• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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70: The Magic In Kindness

Fleur hugs her cushion tighter as she lies on her side. Her ear twitches as she keeps her eyes glued to the 98” plasma screen. Her muzzle is resting on the end the large cushion she is using to relax her legs on.

Goldie is resting her muzzle on Fleur’s hip as she has both of her ears locked forward. She lies, wide eyed, in a mix of shock and disbelief. A box of Kleenex sits beside her hind leg in case it is needed.

Streams lies with her chin on Fleur’s shoulder, half looking through Fleur’s mane. She has one wing partly covering her face as well, trying to hide her vision. But she is peeking through her feathers. Her other wing is stretched out over Drizzle.

Drizzle is partly hiding under Fleur’s pillow, peeking out from behind the larger unicorn. Her wings are tight to her side, which makes her feel safer, especially while being under Streams' wing. It seems like somewhat of a role reversal to her, with Streams providing her with the protection but she isn’t about to complain.

Fleetfoot lay sideways, using Drizzle as a pillow, unable to look away from the screen. Slowly, she slides the box of Dunkin Donuts Munchkins in in front of Fleur with a forehoof. Fleetfoot’s tail is flicking nervously as the pregnant mare tenses.

The sound of the impact causes all the girls to jump and whimper. None of them are really big on gore or violence, and this is really pushing it. Well none except Fleetfoot, who has seen some combat but nothing close to this.

Light fills the room, causing the girls to grumble. Fleetfoot looks back, “Close the door!” She growls.

“Umm girls?” Anthony starts as he closes the door. “Isn’t there like, a HR code about fraternization at the work place?”

“It doesn’t apply to ponies. It’s herd time. Quiet.” Fleur says, blinking, keeping her eyes focused on the scene on the television.

“Does the NCIS Director know you’ve claimed MTAC?” Anthony asks blinking, then he tilts his head. “Combat footage from the Samaru island campaign?”

“Nope, part of our training course.” Goldie says as the sound of the next impact echoes though the room and all the girls flinch again.

Blinking, Anthony looks up at the screen.

In 98” High-Def, the image of Fire Streak getting his foreleg grabbed as the pegasus is thrown to the ground takes on a whole new look. The sound of the pegasus stallion slamming into the ground reverberates through the speakers. The instructor finishes the move with an elbow drop to the pegasus’ gut. Lying on his back with his wings splayed out and his front legs curled, all he can really do is groan. Looking up at the human combat instructor, the man responds by just shaking his head. “Again!”

“Twenty-two minutes of watching him get thrown around the gym.” Goldie says, not taking her eyes off the screen.

“It’s lucky pegasi heal fast.” Fleur says as she lifts a Munchkin up with her magic and eating it. “Want one?” She asks, magically holding one back to Anthony.


Henry lies on his back, looking up at the tree. It’s strange, he never seen leaves like that before. His front legs are curled against his chest, the wind blowing through the long grass and playing with his mane and tail. It’s peaceful, but at the same time…

“You did a good job.”

Blinking Henry looks up, “Oh that’s why I didn’t recognize the type of tree. Hi Luna.”

Giggling softly, Luna lies down beside him. “It’s from the garden in the royal palace. I spent lots of nights sitting under it, young Henry.”

“Going to try and talk me out of turning back?” Henry sighs.

Luna blinked and shakes her head. “First off, I’m not calling you Star Crossed, I’m calling you Henry. Second, I’d never try to talk you into anything you didn’t want to do.”

Henry blinks and tilts his head, “Why?”

“Because I understand more than you think or know. If you know how I am in the show, think about this. First, when I fell to the corruption of power like that, I ended up being banished to the moon. Once the darkness was removed, I found myself in a strange world, filled with strange ponies. I was a thousand years out of time.”

Looking up at the sun through the tree’s leaves, Luna sighs, “My sister had responsibilities and worries of her own. She had a kingdom to run. She had been running it for a thousand years on her own and there was no place for me in the courts, not even my own chair.”

Henry blinks, looking at Luna. He wasn’t expecting her to talk to him like this. This isn’t a lecture or reasons to stay a pony.

“I was so scared. I was scared of how other ponies would react to me. Scared of how ponies would treat me. But I was also scared of the power I had, I didn’t want to fall back to being a nightmare. I tortured myself with nightmares to constantly remind myself of what I had done. It was months before I was even ready to be seen in public and that didn’t go over like I hoped.”

