• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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62: Dust Storm

Sam falls back into her chair and sighs. It looks like it’s done, and best of all, none of her pegasi were harmed. The ponies can hold position for the time being, but it looks like Fleur’s call was right and Natalya had cowed the little griffin.

Scratching her hair with both hands, Sam lets out a happy sigh before blinking. Pulling down her bangs in front of her eyes, she laughs softly. “When did I grow blue hair?”

One of the corporals looks over, “Oh it started around two or three PM. It’s also well longer than military length. I think we need to take you to the barber and get you shaved, ma’am.”

“Oh hell no. There are no regulations on pegasus manes and tails.”

“Yes ma’am but you’re not a pegasus yet, ma’am.” The corporal chuckles.

“Watch it, or when I end up on all fours I’ll have you out with me for jogging practice. See how far you can get or go on two legs.” Sam says with an evil smile.

“Umm, so are you staying here with us, or are you going to be flying missions, ma’am?” He says quickly to change the subject.

“I’ll primarily be based here, I’ll keep with the paperwork. But I’ll fly local missions when needed or when I can.” Sam smiles. “Wing commander isn’t a desk job for most squadrons.”

“So are you going to go to the hospital?”

“Dust is spending the nights with me, just to keep an eye on things. Make sure I don’t have a traumatic break down.”

“Right, like you would ma’am.”

“Actually the dreams and responses are very much like PTSD. Even the best person or pony can suffer badly from them.” Sam says softly. “Memories, feelings flooding back to you at the moment of realization, then when you think you have a grasp, everything vanishes again.”

“Yeah, happened to a friend of mine. He has horrible dreams sometimes of being under fire in Afghanistan, RPG hitting he convoy truck he was in. He wakes up thinking he’s under fire, then everything flashes back to normal. He has this totally confused look on his face, and can’t even remember that he was dreaming… He simply doesn’t understand what’s going on.”

“Yep, and every single pony goes through that in their change.” Sam says, shaking her head.

“So what’s the call ma’am?” The corporal looks back.

“Getting close to 5 pm, put me on speaker.” Leaning over, she smiles as she speaks into the mic. “Great job my little ponies. I don’t want any of you falling out of the sky tired, so head back to the hotel, that includes the civilians, have big dinner, full nights rest, have fun, then head back here in the morning or to your normal patrol areas.”

Flinching, she laughs at the cheers coming over the coms. Radio discipline is right out the window sometimes when it comes to pegasi. Calls for the 520th come out loud and clear, as well as a few calls for food, for some reason pegasi seem to think with their stomachs.

Turning Sam smiles and heads out. “Later, I’m going to meet up with Dust.”

“Bah, I don’t think you should hang around her.” The sergeant says, looking up.

Blinking, Sam looks at him in shock. “Why not?”

“Cuz she’s not Dash, ma’am.”

“I’m not Dash either.” Sam says sternly.

“Yep, nopony’s perfect, but you’re still our Major.” The sergeant says as Sam walks out.

*** New York ***

“You’re a griffin?!?!” The fledgling says, trembling a bit.

“Natalya Kerensky, you can just call me Natalya. It’s apparently the name I have from Griffinstone.”

“Vasilisa Orlova, What’s Griffinstone?” Calming down, she sits up a little, her eyes still wide in awe.

“Griffinstone is where we come from. We are proud griffins from the mountain kingdom of Griffinstone in the northern mountains of our world.”

“Our world? There are more like me?”

“A few, we were cursed by a demon, a lord of chaos, and sent to this world. Our world can be reached through a magical portal if you choose to return home, but the portal won’t be open again for another two years or so.”

“How... how come I’m so small?” Vasilisa asks timidly.

“It’s because you were a fledgling when you were cursed, a little baby.” Turning Natalya dips her wing, “Hop on my back, it's safe.”

Carefully the small griffin jumps onto Natalya’s back. “Where are we going?”

“To get you cleaned up first. Then get some real food in your belly. No more of this trash.” Natalya says as she walks into the building. “You will see a lot of police. Don’t worry, they are there to keep us safe and humans clear of us.”

They use the service elevator, that way it’s easier to control who sees them. The police cleared the rear loading area and a black van was pulled up to the loading dock.

“But, she’s a pony.”

