• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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30: Reflections in Stone

Author's Note:

This isn't a story of great deeds, of world changing events, or characters who save the Universe.

Its a story of a few people who do what they can to help. Who do their jobs. When the great stories are told however, it will be about how Elements of Harmony were recovered... How the dragons were tamed... How Discord was defeated in Equestira and on Earth. The stories of the individuals often get left out, of the lives and loves lost that ponies will never remember. Cheers will rise for their Princesses, their Element Bearers, and their Hero's.

In all the hype, in all the fanfare, the stories of the common pony who held the line, the stories of the pony who gave her life to slow down a bear, or the pony that did little more then help the wounded amidst the chaos are lost.

But not untold.

Ah-Pee and I cringe as Fleetfoot screams out in pain when the paramedic pops her wing back into place. That had to hurt, a lot. Blaze however, lands beside us and moves over to hug Fleetfoot. Quickly I grab him tight, I’m not having any of that.

“Blaze, she’s fine, her wing was dislocated, so she won’t be flying for a day or so.” I said. “Unless you hug her, in which case you’ll have a dislocated wing as well. In your case it will be from her kicking you.”

Blaze blinks, “Oh sorry, yeah, bad idea. He’s heading back to base, engine trouble.”

Whimpering once, Fleetfoot looks at her wing, then at Blaze, “What did you do to it?”

“Um, remember my transponder?” Blaze said meekly.

“You mean that $2,500 piece of high tech electronics that comes out of your pay if you lose it?”

“Oh I didn’t lose it, parts of it are still probably lodged in the Raptors engine.” Blaze nods.

“You’re just never going to use that thing for its intended use are you?”

Looking around a bit, Blaze sighs, “I thought you had died there. How did you survive?”

“Ask your girlfriend, she’s the one that saved me.” Fleet says, nodding to me.

I blush looking down, “I just did what I always do, figured I’d try something on the fly.”

Looking around, I tucked my muzzle under Blazes and snuggle him, “And I’m happy you’re safe too.”

“What’s with all the police and ambulances here?” Blaze asks.

Sugarberry smiles, “Well, a patrol car noticed the vehicles illegally parked, we’ve sort of turned a large area into a parking lot with buses, trucks, and such, and that didn’t go unnoticed by the police. So I called JSOC, let them know what was going on, they contacted the Mayor, police have set up road blocks, with a gas leak cover story. Diverting nosy people away from here, while letting any pony stragglers through, there’s still some arriving on hoof, and by car.”

Blaze blinks and snuggles his wing over me, pulling me tighter, “And the medics?”

“Given what’s going on, I figured having two ambulances on standby, with a vet available would be good. Some of the ponies arriving here are not in the best of shape. The army’s sending in some emergency supplies, like food, water and blankets. They have a small field kitchen showing up soon. The gate’s only going to be open for three days, but still, that’s three days we need to keep some sort of security here.”

“That’s provided we win.” I say softly.

“What’s that mean?” Blaze asks.

“They are right, if we lose, the portal becomes a bridgehead. JSOC has talked with the president, if it’s decided we can’t hold the line here, we are supposed to destroy the gate.” Sugarberry says.

“We’d strand everypony doing that.” Blaze says, and looks towards the gate.

Sugarberry nods slowly, “JSOC informed the JCOS and President. Advised them that SpecOPS are on scene, I’m not sure how but someone arranged it to be left up to SpecOP’s to decide.”

Ah-Pee blinked, “Spec Ops?”

“Yeh, the Ranger team.” Sugarberry says with a smile.

“But they’re all in Equestria,” Fleetfoot says, blinking.

Sugarberry shakes her head, “Not all, Blaze and Velvet are still on their roster. So technically the choice of destroying the gate, has been left to the ponies.”

I gulp hard, “Fleetfoot outranks us though.”

“Chain of command, Air Force had their shot with the F-22, JSOC’s leaving the call with the Rangers.”

“Well, as long as we win we don’t need to take any action, do we?” Blaze smiles hopefully.

“If not,” I gulp softly, “ask the police if the can provide us with a few breaching charges. It should be enough to take out the gate without hurting anyone.” I say softly, “We are Rangers, we will always do what needs to be done.”

Looking down, Blaze nods, “Best to be ready for it at least if the worst happens.”

*** LT James Fisher ***

There are hundreds of them, we hoped not have to fight one of them, but hundreds. With so few flyers trained in fighting, most of them already tied down with fighting Discord’s creatures, and no unicorns trained, there is nothing we can do.

