• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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13: The Light and Dark of a Hatter

I’m a Texas girl, born and bred. I'm also the youngest in a family of five. If you think having one older brother is bad, picture four of them and me the only girl. I grew up on a cattle farm, not the types you see on TV, we had only about a hundred head at any time, and even then it wasn’t much profit there. Mom and dad had to make do all too often, meaning I got hand me downs…

It didn’t bother me though, who wanted to play with dolls? When you can ride horses. You can’t ride a horse in some pretty dress, and who cares about jump rope when you can hog tie your brother. I was a little terror at times, but my mom didn’t mind, to her I was just family, just another Hunter.

Yep that’s our family name, Hunter, Rebecca Hunter, though really I preferred Becky. I went to school, by bus, It was a 45 minute trip both ways, and killer boredom. No kid likes sitting around on a bus for an hour and a half every day, when they could be playing, doing chores, or such. Okay, doing chores may seem weird but some of them were actually fun.

School was never really that interesting for me, I did okay at it, but I wasn’t the book worm type, and to many of the girls just seem shallow to me, I had to suffer through the types who thought they were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, as well as the types that only cared about their looks. Really, unless you are planning on being some kind of fashion model and happen to be born with that body type, forget it.

By the age of eight, I was riding horses, helping with the cattle drives, and even taking part in the rodeos for fun. Though I still resent parts of the rodeo, there’s a rule that the only event girls can take part in is barrel racing. That’s it, no bucking, no roping, just racing. Roping wasn’t my thing per se, I could do it, and did it all the time in the field, just the idea that they could make a rule saying because I was a girl I couldn’t do it, just annoyed me.

When I was 13 my brothers started trying to treat me different, so did my mom, they thought that because I was becoming a woman, I’d give up or change my views. To me, OK I had an extra pair of underwear the boys didn’t, aside from that, I could still hog tie them.

Though I did find that I liked cooking around that time, now again, this isn’t simple kitchen cooking, this is down home Texas barbeque. Something about slow roasting a side of pork for 18 hours till the meat is just falling off the bone, then separating it with your fingers and piling it high on a thick bun with sauce. Nothing can ever top that. Well almost nothing.

The one girly thing I seemed to be good at was down south apple pies. It was the only sweet tooth thing I made, and I know, pies are traditionally made by the women. I didn’t care about that though, it was just something I was good at.

When I was 17, I decided to join the Army Reserves, it was a way to get a little extra spending money, 2 weekends a month and 2 full weeks a year. Again, as a girl I wouldn’t see any real combat, and actually found myself as an infantry cook. Gave me a chance to show up some of the boys again, I could skin a fish, or prep a side of beef faster than most, and all the work on the farm, tossing around hay, and such, meant little things like 25 pound bags of potatoes, or flour, were easy to toss.

I never did get married though, I never found the kind of guy I was interested in, most time I just wanted to be friends with them. So I stayed single, much to my parents annoyance, even after my brothers married. Me on the other hand, by my 25th birthday I was still single. Of course on my 25th birthday, my marks appeared, May 1st, 2020.


Beep… beep… beep...

Oh Celestia I felt like I’ve been run over by a truck, my head hurts, my sides hurt, my horn is throbbing, I feel weak and exhausted, like I had just done a 50 mile forced march with full kit. Even my head is throbbing like I had a bad hangover.

Beep… beep… beep…

Last thing I remember is the LT looking worried, I had just teleported… Oh yeah, the teleport, I wonder how that went, and what the heck is that beeping?

Beep… beep… beep...

Forcing my eyes open, I look around, white, bright lights, heart monitor, oh that’s what the beeping is. Turning my head, I see Blaze sitting beside me, holding my hoof. I try to sit up but find it to hard so I fall back with a moan.

“LT SHE’S UP!” I hear Eric call, and see Henry and the LT run over.

“How you feeling?” Henry asks.

“Anyone get the ID number of that Abrams that parked on me?” I say with a little smile. “Did it work? Did I get her out?”

The LT looks at me sternly “You’ve been out for 18 hours now, we were scared you had a stroke or something, you put yourself under so much stress and pressure…”

“Yeah, I shouldn’t have used that spell for a 2 person teleport, but I didn’t know any others. Is she safe?”