“Yep, they are from our world, but a different kingdom, they are from Equestria, on our southern border.” Natalya says, nodding to Goldie. “She doesn’t speak Griffin, or Russian though.”

“There were ponies with me on the plane.” Vasilisa says sadly, looking at her wing.

“They were rescued too.” Natalya looks back and gives the fledgling a little nuzzle. “But for now, no more worries, instead just rest, we’ll get you food. Trust me you are going to love the barbecued salmon.”

*** Sam and Dust ***

Unlocking her door Sam steps into her apartment. It isn’t big, average a bedroom, a single bath. Looking around she doesn’t see Lightning Dust anywhere. There aren’t many places for a pony to hide here, since both the bathroom and bedroom doors are open.

“Oh well, she’s probably gone back to her family.” Sam says as she lies down on the sofa with a whimper.

Her back has been hurting more than usual today, but she passed on the pain meds. She’s suffered through this before, and doesn’t want to risk it interfering with her change. Vicodin also has the bad effect of making her lose focus at times. Since she is restricted to desk work though, the doctors typically don’t see a problem with that.

She lay there a few minutes, looking up at the ceiling before getting up again. She doesn’t want to move, but she also doesn’t want to stay in her service uniform. Heading into her bedroom, she sighs, stripping down and hanging up her slacks and jacket. She hobbles over to the mirror, she turns sideways to look at her cutie mark again.

It’s a common cutie mark, the show has displayed it on several pegasi, but that could be anything from animator laziness, to the creators simply not knowing everyone’s mark. Although so far, the staff seems to be right on for some reason.

She hears a tap at the door and blinks. “Come in.”

Stepping into her PT pants she pulls them on, as well as her PT shirt, then she blinks, hearing the tap again.

“I said come in.” She says, walking out into the living room/dining room area.

“I would but it’s locked.” Comes the call out from the balcony.

Blinking Sam just has to laugh and walks over, opening the door. “Didn’t want to come in like normal?”

“Why? You have your own private landing pad out here.” Dust tries her best to look innocent before picking up the Chinese food takeout.

“Ok, so why are you blushing?” Sam says, smiling.

“I am not.” she huffs and flattens her ears.

“I’ve worked with ponies for over a month now. I know how to tell when they are blushing.” Sam laughs.

“Well, umm, all of the apartments look the same mostly, from the outside.” The turquois pegasus shudders, “And some people REALLY need to keep their patio curtains closed. Especially when they are doing it in the living room.”

Sam can’t help but laugh harder.

“I need brain bleach. I really need to get that image out of my head.” Dust whimpers.

“B&D?” Sam asks innocently.

“Come on, they had to be in their eighties, just ewwww.” Dust rubs her forehead with a hoof, “Why?” I say throwing both hooves out in front of me, “Just why?!?!”

“It’s your fault for not using the front door.” Sam says and takes the Chinese, starting to portion it out.

“Blue mane looks good on you.” Dust says to change the subject, “Wonder if I can get five score cursed again, just to get that image out of my mind.” Dust muses quietly, “With my luck it would be the first thing I remember on changing back though.”

Heading into the kitchen she giggles and takes down two large glasses. Filling them with ice and pop, she comes back. “Thank you, it’s just so… bouncy.”

“I have to ask, why did you make the uniforms for the 520th look like the Wonderbolt uniform?”

“Oh that’s easy, I just found it fit. It’s something other pegasi will react and respond to. You get pulled over by a pony wearing a Wonderbolt uniform, you’re less likely to try and run, or cause problems. It’s also universal, it’s not a Navy, Army uniform. It’s not a police officer uniform. It’s not American, Chinese, or Russian.”

“It’s Wonderbolt, it’s Equestrian, and it’s something every pegasus knows.” Dust says, nodding. “So it was chosen for us rather than yourselves.”

“Yep. You know I’m going to have to turn in all my civilian clothing. Kind of depressing.”

“Why? I mean, why is it depressing?” Dust asks, blinking.

“Cuz I used to love bikini season. It’s not about what you wear it’s about what you hide, and the colors used to hide it.” Sam says and offers the pegasus a set of chopsticks with an evil smile.

“Right, knife fork and such are bad enough, chopsticks would be impossible.”

