change on the ship, fine, we can deal with that. If they don’t, then we don’t lose an officer for days, or weeks, or even months.”

“That came from the politicians. Though I have no idea what they are so scared about, the chances that any one person will change are so small. Have a better chance of winning a lottery than changing.” The XO growls.

“MH393 apparently went down five hours ago, sixteen more to reach the search area, what are the chances we will find anything?” Lt Mills asks.

“Even finding debris is important, it can give clues as to why the plane went down.” The XO says, turning to look at the charts. “The chances of survivors are non existent, locating debris, plotting where it came from, we can help them find where the black boxes might be.”

Looking around the bridge the XO clears his throat, “Remember, Australians were on that plane, we are doing this so their families can have closure. Prove we can locate things as well as Daring Do could!”


“Well Blaze is off teaching Sanders… er, Masquerade.” I say, struggling into the hoodie.

Cipher growls for a moment, trying to get her horn through the neck hole of her sweater, “Well that and probably getting her a transponder.”

Ballad laughs and shakes herself out before flipping her hood up a little. “All I need is a gun to hold sideways.”

“This isn’t Detroit.” Cookie says and sits down, “Ranger, army, army, marine, I feel out of place.”

“Would you rather wear that pink one with the….” I start before getting cut off.

“No, never, not on your life, in fact…” Turning Cookie fires off a quick blast, turning the sweater to charred dust in a second. “Better.”

Cypher blinks, “Hey, I paid sixteen dollars for that at the PX.”

“I’ll give you twenty, the extra four is never to consider buying something like that again.” Cookie says and nods firmly.

“Aww but it was so… unicorny.” Cipher says, pogo hopping beside me.

“Unicorny? Did you just say, unicorny?” I say, blinking.

“Rainbow, and hearts, and it even glowed in the dark!” Cipher goes on as we walk through the gates into Dubuque.

“Since when did you become Mabel?” Ballad asks and tilts her head.

Cipher sighs, “I’m not, I was just trying to be a little like Rarity.”

“Rarity would never go for a look like that.” Cookie says, giggling.

“Rarity loves unicorns.” Cipher says then starts singing, “This is where rainbows all are born, just ask any un-ni-corn.”

Groaning I wave a hoof, “Noooo, not that Rarity, save me!”

As soon as they were outside of the gates all five girls strike poses and look at the LT. “We’re mares with hoodies, and we’re hungry.”

Covering his face with a hand, the LT shakes his head, “Oh dear lord. What brought this on?”

Looking up I smile, “We’re off duty, and technically on leave, so uniform isn’t needed. Figured it would be fun to try the sweatshirts, since its cold out, and go for some pancakes.”

Nodding once the LT chuckled, “IHOP?”

“Of course, the chain should be getting used to us by now.” Cipher giggles.

“I don’t think that’s the way it works.” Shaking his head, the LT gets into the truck and thumbs his finger at the back. “Cargo and livestock in the back.”

Cookie blinks and groans, “A Cut-V? Really? Come on, that things got to be as old as I am.”

I laugh as I shake my head, “You know you’re in the boonies of military bases when you can’t even get a hummer or advanced tactical. I know the CUCV’s or these LSSV’s are more civilian friendly but…wow.”

One by one I help the girls into the back of the pickup truck. It’s a standard Silverado, no additions except for a roll cage in the back to support the tarp covering. While there are fold down benches, there aren’t even seat belts. “Yep, this is a safe way for a pregnant mare to travel.”

“Its okay, we’ll keep you warm!” Sugarberry says, and yanks me into the truck with her forehooves, her horn glowing as she pulls.

Quickly I find myself being snuggled on both sides by ponies. Pressing themselves against me tightly to share warmth. Hip to hip, cheek to cheek. Giggling I look at Cipher and Sugarberry. Even Cookie and Ballad are joining in for warmth.

As the vehicle starts rolling through the city, I stick my muzzle just under the edge of the tarp and lift it a little to see outside. The roads are peaceful, trees and houses covered with a light dusting of snow, traffic is light today, with kids likely still at school.

This was probably a good thing because a pickup truck with a bunch of pony noses sticking out of a tarp might have caught the attention of some, specially given our colors. Well maybe not, since it’s just our noses, none of the colors would really stand out, whites, creams, peach, could pass for normalish colors.

“Hey does Hasbro know about us yet?” Cookie asks, tilting her head a bit.

Blinking I look over, “Huh? Maybe, I’m not sure. Why?”

“Cuz McDonald’s there has Transformers One, Cybertron Wars toys, and My Little Pony toys for their happy meals.”