I just sit, I have nothing left, and honestly I’m not even sure if a stinger missile would have enough punch to hurt a dragon, given their size. And we don’t even have any of those to begin with.

I look to where Shining Armor was commanding from, but he’s gone. Standing up slowly I pick up a pike, trotting up to the front lines. I dig in with the other ponies. I’m not going to run, I’m not going to hide. I am a Ranger, I would die with honor.

I glance over at a Royal Guard pegasus who is grounded too, my wing had taken a beating in the salient, and I can’t move it well, so even if I know how to fly well enough, I can’t. Nodding once to the pegasus, I brace in and started pushing back the attackers at the wall.

The dragon roar is deafening, these things are the size of airliners, and the fireball from their breath is so hot I can hardly stand it… but I am alive. The fire blast had cut a swath in front of the trench, cutting a long line of creatures down. As the dragon flies a parallel line to our trench, its fire takes out the front ranks of Discords forces.

“They’re on our side!” Ponies cry out.

I find myself being hugged by a mare from the side. I just wish it wasn’t the side that was injured, but turning I give her a kiss on the top of her muzzle, “There you go. Now head back to the field hospital and get those cuts looked at, we wouldn’t want that pretty coat of yours stained.”

Blushing, she lets go of me so I can sit down again. I find myself panting a bit, because of the pain… that had really hurt. Turning she prances off, flicking her tail side to side. As she does, I notice when she moved it from this angle and height, that you really can see her…

“Bad view, clean thoughts, clean thoughts.” I say, closing my eyes tightly and shaking my head. I guess the nudist life isn’t for me. I can’t see there on Ah-Pee or such because of the height distance, but down low as a pony, ugg.

I sit for a while, looking out at the battle. Discords forces had lost the will to fight, and a few flyers are talking about the mane 6 and CMC’s coming back after defeating him. The battle is over, we’ve won. But what was the cost?

Looking down, I stroke the mane of a stallion who had passed away fighting near me. I wonder how the ponies handle funeral rites, through as the same time, they were human so probably use human burial honors. Nearby lay the body of a mare, a young pegasi who had fought by my side. I don’t know who she was really. She wasn’t a royal guard, I don’t think, I don’t know if there are mares in the guard. She fought though, as truly for her home as any stallion. She gave her life trying to stop one of the large war-bears, taking a blow that was meant for me.

I wish I knew her name, her story, I wish I knew all their stories. So many families would likely never know what happened to their children, their husbands, or their wives. Slowly I look around at the number of bodies and close my eyes, shaking my head, maybe they will just do mass graves.

Standing, I limp back to the triage area that had been set up near the gate. I’ve managed to tie off the gash on my front leg but there isn’t a lot I can do about the ones on my side, or my flank. Sitting down at the edge of the triage area, I watch as those with medical training muddle through.

There are still a lot of injured to tend to. Since several of the medical ponies were human, they hadn’t had time to learn or even practice being ponies, so they are doing the best they can with hoof and teeth to apply bandages.

Henry spots me and trots over, “Oh man LT, looks like you got caught in the middle of it.”

“I’m fine… have you seen the others?” I pretty much know Henry wouldn’t leave it at that, but I am too tired really to fuss.

Working with his hooves and mouth Henry gets to work cleaning my wounds, “Eric apparently rallied a small group in the west flank.”

“That was his side? Ouch, those bears were tough. Where is he now?” I stand up, looking around and trying to see where the rest of the Ranger squad is.

“LT, sit still, this is hard enough without you moving.” Henry puts a bandage around my wing.

Looking over at Henry, I let out a soft chuckle, “Couldn’t figure out how to use your horn?”

“Look LT, it took Twilight Velvet weeks to learn hers, I’ve had a day. I couldn’t lift a pin to save my life, so sit still, stop fidgeting and hold your leg out.” Shaking my head Henry puts the last of the bandages on before poking my cutie mark once. “Hey LT, you got yourself a butt stamp.”

Looking back at my mark I nod, “Yeah, one perfect moment of clarity when I knew what I had to do, I knew what was needed to help those around me.”

“Trust me, I know, I felt the same thing in a way,” he says, turning sideways to show me the star and Red Cross. “I swear though it would look so much better if my fur wasn’t pink.”

Standing up, I start wandering through the wounded, looking for faces or marks I know, there are just so many injured, very few of the ponies who fought had any real combat training, and none had any combat training in pony form but it could have been a lot worse.

Eric is helping out with first aid, not his specialty but every hoof is helping right now. Walking up, I take note of Eric’s mark, and can’t help but start snickering.