*** Velvet ***

Smiling brightly, I sit down, the spa has been great. It’s just what we needed. I even had my hooves done with dark blue polish with gold sparkles. We stopped on our way back and to pick up dinner with my class.

“I brought Chinese!” I say with a laugh, sitting down.

“I’ll get the plates!” Rose says, bounding for the kitchen.

“Noodles!” Cipher giggles.

“Ohhh, hot and spicy stir fried veggies!” Fleur says, sitting down and smiling at the food in front of them.

Ah-Pee laughs and spoons out some rice for herself with her arm strap.

“Oh, those look useful.” Sunshine says, looking at the Velcro strap.

“Oh they are, but if Velvet catches you using one while you are in her class, she’ll fail you.” Ah-Pee says with a smile.

“Hey where’s the cutlery? Don’t they usually pack this stuff with plastic knives and forks?” Sugarberry grumbles.

“Yep, unless you tell them not to, instead I got them to provide us with these.” I say dumping out the bag of wooden chopsticks.

“Oh god, no!” Sunshine whines, “You evil, evil mare.”

“Oh don’t worry. I brought lots of extra’s just in case you break them. Especially since it’s going to be tricky to gage how much pressure you’re putting on the sticks, and these are the cheap wood ones.”

Fleur’s scowl is about all the response I need. Picking up a set of chopsticks, I separate them and tap the tips together, clicking them twice. “Alright everypony dig in. Any chance to train is good.”

*** Sam and Dust ***

“Your ears are the giveaway, now we have your coat color, white. Your mane color, light blue, and your cutie mark. That’s enough to give us who you are.” The sergeant says, smiling over the computer.

“Whatcha got?” I say, I guess the squadron having a Brony isn’t a bad thing.

Sam looks sideways at me and boops my nose gently. “Well Sargent, what have you got?”

“For a background unknown you’re pretty famous. I mean in Canterlot, not with the community. Here we have a picture of you in your Wonderbolt Training uniform. You were in the academy at the same time as Lighting Dust in season 3, just a different class.”

Blinking, I look at Sam, “Dawm girl, you’re a reservist too. I guess this means I get to order you around.”

“Nope. Not even close.” Sam says firmly.

“We also have pictures of you with visiting dignitaries wearing a VIP Badge with the princesses. Either means well, you were REALLY high ranking, or were the chosen representative for a city like Cloudsdale, Los Pegasus, or Ponyville.” The sergeant chuckles. “She’s seen dating a unicorn who’s Canterlot elite, but that might have been just a one off thing, since her dad and one of her two sisters are unicorns.”

“Two sisters?” Sam blinks.

“Wow, you have a big family.” I say, poking her nose back playfully.

“Yeah, it looks like Jetstream might be your sister too. Your mom was a pegasus.”

Blinking Sam tilts her head, “Jetstream? The timid little one? The one who tried to commit suicide when she started to change?”

“That’s her. In Equestria she was a world class flyer. Beat Dash on the endurance scale. I think the cross between unicorn and pegasus leads you two to be really strong flyers.” The sergeant says. “At least that’s what the fandom suspects.”

Blinking, she looks at me, “We likely served together. I wonder why I wasn’t cursed with the rest of the ‘bolts?”

“You could have been out of position. Or maybe sent off to try and protect you if you were an important family.” I snicker, “You know, like to keep you out of trouble.”

“Gee thanks.” Sam said, “Make it sound like I’m a coward.”

I chuckle, “Well after Soarin, myself, and Spitfire were hit by Discord, the order to disperse was circulated. The rest of the Wonderbolts knew they couldn’t take him.”

Sticking her tongue out at me, she flicks her tail side to side in annoyance. I wouldn’t have noticed but she wacked my flank with it a few times.

“Watch your tail, you’re lethal with it.” I say, “Tomorrows the day of big changes.”

“I know, I have it booked off.” Sam says, “I’m just kind of scared of what I’m going to dream of.”

*** New York ***

“Oh Star Wars episode IX is on!” Drizzle says.

“Saw it last year in the theaters.” Streams sighs, stretching out on the hotel bed.

“Justice League, part two?” Drizzle asks.

Shaking her head vigorously no, “Uggg, not even if you paid me.”

