• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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Part 9: The New Ways

“OW, that should be illegal.” I said rubbing my horn lightly as the report of a sonic boom sounds in our ears.

Yiska looks at me confused, “What?”

“Hot takeoffs like that. I’m still getting used to this sensing magic thing, when Dust took off she had way too much power for my horn’s liking.”

We had finished our meeting with Lighting Dust, and luckily, she agreed to help the Crystal ponies. I knew there was still a big risk that Yiska and I could end up in jail, or worse. And I don’t want the Crystal ponies caught in the crossfire. Looking around at the farm it seems like the perfect place for them, not just to be safe, but to learn about who they are, who they can become, and to maybe even re-attach with their cutie marks.

“Speedsters, we can generate HUGE amounts of power, even from a stand still. There are even cases where we’ve blown holes in the ground and left small craters after really high power take-offs. That’s why we are supposed to control it.”

“You mean like the problems Twilight Sparkle was having when she had the powers of the 3 princesses?”

“Yeah, she had become a speedster… so she was having problems with her takeoffs and landings. She would have probably needed a few weeks of training by Dust, Dash, me, or one of the others to get used to that.” Yiska says with a chuckle.

“Well it still bugged my horn.” I say with a pout.

“So what’s next for you,” Soarin’s voice made me jump, I had forgot he was there for a moment.

“Well, Yiska, Eric and I, are all AWOL. We received orders that we were to be transferred to a civilian contractor for holding and… likely experimentation on… The orders came though Marine command, not Army, making it illegal, so we escaped. Now, we need to get in touch with our command structure and sort this out.” I look at the ground and snort, scuffing it with a foreleg.

“How about the change, how are you handling it?” Soarin asked.

“Oh just lovely, my career in the military is over, females can’t be Rangers, so even if they did let me continue to serve it would never be as a Ranger. I’m barely in control of my magic, we're broke, were running on empty, I have nightmares almost every night, or visions, or I don’t know what, I have nothing but fleeting images of my life as a pony, if that was my life. I have no idea what’s going on. I know the show says I’m married but when I see pictures of Night Light, I don’t feel anything, no love no recognition, no nothing. I don’t know if that means because I’m actually a guy I’m now a gay mare, or simply because I don’t remember. It’s like a bad Vegas trip. And then there’s the whole being a mare thing, what next? PMS? HOW THE HECK DOES A MARE DEAL WITH PMS!” I stand there sides heaving and I huff and pant. All is quiet for a few moments except for the sound of my angered breathing.

Yiska looks over at Soarin, blinking, before falling on his back and laughing. “Oh Sweet Celestia,” he says gasping and laughing, “I knew that was pent up but, wow… That one was worthy of Twilight Sparkle herself!”

Soarin sits down, chuckling “Mares don’t get PMS, you're safe. Next, we can get you some gas, and some basic supplies like food and such, and I can donate money for your cause. Dust isn't hurting for money. Lastly, lots of us have had weird times with this.” He starts to laugh, “My human name was Madison, so I know partly where you are coming from… or should I say going to.”

“I’m sorry, I know everyone’s had to adapt,” I sit down and close my eyes, “Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned I have way too many pent up issues. And a certain stallion may need a kick if he doesn’t stop laughing. Your faithful student’s mom, Twilight Velvet.” With a glance to Yiska I giggle.

“My greatest fear right now is running into Night Light, or worse, Twilight Sparkle, what if they expect me to remember everything, and instantly go back to being a wife and mother? I don’t know if I could handle that, it’s who… Walter was… I know, I said was, I spent 25 years growing up, the idea that I could actually be Twilight Velvet, and expected to stop doing what I love doing, to be their wife and mother is just… scary.” I feel Yiska's wing go over my back, or Rainbow Blazes and all of a sudden I feel safe, secure.

“Wings, the answer to making anyone feel better,” Yiska said.

“Thanks Rainbow.”

Strawberry Sunrise lands with a clatter of hooves and giggles “This place is great, think I could stay here? I don’t have much money but think they’d hire me?”

Soarin gives Strawberry a mane tussle with a hoof “You can stay, we can always use another flyer around here.” Soarin then looks back to Yiska and me, “As to you to, rest a little, I’ll get your truck loaded up, some cash, and some supplies ready for you.”

“And some Alfalfa bits?” I say, meekly trying to look innocent.