“Don’t say it LT,” Eric looks back at his mark, “it’s not my fault.”

“You, who flipped out every single time the ponies started singing, how on Earth did you get a cutie mark with musical notes?” I laugh and poke it once.

“Wings and a note, sometimes a song can lift the hearts of ponies’ darkest hours.” Eric looks back at it and huffs. “Velvet was right about the realization and acceptance part of the marks.”

“Oh come on! Do you know how long the Cutie Mark Crusaders worked on our marks? You got yours in a day? That’s [Buy some apples]” Sweetie Belle scrunches up her face, looking downright annoyed.

“Shmage, watch your language!” The white mare beside her says, her rust red mane is curled up somewhat like Rarity’s. I recognize her as the one that helped us a few hours ago learning to walk.

“Sorry Shmangie.” Sweetie Belle says, before looking at the two and continuing to grumble.

“Sorry um… Sweetie Belle is it? Don’t worry, we’ll lose them anyway when we go back through the gate.” I say, chuckling, “We’re only here to help.”

“LT! I hear Sanchez call out, “Jay’s in surgery right now, he took it pretty bad, but he brought down a bat flyer on his own.”

“That was HIM? I thought it was a Wonderbolt that got it.” I say, all I saw was it come down hard. “Is he going to make it?”

“Doc’s aren’t sure but, well… he’s a pegasus, I have faith.” Sanchez says with a nod.

*** Velvet ***


I hear the mirror and looked over quickly. “Please be a pony please be a pony please be a pony.”

“WE…” The woman yells as she comes through the mirror at a run, in the history of bad idea’s coming through THAT portal at a run, after living in pony form for a month, is probably up there near the top. I’m not sure which part hit her first. The nausea and gut wrenching sensations from the change, the total center of gravity change, or the fact that she’s on two legs again, but whichever it was. The ground stops her speech rather quickly.

Cipher cringes as the woman hits the ground face first, “Ohhh. Looks like were gonna need another Timmy.”

Sugarberry bounds up and calls back, “It’s a pony, she just knocked herself out coming through the gate like that, umm, were going to need a blanket! STAT!”

Cipher blinked, “How do you know it’s a pony, she looks human.”

Sugarberry giggles and points, “The cutie mark.”

“Umm, blue musical symbol, great, you realize how hard it is to guess them now without their mane and body colors.” Cipher grumps. “Either Octavia or Fiddle, or… oh forget it, there’s a dozen or so with that mark, it’s almost as bad as hourglasses.”

Putting a blanket over her, I lift her up magically and carry her over to the stretcher. Then I tilt my head, “I wonder what she was going to say, keep your eye on the gate, she could have been running from something.”

“Ugg, mirror bad.” Cipher says, poking the girl with a hoof.

I tilt my head, looking at her, “Huh why?”

“Well, if I go through it, I won’t be able to come back as a unicorn.” Cipher says, “and I love being a pony, it’s my dream come true. I’d lose my magic, my hooves, my identity.”

“But you could go through and stay there?” I say as look over at her.

Sitting down, Cipher shakes her head, “For some ponies yeah, that’s an option, but me, I love the internet, I love computers. And trust me, the WiFi in Canterlot SUCKS. I’m too techno and gadget orientated for that, and my cutie mark… it feels right with computers.”

Gently I poke the human pony and sigh, “If I went through I’d be stuck as a human coming back too, might been less to others but I kinda like my magic, it’s a big part of who I am, my cutie mark.”

“And you’d have to shop for bras,” Cipher chipped in, “that’s never fun.”


“Shopping for bra’s, it’s annoying cuz sizes aren’t actually standard, and different brands seem to have different sizes to them.” She starts.

“Cipher, what’s that got to do with anything?”

Ah-Pee giggle, “And there’s her situational blindness kicking in again. Twilight she’s saying if you went through you’d come back as a human female, and given what I’ve seen from this one and Rainbow Dash so far, you’d defiantly need a bra.”

Looking down at my udders then at her chest, I blink and back away from the gate, “Nope, bad bad bad, no gate.”

“So no gate for you?” Ah-Pee asks, tilting her head. “Don’t want to go back and see your daughter?”

“Maybe someday but right now, I still have time left on my contract with the army, and likely there are still ponies on earth that didn’t make it here in time. Meaning we’ll still likely have a job to do.” Sighing, I sit and look at Blaze.

“Don’t look at me, I’m not leaving you. I’ve waited over 40 years for you to say yes.” He says firmly.