“Ok, The Sky People it is.”

“Really? You went there?” Streams says, lifting a wing.

Drizzle puts her wing over Streams back and presses her cheek against Streams. “It’s not what you watch, but who you watch it with, and what you eat while watching.”

With a tap at the door, Fleetfoot opens it and pokes her head in, “Hey girls, the hotel’s opened up the swimming pool to us, were all heading down for a pool party.”

Drizzle squees, smiling brightly. “Oh now, that’s a plan.”

Sighing softly Streams looked down, flattening her ears.

Fleetfoot blinks and steps into the room. “What’s wrong? You don’t like swimming?”

“It’s not that…” Steams says and sighs.

“Okay, what is it?” Drizzle asks, nuzzling Streams softly.

“I didn’t pack a bathing suit.” Streams says, lying her head on her forelegs, pouting.

“Okay, my turn to say it.” Drizzle starts, looking at Streams. “Really?”

“What do you mean, really?”

“We,re pegasi, we’re all just gonna swim in our fur.” Fleetfoot says, shaking her head.

“And maybe burn out a few blow dryers to get our manes and bodies dry for bed.” Drizzle says, nodding.

Bounding out the two joining what is turning out to be an impromptu song. As the thirty pegasi start singing, “We don’t even have to try, it’s always a good time.”

Streams giggles, unable to help herself calling out, “Good morning and good night….”

Blaze prances by, “I wake up with Twilight…”

*** Velvet ***

Sneezing, I shake myself out.

“Problem?” Fleur asks, looking concerned.

“Nope, just had a strange feeling.”

*** Lightning ***

“Come down and let us see it.”

“No!” Lightning protests, she stands in her room looking at the uniform and fluffs it, fidgeting.

“You look fine.” Streams giggles.

“You’re one to talk, you’re already on the Cloudsdale record books. For spirit and endurance.” Lightning huffs.

“And I’m cuter too” Streams adds. “It’s not my fault you ended up going to the Canterlot High instead.”

“Yeah, that was dad’s idea.” Lightning huffs, “If it’s good enough for Celestia to send Cadance to, it must be good enough for me.”

Streams hops off the bed and swats her sister. “Matching marks matching spirits.” She says, bumping Lightings cutie mark with her own.

“Wings are for more than just appearance.” Lightning says, lifting her wings.

Turning Lightning giggles and heads to the door, then taking a breath, she opens it, walking downstairs.

“There’s my little Wonderbolt Reservist. You look so cute.” Her dad says. He lights his horn and straightens her collar a bit.

“Dad, no.” Lightning whines and blushes.

“I’m so proud of you, getting accepted.” He says.

“Dad, it’s no big deal, they take almost everypony. You don’t even need to be a good or strong flyer.” Streams sighs.

“Nonsense, a Wonderbolt reserve…”

“Oh come on, they’d even take sis.” Lightning cuts her father off, looking at Jetstream teasingly.

“Oh haha, no thanks, I don’t like formation flying. Closest I get to that is the weather teams.” Streams protests.

“Hey sis, have you heard from Derpy recently?” Streams asks, changing tacts.

“Not since we hung out at Shining and Cadance’s wedding.” Lightning says, “But you know how busy I get.”

“You need to relax more, sis. Get out, see the world. You need something other than shuttling between here and Ponyville.”

“Oh come on, I love Ponyville.”


“I love Ponyville.” Sam says, hugging me to the point of squeaking.

“GAH, too tight, too tight, too tight...” I say, gasping for breath and pushing at Sam.

“Wha?” Sitting up, Sam lets go of me and blinks, looking around.

“I don’t know, you said you loved Ponyville, and tried to squeeze the stuffing out of me. Which is pretty bad since I’m not a plushy.” I smile and look innocent.

“Sorry, I guess I fell asleep soon after you did. We were watching the late show. I was rubbing your belly and you zoned out pretty quick.” Sam says, stretching out.

“What can I say, I like my belly wubs. Ohh, hooves.” I smile checking out Lightning’s hooves. “I know a great farrier who can do horseshoes for you.” I show her the thin shoes that I went with, they have rubber tread for traction and not making a clatter when I walk.

“Nah, I’ll go with the boots. The ability to take them off and such will be too useful around the office.” Sam laughs.