Sighing softly, Luna shakes her head, “My sister tried to force me out into public. But I wasn’t ready. I needed time, and trust me, it took years before I was ready and had enough confidence to really preform royal duties again.”

Looking at Henry, she nods, “I don’t know if you’d ever be ready to live as a pony, but I know what it’s like to be scared of the power and not wanting to be forced to use it. Instead all I can say is this. Maybe someday you’ll find you want to live as a pony, on that day I’ll stand by your choice. Today you’re not ready and I stand by your choice to live as a human. I do want to say this though. Thank you. You helped several ponies without being asked, who were in bad shape. It shows how you earned your cutie mark.”

“Will the mark ever fade?” Henry says, looking back at his hip.

“I hope not. The mark doesn’t define you as human or pony. You define the mark. It came from your heart and soul.”


As soon as I see Blue flare her wings and puff out, I brace myself. The Greyhound hits the ground hard, I mean REALLY hard. The term is often referred to as a tailstrike. This happens when the rear end of an aircraft strikes the runway, usually because the pilot pulls back too much on the stick during takeoff or landing.

The sound of metal grinding and ripping against the runway fills the cargo hold, ensuring everyone is wide awake. Sometimes I miss having fingers, but this however is one of those times I’m not sure of. I probably would have my fingers digging into the seat handles right now. Instead, just to be safe, I have a shield over me and the patients, as well as the passengers.

Henry and Private Hanson are sitting wide eyed. Hanson has tears in his eyes for some reason. He didn’t seem too scared or bothered by…

“Five score divided by four…” He says softly looking almost grey as he does. The words every pony knows and fears.

I feel the chill go down my spine instantly, and Blue Lightning looks at him in shock, her wings trembling. I had forgotten about the dream. Truth be told, I find myself almost wondering what his dream was about.

The plane finally rolls to a stop, I look out the window and huff. The pilot leans back, looking at the shield and knocking on it. “Everyone okay back there?”

“What the hay was that?” Blue yells. The pilot blinks at the pegasus who is puffing out her chest fluff to look more threatening as she growls.

Shaking his head, “We spooked a flock of birds on landing. I dropped under them as fast as I could, but it killed my drop rate, so I had to pull up hard so as not to flatten us. Leave the flying to the professionals’ missy. You want to fly, fly on your own next time.”

Blue is about to open her mouth, but Henry gets to her first, clamping her mouth shut with magic. “Nope, all is fine. We landed safe and everyone’s healthy.”

Blue huffs, but she disembarks with everyone else. Medical staff is on hand and begin unloading the patients, looking at their charts, confused. With a giggle I nose Henry out of the plane. I don’t want them to start asking questions or bothering him.

“Come on Private Hanson, our plane’s this way.” I say, smiling as I trot. The airfield isn’t that crowded and at least this time we are flying in a real plane, not stuffed in the back of some F-18.

“Billy.” Hanson says, hopping down off the plane and walking. Then he huffs, ruffling his mane. “What’s with all this hair?”

“It’s a mane. Trust me, we all get them. And we all feel like we are a walking advertisement for the Head and Shoulders commercial. Look at all this luster and bounce.” I say, flicking my mane side to side and giggling.

Henry grumbles, “Yeah, even the stallions get long manes… it’s a pain.” Then he flips his head, causing his mane to bounce a bit, he strikes a pose. “Real stallions use Axe shampoo. It drives the mares wild.”

Blue blinks, dropping her jaw, then falls on her side, laughing her head off. “Oh my gosh, Henry, never do that again.”

I just have to cover my eyes with a forehoof. “Henry, unless you’re staying a stallion, don’t do things like that.”

“You're right, can I change back now?” Henry whines.

“Not until were on the plane, I don’t want to do it in public, ok.” Shaking my head, I turn and get hugged by Blue.

“Thanks for everything.” She said. “If you’re ever in Japan again, look me up.”

Laughing softly I nod, “Sure thing and if your ever in the USA, stop by Fort Bragg, meet all the ponies there.”

Watching her take flight I smile and look back at Henry. “It’s nice to see ponies able to make lives for themselves.”

Climbing onto the G650 again I find a chair and flop back in it, relaxing. These planes even have sofas to lay down on in them. But when you realize they can stay in the air for almost fourteen hours a pop, being able to sleep on board for officers is almost a necessity. In fact with general flight rules, it’s a requirement. And for long to ultra-long haul flights pilots are only allowed to fly for a certain amount of time. As such they need to be able to rest and or sleep on the flight too while a replacement crew is flying.