Moving over to the cab Cipher quickly taps on the window, “Hey pull into McDonald’s.”

I could hear the LT yell back, “I thought you wanted IHOP!”

“Yeah, but I wanna see if they have any happy meal toys!” Cipher replies.

A moment later and all I can do is eep as I slide backwards across the truck bed as my butt hits the wall of the other side of the truck. Looking side to side all the girls are all blinking, except Cipher. Her horn is glowing brightly as are her hooves as she holds onto the back of the cab.

“Yee-Haw!” Cipher calls out.

Rubbing my butt, I huff, “Warn us next time.”

Pulling up to the drive thru, she bounds to the side of the pickup, sticking her muzzle out from under the tarp, “Hey! Do you have any Cipher pony toys?”

“Who?!?!” Comes over the speaker.

“Cipher Splash, orange body blue mane?” Cipher calls and grumbles. “I hate those speakers. They always distort the voice.”

“No sorry, never heard of that one.” Comes over the box speaker.

Giggling softly, I pat Ciphers back. “It’s okay.”

“How about Ballad? Sugarberry? Cookie Crisp?” Sugarberry asks hopefully.

“No, never heard of them.”

“Ouch, that hurts.” Sugarberry says meekly, “What about Twilight Velvet?”

“Look, we have Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Rarity, Coco Pommel, Blue Buttons, and Cloud Kicker. That’s it!” The teller is obviously frustrated, “I know you bronies love these toys, but if you’re not going to order please move on, you’re blocking traffic.”

“LT, let’s just go to IHOP.” Cipher says and giggles, “It’s safer than here.”

A moment later we are off again. Shaking my head, I look at Cipher, “Who the heck is Blue Buttons.”

Cipher looks at me, then shrugs, “I have no idea. I was going to say its such a pain being a total background pony but, if they have a Blue Buttons who I even haven’t heard of.”

“See, were not the only background ponies. Just the ones without toys.” I say, laughing


Katie opens the door to her apartment, it isn’t big or special, but it is hers. Her brother is a pony now, some creature from another world. That thought, that image, keeps running through her mind. What happened to the brother she knew? The one she remembers? The one she loves?

Opening her closet door, she reaches up and pulls down an old lunch box. Stroking it gently, it is an old Happy Feet lunch box, with a picture of a dancing penguin on the front. She uses it to store her memories, her best times with her brother.

Sitting down on the chair, she pulls a blanket around her shoulders and opens the box. Looking down she smiles, pictures from her brother’s graduation from high school. High school was hard for her. He was there for her though, standing up for her. He had warned her not to trust her boyfriend, and when he became abusive… James was there for her, to protect her. Gently she strokes the image of her brother. Looking at him as he was.

Setting the pictures from the school aside, she smiles, giving them one last look before turning back to the box. Their trip to Six Flags, the rides, the games, the fun. The car sickness. It was almost a three-hour trip there and back. It was so much fun though. It had to be cut short. She had had a seizure there. James didn’t complain through, he held her hand through it till they got her off the ride. Then sat with her in the back seat the entire way back without a single complaint about having to leave early.

“Why did he have to change? Why did he have to stop being my big brother?” She sighs and puts down the Six Flags pendant. She turns and gets back to the box.

Her Girl Scouts sash. Pulling it out she smiles, looking at the badges she had earned. Lots of them she had done on her own, but many of them she could never have completed without her brother's help. Her brother had let her practice her first aid on him, bandaging him up without complaint. Cooking, camping, she had done so much, but her best times were with him.

Laughing softly, she looks down at a picture of her brother wearing a dress as she worked on the hem line. It must have been torture for him, why would he let her do that, use him as a mannequin? He had done so much and now… Now everything changed.

Looking down at the bottom of the box she blinks. She can’t believe it. She had forgotten about it, forgotten what he gave up for it. All the girls had them, but her mom wouldn’t let her. She said they didn’t have the money at the time. They had real horses why would they want to waste money on a child’s toy.

James though, he gave up all his allowance he had been saving, all the money from odd jobs he had done. He was saving up to buy a new baseball glove but he gave it up just to make her happy. It had been just after one of her first seizures. She remembered how scared she was, then he came in with it.

A My Little Pony toy, a little yellow pegasus, with brown, green, and blue mane and tail. Emerald green eyes that are faceted like a gem and its cutie mark… blinking, she looks at the mark again. Shaking her head slowly she sees the three masks. It’s him, he had given her a toy of himself. Of herself.

Hugging the toy to her chest, the tears start flowing from her eyes… “Oh god… Masquerade.”

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