• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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39: Fragmentation

Cipher moans and whimpers as the alarm clock goes off at seven in the morning. She knew she shouldn’t have gotten into that 25 man raid last night, but she just couldn’t help it. Ruffling her mane, she huffs, not knowing where the closest coffee machine is. She’d have to do it the hard way.

“I need a detect coffee spell,” she groans and looks around. Henry and Sugarberry aren’t out of the room yet. She expected them to be up first. Glancing around the hall, she moves over to their door and touches her horn to the door handle.

She extends her magical aura over the entire handle, she works it carefully until she can turn the knob on the other side. They didn’t set the deadbolt, just the basic lock integral to the knob, so she can open the door easily enough. Nosing the door open, she steps inside.

“Sugarberry, Henry, are you…” She calls out quietly, then stops at the sight before her.

She really doesn’t want to disturb them, but she knows she has to wake them up. They are both lying on one bed, in front of the TV. The screen just shows a logo, and instructions to subscribe to a movie, they likely had stayed up watching something, Cipher guesses.

Sugarberry is cuddled up tightly to Henry’s side, shoulder to shoulder, cutie mark to cutie mark. Her muzzle is on top of his foreleg, snuggling it. Henry has his head over her neck, his cheek against hers with his head tilted so their horns are crossed. Even their tails are intertwined and crossed behind them.

It’s such a tender moment between the two she really hates to disturb it. However, one thing she can’t resist, is taking a couple of pictures. The pair would want them afterwards.

Taking a breath, “Guys, get up, we have to be at the hospital in forty minutes.”

They both yawn, and Henry lifts his head off of Sugar’s, as his horn breaks contact with hers, sparks of magic flash between their horns like electricity. Looking up, both stand up, stretching and shaking themselves out.

“Sorry, was watching the Avengers movie that came out last summer, Infinity War Part 2, I think.” Henry says, “I guess we fell asleep.”

Cipher giggles, “I remember that one, with the Stan Lee cameo where he’s dusting, and he casually picks up Thor’s hammer, dusts underneath it, and sets it down.”

They both chuckle at that.

“You two want to take a shower?” Cipher asks, looking between the two curiously.

Nodding, they quickly take turns in the showers before heading back to the hospital, it is only a short trot back. Ponies are able to cover distance faster than humans. Humans were never really built for speed.

The nurse at the desk smiles as they trot in, “Morning girls, busy day today for ponies.”

Henry grumbles, “I’m a guy.” Looking at the nurse and shaking his head.

“Oh sorry, hard to tell sometimes, I just went by the colors. Your friend is still in observation.” She says with a friendly smile.

Henry walks to the room, “Do I really look like a girl?”

“Not in the slightest,” Sugarberry says firmly, “neither do you smell like one.”

“She’s obviously not a follower of the show, the muzzle and head shape is a dead give-away between males and females.” Cipher points out, “And that’s even if you can’t see the big…”

Sugarberry hip checks Cipher, causing her to stumble a bit.

“Torso, I was going to say torso.” She protests innocently.

Stepping into Velvets room, they all get quiet again. Cipher just has to break out her camera once more. It is really turning into one of those mornings.

The LT and Fleetfoot had fallen asleep curled up together on the floor. The LT has his wing over Fleetfoot, who is sleeping with her muzzle snuggled under the LT’s neck. Their tails are curled around each other’s flanks.

“I think I’m getting cavities.” Cipher whispers.

*** CID Special Agents Wilks and Fargo ***

Pulling up to the hospital, Agent Tanya Fargo gets out of the car. She’s one of the younger agents in CID, 24 years old going on 25 in a few weeks. She’s wearing the traditional Sears Bargain Basement suit that most agents wear, though for fun she has black sunglasses on.

Anthony Wilks just shakes his head, “We are not the MIB.”

“I know but it’s still fun to play up to the whole G-Man thing once in a while.” She says with a chuckle.

“This is still a kidnapping investigation, it’s a serious matter.”

“Pertaining to pretty pastel painted ponies.” She says with a smile, “How can humor not be involved?”

“You’d be surprised. Have you been reading the reports?”

“Abuse, torture, slave trading, sex slaves, child sex slaves.” She says and nods, “it can get pretty dark. So in response we need to stay cheerful or we’ll let the job bring us down.”

“You’re very up, you know that, right?”

Heading inside, they walked up to the front desk. Flash their badges, Agent Wilks smiles.