“Yes some alfalfa bits.” Soarin spreads his wings, taking to the air.

“Well I know where I’m going for leave.” I said.

“Los Vegas?” Yiska tries to look innocent.

I shake my head and bat his ear with my hoof “You are such a pain.”


“Admiral?” The aid called out from the other room.

Turning, Admiral Volker brushed off his navy uniform before stepping out of his office, looking around the room he sees his secretary and aid waiting for him.

“General Thomas, with marine transport is waiting to discuss an emergency redeployment of supply ships to aid marine operations in the Med. There is a request for you to meet with some Senators tomorrow including one Senator Corddis, and there is a series of contracts that will need final approval, independent fuel supplies for transfer from navy resupply ships at foreign ports.” The young woman nodded once looking at her clip board.

“I understand, thank you for the schedule update. Anything new from the private contractor groups?” The Admiral walks to the door, picking up his jacket.

“Blackwater is placing a bid to replace Marine security at some low priority ports. As well, Spectrum Group is placing a bid to handle outsourced medical transport.” She responds.

“Thank you, I’ll be out for the rest of the day, if it’s an emergency I’ll have my phone on me.” Turning he heads down the hall towards the elevators.


I looked over at Yiska blinking, then back in the van. “Food, tents, tablet, camera, burn phones, spending cash, water, extra gas, spare clothing, he wasn’t kidding about some supplies.”

“Twilight, we need to get going if we want to meet the LT in North Carolina.” Eric said hopping into the driver’s seat, “And if we are doing drive through, I’M DRIVING.”

“Yeah, yeah, low profile, I know.” I hop into the back of the fan and flop down on my back stretching out, curling my forelegs, “well we can sleep in the back at least.”

Yiska hops in next, and flops on his back too. “And we have room now, no curling up.” I say as I stretch my body.

“What’s wrong with curling up?” Yiska asks.

“I prefer stretching out more. Sleeping curled up always makes me feel stiff.” I sigh.

“Well at least you don’t snore anymore.”

“Are you two comfy back there? I’m heading out.” Eric chips in, “And if you too are gonna make out let me know, so I can put in earplugs.”

“Eric, that’s just gross. I’m Wally remember.”

“Actually you’ve been calling yourself Twilight, you only use Wally when you’re trying to avoid certain things.”

“I do not…. Do I?” I think about it… Do I? Has Wally become a shield to avoid problems?

“And you’re a flirt,” Yiska says, “not that I mind but you are. Just so you know.”

“Do I flirt, Eric?” Sitting up, I look over at him.

“Not with me, only with Yiska, thank gosh, your cute and all but not my type, I prefer redheads. But you do flirt with Yiska, especially when you call him Rainbow.”

“Yiska I’m sorry I didn’t… ugh. I know I was teasing you but I didn’t realize I was flirting too. Ugh, I make such a bad mare.”

“Actually you don’t,” Eric chuckled, “Your cute, adorable, friendly, just not a redhead. Yiska on the other hand keeps watching your flank.”

“Hey, I do not!” Yiska chuckles defensively.

“It’s obvious you two have feelings.” Eric said, “If it’s new, or if it something from pony times, that’s something you’ll need to reconcile, but if the LT has to step in, it’s gonna be both your tails.”

We both cringe at that one “Oh yeah, he’d flip.” I say, “I’ll try and watch that Rainbow.”

“Just ask one think, do you think Yiska is cute.” Eric asks.

“I don’t know, I guess, there’s something about his smell that makes me feel safe, and I like when he puts his wing over me.” I say, blushing furiously.

“Then you’re not a gay mare. Congrats.” Eric says, chuckling.

“ARGH… don’t make me buck you.” I giggle.

Looking though the supplies, I hand out power bars to everyone for a snack, as well as bottled water. Sorting through the blankets and pillows then I stop, pulling out a plushy pony foal and I blink looking down at it.

“Aww, you look cute with your little Twi-twi stuffy.” Yiska chuckled.

With one punch, or would that be a foreleg kick, Yiska was quickly stopped from his chuckles. Soarin had included a twilight sparkle stuffed pony in the pack, or someone did, it wasn’t huge, or life sized or anything but big enough for me to hug.

I never had stuffed animals growing up except for a teddy bear that my dad had given me, sort of as a MASH Radar reference, other than that I never liked them really, never saw a point to them but in this case I guess I could make an exception.

