• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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37: Somepony to Save Me.

It is a very short drive from the CID office in West Point to Shadeland. A small burb just outside of Lafayette, Indiana. The area is a mix of small homes and middle to upscale mobile homes. The homes are well maintained, with well-groomed lawns, many have their own swimming pools.

Driving down the road, smaller buildings could be seen behind or beside the main houses, detached garages, work sheds. The entire area had somewhat of an elitist feel to it. There are very few children, or signs of children around. In fact according to statistics, those over 65 outnumber those under 18 nearly 5 to 1.

Pulling up to a small house, the black government car stands out somewhat, amongst the brightly colored imports. Checking her weapon, just to be safe, Special Agent Mathews nods to her partner. Special Agent Benson nods his head in return and gets out of the car.

Stepping away from the car, they walk up to the door and knocked, several times. Waiting quietly, they listen for any sounds of life inside. While the neighborhood has sounds of a lawnmower, a dog barking in the distance, there are no sounds from the house.

“Well we do have a warrant,” Benson says, looking around.

“No alarm strip.” Mathews says, and kneels down, pulling out her lock pick set.

“Oh you like doing that too much.” He says with a laugh.

Unlocking the door, she opens it and steps inside, looking around. “Federal Agents, we have a warrant.” She calls out loudly, then over to her partner, “Well this is her place, let’s see what we can find.”

They looked around the house, family pictures. Mother, father and two children, different pictures of them are on display around the living room. Artwork, a painting of the father is displayed on the wall in an army uniform, below it a bronze urn.

They check the upstairs, master bedroom for the mother, everything seems normal, though the bed is unmade. According to the records, the mother lives with her daughter and the son lives in town.

Washroom looks normal, two sets of towels, tooth brushes, skin products. Nothing that shouldn’t be here, or out of place, everything seems like a normal woman’s home.

The daughter’s room is pretty messed up, they pull out their cameras and take pictures of the room. They know their jobs, document the evidence. The door shows signs of being kicked twice, hoof prints in the solid core wooden door. They find feathers on the bed, a pegasus, well it could be an alicorn, but since there are only four of those, and they are all accounted for, its doubtful.

The bed shows some rips from hooves. She was likely in here when she first changed.

“Ok, it looks like she was one of the pegasi.” Mathews says, looking around.

“Yeah but what’s…”

“No computer, but I have some papers.” Sitting down, she starts to read.

“So what’s it say?” Benson leans over, trying to see.

“Her mom was planning on selling her and her brother to a lab. She doesn’t know what’s happening to her or why… wings started growing, it was getting hard to write.”

“Sounds like she was going through the same changes, her mom wanting to sell her…might explain some things.” He says, looking around. “Ever think we should consider getting one of those things to work for us?”

“Things? They’re people.” Mathews says, standing up.

“Not really, from what I read they were always ponies, just cursed to be human for a time.” Heading downstairs he goes looking for the basement.

“Doesn’t matter, I wouldn’t consider them things. They were human for a while and they are still intelligent. Door.”

The basement door actually is barely on its hinges, showing a pair of hoof prints on it. Carefully the two head downstairs into the basement. The place smelled of horse, or pony, there is dog food bowls on the floor. There aren’t any windows to the basement, it seems to be more of a tornado shelter, with brick walls and a hard ceiling. The only door is the one into the kitchen.

“More feathers, different color, It looks like there were two of them here. Their mother moved her daughter down here for holding, and likely her son. Both were born May 1st.” Mathews says.

“Not even a bathroom down here, I wonder how long she kept them down here for.”

Heading back upstairs, they looked around and find a study. Benson sits down at the computer and starts to type. “Oh, I found pictures, they’re both mares it looks like. I guess her son wasn’t there.”

“Not true, some girls got turned into boys, boys into girls. As well there was age changing as people could be turned into foals or elder ponies.” Mathews says, sitting beside her partner, “Look how terrified the green one looks, it matches the feathers up stairs on the bed.”

“Ok so she’s the daughter, the other one must have been the son.”