“Oh we’ve been expecting you, she’s in observation, down the hall.”

*** Across the pond ***

Moaning, Beth stretches out inside the small tent. She is sore all over, from her hooves to her muzzle. It feels like she hasn’t had a good run in decades.

The rain stopped, probably sometime in the middle of the night, so she figures it is safe to poke her head outside. Careful not to disturb Tommy, she crawls out on her hands and knees, which isn’t as easy as she hoped. She is having some coordination issues and she isn’t sure why.

Once outside, she looks around, there is still a light fog on the ground. The sky is somewhat grey but aside from that, it seems to be shaping up to a pretty nice morning. She can hear all of the animals, smell the rain on the grass, everything is fairly peaceful.

Flicking her tail a bit to get the feeling back into it, she looks down at her forelegs. Snow white, ending in the cutest hooves, they are long, slender, and elegant. Lifting one, she examines it slowly, looking at the bottom of her hoof, then at the leg itself. Tracing its form back to her shoulder, then her sides and finally her flank she examines herself. Her newly flexible neck easily lets her take in her whole body.

Glancing up at her horn, she takes a deep breath slowly, and then exhales slowly. Closing her eyes, she slowly counts backwards from 10. Nope, that didn’t work either. Oh well, best go with the 3rd option then.

She screams. A nice, long, heartfelt scream of pure shock and dismay.

Scrambling out of the shelter, Tommy looks around, blinking, then looks at the unicorn in shock and backs away quickly.

Panting hard after the scream, Beth looks up at Tommy, trembling and unsure of what to say or do next. She can see the shock in his face, as well.

“Sis, is that you?”

Nodding slowly, she looks at her legs again, then up at him, “I think so.”

“You kind of look like an English unicorn, just with a shorter horn, and no beard.”

“I’m female, I don’t know if the girls get the beards.” Blinking, she quickly looks between her forelegs and sighs, “Yep I’m female.”

Gently Tommy pats his lap with his hand, looking at his sister.

Glancing at it she looks at him then his lap, then back at him. “You’re not a virgin.”

“What? Wait what? Where did that come from?” Tommy blinks, blushing furiously.

“It’s simple, because I haven’t got the slightest interest in putting my head in your lap.” She states and sits down on her haunches.

*** Velvet ***

My head is pounding, every muscle in my body is sore, my horn is throbbing beyond belief. I just feel sore, tired and drained.

Moaning, I open my eyes and look around, “Oh bright light, bright light.” I’m able to squeak. Squinting at the visual onslaught, I groan. “What happened?”

“You don’t remember?” Blaze strokes my muzzle, looking worried.

“I remember the party, I remember Border security…” Sitting up fast is probably the worst thing ever I could do… and instantly I regret it. I felt sick, dizzy, and ready to pass out again. “The twins? Oh Celestia please stop the room from spinning.” Collapsing back down, I whimper.

“No, rest. You sort of blew up there.” Blaze says, “The twins are just fine.”

Glancing over I look at Henry and the LT and blink, “Um quick question, why are they ponies?”

Henry and James look at each other, then look at me, a shocked look on their faces.

“You got really, really, really angry at the ICE members, slammed your hoof down and… poof, we were all ponies again. And so was every human for about a hundred yards.”

“Oh Celestia, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I can fix this, there’s a counterspell in the babysitters guide. This was sort of like a frustration spark… I didn’t mean it.” I say, panicked, and force myself to sit up again.

The LT steps forward then looks shocked as Henry steps in between me and the LT. “No.”

“Pardon?” The LT says, looking at Henry sternly.

“I said no. Trust me. I want to be human more than anyone here but not at the cost of Velvets health. She is tired, exhausted and needs to be on light magic duties for the next few days. That means she can’t go and start counterspelling everyone.” Looking around he puts his hoof down. “Trust me it’s not healthy for her. This should wear off in another day or two. We should be fine until then.”

The LT thinks about it a second, then nods. “Ok yeah, I agree. If anyone complains about you not turning them back, tell them to take it up with me. You are under orders not to for medical reasons.”

“But…” Was about all I got out before Fleetfoot looks at me sternly.

“You got upset and stressed out, you hurt yourself, but we can deal with what you did. You hurting yourself more to try and fix it is something we can’t deal with.” She says, forcefully.

Blaze looks down and pokes my nose, “We have doughnuts.”

“Feed me, FEED ME, feed me Seymour.” I say, giggling.