Looking to Ballad and Sugarberry, I tilt my head, “What about you two?”

Both move over and sit beside Cipher, “After all the work you put us through to get our magic? There is no way we’re giving it up, so going through would be a one way trip. And for now, I know I want to stay on Earth.” Sugarberry says, looking to Ballad, they both nodded firmly.

“That only leaves you Ah-Pee.”

Ah-Pee looks at the gate, then at her hooves, “I know you’re probably not going to understand this but, I have magic too. It may not be as visible in earth ponies as it is in unicorns and pegasi, but it’s there, I can feel it. Going back to being a human, just doesn’t sit right with me. I was born a pony, I’m going to stay a pony.”

Putting her hoof over her heart, she closes her eyes. “I could go through the gate but again that would mean me staying there permanently. I would be losing out on my family here, and losing you.”

With tears in my eyes, I hug her tightly, which quickly turns into a group hug, only ending when the girl on the stretcher starts moaning.

“Ow, my muzzle.” She moans. “I feel like I just got hoofed in the face.”

“Umm, what muzzle, and what hooves?” Ah-Pee says, giggling.

Sitting up, the girl squeaks and covers her chest with the blanket, holding it tight, “I’m, I’m…”

“Yep, you’re a two legger again, and a good looking one,” Cipher says, giggling, “I’m wondering if all girls will get big boobs from the mirror. Man, can you picture how many Californians would kill for that mirror, it’s a plastic surgeons nightmare.”

“I don’t think it works that way,” I shake my head, least I hope it didn’t. “I’m Twilight Velvet, any news from Equestria?”

“The Princess’s mom, wow!” Bowing her head, “I’m Crescendo,” she says with a cheerful voice.


“Oh yeah, we won.” She says, “There are a lot of wounded and…”

“We will keep the foals here a while longer, I know they are still adults, but I don’t think it’s healthy for them to see that. Actually I don’t think it’s healthy for anyone to see that.” I know what death can do to people, and having images like that burned into the mind of blank flanks, who have full and long lives ahead of them… is simply not fair.

Ah-Pee brings some cocoa over, offering her a cup, then sits. “How bad was it?”

“It was bad, very bad. Discord altered lots of animals, bears, wolves, cats, into some kind of chaos creatures. We held the town and gate, but almost everypony got hurt and more than a few didn’t survive.” She looks down at her cocoa and puts it down without drinking.

“Any news on… Great, I don’t even know what the LT and them look like as ponies. They’re probably a bunch of blank flanks, though even if they have cutie marks, I don’t know what they would be.” Ballad grumbles…

Glancing over I see several large military trucks pull up, “Oh heck.”

Getting up, I trot over and salute the lead officer, a captain, as he gets out of one of the vehicles.

Looking down, the captain blinks and shakes his head with a chuckle, “You hear about it, but you never really brace yourself for seeing it,” he says, saluting back. “You can speak right?”

“Yep, I’m fluent in English and American.” I say with an innocent smile, I’m actually lying, I’m not fluent in English, I have no idea what bloomers are, let alone bangers and mash.

Shaking his head, the officer sighs, “Ok, we have a field kitchen here, blankets, a few temporary tents.”

“Thank you sir but, could you set them up at the far end of the field, the military’s likely to make some ponies nervous.” Looking around, “And have you guys got a SatCom I can borrow I really should get in touch with SOC myself.”

“Where’s your commanding officer?”

“Force Recon on the other side of the gate, he took a small team to scout, evaluate enemy status, and decide what threat they pose to Earth.” Ok, that sounds believable.

“So who’s in command?”

“So far, um, Captain Fleetfoot,” I say pointing to her on the stretcher. “Though I’ve been acting as the command point for SOC, that’s why I need the radio.”

“Ok guys, no gawking, head over to the far end of the field by the goal posts we’ll set up there.” The Captain says, seeing the Sat Com I perk up and grab it with my magic, trotting back over to the girls and sit down while setting it up.

It sets up pretty quickly, tripod, satellite dish, and connecting wires, I have it done in a few moments. At least I thought I did, until Blaze clears his throat, pointing off in the distance.

“Umm, what?” I look in that direction.

“Dish points that way, unless you’re trying to pick up Direct TV or maybe the Dish Network.” He says with a smile.

“Sorry I don’t have a compass so I’m eyeballing it.” I say then stop, blinking. “Oh right, pegasi have a built in compass.”

Looking innocent, I readjust the dish to his pointing, then hand him the radio, “Here you go. You’re up.”

