• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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32: A Broken Mirror (start of book 2)

Watching from the steps, Henry sits beside the LT near the gate. Jay woke up a mere hour ago, but is already strong enough to do some light flying. Jay, Eric, and Sanchez are having some fun, flying under the care and teaching of a pair of real pegasi. Eric is having a laugh at it, pulling moves he loved doing in his wingsuit, and many he had only dreamed of.

They weren’t as good as born pegasi, but Henry has to admit, they’ve taken to flying quite well. With a few months of training, they would likely be as good as some of the real flyers. They might even be as good as Fluttershy, he thinks with a chuckle.

“Your wing’s strong enough LT. Why don’t you try joining them for one last flight before we go?”

Slowly spreading his wings, he feels the air currents, feeling the weather, the sky and clouds calling. He wonders if this is what normal pegasi feel. His expression gets wooden as he wonders if this is what she felt before... His wing starts trembling again and he pulls it tightly to his side.

“No, I have a few last things to check up on before we go through. Shining Armor asked me to meet him at the old school. He needs me to carry some things back for Twilight.”

Henry looked back up at the sky watching the three humans turned pegasi playing, laughing and having fun before feeling himself get hugged tightly from the side. Looking over slowly, the teenage pegasus is just beaming brightly at him.

“Thank you for saving my brother.” She says, looking up with wide eyes.

“I didn’t do much, actually I’m not really sure what I did. I’m glad it helped through.”

“Are you going to stay?”

Glancing at his coat he shakes his head, “Nope, not the place for me, I’m not a pony I’m a human. I’m just here to help out for a little bit before returning home.”

“Why? Don’t like it here?”

“I feel like I stick out like a sore hoof. Yes everyone’s funny colors but there aren’t many males sporting pink coats, and even some of the mares don’t like pink.” Henry says as he examines hoof and foreleg.

“Well I don’t mind, I think you look cute as a pink unicorn,” she says, nuzzling his chest fluff.

“And just think, everyone around here sees the colors first, it’s the first way to identify a pony. So all everyone is going to see me and remember me as is the male pink unicorn.” Henry says, shaking his head.

Looking around the little pegasus hums, “Never thought of that before, but that aside, thank you again.” Hugging him tightly again, she eventually pulls away and bounds off.

Looking back up, he watches Jay spin out, then recover. He wished he could have said no when they were offered a chance to fly but, it wouldn’t have been fair to them. Reaching over with his hoof he idly picks up his drink, it’s some sort of herbal tea, and sips it. Glancing up at his horn shine, he looks at the cup and sighs, Sugarberry’s sticky hoof TK trick. He knows if he tries, he could probably extend it and use it like other unicorns do but, he’s not a unicorn is he?

Doctor Gregory Horse sits down beside Henry looking up at the cavorting pegasi, “You know, I saw three earth ponies before trying to pick up a glass like that.” He chuckles.

“It’s a contact mode telekinesis that a friend of mine came up with.” Putting the glass down, he shakes his head.

“You did great out there Star Crossed. It may not seem like it but a lot are thankful you were here.”

“Henry,” looking down at his foreleg, “the name’s Henry, I don’t know where she came up with Star Crossed.”

“Sam, Sam Emerson. Ponies started calling me Doctor Horse. Though I play around with that too, Doctor Gregory Horse, MD. Head of the Department of Diagnostic Medicine at Ponyville General Hospital.”

“Really? You went there?”

“Hey I may not be anywhere near as good as House, but I’m also not a nut job like him either. To me though it feels better to associate it with that, rather than with Doc Horse.” Chuckling he reaches over and picks up his own tea, with his hoof, horn glowing, and he chuckles. “Ok, yeah, this is so going to annoy the patients.”

“Actually that did kind of sound like a House response there.”

“Star Crossed, have you ever considered the meaning to that name?” Horse asks, while sipping his tea.