“Oh NO, you don’t,” The LT growls “you are NOT changing the subject. Playing the hero is one thing but you are NOT going to put your life at risk like that again. Do you HEAR me Corporal?"

I gulp and nod slowly “Yes sir.”

“Good, and yes, she’s safe, you did a great job back there, but you should have teleported back when you found you couldn’t get a signal, we could have had you do some tests, find a different way for you to get a signal there, or such. To just risk yourself like that was foolish.” The LT continues.

I look at Blaze who has been sitting quiet and see tears in his eyes.

“Blaze has been sitting with you holding you since we got here.” The LT said. “He’s been worried sick.”

“Sorry, Rangers are supposed to fight through the pain and push themselves to the limits. I guess I pushed too hard.” Leaning up I gave Blaze a gentle kiss then nuzzle his cheek.

Blaze blinks and blushes, his wings stretching out hard to each side as he says, “I, you, careful.”

“Can someone translate please?” I said meekly

In her Texan accent, the earth pony moves up, “I think he’s saying, he was worried about you and to be more careful.” She looked at the guys “And if anyone ever asks me to say the Sugar cube again, I will kick them. Got it?”

She's built thicker than Blaze or myself, and has more muscle on her, her coat is a mustard yellow, and her mane was a pistachio with darker lime green highlights. Her eyes though are a mix of yellow and crimson, giving her a tough girl look.

She isn’t dressed right now except for a red bandana wrapped around her neck. Though she doesn’t seem to mind it. Looking back at me she smiles “Since you’re all military types, I'm Private Rebecca Hunter. Course the pony name is Apple Pie, but seriously, who would name a foal Apple Pie? Can’t even break it down to a good short name, Apple, Pie, just got nothing there." She sighs, "So if you want, call me Ah-Pee, first and last initials, like AJ’s. Becky works in a pinch too.”

“So you’re a member of the Apple family.” I say softly.

“I have no idea." She chuckles, "The show says I am, the show has me at the family reunions, but that’s just a show, and unlike little AJ on the show, I’m a real cowgirl, farm raised.” She says, standing proud and tall, her head held high.

“The show's real,” Blaze says with a chuckle.

“Yer kidding, you’re kidding me right?” AP says, looking sternly.

“Nope, as far as we can tell it’s pretty accurate, and we’re here because of Discord. We all got banished around 25 years ago.” I say with a sigh, still feeling weak.

“I changed on the first of May, my birthday, well started too. Took a few days but mom and dad were there with me through the entire thing. Even when I started eating more than my barrel horse, was she ever annoyed when I started swiping her food when I was supposed to be feeding her.”

“So how did you end up in the hands of the First Army of Dog?” I said, dyslexic slip there.

“After my change I was feeling caged stayin' in my room, chores needed to be done, and I figured some of the stuff I could still do with these here four legs, so I was out in the fields herdin' the cattle back to their pens when these guys shot me in the butt with some kind of tranq dart. I think it was ketamine, horse tranq… I hope they used it as a horse tranq… I’d hate to think they intended it as a date rape drug on me. But when I came to I was locked in their basement. They said I was an unnatural freak and they wanted to make an example.”

She stomped a hoof hard, “They had it burry the door cuz I almost kicked through it twice.”

“No Doubt” I say, looking at Blaze.

She lets out a very equine snort, and looks at the LT, “Are ya gonna stand there worrying or are ya gonna get this girl some food? And not hospital food, she needs calories. I know horses, and I can tell by her ears and lips, she’s starved.”

Blinking I spoke up “Um, that’s the LT, private.”

“I know, but it doesn’t change what I said, and I don’t have the authority or force to get you what you need here.” AP says firmly.

I roll my eyes and look up at Blaze, grabbing a cloth with my magic I start cleaning his cheeks for him. “There you go, now you don’t look like you’ve been crying for 9 hours.”

"I thought I lost you again.” He says softly.

“What do you mean again?”