“Can I change back now?” Henry huffs, laying down on a couch.

Blinking, I tilt my head, “Don’t you want to stay like that for a little longer for Sugarberry?”

“Nope I’d rather hold her in my arms and snuggle into her soft mane.” Henry says.

As the door closes our co-pilot steps out of the cockpit, “Hello, and welcome to Air Pony. Today’s trip, Okinawa to Fort Bragg, will take at least eleven hours. There are lavatory facilities in the back that are pony friendly, so please remember to use them as I don’t like cleaning up brown spots on the seats. There will be no inflight drink service as we are all on duty and drinking on duty is against army regs.”

Holding up one of the inflight phones, he goes on. “Unless you’re a pegasus, please do not comment on air currents, updrafts or the general flight skills of the air crew. If you are a pegasus, please tell us which seat you are in, so we can disconnect your inflight phone.”

Pointing to the windows as well as doors, “Emergency exits are there, there and there. If you have to use them, something horrible has gone wrong and you may need to file a complaint with the Army Air Service. Lastly, today’s inflight meal is provided by the US Army Quartermasters Corps in the form of MREs and MRE-Ps. Feel free to comment on them 'to' the Quartermaster office and not us. Thank you again for flying Air Pony.”

I just sit, grinning from ear to ear, trying not to break out laughing. This is just too good and I wish I had my camera out and ready for that. That is a once in a life time performance and joke.

Henry on the other hand, sits there in total shock. I don’t know if he’s confused, angry or what, but he just blinks a lot. I think something in his brain needs resetting.

Shaking my head, I give Henry a quick zap, countering the spell so he is human again.

All I got from Billy Hanson is… “The bathrooms are pony friendly?”

*** Los Vegas, Nevada ***

“I’m not a Magician I’m an Illusionist. What’s the difference you ask?” Conroy walks to the edge of the stage, sitting down with the microphone in his hand. “I don’t pretend to fly around stage with wires and say it’s real. I just try and bring the wonder, the possibilities, back into your mind. I try and make you ask, what is real.”

Looking around, Conroy stands up, “This isn’t about fireworks, this isn’t about camera tricks.” Holding out a small digital camera in his hand he blinks, “Yeah it’s hard to do camera tricks in front of a live audience with such a small camera.” With a flip of his hand, he holds up the large news camera. “It’s about the childhood innocence. It’s the willingness to come to a show like this and suspend your disbeliefs.”

Handing the news camera and microphone off to an assistant, Conroy moves over and puts on a headset microphone. “So tonight is all about that wonder. The wonder of staying up late hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa Clause, and instead finding our presents.” With a flip of a cloth, he produces a large present in front of him. Opening the present he sighs, pulling out a lump of coal, “Yeah figures, another bad year.”

Showing the audience the empty box he shrugged, “Santa don’t like me much.” Dropping the coal back in the box he closes it. “The wonder of Easter and the Easter Bunny.” Opening the box, he pulls out a rabbit from inside the box. He brings it to his chest, stroking its ears. “But for the true wonder, I’ll need some help.”

Hopping off the stage, he wanders through the tables, dinner and a show is a family event, so there are children as well as adults in the audience. Smiling he walks over to one table. “We love to see members of our service in the audience, your name?”

“Phillip North. Major.” The man says.

“Well Major North, you have a wonderful family here, I’m wondering if I can borrow your daughter.” Conroy says with a smile.

The girl immediately starts bouncing in her seat, “Can I, Daddy?”

Smiling Conroy pulls out his wand, holding it in front of the girl, “Your name?”

“Amanda.” She says softly.

Blinking Conroy looks at the wand and shakes it a few times, “Darn thing, must be the batteries.” Thumping its side a few times it becomes one of the stage microphones. “There we go. Your name?”

“Amanda.” She says clearly though the mic.

“Well Amanda, if you’d come up on stage with me, I need your help.”

She looks up at her father, smiling brightly, she squeals when he nods. Amanda takes Conroy’s hand as he leads her up onto the stage.

Bringing out a massive TV, the assistants twirl it around before turning it on.

