• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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Part 1: A Pale Horse Cometh

May 1’st 2020, 1200zulu

A lone Predator drone finishes it’s third pass over the forests, its FLIR confirming the structures and multiple hotspots in the area. Hidden under the deep canopy of trees, in what was supposed to be a nature reserve, the signs of a drug production facility could be seen.

After months of work, Ornada’s location has finally been fixed. Now the mission could begin, and the hope that with him captured there may be an end to some of the chaos in the region. With hope, May first will be able to be remembered as the day the changes began.

“Up and at ‘em, briefing in 30 min, 1230 Zulu, we have a hot one boys. Sorry Wally, no sleeping in on your birthday! Move it move it.” LT Fisher called out.

I sit and stretch. We’ve been waiting for this call for days now. My squad has been on 24 hour standby now for two weeks. We’ve been billeted in a Marine transport but we weren’t Marines… really, I actually hated the sea myself. Jumping out of a plane is fine, but sitting inside a rocking boat for days on end… no thanks… our squad was better than these lifeguards…. “RANGERS HO!”

I hopped out of bed hitting the showers quick. I’m not a huge man, 5’11” 185 pounds, but I still passed all my ranger certifications, making me the second youngest member on this team. One of the advantages of a brush cut like I have is it's fast to wash. Only takes a few seconds for me to have my brown hair done. Shaving is just about as quick. I never could grow a proper beard but never had to worry about it. I’ve been in the military for the last six years now. This also means I’m used to missed birthdays.

I get into my uniform as quick as I can, nodding to Eric who’s also getting dressed “This is it I hope.”

Eric Peterson, he’s a Cpl from Montana originally, our demolition expert and spotter for Sgt. Donaldson. While most people think about demolitions and think of the big blasts Eric is always just the opposite. His view is why waste a big blast, when a controlled blast is safer and much more effective. Standing in at 5’10” he’s just a touch shorter than me but has a few years more experience.

I walk into the hall and meet up with my sniper, Sgt Donaldson. 6’1” 210 pounds, you gotta be big to lug around the gear we carry. I’m his spotter as well as the intel specialist. I’ve worked with Sgt Donaldson for a year now and we trust each other with our lives.

Moving into the briefing room I stand at attention, the LT is already there, as is a major. Our coms specialist is in the front row, Lance Cpl Yiska Christan. Yiska, is 4th generation military, his great grandfather apparently served in World War II as a code talker. While he is Navajo by birthright, Yiska never did pay much attention to what he called, the old ways. At least he says he didn’t, but Yiska is one of the few people that remembers and can still fluently talk the code talking. He doesn’t practice the old ways but he knows them well enough I think.

“All right, this is not going to be a pretty one. “ The Major said looking across the room “We have good intel that Ornada is not just operating but actually living at a small drug production farm. Ornada has been a pain in the USA’s side for years now. He is the leader of one of the larger Cartels, with crimes of drug production and smuggling, human trafficking and sex slavery. Today however you are going after him, himself.”

Looking around the room the Major took a breath “Sanchez, Peterson. you are primary sniper team. Donaldson, Fitzpatrick secondary. “

Great I think, secondary again, ah well, takes some pressure of Donaldson.

“Objectives as follows, locate the encampment, verify that it is Oranada, if it is attempt capture. If capture is not viable you are authorized to take him out. Entry point will be near the Kurinwas river, in the Wawashing nature reserve. You will proceed south by south west it should take you 3 days to reach the target area. Extraction points are back at the river, alpha, bravo 2 days south of the plant, emergency abort location safe house will be in Town of Tortuguero. Mission call sign Twilight, command call sign Nightshade, mission go Grasslands, mission abort Firewall, emergency Treasure Chest, this operation is Pale Horse.”

“Get your gear, and let’s move out” the LT calls.

Yep, this is going to be a fun birthday, I think as I stand and head to the equipment locker, and grab my gear. Nicaragua is not very friendly to Americans so we can’t count on air support or even ground support if we get in trouble. Getting a final check from the LT, our group heads out to the flight deck. Normally we would go in by paradrop but because of the jungle and small landing areas, they have a Sea Stallion waiting for us.

“So birthday boy, how does it feel to be 25?” Eric said with a chuckle.

“Same as it felt to turn 24, no wait, 24 I was in the desert, cooler.”