Henry points at his hip. “Star, cross. Pretty obvious.”

“Yeah, but at the same time I like to think that a lot of the pony names have deeper meanings. Take Lyra Heartstrings. Her music tugs at the heartstrings of all that listen to it, that’s one of the common take on her name. Another is that she puts her heart into her music, that every time her lyre makes a sound it’s the sound of her heart within those strings.”

“Both sound equally sappy.” Henry chuckles.

“But which sounds better?”

“The second I guess, but which is true?”

“Neither? Both? In the absence of true evidence, all we have is our feelings and faith to take it on. That’s the way with pony names, often they hold meanings that are only apparent to ourselves. Just like our cutie marks.” Standing, he heads back for the triage center.

*** Velvet ***

I stand in the shower, facing the water and letting it run down my face and mane, I feel so happy, relaxed, alive. It’s taken me longer than normal to shower and wash myself off, but I want to make sure I’m not messy anywhere.

I’ve given Blaze a good wash down, before my shower, just some things are quicker and easier to do with magic. I just don’t want to leave the shower myself though. I know I have to, however, to get to the gate.

Stepping out of the shower, I use my magic to clean the shower before trotting into the room and sitting down. I don’t worry about getting dressed right away, instead I grab my brush and comb and get to work fixing my mane and fur trying to get all the tangles out.

“Umm, Blaze, why are you laying on the floor?” I say as I look over at him.

Sitting up, Blaze pokes the bed and looks at me, “Cuz it’s wet and sticky.”

I shudder, “Umm, yeah, something tells me we should leave a large tip for the maid service. That, or the motel might be charging the military for a new mattress. Besides, more than a little bit of that is yours.”

“Well, look at it this way, at least we learned about this before we did something like that in our own bed. I wouldn’t want to be buying a new mattress every night.”

I stop and look at him incredulously, “Every night?!?!”

“Ok a couple of times a week.” He chuckles, his face glowing.

Tilting my head, I hum, “Maybe that’s why they used hay ticks for beds. Essentially a mattress stuffed with hay. Pull the stuffing out, throw the hay away, wash the casing or tick, refill it with hay.”

Blaze pokes the bed again and chuckles. “Or rubber sheets.”

“Umm yeah, we’ll discuss this later.” I say and use my magic to get him dressed. We are acting in a military capacity so we both need to be in uniform.

Dressing myself, I adjust my beret, and pick up my saddle bags, putting them over my back. “Ready?”

Heading down to the front desk, I see a pair of Army privates arguing with the attendant, “What kind of place is this? I swear it sounded like stables in here, I could near the squealing and whinnying all though the halls.” One of the privates says sternly.

I can feel my ears turn bright red and my cheeks feel like they are on fire, I didn’t know I was that vocal. Ok, I remembered I was loud in the shower, but….

Blaze steps up to the desk, “Yeah seriously, and it sounded like some kind of gorilla or chimpanzee out of planet of the apes was jumping up and down on a bed. It was downright impossible to get any sleep.”

Walking up beside Blaze I yawn and sign out. Still blushing, I don’t say a word. I simply look at Blaze and walk out, I’m heading back to the gate.

“Thanks.” I say, looking at Blaze when he catches up with me.

“Well, I didn’t want them harassing you or such.” He chuckles, “and sides, if I didn’t look after you, I’d get my butt kicked by your kids as well as mine.”

“Our.” I say, giggling.

Looking up, I wave at the Unicorn club, “Ok girls, your turn, just don’t accept room 12A.” I say.

“Why? What’s wrong with 12A?” Ballad asks curiously.

“Oh 12A’s probably the room they had, and they probably have to replace the bed because of…”

Sugarberry shuts Ciphers mouth with her magic, “Cipher, think before you speak.”

Cipher blinks as Sugarberry’s aura fades from her muzzle, “I was, I was thinking rule 34.”