“When we were young we used to watch cartoons with wonder, we used to imagine the characters playing with us, talking to us. We used to believe they were real. That belief vanishes though with most as we grow old. It fades as we get more and more busy with the world around us. Some of that magic dies away.” With a tap of his wand it, becomes a video remote control.

Kneeling down beside the girl, “But maybe, with the help of a child, we can bring that wonder back. Re-spark what we lost.” Flicking on the remote, he brings up an episode of My Little Pony. “Maybe through the love of a child’s eyes, the wonder can be shared by all.” Freezing the episode on a clear picture of Diamond Mint standing in front of a table he chuckles. “Place your hands against the screen and say the magic words… I Believe.”

The girl reaches foreword saying, “I Believe.” Then she squeals, backing up quickly when her hands touch fur.

Shaking her head, Diamond Mint steps away from the screen looking confused, her image missing from the scene. “Where am I?”

Walking around the unicorn Conroy kneels down, putting his hands on her back, “Its okay, you’re here to help us all remember a child’s magic.”

Crying, the girl hugs the pony tightly around the neck. After a tentative movement the unicorn hugs the child back. “Umm okay. I guess, I’ll help.”

“So unicorns are magical creatures from Unicornia?” Conroy says and the girl shakes her head no vigorously.

“Nuh uh, Canterlot!” Amanda says with a giggle.

“Oh Unicornia must be an older cartoon.” Conroy chuckles.

“Actually sir, I’m from Ponyville. I’m not a big city royal unicorn. I didn’t even really get formal magic training.” Diamond Mint says, looking around timidly.

Conroy smiles and walks the girl back to her father, leaving the unicorn on stage looking stunned and confused.

Narrowing his eyes a bit, the Major pulls out his phone and dials, but he keeps most of his attention on the show unfolding before him.

Once back on stage Conroy, smiles, “Minty, let’s have some fun.” He says as he steps into a box, “Make sure the box is closed for me, okay?”

Minty lights her horn up, closing the box and then walks around it slowly. “Are you sure it’s safe in there sir?” A loud snap causes the unicorn to jump back as one of the stage lights falls down, crushing the box. Minty screams out and runs to check on the box. Several of the stage hands as well as Conroy run up, showing there was nothing in the box.

Minty looked up at Conroy, blinking. Then she hoofs him gently, “Don’t do that, us ponies have bad nerves.”

Smiling, Conroy hugs the little unicorn, “But that’s the thing about magic. Sometimes magic is shocking, sometimes it’s sad. But my favorite type of magic is when I can see the joy and wonder in children.” Dropping a cloth over the pony, he stands up, pulling it away and revealing a pony sized cake.

The staff quickly bring the cake out for the children in the crowd, “Nothing says more to me than their smiles and wonder.”

The Major’s daughter squeals out again as the lights come up on her with Diamond Mint trying to look innocent as she is swiping some of the girl’s cake. “What? I like cake.” She giggles.

Laughing, several kids reach out to pat the unicorn as she trots back up on stage. Looking around, she sighs, “This is a strange world, it’s fun and all but… Can I go home?”

Nodding Conroy smiles and picks her up gently. Putting her against the TV screen. Then he backs up and unpauses the show. In the show Diamond Mint lights her horn and lifts up some cake.

Turning off the TV, Conroy turns to the audience. “Remember, whether or not magic’s real, you have to ask yourself. Is it really the magic? Or the wonder that’s more important?”

With a bow, Conroy turns and heads off stage.

*** Velvet ***

“Oh, oh, oh, your ears are in. YES!”

Billy Hanson yawns, stretching out on the sofa, “That’s… important?”

“Ears give me your body hair color. Hair gives me your mane and tail colors. That gives me your full coloring plus your cutie mark. With that we have more of a chance to tell who you are and aren’t.” I say, smiling brightly.

Sitting up he looks at his hair, and man, he has a lot of it. Not Fluttershy lots, but for a marine, it is already down past his shoulders. Complete with waves and highlights, shine and bounce. I really hope I don’t have to break any bad news to him.

“Well you’re not Pizzelle, a Wonderbolt pegasus. Umm, there’s a chance I know who you are, but…” I gulp, not sure how to express this.

“But what?” Hanson said looking worried.

“Well in Equestria there seems to be more mares than stallions. But the curse seemed to spread it evenly over males and female… so umm… A few guys end up becoming mares or fillies. This isn’t a horrible thing in the long run.” I start, then I cringe as I watch his emotions flicker over his face.

