• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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89: Desperation and Tears

“Get up!” Candy says loudly as she shakes Cloudy gently.

Cloudy yawns and curls up tighter in a ball, nuzzling her pillow. “I don’t wanna.”

“Are you just going to lay in bed till like nine or ten in the morning?” Candy huffs and shakes Cloudy again, not as gently this time.

“I’m not sleeping, I’m keeping my pillow company, and making sure it’s fluffy and soft enough for a pony. Cutie Mark Crusader pillow testers, go!” Cloudy says, wrapping her forelegs around the pillow and pulling it tighter to her.

“Ugh, you are such a boy sometimes.” Candy says and sits on his haunches.

Rolling over, Cloudy pokes her head out from under the covers, putting her muzzle against Candy’s, “Look, just because I like sleeping in doesn’t make me act like a boy. I know I’m a filly now. That doesn’t mean I can’t still like sleeping in, playing video games, and watching action films.”

Candy sighs, “I know.”

“Just like, just because you’re a colt, it doesn’t mean you have to like monster trucks, sports, or redneck jokes.” Pulling the pillow around, Cloudy lays it across her forelegs and puts her muzzle over the pillow again. “We can still be who we are, who we were, and still like doing things we did as a human.” She sighs, “Well, most things.”

“Yeah, we are a little young for late night keggers.” Candy says, “But I’m a colt, shouldn’t I be doing colt things?”

“Why? Its not who you are, its not what makes you special. Gender doesn’t determine what you can and can’t like. Look at mom, you are not likely to see her sitting around knitting, even if she’s pregnant.” Reaching out Cloudy pokes her hoof against Candy’s muzzle with a boop, “Just like you, I know sports aren’t your thing, and never really were… Even if you CAN do it. If you don’t like doing it,” She looks at him seriously, flicking both of her ears back and forth, “then don’t.”

Candy wraps both forelegs around his sister. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

Lifting her covers quickly, Cloudy checks her hip, “Damn it, still no mark! Not for pillow testing, counselling, or being the best sister. What does a filly have to do to get her cutie mark?”

“Get out of bed and try stuff?” Candy says, looking innocent.

“Umm, oh pillow wants me.” Putting her head back down, Candy pulls the covers over her head. “Go have some fun, I’ll be up in another hour.”

Giggling, Candy turns and heads for the kitchen, “Pillow talking means sleep. Who knew?”


Katie finds herself waking up to rapid knocking on her door. She looks around quickly, noting the time. It is still morning, nearly ten according to the clock. She doesn’t have to go to work today and she had finished the laundry earlier, so she is just napping on the couch.

Getting up, she heads over to the door, “Who is it?”

“Katie, its me, Ellen.” The girls voice is broken, almost in tears as she speaks, “Let me in, please!”

Opening the door, Katie blinks, “Ellie, what’s wrong?”

Ellen trembles as she steps in, Katie takes a quick look at the other woman, fresh tear tracks line her face, her hair is disheveled, and her clothes look slept in, “I… I think...”

Katie hugs Ellen tightly and brings her into the apartment, guiding over to the couch to sit down. Ellen is a touch shorter than Katie, but is a few years older. Her parents were Mennonite as well, though like Katie, Ellen generally lived in town.

“Think what?” Katie gently takes Ellen’s hands in her own looking at the other woman, a concerned look on her face, “Come on, you can talk.”

“I think someone took advantage of me.” Ellie says and starts crying again.

Katie blinks, then hugs Ellen tightlt, “Oh, God Ellie, what happened.”

“I think I was drugged last night. Then…” Ellen whimpers and hugs Katie, fighting to breathe through a fresh bout of tears.

Katie blinks, “Calm down, tell me exactly what happened.”

Ellen sniffles and looks down, “It was my fault… I was stupid. I went out last night with some of the guys, they took me to a bar for my birthday. It was an English bar, bright lights, dancing, laughing, and drinks.”

Katie nods slowly, “And then what happened?”

“I don’t know, I was feeling hot, tired. I went to the bathroom. I guess I passed out or something, because the next thing I know, I’m being shaken by one of the staff. Apparently I had been in there for almost an hour.” Ellen says, looking down, “I don’t know what happened, I don’t remember anything.” Her voice rising almost to a shriek as she continues.