“He was Army reserves, or she, I should say.” Mathews sighs, “I have questions to labs looking to buy, she sent them photos.” She taps a few keys, “Ok here she’s asking $50,000 per.”

“Ok let’s get back to the office, we’ll let the team know when they talk to her again. Find her side of the story.”

Both nod to each other and head out of the house.

*** Velvet ***

“Moooooom,” Feather whines, “I’m 25, this is…”

“No arguing,” I say firmly while I scrub her back with the sponge. Humming softly, I work to clean her up, “I help Blaze with his baths. There’s just some places it’s hard to reach with mouth and hooves. Wings up.”

Feather huffs as she raises her wings. While she has enjoyed using her cuteness and small size for things like free treats, things like pony baths she has no defense for. However, no matter how embarrassing, it is still a bonding moment.

Working gently, I get her cleaned off. I glance over at Fleetfoot with a smile, I look at Feather and tilt my head. “Towel dry or spin dry?”

“Spin?” her ears fall as she looks at me in confusion.

Using my TK I lift Feather up and spin her 360 degrees slowly, making her eek loudly.

“Towel! Towel!” She shouts.

Picking up the towels, I gently dry her off, then I set her down between my forelegs. Under Fleetfoot’s watchful eye, I carefully start preening her wings. “I’ve read about this in the EUP Field manual but it’s a lot different trying it in person. Especially on a foal, their feathers are so small.”

“Yep, you have to be really gentle.” Fleetfoot nods. “So the stragglers are going to be bussed off to Apple Jack’s farm?”

“For now, it’s a formality in a way, give them time to settle down and decide for themselves.”

“What about their own country?” Fleetfoot says, tilting her head.

“They can go back there if they want, so far though there isn’t any real pony support there.” I shrug.

Laying down, Sugarberry shakes her head, “Actually I checked, it’s not that there isn’t support. It’s just they bundle them in with everything else apparently.”

“Everything else?” I blink looking confused.

“From what I can find, they aren’t treating ponies as anything special. You’re a pony born in Canada, you’re Canadian. You get health care, social assistance, can call in mental health lines, support. They are just treating ponies as… well… a condition.” Sugarberry huffs.

“A condition? What?” I look over at Sugarberry, a frown on my face, “Like we’re a disease?”

“No… “ Sugarberry says slowly, “Disabled is the term. You become a pony, you’re disabled until you learn to be a pony, then you get support finding work or such.” Sugarberry shakes her head. “Not sure how I’d feel being considered disabled.”

Fleetfoot laughs, “No hands, I bet that’s what they are thinking. Since humans are so used to having hands, when we first shift, we are disabled until we figure out how to survive without hands.”

“I’ve… got no argument for that. If they are just treating ponies as disabled humans, that’s their call. I prefer to think of myself as a pony though.” I say with a huff.

“Well at least they aren’t rounding us up for experimentation.” Fleetfoot adds.

I shudder at that one, “I’ve seen the experiments, it was horrific. I was actually slotted to be experimented on.” Giving Feather's wings one more fluff, I hold Feather up to examine the work, “How’s that Fleets?”

She leans in to inspect the foal’s wings, “Perfect.” She giggles.

“It’s our last night here, and then it’s back to base.” I say with a sigh.

“Unicorn club gets re-assigned. We will be sent back to our home bases around the country.”

“Celestia I’m going to miss you girls.” I say, my ears folding back, my tail down between my hind legs.

“Well I’m on the SOC Base too, but Cipher, and Ballad.” Sugarberry shakes her head.

Fleetfoot nods, “I’m back at the Air Force base but, I can zip back up as needed. It’s not a long flight back and forth.”

“I wonder about Ah-Pee? I guess she’ll just go back to her farm.” I say sadly.

“As much as you helped them, they are your support group huh?” Fleetfoot says softly.

Slowly I nod, and sigh, “Without them it would have been a lot harder to come to terms with things.”

“Don’t worry, it will all work out, unlike in Equestria, we have phones and Skype.” Fleetfoot nods firmly.