“Oh don’t tell me I’m going to start finding the need to collect stuffed animals,” I giggle with a smile, “but this is mine, I’m keeping it, and I don’t want either of you two harassing me over it, go it?”

“No arguments here,” Yiska pipes in.

Eric glances over his shoulder “You’re a girl, you’re allowed a few frivolous things, and trust me, I know better than to mess with a girl’s teddy bears.”

Laying back down I plopped the stuffy on my belly picked up the cellphone and quickly started checking the news. “Guy’s, we really need to hurry.”

“Why? Whats up?” Eric glances back again, asking.

“The GW Bush was damaged in an unprovoked attack in the Persian Gulf. Iran is claiming rogue factions in its own army carried out an illegal attack based on religious turmoil in the reason. The military is on high alert.” I read out to him.

“Oh come on, can’t we just have one problem to deal with at once?” Yiska grumbles.

“So what are we going to do for this road trip? Eye spy, punch buggy?” Eric calls back, changing topics.

“We could always sing.” I pipe up.

“Oh god, kill me now, a van full of ponies singing, I’d have to drive off a cliff.” Eric laughs.

“I don’t think I’ve ever head you sing when you were Wally.” Yiska says.

“Oh that’s cuz I can’t, voice was too gravely for it. Well for anything but rap, you don’t need to be able to sing to do rap.” I giggle.

“Oh remember the Christmas party, when the LT tried singing… That was just scary.” Eric adds.

“ARGH, how did those words go,” I said looking at the plush pony. “From that twilight song in the mixed up cutie mark episode.”

“Oh why…” Eric said.

“Yeah, that one, sec.” Taking a breath I looked down at the plush pony, “I can’t believe this small mistake, could cause so much heart ache.” I start singing, as I pull the plushy up into a hug, “Oh why, oh why… Losing promise, I don’t know what to do, seeking answers,” I look at Yiska, sadly touching his foreleg, “I fear I won’t get through… To you… oh why?”

“Ok you can stop now,” Yiska says, trembling.

“That bad?” I ask with a cringe.

Eric was quick to say, “Just wow, you have a great voice now… Not professional quality but you can really hold a tune and sing.”

“I just had a flash of Twilight Velvet trying to… I don’t know… just for a moment there, when you were singing…” Yiska sits, “I felt like I was being torn in half… emotionally. I just can’t remember. The cartoon doesn’t even make it seem like we saw each other… And I don’t know if it’s you as Twilight, you as Wally that I’m remembering, I don’t know if its friendship or what. Its driving me crazy, were Blaze and Velvet friends?”

Looking down at the plushy, “I think so, I get fleeting images of Blaze, mixed with joy, happiness, and… sadness. I don’t…”

“When in doubt, blame it on Discord,” Eric pipes up. “I suggest just giving it time, don’t force things, were all still friends and that won’t change.”

“I wonder if we could get a butt stamp on you Eric, we could use a strong earth pony to be our stability.” I say with a huff.

“Nope, I need hands to drive.”

Closing my eyes, I start singing again just to pass the time… “I’m coming home, I’m coming home, tell the world I’m coming home…”


LT James Fisher and the rest of the team begin their drive, they are using Yiska’s Grandfathers truck for the trip.

“LT we have enough food and water for us for 4 days, it’s about a 30 hour drive, I figure.” Jay said closing the back up.

“Well at least we have a safe place to sleep more or less. The old truck bed topper clipped in easy enough and doesn’t look like it’s got any holes in it.” Brushing his pants off Henry gave the last part a tug. “And with it on, it will be easier for the 4 of us, 2 up front 2 in the back.”

“Colman stove for hot drinks and soup, flashlights, yeah were good to go.” Sanchez hops in the back, setting down a blanket and relaxing. We’ll be able to pull over for pit stops at rest area, but we won’t really need to go into things like truck stops, or any places with a lot of people. Hopefully Eric’s doing as well as us. We’ll just need to make sure we stay out of sight till both of our vehicles are there.”

Lt. Fisher gets in “All right, Rangers HO!”


I sat in front of my typewriter, totally lost for what to write, Nightlight had wanted me to start writing for months now, but I never knew what to put down, and anything I did just sounded fake or corny. Not to mention I just couldn’t seem to get comfortable these days.