“But why do you think someone took advantage of you?” Katie asks, her voice full of concern.

Ellen bites her lip, trembling a bit before gulping, “Because…in the time I was in the bathroom, someone…branded me.”

“Branded?” Katie blinks, sliding back a bit, confusion replacing concern.

Slowly, Ellen lifts the side of her skirt to show a pair of interlinked horseshoes on her hip. One is silver, the other one, gold. There isn’t any sign of a burn or redness around the mark. The mark itself, though, is not drawn on either. That she can tell easily.

“I had to be drugged, something like that date rape drug that makes you forget everything. And why would they brand me and not?” Ellen shudders, tears filling her eyes again… “I was…”

“Ellie.” Katie sighs and hugs her tighter, “Ellie, I don’t think you were drugged. I… I need to call someone though.”

“What? Why? You can’t. How can I live this down?” Ellen says, looking at her hip.

Closing her eyes, Katie thinks of her brother for a moment, “If… if it’s what I think, it’s not something I can understand, but there are those that can teach you about it.”

“I… I…”

Hugging Ellie as tight as she can, Katie shakes her head, “Don’t worry I’ll...” Katie pauses, trying to think of what to say. Finally, she looks into Ellie’s eyes, “I’ll find a way to help you.”


“How’s it hanging Velvet?” The LT chuckles.

Glancing up, I giggle, “They aren’t hanging yet sir.”

Looking confused for a moment, the LT tilts his head, “They…”

“Udders.” I say, and when I get a blank look, “My boobs.” I say and smile, “I still have a few months till they start swelling out and hanging.”

“Umm, too much info.” The LT says and sits down, gently scratching me behind an ear.

With a smile I lean against him, “So when can I get back to work?”

“You mean teaching?” The LT says, sounding confused.

“No I mean jumping out of planes in hot zones and helping save people and ponies lives.” It seems like a normal request in my mind.

The LT huffs, “You’re pregnant, no going into combat zones when you are pregnant. So not until after you give birth.”

“I swear, the worst part of being pregnant is, the boredom. No one lets you do anything fun.” I have to say with a huff.

“Okay, so telling you that you need to take it easy would get me zapped then?” The LT looks at me, and impish smile on his face.

“There is nothing in military regulations against zapping a superior officer.” I say with a nod.

The LT hums, “I’ll need to get that changed, until then, no zapping superiors, that’s an order.”

“Does that include good zaps?” I ask tiling my head, “Healing, protecting, stuff like that?”

“No! No looking for loopholes.” The LT says firmly, yet he smiles as he taps my nose with a single finger. “Bad pony.”

Crossing my legs, I sigh softly, “You know what the hardest thing about the change is?”

“Not being able to get comfortable sleeping on your side or back because your wings keep wanting to stretch out?” The LT says, shaking his head no.

“Ok no, maybe for a pegasus pony.” I say and look at his hip.

The LT laughs, “Forgetting to take into account horn length and almost knocking yourself out while running through underbrush as your horn hits a low hanging branch?”

“That only happened once to me, and two or three times to Fleur, but no…” I feel my ears get red as I start to blush. “I mean the gender part.”

“The feeling that your left out of things, or excluded now, just because your female? The idea that you can’t do everything you used to do because people will see you as different?” He says softly and puts his hand on my back.

“Yeah…that. I’m still me, but being told I can’t do this or that, or shouldn’t do this or that because I’m a pregnant mare. That gets old, really old, really fast. Add to that, the restrictions of being a pony. In some ways pegasi have it easier, because they can still travel but…getting bad looks from people when you walk into the bathroom.” I sigh softly and look down at my forehooves.

“It makes you feel like less of a person. Less than, well, less than human. Like you’re not worth as much as a ‘real’ one. I get those looks too.” Shaking his head the LT smiled, “Being a pony on Earth is hard. Escaping back to Equestria, in some ways, was the safe way to go. Those who stayed on Earth, like you. Those who stayed as ponies to help other ponies. Deserve true respect. Not to be looked down on.”

Blinking, I find myself fighting back tears. I have to sit up, which is less the comfortable right now, but it lets me hug him tight. “Thank you. Fleetfoot is just so lucky to have you.”