Blaze carefully feeds me a doughnut while the LT and Fleetfoot step out.

*** The LT ***

Stepping out of the room James fluffs his wings and musses with one, preening it a little.

“Quit it, its fine.” Fleetfoot says, chuckling. Nervous preening is an entirely different issue.

Looking down the hall, James notices two police officers standing at the door to a hospital room, just a few doors down. Stretching his wings, he watches as two agents, a man and woman, walk up. They flash their badges to the police officers. They identify themselves as CID agents, checking on the patient.

Walking up, James looks up at the officers, and then fishes his wallet out of his packet, flipping it open, “LT James Fisher, Captain Fleetfoot, what’s up?”

“We’re sort of sorting out a mess here. It’s regarding a pair of pegasi mares.” Agent Fargo says smiling, opening her file she pulled out a pair of photos showing them to James and Fleetfoot, “Do you know if these two went through the gate?”

James sits down hard, his wings start quivering badly as he looks at the pictures. Both of them were in his flight group in Equestria. Turning his head away, he closes his eyes, “They both went through the gate. Both of them died during the battle.”

“Well that closes that side of the case. Their mother was holding them prisoner. They escaped, tied her up and brought her to the gate with them. It looked like they were scared she would call the police on them.” Agent Wilks said.

“I think their intent was for her to be found and set free, or to come back and set her free themselves before they left for good.” Agent Fargo adds.

“What were their names?” James asks, his wings continuing to tremble.

“Sargent Phillip Emerson, US Army, and Wendy Emerson.” Agent Fargo says, showing him the human pictures.

Taking a deep breath LT James looks up, “Can I tell her?”

“She was looking at selling them to a laboratory.” Agent Fargo says with a worried frown.

“Yep, but maybe the fact of what they did, might help her.” James says.

“Give it a try, at minimum we can get her reaction.” Agent Wilks nods.

Taking a deep breath he trots in. The woman was the one Feather had rescued from the car. She tortured her own children, tried to sell them to laboratories to experiment on, yet in the end ponies saved her. Her son saved him, gave her life for him.

Sitting he bows his head, “I’m LT James Fisher, this is Captain Fleetfoot. I’m sorry to inform you but both Phillip and Wendy died in battle.” Taking a deep breath before he continues, “Both fought bravely, and laid down their lives for their homeland.”

“They’re dead?” She says, blinking and looking at the agents, a faint smile adorning her lips.

Both of them nod slowly.

“Phillip was the bravest pegasus I knew. Both of them were willing to lay down their lives and their actions saved the lives of many more including myself. I owe my own life to Phillip.” The LT’s voice cracks a bit as his wing quivers.

“Will I be able to claim their military insurance and benefits?”

Fleetfoot blinks, “What?”

“They’re dead right? Will I be able to claim their insurance?” She asks.

“They were your kids, they were brave, strong, and they were honorable. And all you care about is money?” James says, shocked.

“They stopped being my kids the moment they started growing fur.”

“No, you won’t dishonor them like that.” James says, his wings flaring in shock and anger. “Phillip gave her life to safe mine, she stood by my side and fought with me. She took a blow meant for me. She deserves respect and honor.”

“He was useless in life, and useless in death. At least I can make some money off its insurance.” She says firmly.

Fleetfoot grabs James with her wing, pushing him out of the room. “She reminds me of those people that take in orphans for the checks… all she cares about is money.”

James struggles a bit, then relents, letting himself be guided outside. “She never deserved to have foals like that in her care.”

“Your minds are weak, your outlook bleak.” Fleetfoot says with a shiver, “We all had stumbling blocks in our way.”

Jogging out, Agent Fargo shakes her head, “What a… Sorry for that guys, I didn’t realize just how bad she was.”

James shakes his head, “She just doesn’t understand. Who could? And what’s worse, we could have more situations like this cropping up for years to come.”

“More? I thought it was over.” She responds.

James shakes his head, “Discord was in power for 25 years. The ponies that changed so far were the ones that have been cursed in the first month of those 25 years. I think this is partly why the government wants to keep everything a secret.”

“What do you mean?” Fleetfoot blinks as well, looking curious.

“Consider for a moment, if everyone knew. Then everyone would be living in hope or fear of their 25th birthday. Picture growing up wondering if on your 25th birthday, you will change? Or even hoping to change and finding out you didn’t. Picture your parents or friends, CHECKING, on your 25th birthday to see if you got a mark. Some countries might instigate mandatory checks.”