“I lost you once before, in Canterlot.” Blaze looks at me sadly. “It was my fault, that time, and it was my fault this time because I wasn’t in the right place for you. I keep failing you.”

Gently I boop his nose, “We don’t have enough of our memories to know for sure, and again, if I knew all my spells I’d likely have had another teleport I could have done to get us back safe, so it’s a non issue.”

Eric shakes his head at both of us “Look, since you don’t really remember anything from 25 years ago, its best just to run with what you know now. It wasn’t your fault Yiska, and it wasn’t Wally’s fault.”

Playing catch-up AP pointed at Blaze “Blaze is Wally?”

“Nope, Blaze is Cpl. Yiska Christian. The little mare here, Twilight Velvet, is Wally.”

“Ok I thought Apple Pie was bad, what kind of a parent names their daughter Wally?” She says with a snicker.

I feel myself start to blush as my ears droop , “I was born a boy, the change was a little more extensive for me.”

“Really? So you were a mare, than turned into a guy for 25 years then back into a mare. Man Discords twisted.” She says as she suppresses a laugh.

“A mare with 2 foals apparently, but I don’t remember either of them.” I say softly.

“So, I have to ask, you into stallions now, or mares?” She asks innocently.

“Sorry, military regs, don’t ask don’t tell.” I say nodding firmly.

“Oh, we’ll talk about this when the boys aren’t around then.” She says nodding firmly. She sidles a bit closer, "You know that rule was repealed a few years back, right?"

Thankfully the LT comes back with food, and a very angry looking nurse. I can hear her complaining about animals in the hospital, but he was quick to hush her before she gets too close. On the tray was sandwiches and juice. I didn’t realize just how hungry I was till I started eating. I was easily able to put away the meager three sandwiches they gave me. “Sorry, I guess I’m just really hungry.”

The doctor comes in, looking to the LT “It’s fine, there was no brain damage as far as we could tell in the MRI’s. We are still not sure about the whole magic thing, but it should be ok to be dismissed now.” He says, not looking at me at all.

I can see AP grinding her teeth, but I let the bias roll off. Lifting the blanket over me I look at the LT “Um, LT, Clothing?”

The LT shakes his head “Back at the house, the black suit had to be cut off you, you had blood all over it.”

With a sigh I climb out of bed and drop to all 4’s, “I’ve walked around naked before, I can get away with it for now. You know, what I need. I need an IHOP.”

Eric looked at the LT “Sounds good to me.”

“As the field medic I’d say she’s right, she could probably get the food she needs at an IHOP.” Henry is smiling, well he was right.

The LT just covers his face “You realize those places are very public, and not likely to take well to ponies.”

Jay pipes in “Oh come on LT, it’s not like we are suggesting one of Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant’s. Though given the fact that he’ll cook a horse, I’d avoid those places if I had 4 legs.”

We all nod once, then check for and head for the Gallup, New Mexico, International House of Pancakes. It was a new one, only opened in the last year or so, as such it still had that new look to it, no graffiti, just clean paint. I hum and quickly pulled my mane into a pony tail so I don’t look so plain without my uniform or clothing. Then I look at Blaze “Is my pony tail straight?”

“Yep but you need a tail ribbon.” He says, earning him a smack.

AP looks confused “Tail Ribbon?”

“I swear it’s a fantasy of his, he wants to see me with a big bow in my tail.” I say getting out and shaking my head.

“Why?” AP asked as we headed inside.

“I have no idea. I think it’s a repressed memory from our time in Equestria. He never got to see it then and wants to see it now.” I say with a giggle.

Nothing quiets a restaurant down faster than 3 ponies walking in with a squad of US Army Rangers and taking a seat. It takes a few seconds but the manager comes over with a waitress. Looking over the group he clears his throat.

“Are you all members of the Armed forces?” The manager asks.

The LT nodded “Yep, I have the ID for Twilight there, Ah-pee, have you had your ID card updated yet?”

“I, uh, no, they do that?” She replies.

“Oh, yeah, they do.” He says as he fishes out my ID and shows her “They even list if your earth, unicorn, or pegasus.”

The manager held out his had “May I see that?”

The LT shows him the ID before putting it back in my wallet.