“Woohoo!” Masquerade screams as she does a roll, punching through the cloud and causing it to dissipate from the turbulence she caused.

Pulling out of the dive, she does a half loop and roll, “Immelmann Turn!!!”

Blaze and Fleetfoot look at each other, shaking their heads.

“She’s lost it.” Blaze chuckles.

Fleetfoot blinks, “Just because she loves flight, doesn’t mean she’s gone nuts.”

Putting herself into a tight roll Masquerade closes her wings and shoots between Blaze and Fleetfoot, her tongue hanging out as she spins.

“Umm, want to rethink that.” Blaze chuckles again.

Fleetfoot shakes her head and smiles, “You know how we all felt the first time we really got to fly again.”

“She’s been a pegasus for a few days now and hasn’t stopped. For us it’s… remembering who we were after twenty-five years.” Blaze says, watching her climb and bank.

Narrowing her eyes, Fleet looks sternly at Blaze, “Behave, she’s as much a pony as the rest of us. I wouldn’t think you to be the prejudicial type.”

“What? I? No…I mean I know she’s real…” Blaze backs up a few steps from the angry, pregnant pegasus, not wanting to be the focus of her wrath.

Laying her ears back Fleetfoot sticks out her neck, tail flicking side to side in sharp motions, “But what? She remembers Equestria and Discord, the mirror knew she was a pegasus and a mare.”

“And all’s good, I just meant she’s taking to her… old form… well...” Blaze says meekly.

“Incoming!” Masquerade’s hind legs hit the cloud first as her front legs skid across the surface, kicking up tufts of compressed cloud matter. A moment later she has shifted to trotting, folding her wings to her side and lowering her head to let her neck and back rub under Blazes chin, finishing it with a flick of the tail against his cheek. Turning, she sits down and swings her tail around, almost catlike.

Blaze stands blinking, his ears bright red as he looks at Masquerade, then at Fleetfoot, then back at Masquerade, his mouth hanging down. Unable to form any words, he just looks…lost.

“Well? Did I pass?” Masquerade asks, tilting her head.

Fleetfoot falls backwards and starts laughing, “You passed thirty minutes ago, we were just waiting for you to come down to tell you.”

“Passed…um…yeah, oh yeah, you passed, your adapting to being a pegasus just fine.” Blaze says, swallowing hard.

Jumping up and bouncing on her hind hooves, Masquerade cheers, waving her hooves high, “Oh yeah, who’s the mare, who’s the mare.”

Fleetfoot shakes her head again and laughs, “Okay, Okay, calm down. Wow, you just have too much energy at times.”

Twirling, Masquerade drops to all fours again and smiles, “The General said if I get certified, I can fly aircraft for rescue jobs.”

“Yep, air cart certification is the last thing we need done.” Blaze said, “And that’s an entirely new course.”

“For now though, I think we should take a break and get lunch.” Fleets says, smiling.

Smiling brightly Masquerade laughs, “Woohoo, anypony know where a girl can get a good bite to eat around here?”

“Up for pizza?” Blaze says, looking at Fleetfoot.

“Oh Celestia, you mean there?” Fleetfoot smiles, “Don’t get between a pregnant mare and her comfort food!”

“Pizza is good, but I swear it goes straight to my tail.” Masquerade says, looking between the two.

“Well it helps if you don’t sit on it.” Blaze says and dives down for the pizza place.

Looking at each other, the girls dive down in a spiral before landing at the door. Masquerade blinks, looking up at the large ‘Ponies Welcome’ sign and options for take out, delivery, air delivery and eat in.

“Air delivery?” Masquerade asks, looking confused.

“Well, since they can’t drive to the cloud barracks, they hired a few pegasi to fly deliveries up there.” Fleetfoot says, “This place pulls out all the stops to help us feel at home.”

Trotting in, the smells instantly have Masquerade drooling. She can smell the fresh tomatoes, the oregano, sautéed onions. Even the slow cooking pulled pork and rotisserie chicken has her stomach growling. Looking over, she watches Blaze trot down a ramp and quickly follows him into the basement of the establishment.

Looking around, the smile on her face only grows as she sees the other ponies around the room, laughing, singing, eating food. There are a few humans scattered around, but nearly thirty ponies make up the bulk of the patrons down here.