Getting up I walk over to look at myself in the mirror, “Celestia, do I ever look wide. This colt is going to be huge.”

Shaking my head I turned sideways more to look at the bulge, then at my cutie mark and sigh.

How am I supposed to write, to be a writer? There is a tap at the door, breaking my concentration. Standing, I shake my head and walk over to the door, my magic gripping the door to open it. Kibitz stands there, with his normal stern look. A cream to tan unicorn with grey brown mane, tail, and mustache, he is the Princess' advisor and commands a lot of authority on his own right.

“Is Night Light in?” he asked, “Princess Celestia has a special job for him, one of her prized books was damaged.”

I look at Kibitz, and bow deeply, “No sir, he’s out getting supplies.”

“I see, may we leave this with you then to be repaired by him?” She asks.

“I guess that would be ok, sir.” I said timidly.

Celestia tilted her head, “Mind if I come in for a bit?”

“Of… of course your highness.” I shudder, I had been in her presence before several times, and even attended her school, but this is different.

"Your highness, need I remind you that we have a tight schedule today?” Kibitz is quick to interrupt.

“Oh posh, Kibitz, it is almost tea time, and I think I will take it here, would you be so kind as to go to the shop down the street and pick us both up a tea, as well as some of those small desert cakes they have there.

“Yes M’lady.” Kibitz says and turns, trotting off.

Celestia turns and sits on the sofa, “I haven’t seen you at any of the functions recently. Not even at the EUP formal, and I know you love to go to those.”

“I… I gave up the EUP, it isn’t safe given I’m pregnant.” I say faintly.

Princess Celestia puts her foreleg under my chin, she lifts my head to look into my eyes.


“Where is that fire that was in that young foal who snuck into the Everfree? Where is the fire of that young mare that said timberwolves would only take 1 unicorn to deal with?” She asks softly.

“Night Light doesn’t think that kind of a life is safe now that I’m a mother.” I say. “I’m supposed to take up writing, write novels, but I don’t know how.”

She smiles softly and sagely at me, “If you really want to write, you’ll need that fire. Write from your memories; tell stories of what you did, how you battled hydras or rockadiles. Tell stories of your adventures, maybe you’ll inspire others to try adventures too.”

Kibitz returns, carrying in a tea set in his magic, as well as cups and cakes setting them down on the table. “Your tea M’Lady”

“Thank you Kibitz now could you wait outside, we are discussing mare issues, and I do not think it appropriate or comfortable for a stallion to be present.”

“Of course m’lady,” he turned and stepped out.

“Have you heard from Rainbow Blaze?” She asks, sipping tea.

“Not since he started training the young fliers at junior speedsters training.” I said.

“He is still part of the EUP himself. You should consider rejoining.” Celestia says as she takes a bite of one of the small cakes.

“Night Light would throw a fit, besides, I don’t know how much I would be given that I’m an expecting mother, and when the foal is born I’ll need to be home to take care of it.”

“I know, but even if it is just the reserves, training to keep your magic at top form might be fun. Consider it, I can have Kibitz start the paperwork right away.” Celestia says, standing up again.

“I… Thank you.” I look up at her smiling.

“Oh don’t worry about it, and as to the book, tell Night Light it needs to be done as a top priority.” Celestia turns heading out.

“Kibitz, be sure to add Twilight Velvet back to the list of EUP reserves. If Night Light inquires, advise him it was at my request.”

“Yes m’lady.”


I wake up with my head on Blaze's foreleg, his other foreleg over my shoulder snuggled tight to his chest and belly. I feel warm, safe, protected, and for some reason really embarrassed. His chin is nuzzled between my ears so that his breath is against my horn.

Very carefully I squirm out of his grasp without waking him. I am scared if he wakes up, he’d freak out, but what I found surprising was, I wasn’t freaking out. Normally the idea of a guy hugging me in my sleep would be a problem but now not so much, not when it's Rainbow.

Grabbing a bottled water and a fruit bar, I move up “ok, hop seats.” I say to Eric, taking the wheel and gas with my magic.

“Finally,” he says as moves over into the passenger seat.

Humming softly I sit between the drivers and passengers seat, moving my drink and food into the holders, watching Eric go white out of the corner of my eye.

“Are you… going to get into the seat?”