“Wow your fur is white. I don’t mean eggshell white, or grey white, I mean seriously brilliant white. Like Rarity white.” I can’t help but smile, she’s deserves this.

“To bad we haven’t seen Spike around, do my mane and tail up like hers and watch the reaction.” Sam says good heartedly. “Eek, I can’t wiggle my toes.”

“Well you won’t have hands tomorrow.” I laugh.

“Yep, but I will have wings! And hopefully walking without pain which will be great.”

“So what’s the plan for today?” I ask.

“Shopping, 520th will be getting back by around noon. Officially today and tomorrow I’m off but I’ll still welcome them back.” Sam says as she gets up.

“Shopping?” I ask.

“Well I need to turn in my old uniforms and human gear for pony gear. Then hit the PX for pony personal items. Our PX keeps itself pretty nicely stocked with everything from hoof and mane care to goggles.” Sam says getting up.

“I’ll keep you company, in case you start having trouble.” I say.

“You know, I swung some deals and pulled some strings to get the ponies in New York access to the hotel pool. Now I’m wondering if it was such a good idea.”

“All the fur in the pool filters?” I say with a laugh.

“Nope, the chlorine in the pool, I hope their colors don’t run.” Sam laughs.

“I’m pretty sure we are colorfast.” I say, face hoofing.

“Good, could you imagine the whining of thirty pink pegasi ponies.” Sam just keeps laughing.

*** Gaza Strip ***

“1000!” The old man says.

“500, cash now.”

“750, not a dollar less.” The old man counters.

“750 dollars it is.” His accent was pretty strong, he is definitely not Palestinian.

The little pink mare’s reigns get yanked as she is handed over to the buyer.

“The boss won’t be happy about the price, but he will be happy about the pony.”

The mare keeps her eyes low and her head down as she is yanked towards the small boat. It isn’t big or fancy, just a small cabin cruiser. Likely they would use it to get her to a larger boat in one of the controlled ports in Syria or Egypt.

They push her inside and dump a bucket of hay for her. “There, mule, eat up you might not get anymore anytime soon.”

Obediently, she starts eating. “Well they seem to have broken her spirit at least.” The other man says. “It’s hard to tell are you sure this is her?”

“Pink body, two color pink on pink mane, three flowers for cutie marks… it mostly looks like the pictures we have of Cheerilee.” The first says, smiling.

Putting to sea, the small boat makes its way south, towards the Suez. It has more than enough range to make it. It is two hundred sixty miles to Ismalia. It will take them about 7 hours to get there.

*** Sam and Dust ***

“Apple Alfalfa Cookies, Dust?” Sam says, offering one to me.

“They really have cookies like this here?”

“Why wouldn’t they?” Sam asks, confused.

“I don’t know, it just seems so... I guess I’m not used to going to a human store and seeing pony things.” I say shaking my head.

Humming softly Sam picks up most of the basics. Clothing, hoofware, some snacks, and some Velcro packs for utility items. “Some of this stuff is hype or junk, stuff for first timers who don’t understand things yet.”

“I can tell.” I say looking at hoof polish.

“But really, they try and keep a selection hoping that ponies will try it, like it… or ponies will have used similar things as humans and want to keep using them.” Sam says. “Mane shampoo for colorful manes and extra bounce.”

I laugh once and bounce, looking at my mane. “Nope has enough bounce on its own.”

“I feel so weird though going into work in civilian clothing. Just one of those things.” Sam says as she holds a pair of pink panties against my flank.

“Um, no way, no how. No pink frillies for me.” I say, putting my hoof down.

“Not for you, for me, military issue apparently chafe, and the flight suit kinda needs undies or it goes places.” Sam says smiling.

“Why wear anything?” I protest.

Poking my nose, she smiles, “You wore a Wonderbolt uniform.”

“Okay, point taken, but the training uniforms left our flanks open.” I say.

“You weren’t a reservist or trainee at the end, so you wore a closed-butt one.” Sam smirks as she pays for the items. Finally we head out to the car.

One short drive later and we are at her office. Heading inside, Sam is met with cheers from the staff, compliments on her tail and mane. At least there is support for ponies here.

“So ever thought of leaving the military? We’re setting up somewhat of a safe haven at our farm.” I say looking at her.