“Feather and the twins are staying with me for now. The twins will need help, lots of help. I do have the babysitting book to deal with their sparks. They should be mentally old enough not to spark, but there’s always the chance…”

“Good call, I think you’re the current unicorn teacher around here.” Sugarberry giggles.

“Big Mac’s farm is a good place for the others though. He’s already got space for them. Though I think some of them might move to Lightning Dust’s farm in Montana.” Fleetfoot nods.

“So, party tonight?” Sugarberry asks, looking at all assembled.

“Party tonight.” I nod firmly.

*** Other side of the Pond ***

Beth woke up early this morning, she wants to be up so she can be out of the house before her mum and dad see her. Her return trip is for tomorrow, but she wasn’t sure going back to London with pony ears and tail was a good idea. She might have to knuckle under and tell her parents but for now…

Sitting up, she ruffles her mane as she yawns, she hates to get up earlier than 8 in the morning. Heck, normally she doesn’t have to be at work till 9AM, so she could get up at 8:30 some days. Flicking her tail she looks down at it, then pulls out her brush and starts brushing it quietly. For a few moments she sits there relaxing, looking at her hooves.

Blinking, she sticks her leg out and whimpers… she has hooves instead of feet. That is completely unfair. What did her feet ever do to her? She washed them and she keeps her nails clean and painted. She keeps her feet soft. After all of that, they abandon her and leave her with hooves.

Standing up, she finds she can balance on her hooves, she looks at them for a long time. How can she get shoes on? Or failing that, hide them. She definitely can’t walk around the house like this… Well not all day. She’d have to get out, quickly.

Getting up she pulls off her off her bed shirt and picks up her bra. She stops and looks down at her chest, she was never really that big, she was only a B cup, but really? This just isn’t fair in the slightest, now she’s completely flat chested. Not even an A cup anymore. She whimpers, this is getting downright cruel.

Pulling on a T-shirt ends up being more trouble than she thought. When she rips it, she knows something else is wrong. Looking up she just shakes her head. After a moment she levers herself up to look in the mirror. After getting a good look at herself, she moves closer to inspect what she saw, a white spiral horn is now rising from her forehead. If it isn’t one thing, it’s three. Checking her back quickly, she sighs in relief. At least she doesn’t have wings or something. The way things have been going this morning, she just had to check that.

Putting her horn through the neck hole carefully, she struggles into the t-shirt, pulling it down tight. Finally taking off her pj bottoms, she pulls on a clean pair of nickers and track pants… which ends up being harder than it seemed with the tail. Pulling her pants up over her tail first, she pinched where her tail is, then pulls them down again. Making a cut with a pair of scissors, she carefully threads her tail through the hole before pulling them up again and nods firmly.

Well she’s dressed at least. That’s something, right…Right?

Carefully peeking out of her room, she looks around then sneaks downstairs. Tommy knows where to find her, so she doesn’t need to leave a note or anything. Looking at the kitchen floor, she grumbles softly. Wood, she knows this is going to make noise, and she might leave some scuffs, but it can’t be helped.

Looking in the cupboard, she hums softly, and opens up her school bag. Picking up the first box of biscuits she simply dumps it into her bag. Two more boxes are put into her bag, she isn’t sure how hungry she’d be all day, or if she’d spends the night out, but for now, it should be safe.

Going through the drawers, she pulls out a pen knife and torch, as well as some string. Lastly, she pulls out some garbage bags. Looking around, she can’t see anything else she might be able to use, or need. So she goes over to the fridge to get a few bottled waters. Four bottles should do her for a little bit.

Turning, she quietly she picks her hoody off the peg and slips out the door. All she needs to do is bike to the woods and… she stops and looks at her hooves. Her bike pedals, how is this going to work? Looking at her bike, she adjusted the seat height a bit and gets on. It is tricky getting going, but she manages to get to the woods, it feels so weird.