“I may be the radio operator but I’m not the talker.” He says as he shakes his head. We are just corporals after all.

“You’re a windtalker, that counts.” I say feeling hopeful, then I droop as he scowls at me.

Blaze sets up the encryption systems for secure transmission and I take a deep breath, “Special Operations Command, this is the Ranger team at the gate, I say again Special Operations command this is the Ranger team at the gate, over.”

“Unidentified Ranger team, this is SOC, Authenticate over.”

Taking a deep breath, again trying to stay calm, “SOC, Ranger team, we are not on mission, I say again we are not on mission, we have no verification codes. Advise Brigadier General Wilson if you can, Corporal Walter Fitzpatrick also known as Twilight Velvet is radio with status update.”

“Ranger team hold, over.”

Looking at Blaze ,I find myself thumping my front hooves on the ground again. I don’t know where I picked up that habit but I seemed only to do it when I’m really nervous. I hate speaking to officers I always feel like I’d say the wrong thing and end up in Leavenworth.

“Ranger team this is SOC, patching you through now.” A few moments later I hear the General come on line, “Corporal Twilight, what’s the situation.”

“First call back seems good, they have stopped Discord, but there are a lot of casualties. We are waiting here for more information, but it seems like the gate is safe on their side, no chance of enemy forces coming through.” I say softly.

“Where’s LT Fisher?” He asks, sounding concerned.

“Force Recon though the gate.” I respond, “He went to gather intelligence.”

“He went through to help them fight, didn’t he?” The General chuckles, “Don’t worry, I understand. So what’s the situation? Will all the ponies be going through now?”

I hear a second voice in the background I don’t recognize, “Maybe they should be escorted through.”

My heart sinks, “Sir, I don’t think forcing ponies through the gate will help. While many went through willingly, to fight, most know it’s a one way trip.” Looking back at my cutie mark I close my eyes, “Going should be a personal choice left to each pony. As well there are likely still stragglers all over the world that are going to need help.”

“Choice? What choice is involved?” I recognize the voice but I can’t place the third speaker.

“Sir’s I don’t know who’s all there, and I don’t know if you can really understand this, but being a pony isn’t just about the form, wings, or horn, its more than that. It’s about a magic within each of us.” Opening my eyes I look at the ponies around me, Blaze, Ah-Pee, Ciper, Sugarberry, Ballad, and little Feather.

“It’s a magic that binds us together and lets us get though hardships. It’s a magic that’s strongest when we are with friends and those we trust. Some ponies have shared that magic with each other. Others have shared it with human family and friends.” Looking back at my cutie mark, “Breaking those bonds is painful, there are many here that want to stay with their families, their parents, their children. Forcing them to give up those bonds is painful and goes against the basic instincts of a pony.”

“As well coming back through the gate, means becoming human again, and that cuts us off from that magic also. So some ponies know if they are forced through the gate, they can never return as who they really are. It’s going to be a hard choice for every pony out there. Give up who they really are to fit in? Stay as a pony on Earth, or return to Equestria and lose all ties with friends, family and loved ones.”

“How long will the gate remain open?” I hear the voice.

“Its three day cycle I think, so three days every two and a half years. This means any pony that isn’t here in two days, has to wait another two and a half years to get through, though it does give some the chance to decide rather than feeling rushed.”

“So what do you suggest?”

I take a deep breath, “Allow them choice and freedom, I know most humans could never understand this, but we’ve only been ponies for a month, many of us need more time to come to terms with things, being sent to a world we know nothing about really, to rebuild without the skills needed there. I’d say give us time, time to choose, time to rebuild, time to decide if we can sever ties.”

“Mister President, this is just a corporal, should we really be listening to her opinion?”

“This Corporal has had a very good record with the military. Her LT trusts her with his life, and I trust his reviews.” The Brigadier General says.

“Umm, General, who’s listening?” I gulp.

“Joint Chiefs, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, and the President, are all linked in.”

Well if my coat wasn’t white before it’d be white now. I look at Blaze and tried to hand him the radio, but he backed off quickly shaking his head vigorously.

“I… I… I… I’m sorry for speaking like that sir.”

The general chuckles, “No you spoke from the heart, and that’s what we need right now.”

I heard the President speak up, “Since this is now a diplomatic situation instead of military, I think our best option is time. Keep the area cordoned off, don’t let humans through unless they are brought in by ponies, and give them the time they need to choose. I wouldn’t want to force my daughter to do anything, so I think they need the same respect. “

“Mr. President, Lighting Dust is here demanding to see you.”