“I can’t. My job here is needed. I won’t abandon my little ponies. My job is to keep pegasi safe, not just from planes, but from people. The job we do here, we do it so that ponies can police ponies. So we won’t have humans hunting down and saying we need to start clipping wings as punishment.”

“Ok I can respect that, you’re still doing the job of a Wonderbolt.” I say with a nod, then blink looking up. There’s just something about a whole flock of pegasi flying in a group. Over the top of the building all thirty pegasi circle before landing with cheers.

“Good job my little ponies. I’m so…” Sam doesn’t even finish.

“Show us the mark!” Gets called out by somepony.

“We wanna see your cutie mark!” calls another.

“Wow, her eyes are so pretty.” A filly calls out.

“I really like her mane!” Somepony else calls causing a total uproar of laughter.

“Okay, okay.” Sam calls out. Turning sideways, she drops the side of her jogging pants to show off her mark. This is met with cheers and whistles, as well as a few cat calls.

Blushing a bit, she looks at all the ponies assembled. “Now then, starting tomorrow, everypony is back on their normal rotations. To those not part of the 520th, the offer is open, to join us here if you want. If not I thank you for your service and finance will have your checks for you. But for now, pizza for all flyers, go get fueled up.”

Well that was, off like a herd of…

*** Egypt, port Ismalia ***

The small cabin cruiser pulls up beside the freighter. It is an intercostal design, commonly used for runs down the coast of Africa or across to the Persian Gulf or further. It isn’t fast, it’s not pretty, but it is flagged to Georgia, though that is a flag of convenience, based on a shell company.

They hoist the pony onboard by means of cargo netting. Not the safest, but it is quick and easy to hide her from prying eyes like that. The ship’s captain inspects the cargo with a confused look on his face.

“Are you sure this is Cheerilee?” He walks around her once as she stands, her head low, tail drooped, mane hanging limp around her head and neck.

“Colors look right, cutie marks is three flowers.” One of the workers says.

The Captain shakes his head. “But I thought they had happy faces in them.”

“Maybe they faded out, or maybe that was something the animators added in. But as a big named pony she’s worth a mint.”

“We'll put her in storage for now. We have a few stops to make, then we can transfer her to the boss.” The captain says firmly. He leans down and looks into the pony’s eyes, “He is going to love a chance to play with you.”

Laughing, the ship hands swat her flank with a piece of wood to get her walking and guide her into her cargo container.

Walking to the far end of the container she curls into a ball, lying down.

“Well she’s obedient at least. She’s been well broken in.” They laugh, and close the door, locking it.

She lay still for a while, she wants to be sure they aren’t coming back in right away. Listening, she can hear sounds of the ships engine starting up. The sound of metal on metal fills the air as the anchor chain is drawn up. She’s alone in here, not even another pony.

Lowering her head, she reaches back with her hoof, feeling around for the hard spot. When she finds it, she presses it with her hoof, the beacon sending out its powerful signal. It would now pulse once per hour for several days.

She thinks about Cheerilee, wondered if she made it back to Equestria safely. But she has a job to do. She has a mission.

*** Lightning ***

She sits looking up at the sky. Watching the clouds float by, she could see images in the clouds. Swan, apple, pony face, even a muffin. Giggling softly, she shakes her head. “Derpy’s on cloud shaping duty again.”

“How can you tell?” Streams says, laying on her back, her wingtips twitching.

“I just saw the third muffin float by.”

“Sure it wasn’t the same one?” Royal Ribbon says with a giggle.

“That… would be worse.” Lightning says with a laugh.

Looking over at Royal Ribbon, Lightning smiles, “So when are you going back to Canterlot?”

“Tomorrow’s train, there is a big to do there.”

Streams laughs, “She knows, dad got her a VIP pass, he expects her to represent the family assets there.”

“I swear he wants you to be a unicorn.” Royal Ribbon laughs.

“That, or an alicorn.” Jetstream adds. “He’s been trying to teach her magic, of all things.”

“Just cuz I understand unicorns and unicorn magic doesn’t mean I’m gonna be an alicorn.” Lightning says, “Seriously Big Mac stands a better chance of it than me.”

“Oh god, can you picture Big Mac as a Princess?” Streams starts laughing.