“Nightshade this is Twilight, radio check over. Twilight, Twilight…” Tapping the mic a few times Yiska makes an adjustment to his headset. Nightshade this is Twilight radio check over”

“Twilight, this is Nightshade, 5 by 5”.

I sort of zone out a bit listening to the chatter, I know it’s going to be about 2 hours to the drop point, leaning back in my chair I hear one of the flight crew humming though the noise, the words come to mind… “Black velvet and a little mare’s smile….”

“Velvet, I’m coming for you.” *Yellow and red eyes appeared*

I run through the streets of a walled city castle, I hear the screams and cries all around me, but I can’t see anyone. Charging around the corner I hear the voice again. “Your daughter’s gone, your son’s gone… and now it’s time to play…”

I need to get to out of town, I need to find some place safe… but where is safe from him?

“Isn’t this fun? All these poor little things running around, screaming, crying, why aren’t you joining in? It seems to be the pass time? Aren’t you going to scream?

Fighting back the tears I slide down a slope and jump over an overturned fruit cart. I know he’s playing with me, I know he’s got me anytime he wants…. If a legion couldn’t stop him, if a goddess couldn’t then what chance do I have? If I could find a place to hide, to regroup with others…

“There’s no escape my little one.” I hear the sound of a claw dragging on stone, turning the last corner before the gates I see him standing there. Trying to stop I see him snap his clawed hand and I’m caught, scooped up into the air. “Tut tut, you didn’t have to run, I would have got to you.

“Discord, why are you doing this?” Was that me asking? Was that someone else?

“For fun, for time, for laughs…. For a world that has been static for to long. It’s time for a change, and I don’t need anyone bothering me while I make the changes.”

For Five Score! Divided by Four!

Your memories removed, your body confused!

For your insolence you must pay,

Cast off to a land far far away!

To scatter the six, just the start of my tricks!

Your mind shall be weak, your outlooks bleak!

Forgetting everything and living like a fool,

You have all lost, now no one can stop my rule!

“Twilight Grassland, I say again Twilight Grassland.” Sitting up quickly I blink shaking my head as the go code comes over the radio.

“Wow that was a fast flight”

The LT looks over and shakes his head “you were out for two and a half hours. I don’t know how you can sleep in a chopper with all the noise”

Out the sides of the helicopter the ropes are dropped, grabbing the fast line, I slide down and hit the ground by the river with the rest of my squad. Once on the ground I quickly run for the tree line crouching, rifle at the ready, joined by the rest of the squad one by one. Scanning the area I wait for the helicopter to move of, leaving us with just the sounds of the woods.

“Ok boys, we have a lot of ground to cover and 3 days to do it. Eric you have point, Wally bring up the rear, I want to get some distance between us and the drop site.” The LT said hefting his rucksack.

There’s not a lot of time to talk as we walk, checking for traps, scouts, anything, as we move through the forests. The reality is though, we probably will not see anything for the first 2 days, and we know it but letting your guard down is not an option. While I am a spotter, my primary task with the group is intelligence analysis. If we find papers I’m the one that has to scan them quick, decide if it’s relevant to our current situation. I had to learn to read fast and scan and process information quick, but I seemed to always have a knack for that… After action reports though, the LT always says… they look more like an adventure novel than a true after action report.

By about 1900 local time, it’s gotten too dark to travel safely, so the LT calls for a halt. Stretching out a bit, I chuckle, we don’t need to remain silent, just need to talk low, and not use any lights. “Argh, mac and cheese with peas, who thought that would be a good idea for an MRE”

“Beefsteak with mushrooms and western beans.” Eric says with a grin.

“I don’t know how you do it you always seem to pull the best ones,” Henry pipes in. Henry is our medic, great guy, actually wanted to become a doctor, problem was, his family was so broke they couldn’t even afford community college. So his only option, join up. He’s a great guy though, 5’9 but a real powerhouse. He can easily carry a 200 pound man plus his equipment on his back, “chicken noodles and apple sauce,” though luck isn’t always on his side.

“OK guys, keep it down, were bunking down here for the night, standard watch rotation. Full light discipline, night vision only.” The LT says before sitting down to get some sleep.

Looking around I find a nice spot to sit, and rest. Well as much rest as you can get in the jungle, but you learn to ignore things when you have to.