Taking a seat on a low bench, Masquerade looks at Blaze and Fleetfoot. “Wow this is insane, I even recognize some of the ponies here.”

“Trust me, they have the best hay fries on Earth.” Fleetfoot says with a laugh.

“So, what do you want?” Blaze says, smiling.

“I’ll go for the alfalfa, mushroom, and onion pizza, that just looks so good.” Mask says, pointing a hoof at the picture on the wall.

“So how are you taking to being a mare?” Fleetfoot asks as Blaze gets up and walks off to order the food.

Masquerade shrugs with her wings, “It’s hard to explain really. First it was more about the wings and I didn’t think about the mare side. Even now, though, I never really notice or think about being a mare as anything different, its just me. One strange change though…I kinda like having extra outfits around.”

“Really? Clothing?” Fleetfoot raises an eyebrow.

“I don’t know why, I just like dressing up sometimes. I got myself my flight suit, my camo’s, my winter camo’s, a gila suit, a night flight tactical suit, desert camo’s. The dress uniform, I’m not a fan of. But anything that I can use to blend in, it’s fun.” Masquerade shrugs her wings again and smiles, “A mare and her clothing, am I right?”

Blaze trots back, taking a seat, “Okay, our order is placed.”

“Wow, you really went all out.” Fleetfoot says as she nods to Blaze.

“Well normally rescue crews are supposed to stand out, bright orange, and I have one of those suits too. But the reality is, in combat zones or even in areas with locals who will shoot first. It’s far better to blend in and hide. Pony Air, mind that large clump of moving grass, that’s your pilot waiting for the all clear to take off.”

Fleetfoot laughs, “You are going to keep that up aren’t you?”

“Silly Pony Air jokes? Heck yeah. It puts ponies at ease. It’s better than just being cold and dry, so they feel that I don’t care about them.” Masquerade says somberly.

“I’m curious, what do you remember of Equestria?” Blaze asks, tilting his head.

Masquerade lays her head down on the table and sighs. Shaking her head slowly, she speaks in a mournful voice, “Not a lot. And truth be told, I don’t know if its memories from Equestria or my own. Things like the love of flight and the need to be in the air… was that me as a human or as a pegasus, or both. I remember…”

Closing her eyes, Masquerade lowers her voice a bit as she thinks, “I remember a house in the clouds, with grand columns and pillars, and an open courtyard in the center. I remember flying in from the top and being scolded for not using the front door. I remember… I remember the smell of apple and cinnamon, and date tarts.”

Scrunching her nose for a bit, she thinks harder before flinching and almost trembling, “I remember mis-matched eyes and laughter…sick, demented laughter…the kind that would give The Joker nightmares.”

Blaze puts a wing over her, “Don’t worry, all us ponies have that problem, memory gaps.”

“I just wish I knew if I was… real… or all this was just a spell.” Masquerade says softly.

“I don’t think it matters, I think what matters instead is... Your cutie mark is real, your heart and soul is a pony, and your friendships are real. That’s what’s important. Everything else, we can muddle through.” Fleetfoot says, smiling as she reaches a hoof out to poke the end of Masquerade's muzzle.

“I think Lightning Dust is right. She’s a Timbucktu pegasus, cursed by Discord but for some reason just showing up now.” Blaze says with a nod, “Don’t worry, we’ll be here for you. Just like everypony.”

The waitress walks down and sets out the three pizzas in front of each of the pegasi, as well as large pitchers of root beer, hay fries, deep fried and battered mushroom caps stuffed with cheese, more than enough to cause all of them to drool.

Placing a drool cloth in front of each of the ponies the waitress smiles, “Enjoy your meal.”

Laughing, Blaze shakes his head as he watches Masquerade look at all the food, “Well she’s got the drool down at least.”


Pulling herself higher onto the floating foam, she looks at her wing, trying to move it a little. Several of the feathers were singed, but that isn’t even the worst of it. It hurts, a lot, to move the wing at all. She might have a break from when it hit the cage, or it could be dislocated, she doesn’t know enough about wings to tell.

Whimpering at the pain, she sits up as high as she can as she keeps trying to look around. Shielding her eyes with a foreleg, all she can see is water and low waves. She hadn’t eaten or drank anything in two days…in this heat…

Most of the debris had probably sank right away. Though she didn’t land near the main debris field. The plane broke up in the air, so the wreckage would be scattered over miles. All she could see around her was a few smaller pieces of foam and some papers.