The Manager nodded “We are offering US Service members a 15% discount, currently. On behalf of the International House of Pancakes, we hope you enjoy your meal.” Turning, he returns to his office.

“Wow, I’ll give him points for that one.” I say.

Blaze looks at me, curious but doesn’t say anything.

AP nods, “He didn’t want to come out and accuse us of being normal animals, didn’t want to say we were companion animals or pets, so he went that route.”

“Ok how did you come to that conclusion,” Blaze finally says after staring at me for a long time.

“Mares intuition.” I respond, trying to fight back my laughter.

The LT chuckles, “The surprised look on his face when Twilight spoke.”

Our menu’s arrived but it doesn’t take us long for us to order, Blaze and I going for extra large stacks of pancakes, hold the meat. For him, 4 stacks of chocolate chip, and a 2 stack of banana. I order an 8 stack of harvest grain and nuts topped with cinnamon apple compote, and big plate of hash browns.

Looking at AP I smile, “Don’t worry, we have you covered, LT’s going to file a meal ticket on this one anyway since we're here cuz of a combat injury.”

Chuckling, the LT nods, “Yes, and no, you’re not getting a purple heart for a nose bleed, even if it did cause you to black out for 18 hours and land you in the hospital.”

“Darn it. So close.” Eric says, laughing.

AP smiles brightly and orders herself a Hash brown plate, with Blueberry pancakes.

The rest of the team goes for steak and eggs, or other big dishes.

“One Filly Cheese stake here, with fries.” Eric pipes up, trying to look innocent.

I glare at him, “No Eric, they don’t make the cheese stakes with real fillies here,” I knew he was trying to get me because I loved those but, turnabout is fair play.

“Ugg, um, make that a monster B&B burger. For some reason my stomach just decided it doesn’t want cheese steak.”

AP looks between the group, just smiling brightly, “You guys are just one big family aren’t you?”

The LT nods, “Yep but they are likely going to be breaking us up. They don’t want Twilight as front line, since she’s a mare, and they also don’t know what to do with ponies since they can’t use guns without some serious modification.”

“That’s not fair,” AP says, “Course I’m just a mess tent cook, in the military, but still if my strength is any indication, ponies could help out a ton. I may be small but I have enough power in my legs to flip a car. I can easily pull into the thousand pound range of dead weight, I gave pulling a plough a try for example, and had no problems doing it, even though the plough was made for horses. And let's not even talk about bucking, I shattered a tree by accident because I wasn’t thinking about how much force I could apply.”

“Earth pony magic is around strength and nature. Blaze here can fly into the high supersonics, and cross the country in a matter of hours. My magic can do little things, like teleporting, or levitating things.”

“Don’t forget the shield, you have yet to do that again but that thing blocked an RPG. That’s over 850mm of armor equivalent protection.” Eric pipes in.

“Yeah but I still haven’t figured out how I did that yet.” I say as our food arrives, smiling happily I dig in, famished, before stopping and glancing at both Blaze and AP I quickly cut up their pancakes for them into smaller bits and look innocent. “Sorry, we have got to get you a knife and fork set that you can use.”

“I make do.” AP said and digs into her food.

“So where you a fan of the show growing up?” The LT asks.

“Oh heck no, why watch a show about ponies, when you have real live horses outside, and when it came to toys, at best it was hand me downs, so I got GI Joe and such.” She said licking her muzzle. “I grew up with a horse and rifle.”

“And now you’re a horse with a rifle.” Blaze says, chuckling.

Reaching over I whap Blaze's ear. “Bad pony."

AP gets up, “I have to use the little fillies room. You coming Velvet?”

I blink a few times, looking confused, “Umm, why?”

“Cuz it’s always safer to go in groups.” She states. “Already been tranq’ed once not up for it again.”

“Oh, um, sure.” I say, getting up, and looking at the guys with a shrug.

I sat down at the door to the girl’s bathroom “Want me to wait here?”

“Why? You’re a girl.” And puts her head against my shoulder, pushing me in.

Going in, I look around timidly before gulping and going into one of the stalls. I had never actually been in a girl’s bathroom before. And for some reason I feel really shy and embarrassed about it.