“NOT A HORRIBLE THING!” Hanson looks at me in a mix of shock and fury, “Are you telling me I’m going to become a girl!”

“There’s still a chance, there are background ponies that have the same colors and different genders. We thought Rainbow Blaze was going to turn into Rainbow Dash at first because they have generally the same cutie mark, mane and body hair colors. We won’t know for sure till the end of day two.” I say, quickly.

“Then why bring it up?” He says, looking at me sternly.

“Umm, I kinda wish I hadn’t now, but I needed you to be prepared, just in case. On the up side, if the colorings right you’re going to be a unicorn. That means we can start training you almost right away.” I say.

“No, not on your life. There has got to be a way to stop this, a spell or something.” He says looking at me firmly.

Closing my eyes I sigh. “It’s not that bad. It’s hard at first, but remember that this is who you are, or more accurately, who you were before. Who you were always meant to be. It’s simply the curse finishing its course and the magic running out.” I say.

“Not so bad? Not so bad!” Hanson starts, snarling a bit.

Henry blinks and offers Hanson some salt and pepper packets.

“What the heck is this for? This is serious fubar.” Hanson snaps at Henry, “She tells me I’m going to turn into some stupid cartoon mare and I’m supposed to relax? My marine career is over, I may be losing my manhood and her response is it’s not that bad! How would she know?”

Turning my head away I flinch, and speak softly, “I’m not stupid.”

Henry sighs, “And there it is. I think I have some ketchup here too.”

“What the heck is it with the condiments?” Hanson says, focusing on Henry.

“They’re for your foot.” Henry sighs, then gestures to me, “Billy Hanson, meet Walter Fitzpatrick. Walter is a Corporal with the 2nd battalion, 75th rangers, specializing in intelligence analysis and acting as spotter for a sniper team. I served with him as a male ranger for over a year in Afghanistan and I trust him with my life.” Looking over at me, Henry smiles, “And as a mare she’s one of the strongest, yet gentlest mares I know. She is smart, wise, and packing enough firepower to vaporize a tank in one shot. I’ve seen her stop RPGs midflight. She has nothing to fear or apologize for, for becoming a mare.”

I blink looking up at Henry, then I move over and hug him tightly.

“I… I…” Hanson started.

Looking up at him, I sigh, “At least your change is safe. I changed in the field, with no idea what ponies were or what was going on. I changed when there was no support, when the military was trying to take ponies to experiment on. I know it’s going to be hard at first. It isn’t all bad though. You’ll find magic makes up for so much, and lets you do so much more then you could before.”

Henry nods and sits with an arm around me, hugging me gently.

“I won’t lie to you, IF you become a mare there are hard parts. Hard things to deal with. But it makes us stronger for it.” I look up at Henry.

“And at least you’re not pink.” He says.

“It’s strange but, you tend to forget about your missing parts rather quickly as your old instincts kick back in.” I say. “Some ponies fixate on that for the first bit, but soon seem to fit or accept it as other parts of their lives kick in. Pegasus ponies discover their flight. Earth ponies their strength. And unicorns…”

“Get their horns smacked in the field reminding them to turn off their hornshine so they don’t give away our position to the enemy.” Henry says, chuckling.

“Hey that wasn’t my fault. I wasn’t in full control of my magic yet.” I say and grab and MRE-P, opening it up.

“What hornshine?” Hanson asks.

“Unicorns focus their magic though their horns, causing a magical aura or glow. Hornshine is what that glow is called.” Henry says.

Blinking, I start giggling softly, “The Quartermaster is nuts.” I say, shaking my head.

Billy leans over, looking. “What?”

Smiling I hold up some of the packages from my MRE-P, “Wonderbolt Bolt Bars. 100% Equine safe and friendly. Zapple jam, fortified apple sauce. Oh, Old Farm carrot and cinnamon alfalfa cookies.”

“They're actually naming the stuff?” Henry says, blinking.

“A morale purpose is my bet, this way we are considered equals. Instead of the Huaw bars, we get the Wonderbolt Bars, with fortified Oats and Grains.” I say as I dig in.

“I wonder how much of that is human safe?” Hanson comments and Henry sits down looking at the packages.

“Most of it apparently, they have a person with a line through it on the front and back if it’s not good for humans. My guess is it’s the things like the alfalfa and other roughage that humans can’t digest.”