Ah-Pee humphs, “Cipher, please don’t tease Velvet about stuff like that, when she’s ready she’ll…” Ah-Pee stops while looking at me, then her eyes go wide.

“What?” I gulp.

Hugging me tight Ah-Pee giggles, “I haven’t seen your tail wiggle so much in my life… it’s nice to see you so happy.”

“Oh hush, go get some sleep.” I say, then I turn and sit, watching the gate.

The girls take the option and head for the Inn, I picked up a clipboard and read. Apparently most of the foals that were planning on staying in Equestria have already gone through the gate. One had tried coming back, but when she found out the mirror turned her back into a 6 year old, she opted to stay in Equestria. Poor thing.

Glancing over, I get up and move over to lay beside Lightning Dust, gently putting my muzzle over her. Ponies really wear their emotions on their ears and tail, and I can tell, with her wings tight, her ears drooped, and her tail between her legs, she is seriously down.

Looking up, Dust takes a breath, trying to choke back tears and she puts on a fake smile.

“Nope, not going to work, I was born a guy too, and trust me, hiding emotions as a mare just doesn’t work.” I say gently, and lick her ears softly, mothering her.

“Soarin died.” She says weakly.

“How? When?” This is one of those times I wish I had wings, just to be able to hug her. Instead I put my head over her neck.

Her voice cracks, “Two nights ago, fighting Corddis. Or Discord you could say.” She moans sourly.

“I’m sorry, he was such a good friend, and had such a beautiful heart.” I hug her tighter with my neck, “We are just getting back the casualty reports from Equestria. I’m going to try and talk Special Operations Command into working with CID to track down family members, let them know, so they can have some closure. I’d like to do something special for Soarin though. Can you let me know when the funeral will be?”

Dusk nods slowly, and I hug her tighter with my neck. “I just feel so…”

“There’s no magic words, there’s no spell, there’s no trick that will make the pain go away.” I press my cutie mark to hers, “There is family though, there are friends. Some say misery loves company, but in a way it’s true. For ponies, if we are sad, having other ponies around can help take away the pain.”

“I don’t know what to do.” The tears are leaking now.

“You become the best pony you can be, because to do anything less, means Discord won. It won’t be easy, some days you will feel sad and down. Remember through, no matter what, there are always ponies around you. They are with you, to help.”

Standing up I wrap my energy around Dust, picking her up and carrying her away from the gate, and into the mess tent. “Blaze, can I borrow a wing.” I look over at Moon Shadow and smile, she seems to ease back. She’s as protective of Dust as Mindy, or anyone in their group.

“Sure, what you need?” Blaze says as he looks up at me.

“Dust here needs a hug and snuggle, and I don’t have wings to do it.”

Unable really to protest, Dust lies there as Blaze moves over beside her, hugging with his wing. Walking over to the mess line I get some milk, some cupcakes, and some doughnuts and bring them back, laying them in front of her muzzle.

Laying down, I start eating and slowly feeding Dust, at the same time. I don’t know how many calories I burned last night but I am starved.

*** LT ***

James stands in the mirror room, in the basement of Rarity’s dress shop. It’s still midafternoon, but he doesn’t want to risk being caught in a last minute rush for the gate. The time they had stayed let most of the wounds heal, at least the ones that could be seen.

Looking over, James watches Henry inching towards the gate. He, more than most, wants to be human again. Jay and Sanchez came down late though, laughing at some joke between themselves, and Eric pulls up the rear.

Stopping at the gate, Eric spreads his wings a bit, stepping back and looking almost timid. He prances in place as he looks back at the others.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can’t you feel it?” Eric asks, not sure if he was is crazy or not.

Closing his eyes, Henry starts prancing too, backing away from the gate. “It’s, it’s just the gate magic.” He says, then charges through, his eyes tightly closed.

Counting to three, first Sanchez, then Jay follows, making sure they give enough time for the one in front to clear the gate.

“Haul tail it Ranger,” James says with a weak chuckle.