The President sighs, “I have to deal with this. When you find out who’s in charge there, let them know, we will support them but not interfere.”

“Sir, yes sir.” I salute the radio and blink… Wow I’m an idiot at times.



At least Crescendo has hooves to land on this time, instead of her face. Luckily she didn’t have that cocoa or she’d likely be puking that up. She’s starting to think twice about being the messenger. Sticking her tongue out, she shakes out her mane and tail quickly before trotting up out of the basement.

Looking around she huffs, then charges up to triage area, “Doc, the Army’s setting up a way station on the other side of the portal, but they are only doing it to offer support, it’s up to us to decide what next. I’m looking for some humans.”

The head doctor blinks and looks around, “Sorry, no humans here.”

“Yeah, ha ha, you know what I mean. Humans that came through, part of the US Army Rangers. I have a message for some of them.” She says, looking around, “Problem is, because they are humans I have no idea what they look like or even their species.”

“Oh, wait, Doc Top was working with a unicorn on the west side at the field hospital there. Check down there.” Doctor Horse says, pointing.

Nodding, Crescendo turns and runs down, looking around at the medical staff and unicorns, none are blank flanks. Shaking her head she trots up to Doc Top, “Doc, looking for a human Ranger, before you say no humans here, I mean a human that came through the gate. I’m running official messages.”

Doc Top points over to Henry, who is working at bandaging one of the big Apple ponies. She blinks, looking at the pink unicorn, and shrugs, only a few humans had cutie marks, she guess he is one of them.

“Rangers HO!” she calls out, like Twilight told her.

“RANGERS HO!” Eric calls without looking up.

“Rangers HO!” A pegasus calls out from the other side of the triage area.

Looking back and forth she giggles, “Ok I only need one of you, who’s ever free I have news from something called SOC.”

“I’ll take it,” the pegasus says as he limps over, “Lt Fisher here.”

“Ok let see if I can get this right,” closing her eyes, Crescendo tries hard to remember all the letters. “SOC, J-COS, and the President were on the radio with Twilight, she let them know we won, and they have agreed to let each pony choose. They aren’t going to force any ponies through the portal.”

“Ok, I’ll let the Commanders here know, if I can find them again. If you can let Twilight know, all of us are staying here for at least a day or so, we’re pretty bashed up, and Jay’s in critical condition. Since we’re pegasi, right now the doc’s suggested we take the time to heal. The trauma of going through the gate could be bad.”

Nodding slowly she grumbles, “I know, trust me, I hate that, but since I couldn’t fight, it’s the least I can do.” Turning she trots to hand the messages she had off to others.

Flexing his good wing, the LT sighs, “Henry, you’re not hurt, you can go back too if you need.”

Looking at all the wounded Henry shakes his head. “Not yet, I’m going to help with the wounded as long as I can.”

“I know the feeling. Hey Eric, be careful when you’re sitting down. You’re at the wrong height and can see things you shouldn’t when you’re behind a mare.” Chuckling softly, the LT limps off, figuring he can share the pain.

Looking back at the LT confused, Eric had been so wrapped in the wounded he hadn’t really paid attention to those that can walk. Look over at one of the nurse’s he wonders what the big deal is. Blinking, he realizes what the LT meant and closes his eyes tightly, “ARGH LT! I’m soooo going to get you for that.”

Limping slowly the LT keeps chuckling, finally making it up to the command area, he sees that Shining has finally returned. Several Royal Guards are with him as is Rarity. Moving up to him, the LT gives a weak salute. “Lieutenant James Fisher, 2/75th Army Rangers.”

“Army? Looks like you got hit pretty hard.”

Lifting his wing he flinches, looking at it then at Shining Armor, “Yes sir, I got lucky though, I’m a pegasus so I should heal fairly quickly. Not everyone I was fighting with was so lucky.” Just thinking about the battle starts his wing trembling a bit.

“So what do you need Lieutenant.”

“I just got a message from Twilight, the US military is standing by at the gate to render aid. Both to those arriving and those coming back. They are not going to interfere with the ponies though. Just help with food and shelter while the portal stays open.”

Shining Armor blinks and looks over at his sister. “Twilight, when did you talk with the US military?”

Coming over Twilight blinks, “I didn’t, I tried my best to avoid them.”

“Sorry, I don’t mean you Twilight Sparkle, I meant your Mom, Twilight Velvet. Her and Rainbow Blaze, Dash’s dad have served with me for a while now.”

“My mom?” Twilight sits down hard.

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