“You’re a serious paradox velvet.” AP says,

“Why’s that?”

“You act more girly than me at times, then get shy and timid about the simple things. In the few hours I’ve known you, I’ve seen you risk your life to save me, kiss and nuzzle Blaze, and get all meek when asked questions. Now you’re embarrassed about being in the girl’s bathroom.”

I blink and look down “Sorry.”

“You need to just relax, you’re a girl, go with it. Don’t think of yourself as a guy that turned into a girl, or the curse changing you. If you hadn’t said anything I’d have thought you were a girl for the entire time, and Yiska was a girl’s name.” AP says as she flushes the toilet.

I get myself cleaned up and flush, heading out to washed my hooves and muzzle a bit, “I guess, which in itself is scary, have I changed that much from how I was before?”

“Want an even scarier thought,” She asks, washing her hooves, “Were you hiding who you were before?”

“OK that one would give me a headache if I tried to figure it out.” I say, shaking my head and checking my ponytail in the mirror giving it a little tug.

She finished drying off and walks up beside me thumping her hip against mine, our cutie marks touching with what feels like a spark jumping between them, I’m not sure if it was physical or magical, or even just a mental thing but we both felt it, looking at each other. Like a static shock between our marks. Between our souls.

I shiver once, shaking my head “Come on, the boys will be wondering if we got lost and call in a drone strike.”

“Ugg drones, remember your son’s wedding…” AP said, opening the door and trotting out.

“Oh Celestia what a mess, and that hat you were wearing Ah-Pee, whatever gave you the idea that that was a good thing?” I say as I'm closing the door behind me.

“It was Canterlot, everyone had strange hats, my grandmare gave it to me and said I had to wear it cuz it was high society.” AP says with a laugh.

I climb up in my seat again “But blue with Polka dots? Really?”

“Hey I’m an Apple, our fashion sense is…” AP stopped blinking, and looked around the table at everyone watching us.

She looks at me blinking and I looked back “We knew each other, in Canterlot.” I said, “From the wedding.” I shake my head vigorously, “I don’t know why and I can’t remember anything else… but that dumb hat. Ah-pee, what happened?”

“I don’t know, you’re the unicorn. For a moment there I remembered, we were friends but I can’t… a dragon, you had saved me from… For a moment it’s like I knew you for years… now it’s gone.”

We both close our eyes, fighting the veil that was pulled over us again but it was all gone, I could only remember fragments of the wedding… and Ah-Pee in that awful hat.


Do what you always do, plan, organize, know the law, and use it. Those words ring though Cynthia’s head, she still has time before the changes start to become really visible. She had already been to work early, and made copies of the files she would need, Volkers conversations with Spectrum, meetings with the Senator, and transfer orders.

Next, on her checklist are the banks, she travels from branch to branch withdrawing money, small amounts, under 2000 dollars per pop. Amounts equal to her rent, to her car insurance for 3 months, to her utility bill for 3 months.

She's not going to pay them, but by taking them out, it would make audits more difficult.

That alone took more time then she wanted, but it had to be done that way, know the law. It would look less like she was running, especially since she left money in her account, as well not trying to closing them. She made a point at each bank of pulling out the bills for each thing she needed to pay as well. Questions would be asked about why she was doing it in cash, but the more questions she left them with, the more answers they would look for.

Pulling into the UPS store she rented a PO box, paying for 1 year cost her 168 dollars, it was a small box, but she didn’t need it big, PO Box for her would work like a safety deposit box, she left an SD card and a note to deliver it to the Washington Post, in the box. If something happened to her, the box would be emptied out in a year for a new customer, hopefully, Volker's crimes would become public, otherwise she can keep paying the box with disposable credit cards online.

She takes her phone and removes the battery, and leaves both sitting on her passenger seat while she drives following the Potomac River. It's already getting dark out, looking into the mirror she sees that her eyes have changed from her normal green, to a deep brown, her hair had taken on a more mane thickness, growing from a short black, to a dark brownish grey.