“Is there anything unicorns can’t eat?” Hanson asked curiously.

“Meat. My God. I miss cheeseburgers.” Henry moans.

“But you’re not a…”

“Even in human form I have my cutie mark, and that has me not eating meat. I’m stuck as a veggievore.” Henry sighs.

*** Somalia ***

It’s hard to imagine what ponies and people could pull together in a few days. They are all here for different reasons. Some are fleeing religious persecution, some fleeting ethnic cleansings, some are running to avoid being pushed in child armies. Others have nothing left back home.

They are all refugees of one form or another. All were originally lost. In the Valley of Blood, however, they have found something new, a friendship and bond that brings them together to survive. It is a chance to carve out a new free life.

Looking up, the zebra foal laughs, “Look, I can actually pull the plow!”

Giggling the zebra mare shakes her head. The ponies have been taking turns plowing the fields to plant some crops. There isn’t much here, but the ponies seem to be sure that they can make stuff grow. They just need time.

Looking up at the sky, the mare sighs. For once time seems to be the one thing they have. They aren’t being chased anymore. War, slave traders, and pirates are all around but this valley is untouched. Not even the ones who are kidnaping ponies come here.

“We’re going to need food, we are quickly running out of everything we carried with us.” One human says sadly.

“Crops don’t grow overnight, well unless they are Zap Apples.” A pony says, sitting down and patting the dirt with a forehoof.

“With the battery from the truck I managed to get a radio working. The World Food Programme is going to try and get us an air drop out of Lokichokio in Kenya. They need to have a truck on the ground though. They are going to map out an area outside of the valley for the drop.” One human says.

“Out… side…” The zebra foal blinks, looking scared.

*** CMC: EC ***

“Cutie Mark Crusader Horse Whisperers!”

Feather blinked and shivers. “Umm no, I’d rather not.”

“I thought that would be an easy one to try. We would whisper to each other and see if we got a mark for that.” Cloudy says, sitting down.

Candy covers his face with a forehoof. “I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.”

“Besides, were not Saddle Arabians or horses.” Feather says, looking down at her hooves.

The other foals quickly run over to hug her tight. Candy speaks softly, smiling at Feather. “You’ve gotta put your past behind you, Feather. Scars heal.”

“No they don’t, wounds heal.” Cloudy says, blinking.

“Oh yeah, what do scars do? Fade?” Candy says, letting go of Feather and tilting his head.

“I don’t care what scars do, I just want my cutie mark.” Feather says with a huff.

*** Velvet ***

“And thank you for flying Pony Air. The only Airline certified by the USAF and USDA.” The co-pilot smiles brightly.

“Really, USDA?” I say, blinking.

“Yep, where else do ponies get their butts stamped?”

Yep, when a single facehoof just won’t do. I find myself sitting, double facehoofing and shaking my head.

“Sir, how long have you been flying ponies around?”

“Since the middle of May. It’s just easier to use these small jets with limited aircrew and ground crew than try and fit them onto a bigger cargo plane or force them to try and fly commercial.” Shaking his head he chuckles. “A pony in an airport with fifty thousand people, trying to explain why they are a pony, and get permission to fly from one base to another for training, is just...”

“Oh yeah, I can picture that.” I shake my head.

“So unofficially, this is one of two jets that ferries ponies around from base to base. It gets funny with the pegasi though.” The co-pilot shakes his head, chuckling, “Some of them are slow flyers, so it would take them days, or even longer, to get cross country. So we’ve had requests to fly them to patrol zones for the 520th Air Police.”

“Slow flyers?” I say, blinking. I know Blaze is fast but I hadn’t thought of others.

“Well consider, at 60 to 100 miles per hour, for a slow flyer, and again, the term’s relative. 520th headquarters to Miami Florida would be a 9 to 14 hour flight, if they have the endurance to do all of that in one hop at full speed. That might be a two or even three day trip for some. And while sixty miles per hour might be fine for flying around a city, it’s not the best for cross country flights.”

“I hadn’t really considered that, I’m so used to speedsters.” I say.

“So we provide air taxi service for the pegasi too. Even if they do whine, complain and belly ache the entire flight.” The co-pilot says with a chuckle.

Smiling, I give the officer a quick hug. Yeah, it’s against regulations but he deserves it. “Thanks for all you're doing for us ponies. I’m sure you’ve saved more lives than you know or realize.”

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