She finds a nice tree and locks her bike. She ties the string she brought to two trees about six feet apart. With a little work she is able to make a quick improvised shelter, using garbage bags as waterproof strips, held down with rocks so the wind doesn’t blow it away. It isn’t large, it isn’t fancy, but it is England, and it does rain.

Swaying her tail she hums softly, it will give her a place to hide as well, if needed. Though it needs some cover for that. Carefully, she adds some pine and other leafy branches to cover the sides, as well as camouflage the front and back. This way people won’t see it on a casual stroll, or so she hopes.

There is something old, she can feel it, but it’s there. She doesn’t know what it is, but she can feel it in her horn. Turning, she slowly walks towards the castle again. It’s already nearly 9AM, so there is a chance tourists would be there. A chance of running into people, but the grass is fairly high, so if she doesn’t lift her hooves too much, they won’t be seen.

Her ears swivel as she hears Tommy calling her name. Looking around, she calls a few times. Then she waits, giving him some time to catch up. After another set of three calls by her, he comes jogging down the path and stops, panting. Looking at her he blinks, then gives her a hug.

“Hi sis, where you going?”

“To the castle, I feel something there. It’s hard to explain but I know something is there.” Beth says, hugging back before starting to walk again.

“What?” Tommy asks curiously, and then chuckles.

“I don’t know, and what are you chuckling about?”

“Your tail, you sway it when you walk. It’s funny, your hips go one way and the tail goes the other. Counterpoint.”

“In other words you’re watching my butt?”

“Umm no. You are my sister. I’m watching your tail. It’s very noticeable.”

“I know, I’m just teasing you. I have hooves and a horn.”

“Horn? Like a unicorn horn?” He moves up quickly beside her and smiles.

“Yep, like King Tirian’s companion, Jewel. Of course he was actually a huge war horse and tough as nails.”

Sneaking around the sides of the castle she came up to the wall, looking at it. There is no one around at this time, the tour busses haven’t arrived yet. She can still feel it in her horn, where the unicorn was the other day. Putting her hand on the castle wall she walks slowly to the point. The closer she gets, the stronger she feels it. And the brighter her horn glows.

“Can’t you feel it?” She asks, looking at her brother.

Blinking at her, he looks at her horn, “I don’t feel anything. Your horn… It’s glowing like Lady Amalthea’s.”

Kneeling down she touches her horn to the wall. The wall rumbles as a panel slowly falls into the ground. Behind there is a dark ramp about four feet wide, and four feet high, leading deep down below the castle. A dark spiraling path curling downwards. Too low for a human to walk down comfortably, it is wide enough and high enough for a unicorn. At least a unicorn like the one she had seen.

*** Velvet, across the pond ***

I sit, pondering. Wondering what I am going to do. It is going to be so hard to say goodbye to everypony. I know Ah-Pee is working on a party for us, though really we could use Pinky Pie right now. This feels like it is going to be very somber.

“Is it time yet?”

“No, Feather.” Looking down at her I smile, horn glowing as I write on the paperwork.

“How about now?” Cotton Candy asks looking hopeful.

“I’ll tell you when we are leaving for the party, I don’t know the exact time, I’m waiting for the call.”

“It’s not our fault.” Cotton Cloud states.

“Oh why?” Tilting my head, I looked at Cloud.

“Simple, while our minds are mature, or at least some of our minds.” She says, looking over at Candy, “our bodies are packed full of energy. A need to run, to play, to make our muscles grow, because of that we are impatient and find it hard to sit still for too long.”

“That almost makes sense. Except for the fact that foals can sit still for classes.” I retort, smiling.

“Can’t blame a foal for trying.” She says, giggling.

Let the rainbow remind you

That together we will always shine

Let the rainbow remind you

That forever this will be our time.

Blinking, I look at my phone, that’s not my ring tone. That’s not even on my phone, “Hello?”


“Cipher I am going to kill you, stop messing with my ringtones!” Huffing, I hang up.

The foals looked up at me, tilting their heads.

“Now.” I say, smiling.

“Now what?” Feather asks, blinking.

“It’s time…” Tapping a hoof, I look at them.

“For?” The twins ask in stereo.