Nodding, Eric ducks through the mirror.

Taking one last look around, James takes a deep breath, and steps through. The sensation is hell, as always, going through this direction feels worse. And as an added bonus, as he comes out, he finds it hard to balance on only two legs again, and ends up on his rear, he’d only been a pony for a few days and even that has thrown his entire body out of whack.

He barely gets his wits about him when he is blindsided by Fleetfoot, who hugged him tightly with a laugh. “You’ve gotta tell me what it was like.”

Pushing her off, James raises his fist as if to strike her, then he stops, blinking. Backing away from her quickly, he puts his hand to his side quickly, to keep it from trembling. Panting he closes his eyes tight.

“Um, first though we need to get you some clothing.” Fleetfoot says, some worry evident in her voice.

Eric looks around, then groans, “LT… The marks didn’t go away, we kept our butt stamps...”

Looking to his hip, James closed his eyes and makes a fist again, “I need a uniform.”

Hopping over to the supply truck, Fleetfoot comes back in, at least she could get them boxers, pants and military tee’s. Shoes or boots though, the sizes of those are so different between people that the military didn’t bother.

“Whats going on LT, why didn’t they go away?” Sanchez says, rubbing his hip.

“I don’t think rubbing it is going to work Sanchez,” Jay pipes in, looking at the clothing and starting to get dressed quickly.

Fleetfoot holds up a hoof, “Calm down, calm down, ok, so you got your marks when you went through the gate?”

“Can we move, I need to get some distance from the gate,” the LT says, his eyes darting between the gate and Fleetfoot.

“Sure James.” She says with a smile, “Just breathe, all of you relax, and follow me.” Fleetfoot leads them to a troop truck and hops inside, she turns around and sits down, facing them. It’s at least a private place to talk.

“Better,” Henry says as he sits down.

“Ok what’s wrong?” She pipes up, looking at the assembled Rangers.

“I can see why they say that statue drove people nuts, it wasn’t bad when it first opened but now it’s like its yelling at us to go through it, to go back there.” Eric says, glancing in the direction of the portal, then he rubs his hands up and down his arms.

“I know what you mean, I’ve felt that since day one. I’ve just sort of got used to it and I’ve not spent a lot of time sitting right beside it. It’s the aether, the Equestrian magic, it pulls at the ponies.” She says, shaking her head.

“Fleet, we’re humans remember, not lost ponies.” Henry quickly adds in. “And there’s no way I want to go back there.”

Fleetfoot smiles, “I heard, honestly there are some color schemes that might turn me off of wanting to be a pony. If I ended up brown with green mane and tail, for example. I could just hear the tree jokes going on.”

Henry nods, “I heard that pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rainbow song so many time…”

“So the marks, you got them when you went through the mirror?” Fleetfoot interrupts Henry, tilting her head and looking at the LT.

Jay shakes his head, “Nope, we were blank flanks, we didn’t get our marks till later, during the battle.”

Eric nods, “each one of us had to dive deep into ourselves and find the best way we could help those around us. What we could do to help each other.”

The LT holds the books tighter in his hand. He hadn’t let go of them since coming through the gate. Though it’s better to be holding them in his hands rather than tucked under wing.

Henry looks at Fleetfoot and grumbles, “The mirror didn’t give us our marks. They were earned in Equestria, through Equestria’s magic. When Rainbow Dash came back through she still had her mark. The mirror can’t take the marks away, because it didn’t give them to us.”

Everyone, including Fleetfoot, looks at Henry.

“We’ve been touched by Equestria’s magic, and because we found our special talents there, its magic filled us and now we are stuck with it.” Henry finishes somberly, looking seriously at his squad mates.

“Oh that’s BS,” The LT growls as he stands up, “There’s got to be some way of getting rid of them, maybe there’s some kind of unmarking spell or something.”

“James,” Fleetfoot starts, but The LT hops out of the back of the truck.