*** Dust and Sam ***

Sam acks, loudly spreading her wings as she bounces into the air, then hit the floor body first.

“Ow, what the buck Dust.” Sam whines.

“Does your back hurt? Can you feel your legs?”

Blinking, Sam stretches out her hind leg a bit and wiggles it. “Nope, I can feel it fine and no pain except in my chest and face where I landed.”

“Trust me, your knees and face are going to be sore.”

“Why?” Sam says, blinking.

“Cuz, you have to learn how to walk.” I say, smiling evilly. “Now out of bed, and get those legs moving.”

Looking down at her forelegs Sam smiles. “Great, no pictures please. This is going to be a mess.”

Mess was an understatement, bordering on pure comedy. It takes Sam a good thirty minutes before she learns how to walk again. She blames it on the fact that she hadn’t walked properly for almost a year so even her hind legs have no good muscle memory. It takes everything I have not to laugh though.

She has a lot of problems remembering how to move her hind legs, where for most of us, it is the forelegs that give us problems. Though after thirty minutes she’s trotting, prancing and bucking like the best of us.

Next comes flying. Flying is easier than walking, strangely enough, with only two crashes and one case of spitting out dirt. It is another good thirty minutes of training before I’m satisfied she can handle herself. She still has a lot of practice and training to do yet, but I know the squad will help her.

“If you need me, call.” I say, giving her a tight hug with my wing and neck.

“Same here, us Wonderbolts got to help each other.”

“Yep. And the 520th couldn’t be in better wings.” I say. “I need to get back to my family though, I have work to do.”

“And 520th would be honored to have you if you chose to join.”

“Naw, I’m not the type to follow.” I say smiling, then I shoot off for home.

*** Tel Aviv, Israel ***

The satellite detects the ping. It’s faint, but it’s enough. Within that ping is GPS information. That information is immediately relayed to a satellite station where it shows up on a large computer screen. Servers hum and an automatic response program re-tasks another satellite.

Hundreds of miles above the Earth, another satellite activates its thrusters to realign. It’s now looking at somewhat of an angle rather than straight down. Soon, pictures of the ship are cycling through the computers. Data is being sent to different offices. Every detail of the ship is being identified. Type, weight, marine transponder, all being marked, heat sources listed.

Picking up the phone, an elderly man speaks calmly in accented English. “Keshet Pardo is in position. She should lead us to the central location that the ponies are being held before shipping. Keshet will be ready to move on the strike. She is trained in this kind of operation from before she changed.”

Listening to the response, he nods. “Thank you director, the Mossad has had long ties with you. We will let you take the lead on this operation.”

Hanging up the phone, he looks down at his picture of Keshet, it’s an older one from before she changed. “Be careful my little Cherry Blossom.”

*** Streams and Drizzle ***

“Come on, she won’t bite.” Drizzle says.

Streams whimpers a bit.

“Fine, you can hold on.”

Leaning down, Streams bites Drizzles tail for safety, and follows her into the Major’s office.

The Major has already acquired a smaller chair and desk, more appropriate to her new pony size. Looking up, she smiled, “Hello Drizzle. You have a tail hanger.”

Drizzle giggles, “Jetstream, she’s still adapting to being a pony.”

Streams pokes around from the side of Drizzle, looking at the white and blue pegasus. “Hello ma’am.” Keeping her head low, Streams is terrified but doesn’t run.

Smiling, the Major tilts her head. “What can I do for you?”

Squeaking, she hides behind Drizzle again.

The Major hops off her chair and walks over to her. “It’s okay. Calm down.”

Streams looked at the Major’s mark, then her own. Blinking, she looked back at the Major's mark.

“Yep, they are the same.” The Major says, with a soft smile.

Drizzle giggles, “She kinda needs a job, part time. Can we find something for her?”

Tentatively, Streams moves up, turning around to stand beside the Major, looking at her.

The Major nods slowly, “Sure I think we can find something for her.” Looking at Streams she blinks, “Something wrong?”

Streams thumps her hip against the Major. Cutie mark to cutie mark. Speaking softly she recites like an old mantra, “Matching marks, matching spirits.”

Blinking the Major responds reflexively, “Wings are for more than just appearance.”

Author's Note:

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