Running, searching, my daughter. Where is she? If he hurt her, if he hurt my son... I don’t know what I’m going to do. All around me is darkness, blackness. I can’t see or hear anything… Those eyes… they aren’t here but I remember them. The eyes….

I need to get out, I need to be free, I need to find my kids… my kids. All around me is blackness but if I focus maybe, if i can get a spark of light…

“My kids” I mumble before being shaken lightly by Yiska. Blinking, I drop my night vision looking around then up. “My watch?”

Yiska nods, “yeh, and you were talking in your sleep. I’ve never seen you do that, mumbling for your kids.”

“I… I don’t have kids though,” shaking my head I can’t even think of why I would say that, was it something I was dreaming about? “Heck I don’t even have a girlfriend.”

Yiska chuckles softly “Maybe you were having a vision, the great spirits. A vision quest of sorts of the great ancestor spirits. Of the harmony between them."

I glared up at Yiska. "Really?"

Yiska chuckled, "Yeah never mind, I don’t follow that stuff anyway.”

Chuckling I stand and take my position, scanning the jungle, listening to the sounds, and listening for anything that doesn’t sound right. The problem is, something just doesn’t feel right. I can’t put my finger on it, but something’s different. I can just… sense it. I knew my watch would be over but I wasn’t sure I wanted to go back to sleep… it was almost like I knew something waiting for me to do that… Moving over, I wake Eric up for his shift and sit back down, giving my weapon a quick check over I turn off the goggles and sat listening to the jungle… Those eyes, I think as a shudder runs down my back.

First light seemed to come before I noticed it. Getting up I let Eric know I was the bathroom and took the shovel. It wasn’t until cleaning up afterwards I noticed the marks on my hip. Checking the other side I noticed the same marks there. That’s never a good sign, blotches or marks showing up could be signs of any number of problems and we were days away from help.

Making my way back quickly I wake up Henry, “Henry, I think I’m having a reaction to something, can you give it a quick check make sure it’s not going to slow us down?”

Henry yawned and grabbed the flashlight “foot, leg?”

“Hip.” I said, “both sides.”

Nodding he used the red light and his poncho to limit light pollution, before switching to white light to make sure. “Did you get tattoos on leave?”

“No why?”

“It's three… stars… per side… three purple stars. Shouldn’t affect your mobility I would think." Henry chuckled

“That makes no sense,” I mumbled pulling up my pants and getting my gear ready. They weren’t there before the mission started.

“The colors wrong for bruising and there isn’t bleed to the edges, it’s perfectly formed and shaped. Rule 3, no straight lines in nature,” he said putting his things away and getting ready.

“So it’s not a natural effect then, but not at tattoo.”

“Yep but you know the rules, unless its slowing you don’t we don’t worry about it.”

I nodded, it didn’t hurt or anything it's just... strange and confusing. It’s never good to be confused going into combat. At least I’d have a day or two to ponder it before we encountered anyone for sure.

“All right people, police the area, clear any signs we camped, and prepare to move out”, the LT said, it didn’t have to be said but always good to have a reminder.

I nod once, and quickly dig a small hole, as the rest pick up any scraps or such from dinner and dump them in the whole. MRE’s don’t generate a lot of waste garbage so it’s quick, and once buried I cover the disturbed soil with leaves. “Eating on the march LT?”

“Have to, I want to be close enough to the encampment that we can hit the target on the morning of the 4th.” The LT says shouldering his pack.

Putting mine on I get the once over to make sure all gear is in place. Once done I do the same to Eric. We are a team and need to watch out for each other. Part of that is making sure the gear is properly fixed to our packs and webbing.


I glance over at Yiska, “Just call me Velvet.”

Yiska blinks looking at me strangely, “Just call you what?”

“Velvet, it’s easier than the full…” I stop and stand blinking for a moment.

“Twilight… it’s our call sign remember? I was listening to the radio trying to make out If I heard the word. I thought I heard nightshade calling Twilight for a moment on the radio. What’s velvet got to do with anything?”

“I… I don’t know it just…” I stand there, I must look really dumb and confused right now because it earned me a Gibbs-esk smack to the back of my helmet from the LT.

“Head in the game ranger…”

“Yes sir,” falling into formation at the rear I start walking. Shaking my head I try and clear my mind. I know for a fact now something is wrong with me but what. We’re 5 days from the safe house right now, 2 from our target, so if something goes wrong the strongest course is a 1 and a half day hike back to the river. I need to focus though. I need to just do my job, my team is counting on me. Deep breaths in and out, I’ve done this before.