Laying down slowly she places her muzzle on her forelegs and closes her eyes. Hungry, dehydrated, and in pain, she knows she has nothing left. Softly she begins singing to herself as the foam rocks in the low swells. She figures she probably wouldn’t last another day. Twenty-five years as a human, then when she finally returns to her foal form…

Letting the wind blow her mane, she lets the words flow out as her heart breaks, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…”


He is big for a stallion, nearly the same size as Full Steam. With thick powerful legs, dark brown coat, and his mane and tail are almost blond. Around his neck is a yoke, much like Big Macintosh always wore, but in this case, he is putting it to use.

He walks slowly, pulling a plow down a field, turning the soil for planting. It is late in the afternoon, but he works tirelessly, moving up and down rows. The plow is attached to the yoke with heavy straps, as well as a harness. Step by step, meter by meter, he prepares the large field for planting.

Looking around, Sunny sees a few humans, but none are really watching the stallion. Keeping low in the grass, not hard for the foal, Sunny slowly moves up to the stallion, “Whatcha doin’?”

“Baking a cake,” He says, “Isn’t it obvious?”

Blinking, Sunny giggles, “Do you need help?”

Ignoring her, he keeps walking, his head low, “Not unless you have four hooves.”

“Four hooves, check, got em, but they’re kinda small.” Sunny giggles.

Glancing back towards the voice with a sigh, the stallion blinks and looks back again, “Wait, you’re a foal?”

“Wow, you’re observant!” Sunny giggles and sits on her butt, waving all four hooves at him, “See, four hooves.”

Blinking, the stallion stops and sits down. “But… how?”

“Well my mommy and daddy loved each other very much and….” Sunny says, looking up as innocent as she can.

“That’s not what I meant.” The stallion shakes himself out of the yoke and harness, “How did you get here?”

“Discord cursed me, along with others, to live for twenty-five years as a human before returning to my pony form, which as things were, I still wasn’t all grown up yet, so I became a foal again, and then met up with some other ponies and we started walking heading north till we got here… Duhh, isn’t it obvious?” Sunny keeps smiling innocently.

Looking a bit lost the stallion sits down. “You’re traveling with others?”

“Yep, four of us now, me, Full Steam, Ambrosia, and Drill Bit.” Sunny says, tilting her head. “And I’m Sunny Daze.”

“What kind of names are those? Full Steam?” The stallion asks, glancing over as a woman starts walking in the direction of the two ponies.

“They are pony names, are you being held here?” Sunny sees the woman and ducks down a little bit.

“Taking a break Roberto?” The woman says as she gets closer, “Thanks for the help.”

“Not a problem, Maria.” The stallion says and looks down, “Got an extra water bucket for my friend here? Her names Sunny.”

Sunny blinks, somewhat confused, “Are you,” Sunny pauses for a moment looking between the two, “related?”

Maria laughs, “Oh no, but Roberto grew up down the road. He’s been helping out on the farms for years.”

“I used to do picking and help with planting. It paid the bills, but these days, since the change, I save the farms time and money plowing the fields. They don’t have to bring in mule teams.” The stallion says, “I don’t charge as much, because I don’t have to travel as far for these small farms.”

“And we are all friends, when he started to change, we helped him best we could. We took it as a gift, his strength to let him do so much for the local farms.” Maria says with a fond look at the stallion.

Looking around the field Sunny smiled, “Well at least your happy and safe. We are heading to the USA, there’s apparently a portal there that leads back to our homeland.”

Looking at Maria, the stallion smiles, “They have been so kind to me here. I owe them at least this year’s help.”

“Sunny? Did you find any…” Full Steam stops as he comes out into the field and sees the human, then slowly looks at the other stallion.

“It’s okay, they are safe, this is Maria, and…” Sunny wiggles her tail, smiling.

“Caboose?” Full Steam starts, trotting up quick.

“Who?” Sunny blinks, looking between the two, then she smiles, “Ohh.”

“Caboose? What do you mean?” The stallion asks.