“I could drive from here, as long as the wheel and pedals are in reach of my magic, and I can see where we are going. Though yes, it is safer for me to be in the seat.” I move to settle in and buckle up, before actually taking the wheel with my forelegs again.

“The more you use that stuff the better you get with it.” Eric leans back, getting himself a breakfast fruit bar and drink for himself.

“I think it’s something to do with confidence too, I’m more comfortable using it now, more confident in it, so it’s becoming second nature.”

“You two were snuggling back there for hours.”

“Please don’t tell Yiska that.” I ask softly.

“Yeah, he’s more confused about things then you in some ways. Trying to sort out his feelings from Rainbows must be hard.”

“Oh how does that line go… Eric, can you and I just be friends.” I say with a giggle.

Eric puts his hands over his heart “Oh the agony… the can we just be friends line, how cruel.”

“Hmm, red heads, does that mean you were watching Strawberry’s tail?”

“Nope. Not to sound rude or such, but I look at you, I know you’re Twilight Velvet, I know you're Walter, the Wally I got to know, to trust, the Wally that would take a bullet for me if he had to, and the Twilight that would give everything she had to keep rescue crystal ponies. But at the same time I SEE an animal.

Sentient, sapient, but not human, and that not human is probably what most people are going to see. That not human is going to be the painful part for any and every pony. For every human, I can be friends with, be happy chatting with, but I don’t think my mind would ever accept that.”

“Yeah, I can see that, strangely to me, you're human, I know you, I recognize you, but… well I think Yiska is cute.

My mind’s changed I guess, girls I normally would consider cute, I shrug off, but I find myself noticing parts of Bluesky, Yiska, Soarin… I think I like Pegasus stallions. Though I haven’t seen a unicorn yet, but I don’t find myself interested in human males.”

“Brains are hard wired for the same species. Depending on how wide spread these changes are though, there could be some destroyed marriages out there. Picture a husband being turned into a mare.” Eric says, looking at his food.

"Like Dust and her wife?" He nods in response, I think about what he just said for a moment, feeling sorry for them, "Yeah."

Grabbing some Alfalfa bits and munching I nodded, “Yeah, but in cases like that I’d like to believe that their love before would carry on, that they would still feel it.” Looking up at I grab my hat and put it back on my head.

Humming softly the last bit of the drive takes us to a small picnic stop outside of Spring Lake, hopping out I give the rear door a buck to make sure everyone is awake before heading into the little fillies room. Everyone else I suspected was taking their first chance to stretch their wings, legs and relieve themselves too.

Giving my mane a quick brushing, and a thorough washing of my muzzle, hooves and horn, I step out, I see Yiska’s truck there already, I trot up to Salute the LT “Civilians are safe and secure, sir. Intel was correct, there was several ponies staying there already.”

The LT smiles and nods “Now to face the music.”

We all pile into the van, since it is easier for the ponies to hide, and began the last drive to the gates. It takes some time still to get to the gates and I find Henry watching me curiously.

“What?” I say looking at him confused.

“You’re hugging a stuffed unicorn doll in a ranger uniform, that’s just weird.” He says with a chuckle.

“You're talking to a magic using unicorn mare, who used to be a guy, and you’re concern is my stuffed animal?” I just start giggling.

Laughter is infectious because in a matter of moments everyone’s laughing at that one. Henry shakes his head, “Sorry yeah, just not thinking for a moment there.”

“Quiet down back there, gate time.” The LT says, pulling up to the gate and flashing his ID, being a fairly open base, and with lots of traffic, the guards wave them through quick without a full check. This isn’t actually that unusual, unless the base is actually on a lockdown.

2/75th Rangers are not actually stationed on this base, but several other airborne and special force groups are, but we are here for USASOC, the special forces command. We pull up and park near the headquarters building.

Exiting the back of the van, we all march into the building, a large L shaped multi-story structure, with a big front lobby, there are no metal detectors, people always think there would be but, with the amount of metal on officers uniforms from rank insignia’s to pins, they would go off every time someone went through. There is however, plenty of security. Cameras as well as physical guards inside. All of our eyes though, fall on the pony sitting at the reception desk.

She was a young mare, white, with pink mane that was currently braided to keep it tight to her head, and deep blue eyes. I couldn’t see her cutie mark but I could swear it was Twinkleshine. We stand, just staring at each other for a few moments before she shakes her head. “Welcome to Special operations command, do you have an appointment?”