Eating on the march is never a fun thing, it’s not like sitting down and eating a full meal at once, it’s more like snacking constantly to keep our energy up. Between the heat, the walking though harsh terrain and the gear we are carrying, the amount of calories we burn is high, that’s why the MRE’s meals ready to eat, have candies, power bars, and such in them. There’s something about this though that always feels right. Hiking though forests and jungles, I’ve always loved the adventure. Chuckling “It’s not just a job it’s an adventure.”

Jay chuckles in front of me, “That’s Navy, not Army Rangers.”

“See the world, meet new and interesting people, and kill them.” Eric pipes in.

“That’s Marines’,” Jay says again with a chuckle.

It isn’t until about 5 pm when we can really settle down again, the LT calls a halt. The jungle ahead is darker than expected because of hill shadow, so he calls for us to hold up there. Glancing back to me he blinks, “Something wrong with your helmet Ranger?”

I find myself trying to get it to sit right, and look up “I think the straps got messed up somehow, it’s too tight and not holding its position.”

“We’ll rest here you can adjust the straps as…” He stops looking at me while I sit the helmet on my lap checking the inner webbing straps. “If that’s some kind of joke Corporal it’s not funny”

Blinking I look up confused “What? I’m not joking, it’s not fitting or sitting right.”

Eric walks over tilting his head and grabs my hair giving it a little tug “Ow, the heck that… since when do I have enough hair to be tugged?”

“It’s not just the hair it’s the color” Yiska says looking a touch confused.

Quickly I grab my signal mirror from my combat webbing, and pull it out to look. Somehow, in the course of the march, my hair’s gone from its normal brown, to a moderate purple with white stripes, going down to well below my shoulders, with just a bit of a curl at the end. Also my eyes have gone from their normal dark brown, to a very light arctic blue.

“Henry, my eye color has changed. I’ve always been dark brown now I’m a light blue.”

Moving over Henry kneels, now taking out his flash light he flashes my eyes a few times before looking up “He’s right LT.”

“He’s also blind” I chuckle blinking, “warn me next time before you do that.” Looking at my hands I have to keep blinking for a few seconds to get the spots out of my eyes. After a day in low light, that flashlight really did hurt.

“It’s a 2 days to the target, 2 to get back or 3 to the safe house.” The LT said.

“I know what you’re thinking LT but we have a mission to do… You’re the one that always says mission comes first.”

“Yes but this isn’t normal. This is so far from normal it could constitute an abort.” The LT actually looks worried, and that’s NEVER a good sign.

“First the tattoos, then the hair and eyes. Something just isn’t natural here.” All eyes turn to Yiska who’s been holding his tongue the entire time.

Yiska blinks, “Why’s everyone looking at me, this is serious, I know better than to make some joke about the great spirits in a situation like this.” He shakes his head.

Ok, that has me even more worried, if Yiska is too nervous to make a comment. He would normally joke around about some ancient ritual or great spirits or magic. He never took that part of his culture too seriously but...

I put my helmet back on, at least its sitting better now that it is not holding all that hair under it, and rub my eyes one last time. “Your call LT, but any direction we take we’ll be here to the morning. I know how important this mission is, so I’m willing to go regardless”.

“We’ll hold here for the night. If there’s ANY new changes tell me immediately. I don’t want to have ANYTHING that will interfere with our safety”. The LT Looks very stern about this, and he’s not one you can keep secrets from.

Grabbing my MRE I just groan and all eyes turn to me quick. “Veggie Burger w/BBQ sauce, anyone wanna trade?” That incites a mass groan, “Yeh and here I thought Henry was the one with all the bad meals this trip.”

“Manicotti with Vegetables,” He shakes his head.

“Nope, you win again, at least the barbeque sauce has flavor. “ With that I settle down to eat. Meals are never as bad as we make them out to be. During training there's a part where you get to survive on bugs. After that you know that any real meal, even if it’s an MRE, is better than an empty stomach.

As we spread out a bit for the night I find myself having to take the helmet off again, I just can’t get the straps right, then I hear it. I’m not sure what it was at first but it made my ears twitch. Closing my eyes and lowering my head, I listened as my ears swivelled a bit back and forth trying to find the source of the sound. In a moment my ears lock onto it, footsteps moving heavy through the trees, and 2, no, 3 voices.