Turning, I walk out heading for the mess tent, shaking my head.

“WAAAAAIIIIIT!” The foals yell, running after me.

Shaking my head, I look down at them, smiling, “You kids are nuts you know that?”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Earth chapter!” They call out doing a high hoof five.

Groaning softly, I seriously can’t believe we are in for this, “We’re doomed.”

Sugarberry, Eric, and Henry have decorated the mess tent. The place has most of the security staff, a pair of ambulance staff, and the rest of the support staff are all here. There’s even a few police officers who have been handling barrier security here.

Apple Pie has again lived up to her name, we have dozens of different types of apple pies, plates of apple fritters, chocolate cake, strawberry carrot cake, and strawberry shortcake. She’s put out everything from chicken wings to pulled pork. Foot long home loaf bread ready to be stuffed with the shredded pork.

Vegetarian wise there are home fried potatoes, perogies, mushroom caps, oat cakes, and mashed potatoes, thick and rich mushroom gravy, fried plantains the list just goes on and on.

Glancing around, I looked at the pegasi drooling. Yep, unicorns rule and pegasi drool. Thumping my hip against Blaze, I smile, “When Ah-Pee puts on a feast, she puts on a feast.”

“You can say that again.” Walking up to the serving staff, Blaze points out the pulled pork and wings getting his food prepared for him. Picking up his tray with his mouth, he carries it back to eat.

Smiling, I help Feather and the twins with their trays, moving them over with my TK to a table across from Blaze. I, however, am still stuck with veggie only menus, like the twins. Picking mine up, I take my seat by Blaze and lean against him.

The LT walks in, smiling a little, with Fleetfoot beside him. She’s bouncing a bit as she walks, likely happy about helping him with his problems. Officer troubles, in general they never share their issues with the enlisted members. So him having Fleetfoot to talk to must be so special.

Jay is kicking back, drinking beer and eating a pulled pork mega sandwich. Pegasus stomachs, ugg. Well he’s got a human stomach, but his cutie mark lets him eat meat at least. Eric and Sanchez soon join him, smiling at the food.

“So it’s our last night here.” The LT says, “I want to thank you all for your time and service to not just the United States, but to Earth and Equestria.”

We all clap and stomp our hooves in response, cheering.

“It hasn’t been easy, but we have two and a half years till the gate re-opens again.” The LT continues.

“How far in the future can we book days off?” Henry asks, holding up a beer.

That got everyone laughing. Several people raise beers to Henry.

“That doesn’t mean we are out of jobs. We still have problems domestic and foreign to deal with. I have a feeling there are also going to be a lot of ponies turning up around the world that missed the gate. Some of us may be expected to help them.” He says, nodding.

Fleetfoot stands up on her hind legs, putting her forelegs on the bench. “We will treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve. For a Free Equestria!”

Everyone raises their drinks, calling out “To Equestria!”

Cipher has her laptop with speakers hooked up, blaring My Little Pony songs, just for fun. Memo to me, maim her after my meeting. Smiling, I hop down and give her a quick hug, “Mess with my ring tones and I‘ll give you a perm.”

Laughing Cipher hugs back, “I thought you needed something… me… to help you get by.”

Glancing over, I see the foals working on their eyes, to get different types of cake. Shaking my head, I look back to Cipher, “Is there some kind of symbol for using cuteness as a weapon?”

“Yeh, it’s called, a cutie mark.” She says, laughing softly.

I put a hoof over my face shaking my head and smile, walking over I sit back down with Blaze looking at the foals smiling. “Eat up. Cuz the next meal won’t be nearly this good.”

Two men wearing FBI jackets, and five wearing Immigration and Customs Enforcement jackets walk in, looking around. Glancing up, Cipher stops the music, “Need any help?”

“Special Agent Carlson, I.C.E., we were informed by local police that several Canadians entered the USA without going through border services properly.” He says.

“Um yeah, it was sort of an emergency.” Fleetfoot says, blinking.

Looking around he points at the twins. “Those two are part of the group, we will need to take them into custody.”