Fleetfoot looks shocked, “No country would…”

“Parts of Africa it’s mandatory to check to ensure a female is a virgin, and if they refuse they can be put to death. Is it so far a stretch to think that some might institute checks for marks?” He says, looking up into the sky.

“If it became common knowledge… you could end up with almost a Logan's Run feel. Where people look to their hips with dread as their 25th birthday approaches, will their life end or not?

Agent Fargo cringes, rubbing her own hip. “Gee thanks, my 25th birthday’s coming up soon. Now I get to live in fear.”

Covering his muzzle with his foreleg, James sighed. “Becoming a pony isn’t a bad thing. From what I’ve seen, people’s personalities don’t really change much with the transformation. Their pony life, cutie marks, and such often line up with their human selves.”

“What about you?” She asks.

Fleetfoot sort of chuckled, “He’s not a real pony, that’s why he’s not going by a pony name. He’s just got hit by a spell, he’ll turn back to a human in a day or two.”

Nodding, James looks at his wingmare, “Come on, we have a lot of flying to do, I want to be back before tonight.”

Leaping into the air, the two begin their first leg of their flight, 900 miles to Fort Bragg and SOC.

*** Ping Pond ***

Beth walked through the brush. She needed to think. None of this makes any sense to her. Why is she a unicorn? There has to be a reason. There has to be a point to it all, people don’t just become unicorns.

Coming up on a ridge, she looks down into a low gully. England is famous for its rolling landscapes, and the animals love them. Several rabbits are grazing under sheltered protection. Walking along the ridge she watches the vixen cavort with her kits.

Sitting, she just looks at the nature around her. The Lady Amalthea had her woods to defend, maybe these were supposed to be hers. Maybe she is supposed to protect this land. Maybe that’s why she changed, the land needs her to save it.

The lady Amalthea had magic though, unicorn magic. She could make her horn glow, and use that glow to do things, like open locks or fight. Can she fight though? Can she stand up for these woods?

Going cross eyed a bit, she concentrates on her horn, she can see it, and she knows it glowed before. Now to figure out how to start there. Concentrating, she tries focusing her thoughts there, tries pushing, pulling, but nothing works, there has to be something. She is a unicorn, a magical creature; she can’t fail being that before she even starts.

Nothing, not even a glimmer. Maybe she is simply not strong enough. Standing, she walks back to the shelter, her brother had gone back to the house so her mom and dad don’t panic.

Maybe it is all some kind of mistake. Unicorns are not supposed to feel regret, but what about sadness or self-pity? All she can do right now is wallow in her own sadness. Is that the right term? Mumbling to herself, “Do unicorns wallow in sadness? Oh god, I even know what I’m supposed to wallow in. I make such a pathetic unicorn.”

Reaching over with her foreleg she grabs a water bottle. Spinning the top off she tilts her head back starting to drink. Putting the bottle back down, she sits and sighs. Looking up at her horn, she wonders what is going to happen to her.

There is one other question that crosses her mind at the moment, however. Looking down she tilts her head and considers. How did she actually pick up the water bottle?

*** LT and Fleetfoot ***

“How are you holding out?” Fleetfoot asks, keeping an eye on her wingmate.

“A little tired, wings are sore beyond belief. I’m not stopping though.”

“Rangers need to push through?”

“Rangers HO!” James says, he isn’t going to admit exactly how tired and sore he is. He does however find that he has an innate sense to find air currents, this lets him stay in the upwash from the wingtip vortices. This makes it a lot easier to fly, especially over the distances they are traveling.

He’s no speedster though. Lightning Dust would probably laugh her tail of at the speeds they are flying at. Even civilian jets would pass them, but he is still pulling enough speed to outrun small planes like a Cessna.

The other reason he has to stay close to Fleetfoot is he doesn’t have a transponder. Well, he isn’t really a pegasus, so he wouldn’t be issued one. Still, he is flying in and out of controlled airspace, so he needs to stay close to her.

Banking, they starts a slow spiral down. How Blaze zipped across the country with such ease, James has no idea. He isn’t going to take it for granted. Landing, he pants hard, his wings trembling from the exertion.

Stretching them out, he finds himself folding and unfolding them a bit until they are comfortable. Once they are cooled down enough, he tucks them against his sides. Looking to Fleetfoot she smiles and nods back to him. His first endurance flight, and he passed! Now he has two more to do today.