Falling back to the LT I give him a light tap “3 people, maybe more, that way.”

Acting on training, the LT fans us out quickly, taking cover, it takes a few moments for the rest of the squad to hear them but we were already hidden by the time they passed by. 3 men, early 20’s, 2 of them had AK-74’s and the 3rd a machete. No one moved, or took action, we let them walk right past.

Sometimes it’s safer to avoid combat, if shots were heard it could bring others over. As well we didn’t know if they were associated with the target or what. After about 20 min, the LT decided it was safe enough to move over to me. Raising his hand he snaps is fingers right beside one of my ears causing it to flinch and lay back.

Motioning Henry over they both look, slowly I reach up to touch one of my ears. I knew this was well beyond Henry but he was the best we had right now. Carefully he started checking my ears out, touching the bone around where my old ears used to be, then gently touching the outer edge of my new ear.

With a soft giggle I twitch my ear away then “Ok that tickles.” Wait, did I just giggle? I never giggle, heck I was never ticklish. “Ok, this is just plain weird.”

“Weird but your hearings a lot better, you heard those guys a full 5 min before we did. Ok were going to abort this, and get you back.”

Nodding slowly I couldn’t help but feel down about this… years in the works all destroyed because of this. Standing up to move I got jerked back, falling on my butt. Looking concerned the LT put his hand on my shoulder “Are you ok?”

Slowly nodding and looking back I looked at Henry “You’re standing… on my tail,” those 3 words were enough to cause them to fall back away from me a little. On my tail… I had a tail… My mind started running in circles… “LT, permission to freak out?”

Henry quickly checked the tail out causing me to inhale quick and let out the cutest little squeak. “Yep that’s sensitive to.” Had I been in my right mind I might be concerned with the squeak, well, actually, had I been in my right mind, I wouldn’t have ears or a tail to be concerned with. Closing my eyes I couldn’t deal with it, my brain needed a reboot or restore to previous setting. My head spun and I was out like a light.

Checking my satchel I needed to be sure I had everything, water skin, hard tack baskets, maps of the area, well as much of the area as I had, Everfree never did have good maps, raincloak, compass, yeh I had what I needed.

“Twilight are you sure you’re up for this?”

I looked up at the older earth pony, he was a farmer, deep brown mane, light blue body fur yet built. I mean he was built. If he wasn’t like 20 years my elder, he must have been a total heart throb when he was my age. “Yes, the timberwolves have been attacking your farm and the neighbors; nopony is safe with them out there right now. “

“I know but why didn’t Canterlot send more than 1 little unicorn for this, shouldn’t they have sent several guards?”

“For timberwolves? It’s not like it’s a dragon or something, this is going to be a fun little adventure” With a flick of my mane I giggled “Twilight Velvet, here to save the day.”

Sitting up I start coughing, “What the hay, smelling salts, I hate that stuff.”

“You fainted, I need you awake right now,” The LT was looking at me with concern “We are still in hostile territory.”

“I know LT, shock got to me for a second.”

Standing up the LT ruffles my hair between my ears, closing my eyes I feel my ears go side to side… the little gesture making me feel a lot better right now. “OK get some rest, I’ll pull you off watch rotation. I don’t want you to risk passing out again.”

Nodding slowly I get up moving back to sit curling up a bit, now acutely aware of my tail, I close my eyes to rest. This is not the adventure I was looking for.

“Seriously, this is not the adventure I was looking for.“ With a leap and roll I get I end up on all 4’s again, the Rockadile roaring out at me. I look around and see just what I need. A large fallen tree trunk, hollow but still looks strong enough. Now I just need to make him mad.

Rockidiles are not the brightest of creatures, I think it’s because they actually do have rocks for brains, kicking a few small rocks at him I laugh, “Oh poor little thing all moss covered, I guess you can’t move fast at all.”

With the taunts and rocks, the creature roars and charges. I do a quick turn and dive through the log and roll out the other side. A moment later I'm followed by a deafening crash. Glancing over my shoulder I see the rockadile stuck head and shoulders into the log unable to get out or go through it.