“Wait, WHAT!” I say, getting up and putting myself between the foals and the I.C.E. officers.

“Under Section 1325 in Title 8 of the United States Code, anyone who deliberately eludes examination or inspection by immigration agents… or enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration agents.” Looking sternly at the foals, SA Carlson, continues “Punishment for that violation is up to 6 months imprisonment and deportation.”

“They were trying to get here as quick as possible to get to a portal, to get back to our home world.” I say firmly.

“And why are they still here then and not on this… other… magical fairy world.”

Several of the Rangers stand up, ominous frowns on their faces.

“The portal closed, they were late getting here and missed it. Had they made it through the border with less trouble and made it here, they would have made it through to our home world.” I say, stomping my hoof.

“It doesn’t matter. We are taking them into custody, placing them in an immigration detention center to await their hearing.” He states firmly.

“Detention center? You are putting them in jail?” I snarl.

“Wait, detention center? Aren’t there usually like 10-15 people per holding room?” Sugarberry says, blinking.

“Illegal immigration is a huge problem.” SA Carlson responds firmly. “That’s why we do this.”

Spreading my forelegs I snarl, “They had no ID to get though the border legally, no photo id or passport that was valid because their form changed. They could never have gotten through the border legally!”

“Then they shouldn’t have tried.” SA Carlson retorts.

“Oh heck no!” I say, my horn glowing bright. “How would you feel? How would you deal with your entire life being destroyed? With everything you knew, everything you understand being turned upside down! Finding you have hooves, that you’re no longer human, and then having people treat you like a pet! Like an animal to be experimented on!”

Blaze blinks, stepping back from me, feeling all the ambient equestrian aether being gathered. “Hun, you might want to calm down.”

“How would you feel if you were loaded into shipping containers, and told you are just a normal animal so have no rights? These ponies, every single one of us, have been through so much more than you could ever understand! Ever deal with!” My eyes and cutie mark glow brightly, as bright as my horn, my mane and tail taking on a life of their own as they crackle with energy.

"Consider yourself lucky that I'm not treating them as normal animals. If I was I'd be ordering them all to be put down. Right now, for quarantine violations." SA Carlson snarled.

"Whoa there, there's no reason to escalate this." Ah-Pee said looking less then happy, though his comment about putting them down had moved Feather to tears.

“You are NOT taking these foals, they need to be protected. They need to be taught, they don’t even have their cutie marks yet, let alone know how to use their magic and I’m the only one around that can teach them. If you were ponies you would understand this. If you even cared about ponies you’d know better!” Panting hard, my hooves crackle as a circle in the ground forms around me.

LT Fisher steps in between us, “Look, it’s best to leave the foals here, with her. We can contact immigration services and deal with this mess without putting them in a cell.”

Ignoring the LT, SA Carlson snarls back, “Well I am NOT a pony, thank god, so these two are going to the detention center, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

“Maybe you SHOULD BE!” I say, slamming my hoof down. The magical explosion that follows pulses out in all directions. An expanding sphere radiating from my horn that flashed out at near-luminal velocities, striking everyone. Blaze’s wings shivered as the energy washes over him without effect, and the foals close their eyes, ducking their heads.

Everything is strangely quiet, nopony says a word. Instead everypony just stands in shock, blinking, trying to clear their eyes from the flash pulse. The LT and Fleetfoot slowly look at each other, Fleetfoot’s wings spread wide in shock, though the LT’s wings are also spread wide.

SA Carlson and his team slowly looked down at their hooves. Every human within about 100 yards has been turned into a pony. Though with the exception of the Rangers, none of them have cutie marks. And with the exception of one male police officer, who is a unicorn, and one female Corporal, who is a pegasus, they are all earth ponies.

“Oh hell LT, Velvet’s going down!” Sugarberry calls, catching me with her magical aura.

“Her nose is bleeding pretty badly, we should get her to a hospital, quick.” One of the medics calls out.

Looking down at his pink fur, Henry groaned, “Oh shit, not again.”

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