“You’re Caboose, you worked with me in Equestria. We ran escort for the Appaloosa line because it didn’t have the water to make it all the way.” Full Steam smiles, then he leaps forward and hugs the other stallion.

“I… I think I remember.” He says, looking at Full Steam, “Where’s Boxcar and Flatcar? The brothers were with us when…”

“When Discord cursed us. Yeah, I haven’t seen them.” Full Steam shakes his head slowly.

“Hey why don’t you guys stay here? America is a long way away.” The stallion says, “And I can use the help.”

Shaking his head, Full Steam sighs, “We have to go, the princess called us. Luna came to us in a dream.”

“Well I’ll keep my eye out for others and let them know, but for now, how are you doing with supplies?” Caboose asks curiously.

“We are low, no money, and little food, that’s why I’m out scavenging.” Sunny says as her tummy grumbles.

“Oh we can’t allow that.” Maria says, “I’ll check with all the farmers around here, and we’ll see about gathering up a care basket for you. We have some stuff to spare, since Roberto started helping.”


“Strawberry two is on approach Captain.” The radio officer calls out.

Nodding, Captain Stevenson is already on the move, “Bring our course to zero two nine, make speed nineteen knots until the towfish is up, then give us full power. XO you have the bridge.”

“Aye sir.” The XO says and walks over to the computer chart display, “Strawberry spotted the debris here.” He says, marking an x on the screen with the pen, then he draws a circle around it, “Once we get to around this area slow us back down to sixteen knots and drop the towfish again.”

“Mr. Oswald, you’re with me.” The captain says, heading for the door.

“Sir?” The sub-lieutenant is new to the ship, but is quick to follow.

Trusting the XO, the Captain closes the bridge door and walks down the hall at a fast pace. The sub-lieutenant moving beside him as fast as he can. Looking over his shoulder, the captain nods to the sub lieutenant, “You’ve got some forensics training right?”

“Umm, yes sir, I was going to school to become an investigator, but I ran out of money.” Oswald says quickly as he ducks through a hatchway.

The captain slides down a stairwell quickly as the ships engines start to rev up, “Good, they are coming back with some debris, as well as a body.”

“A body, sir?” Oswald blinked, “Dead?”

“Well if it was alive, I’d have said a survivor.” The captain says sternly.

“Yes sir, I mean no sir, I mean, yes I understand. Sorry.” Oswald is a little confused and concerned.

“I want you to work with the ships doctor, and one of the damage control staff, Ross I think. I want you three to examine the body and wreckage. How she died, how the debris broke off, anything like that.” The captain says as they come out of the superstructure, onto the fantail.

“Your looking to try and narrow the search area, figure out if this was from impact with the water or ejected from altitude, right?” Oswald looks at the Captain putting his hand on his hat, bracing against the wind.

“Yep, any information we can get will help.” The Captain says as he watches as the recovery operation commence.

As soon as the Seahawk’s wheels are on deck, the ground support staff are on the move. The helicopter has to be refueled as fast as possible. One of the ground crew runs up, carrying a litter, while a second is carrying box lunches for the crew as well as some hot beverages.

A pair of medical sailors run up, keeping their heads low and grab the loaded stretcher out of the helicopter, pulling it on deck, then back to the hanger. It would take a few minute to refuel the helicopter so the Captain and sub-lieutenant follow the other crew members into the hanger with the body.

Looking down at the body, the Captain sighs and shakes his head, “She’s so small.”

“If it weren’t for the insulating foam, they likely wouldn’t have spotted her.” One of the sailors says as he drags the foam panel into the hanger.

Kneeling down, Oswald shakes his head, “She’s got some flash burns on her.” Looking up he watches the ships doctor arrive.

“So this is the CSI wannabe? Glad to have you on the team.” The doctor says with a chuckle as he puts the bag down by the stretcher.

“What can you tell us doc?” The captain asks.

“Oh come on, I just got here, aside from her being about four or five years old, and likely Philippine, I can’t say anything until I give her a basic exam, mind you, I’m not a coroner.” The doctor says, “So I won’t be opening her up or anything. Looks like both of her arms were dislocated, though.”

“Flail injury.” Oswald says, “Probably sucked out at high altitude with the foam, and hit the water together, judging by the impact marks.”

The captain nods, “Well at least we know the area, now the real search can begin.”

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