Walking into the SOC HQ building, they look around. Behind the desk, the corporal at the desk glances up and then… down at the two ponies. Blinking, he stands up.

“Oh thank gosh. Tell me you’re bringing Corporal Richards back.”

Fleet blinks, “Um, who?”

“Unicorn, white body, pink mane and tail?” The corporal says, “I’m getting sick of the front desk.”

“Sugarberry? She’s fine, she should be back in a few days.” The LT says, nodding.

“Sugarberry, that’s her pony name? She never used it.” The corporal says, “So who are you here to see?”

“Brigadier General Wilson.” The LT responds, this is not going to be a fun meeting.

“And pardon for asking, but who is looking for him?”

“Capt. Fleetfoot and Lt. James Fisher, he’s expecting us.” The LT says firmly.

“Umm, aren’t you a little… old… to be a pony?”

“It was an accident.” The LT huffs.

Nodding slowly, the corporal buzzes the Brigadier General, then motioned towards the conformance room. “Wings look good on you sir, with my luck, I’d end up as a donkey or a mule.”

“Careful, these days that could be considered racist.” Fleetfoot giggles.

Looking at the chairs in the room, the LT flares his wings and hisses at one. “Bad chairs, bad.”


“Their wheels don’t lock, nor does the rotational part. That means for us, then end up being some sort of circus ride, rather than a normal chair. Should have seen Blaze and Velvet on them, just lost all dignity.”

Fleetfoot looks at the chairs, then starts to laugh.

Brigadier General Wilson walked in with his aid, and both ponies go silent, standing at attention. Slowly the brigadier walks around James looking down at him, examining his form, before standing in front of him. “At ease.”

Fleetfoot spreads her hind legs a bit and lowers her head in a more relaxed stance. Glancing over, James mimics the maneuver, he wasn’t sure ponies have an ‘at ease’ stance, but this works.

The Brigadier General chuckles and nods to his aid. Carefully, the captain walks over setting down large soft pillows behind the LT and Fleetfoot, before the General has a seat, “Ok Lieutenant, Captain, what happened?”

Fleetfoot reaches into her satchel and bites the thumb drive to get it out, and presents it to the General.

Nodding he plugs it into his tablet and starts watching. Cringing, he shakes his head, “Why was ICE even involved? We had jurisdiction there.”

“I think the police called them in, upset about jurisdictional issues.” James says.

“Is Velvet ok?” The General asks.

“Seriously drained, she exhausted herself doing that.” Fleetfoot looks up, the worry evident in her voice. “She shouldn’t have been pushed that hard.”

“It’s issue’s like this, that lead to the questions of unicorns serving.” The general says.

Flaring his wings Blaze looks in shock, “I stand by her, this wasn’t her fault.”

“I know it wasn’t, and that’s why I think we need Velvet and others like that in the field. If Velvet, a trained Ranger can get stressed out and have that happen, what about civilians? Unicorns who have had no training? What happens if they get pushed too far? When I suggested putting a pony face on things, I mean it. A pony can more easily defuse or calm down a situation with another pony.” The General looks between the two. “It might be hard to understand but, what happened with Velvet and ICE showcases why we need ponies working for us more than ever.”

Fleetfoot and James just looked at each other, blinking.

“The only other option is lethal force at the first sign a pony is panicking and there is no way I am authorizing that.” He says firmly.

“No… no sir.”

“Good, CID is waiting for your report as well. The director of CID wants to talk with you two. You up for a flight there?”

“Sir yes sir.” Both say saluting.

“Good, do the Rangers proud.”

“Rangers HO!”

*** Across the Pond ***

Tommy sits in awe, watching his sister. She has her legs spread wide as she lifts up tree branches, rocks and pine cones, moving them around. She gets better the more she works at it, and already she is starting to form a plan.

“They are not cutting these woods down.” She says firmly. “That must be why I changed, the woods and castle are calling for me to defend them.”

“How are you going to stop them?”

“Sabotage from 100 feet away.” She said. “Taking keys, shutting off machines, pinecones in tailpipes, whatever it takes to slow them down.”

“If you get caught…”

“If I get caught I’ll end up in a zoo, or on an examination table.” She looks at him, “But if these trees go, I lose the only thing I have right now. If we can delay them enough, the land might either shift from production, or better yet, they could decide to put it on the market instead, then we could buy it with the gems.”

“Are you sure about this one?”

“It’s fate. The lion and the unicorn fighting for the crown, and this is one fight the unicorn can’t lose.”

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