The LT steps forward “I need to speak to the Officer on Duty as well as having a Lawyer present.” He states firmly.

The unicorn nods slowly, and tapped on her phone with a metal probe attached to her foreleg by Velcro straps.

Velcro, I swear, whoever invented Velcro had to be pony friendly, nothing was easier for us to use than that.

“Sir, Several rangers and 2 ponies are here, they require the Officer of the day, as well as a lawyer. Understood, room 3 it is.” She states.

Twinkleshine was about the same age as Shining armor, if it was her here, she had attended Celestia’s school as well, she was apparently a generalist caster like me. I float my field cap off my head to set it on my back, you don’t wear headgear inside. Blade takes his off with a foreleg, tucking it between his wing and body.

Twinkleshine looked at me with a blink, “How did you? You can do magic?”

And there it is, Discord's curse, the reminder that as much as we looked like the ponies on the show, none of us could remember a thing.

With a nod I speak up, “Yes, I had some help figuring it out.”

“Maybe if you have some time later you could teach me.” She asks, but the security is already there to escort us to the conference room. A large room with a long table inside, two security cameras ensured that the room was 100% covered. Our squad lines up against the wall and stood at attention.

The Officer of the day, OD, is a Major, an older gentleman with receding hairline and glasses, he has his jump wings on but walks with a cane. Any mobility injury like that would have barred him from field and jumps.

The Lawyer is a Captain, younger man, probably late 20’s or early 30’s, no jump or combat badges meant he was a career lawyer. He was shorter than the LT or even I was, at about 5’9” with brown hair.

“At ease, take a seat.” The OD said sitting down.

Roller chairs, they are a wonderful thing for people. You can sit down on them, you can move around, they are very convenient except for one small problem. The only way Yiska and I had ever figured out how to sit in chairs is by putting or forelegs on them first, climbing up on them turning around and sitting on our haunches. Given this is our first time with rolling chairs, we quickly find ourselves with a problem.

Rearing up I put my forelegs on the chair and as I move forward to hop up on it, the chair starts to roll away from me. Yiska on the other hand had done a flap jump on the chair which had the chair both spinning a bit and rolling backwards till Henry caught him.

Eric was quick to see the problem and catches my chair, stopping it and helps roll me into place at the table. Any sense of dignity for me or Yiska now is pretty much gone, as the OD sits with one hand covering his eyes shaking his head at this.

“Lieutenant James Fisher, 1st company, 2nd battalion, 75th Rangers. This is my squad, Sargent Sanchez, Sargent Donaldson, Corporals Coralis, Fitzpatrick, Peterson and Christian. We were the team sent out to capture or kill Ornada as part of Operation Pale horse May 1st. We returned on May 5th to and were issued illegal orders, by Marine command. Someone in marine command attempted to transfer us to a civilian laboratory, without going tough Special Forces Command.”

The lawyer blinks a few times, looking up from his notes, the OD however remained silent and simply watches and listens to the LT.

“According to the listed orders, 2 of my squad, Corporal Yiska, and Corporal Fitzpatrick, were to be discharged to the civilian contractor laboratory Spectrum Research, as you know, Marine Command can NOT discharge or transfer active rangers to civilian groups, the orders would need to come from USSOC.” Placing a small SD card down on the table the LT took a breath.

“It appears that Marine command had been transferring several civilians to the company, while civilian transfers may be legal, the transfer of Corporal Fitzpatrick and Corporal Christian, would have put their lives in immediate danger.” The LT said.

“I see,” The OD states, but the lawyer is already writing notes down fast.

“We proceeded to escape, as trained, without injuring any security permanently, appropriated transport, and make our way here.” The LT said. “That SD card was taken from a data pad, it contains a list of the pony subjects that were transferred to Spectrum.”

“By appropriated transport you mean?” Our lawyer asked.

“We stole an SUV.” The LT says. “With my squad in immediate jeopardy, by illegal orders, I took the actions needed to protect their safety.”

The OD picked up the SD card “I will need to speak to the commander about this.” He says, standing.

The lawyer looks at him “I need you to leave the SD card here, until it is verified as evidence.”

The OD looks at the card then the lawyer, nodding once he picked up his cane and hat, and walks out of the room.

“We are so dead.” I whisper to Yiska.

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