Finding an unused public boat ramp she pulls in, and takes out her wallet, pocketing the cash, then she leaves the wallet and her ID on the passenger’s seat as well. Getting out of the car, she looks around a bit until she finds a good sized rock. With a few solid swings she shatters the window from the outside so that the glass filled the inside of the car, then popped the car into gear letting it roll into the water.

In a few days she wouldn’t have fingerprints, in a few days her appearance will have completely changed, her voice, her DNA, her form. Taking a step back she put her hands into her pockets and watches as the car slowly sinks into the Potomac river, the wind catching her mane and tail, her ear twitching once. “Why is a Raven, like a writing desk?” She says softly.

Turning she started walking down the road heading north, away from Washington. She remember that the Mad Hatter never answered the riddle, so she did so herself, “Because we were both there when the secrets were written down, because the orders given left an imprint on us, and because we can both keep those secrets in silence if needed, but if we are unlocked, everything we have hidden is revealed.”

Cynthia Woodrow is now gone, with any luck the police would think her the victim of a carjacking, or kidnapping. That should keep her safe from Volker. Now she could make her way to Montana, she had heard of safe places there, in a few days she would have changed fully, she already knew she wasn’t an earth pony or a Pegasus, Luna had left her with that. She is a unicorn, an advisor to the royal courts, she is Raven.


It was pretty late when we got back to AP’s farm, hopping out of the van, we noticed the lights were out, Blaze puts his wing in front of us to stop us and we crouched quickly, sniffing the air, my ears go up.

“Bottom corner of the glass on the front door is broken.” Those pegasus eyes of his let him see a lot better than us ground pounders.

“I smell gunpowder, rifle rounds likely.” I said, looking to the LT.

Nodding slowly he places a call to the CID. Our big guns were in the CID vehicle, supposed to be dropped off after mission, but the LT pulled out the 10mm’s. Moving to the side of the vehicle away from the house, The LT, Jay, Henry, Eric, and Sanchez quietly put on their vests, and their night vision.

“My parents are still in there,” AP says quietly.

“We are US Army Rangers, we’ll get them out.” I say firmly.

The team advances in 2’s with the LT and Henry moving for the front door, Jay and Eric swing around to the back, Sanchez hangs back, covering the windows and protecting AP while Blaze and I watch the sides. At the front door I saw the LT pull the pin and drop a grenade in the hole in the window… closing my eyes Blaze and I both flatten our ears.

Even at about 150 feet away, with our ears down the explosion of the flash bang is loud. Opening my eyes I see the flashes of gunshots, a 2nd flash bang goes off in the rear of the house, that one gave us a pulse to see targets in the upstairs.

Blaze picked up a flash bang in his mouth and I pull the pin, shooting up to the 2nd floor he lets go of the grenade and banks away, the small grenade shattering the window. The explosion lighting up the 2nd floor again, the forms of 2 persons up there.

Nodding to Blaze I teleported into the 2nd floor landing and mule kicked the first person down the stairs, Blaze comes through next, body checking the 2nd to the ground. They were men somewhere between 18 and 21, armed with civilian carbines.

Running upstairs The LT and Henry began clearing the last rooms, Another explosion downstairs tells us that they were clearing the basement. AP’s Mom and Dad end up to be found huddled in the bathroom, but there are no more people found.

“Clear up!” The LT calls.

“Basement Cleared,” Jay calls out.

“First floor secure and held,” Sanchez had moved up and inside to control the first floor.

“Anyone hurt?” The LT calls out.

A series of no’s are called out. I give myself and Blaze a once over. “We’re fine.”

We all look at the LT and slowly back away.

“Ok what are you looking at me like that for?” He says, starting to look annoyed.

“The paperwork, this one’s going to be awful.” Blaze says.

The sound of the police cars makes the point really clear, 8 people killed, The US Army had drawn blood against the Army of God. The paperwork was going to be a mess, but it was a clean hostage rescue. Even if it was spur of the moment and reactionary.

“CID is going to have a field day with us on this one. Least we called them first and let them know. Their truck will be here soon.” The LT grumbles.

Heading downstairs again we sit on the porch and waited for the Police and CID to show up. At least we had the excuse that we were protecting AP’s family.

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