“Score one for brains,” I giggle and start high step trotting away from the pond. The rockidle hadn’t been leaving its territory so I saw no reason to hurt it. I was the intruder here after all. Moving deeper into the Everfree I found it getting darker. Closing my eyes I concentrated, the glow form my horn lighting the area up.

I’m woken up by a sharp pain in my head, and find myself looking up at both Erik and Yiska. “Seriously ow.”

“Your horn was glowing, I smacked it and it went out.”

“Look you don’t go hitting somepony’s horn it’s not just rude its…” I blink for a few second. I’m not sure if that’s the strangest thing I’ve ever said. And I’m not sure what part to start with. Horn.. glow… My… Slowly I reach up touching the horn on my forehead then look at them.

“Somebody’s horn? You’re the only one that has a horn.” Eric was looking about as panicked as I was feeling right now…

Moving over the LT nneels down, “Lights out no one’s around that saw it, so what was it?”

“His horn was glowing and we are not talking about a dim bio-luminescent glow,” Henry said joining the group. “It was putting out a fair glow.”

“Ok this is getting serious, up till now the changes have been worrying but this is the first one that could have posed a risk. Yiska, stay with him to the night. Make sure he doesn’t give away our position.”

Nodding slowly Yiska turns sitting looking at me. “My father used to tell me stories.”

“Oh goody a spirits joke,” I said shaking my head.

“Well it’s not all about spirits, some were about magic, some were about people who took the form of animals either as a curse by spirits, a blessing, or of their own will.”

“That has got to be the most stupid….. ow!” I flinch as he flicks my horn with a finger and blink, “Ok not so stupid.” I rub the horn softly, darn that’s sensitive.

“In a case like this, my father would say something like, the spirits are unbalanced, you need to find the spirits and talk to ask them either forgiveness or help. Truth is I never considered that much passed some mumbo jumbo to explain a person trying to come to terms with themselves.” Taking a deep breath he looks at my horn and ears, “But in this case I think you need to talk to your spirit.”

“And just how am I supposed to do that?”

“My grandfather always described it like a controlled dream, somewhere between meditation and sleep. At least that’s how I took what he was saying. Close your eyes, breath deep, and slow, relax. Open your mind and search. There was something to do with a totem spirit…”

Nodding slowly I closed my eyes and relaxed. At this point I wasn't really sure what to expect. What was going on.

I was expecting timberwolves, but not this. I stood, my front legs spread ready for anything but I didn’t want to make an aggressive move. Standing on a large rock above me, was a massive stag, Long thin legs, white and gold body with a huge set of antlers, but most startling was around his neck was a large golden necklace with a red gem in the shape of a heart.

“Welcome back little one.” His voice is strong and powerful, filled with authority. “You have been gone a long time”

“Who, who are you?” I stammer, deer don’t talk, cows ok, but deer, no. They can’t. “How do you know me?”

“I am King Aspen known as The Heart of The Everfree Forest.” The stag says, looking down at me. “This is not the first time you have come here, stood down there. I have seen you before. I know you maybe better then you know yourself.”

“My name is… Twilight Velvet, I have come here because of the timberwolves they have been attacking the farms.” I take a breath standing true.

“Is that really why you are here?”

“Of course it is, ponies are in danger, it’s my duty to help them.” I say stomping a hoof, then the stag looks at me with stern eyes, I try my best to stay brave but I find myself lowering my head, “I came here because I thought I could help.”

Shaking his head he steps down, nearly twice my size I suddenly feel very vulnerable. “No Twilight, not this time, this time you came looking for my help.”

Gasping and panting I open my eyes looking around, my movements cause Yiska to backpedal. “I…I…. I have to go to the bathroom…” Quickly getting up I move away panting hard, my whole body is trembling, but I still have no idea what that means. Any of it, who a talking deer? Me saying I’m… I’m… Shaking my head again I try and hold on try to find it again but it’s faded.

Undoing my pants I find myself with a new problem. “Ah crud.”

Author's Note:

I Apologize now, Most of the stories for 5 score are written first person, which isn't my normal writing style, I've always been 3ed person. I have tried to adapt my writing style to fit with the way the 5 score universe stories flow.

Java Compilation ERROR #43: Insufficient Coffee. Due to this, none of the characters in this story actually belong to me, instead this is a chance to explore histories, personal conflicts, emotions, and the choices made, that lead up to and shape the world as the ponies knew it.

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