“Guys, stay here, I’m going to have Velvet give you a check, just… Stay here, I need to talk to your LT in private.”

Hopping down Fleetfoot flaps after him, who needs to run when you can fly? Passing him she slams down digging her hind hoofs into the ground and rearing up, she puts her forehooves against his chest, forcing him to stop. She looks at him seriously as he seems to give up, and he lets himself sit down hard on the ground.

“Why are you so desperate now, it might fade in time, we don’t know. It’s not a bad thing though. I don’t mind you having them.” Fleetfoot says as she sits on her haunches.

“You don’t understand, I shouldn’t have it.” James says, shaking his head.

“Why? Explain it to me.”

“Because I don’t deserve it.” James glare causes her wings to extend partially in alarm, her ears fold back at that look, “I don’t deserve to have it for what it cost.”

Fleetfoot’s gone through officer training, as a human, and dimly remembered as a Wonderbolt. She knew that part of it was learning to recognize and understand some signs, and she doesn’t like where this is going. She doesn’t want to ask, but she knows she has to. She takes a deep breath, she holds eye contact with the human, “What was that cost, James?”

Looking down at his hip he huffs, “A mare’s life.” He stops talking for a long time. She watches his eyes intently, after a long time he gathers himself, “I lead a group of ponies into a charge against an enemy that broke through the lines. They were heading straight for the field hospital, and I knew I had to stop them. I gathered what forces I had with me and we hit them, dead on, before they could get to the wounded.”

Closing his eyes the LT shakes his head, “I knew why I was there, I know what I had to do, and those around me knew. They followed me without question, kept in my formation as we hit the enemy charge head on. They drew their strength from me.”

“I don’t know what her name was, I don’t know why she did it. But she put herself between me and a large war bear. It took her down with one swing. One swing that was meant for me. For me to get my mark, she had to die. And that’s just not fair.” He stops again, choking back his emotions. Fleetfoot sits there patiently, despite her nature, she had to let him finish this, finally he sighs, “it’s not right. She should be here, and not me. She was so young, and had so much ahead of her.”

Fleetfoot sits there, looking at the LT, nothing in her training has covered this, nothing at all fits this. She moves forward and hugs him, he doesn’t seem to react much at first, but she notices a very slight bit of tension leaving his shoulders. She ads her wings to the hug as well and sits there holding him. “I’ll try and talk to someone about this, see what we can do.”

“As long as it gets this mark off me all’s good.” He says, he doesn’t hug back, but she knows deep down, he needs this from her.

*** Velvet ***

I stay beside Dust, holding my body tightly to hers, keeping my muzzle and neck over her head. Occasionally I would lick her ear as I make sure she’s had a good amount to eat. Blaze has his wing over both of us, just making sure Dust can’t escape.

Mindy bounds up, “Dust, is there a way we can get in touch with Luna? It’s sort of an emergency.”

Blinking Dust looks up, “I don’t know, maybe.”

“Ok cuz Fleetfoot really needs her help.” Mindy says, worry evident in her voice.

I lifted my head, “What’s wrong with Fleetfoot?”

“It’s well, umm, a pegasi problem, and Luna’s got the powers to help with it.” She says.

“Was she talking to you about it?” I ask.

“Nope, but it’s best Luna gets involved, it’s that big a problem.” Mindy says.

Dust sighs, “Mindy, were you eavesdropping again?”

“What? No! I’d never do that, that’s just rude. I hacked Sparky’s e-mail account, he really needs to change his password. But can you get in touch with Luna, it really is life and death important.”

“Who, what, now?” I start.

Sighing Dust shakes her head, “Don’t even try and figure it out. Its Mindy being Mindy. Ok Mindy, if I can get in touch with her I’ll tell her Fleetfoot needs her.”

I stand up and grab Mindy with my TK and tuck her into my place beside Dust, then adjust Blazes wing over both of them. Looking at it I fluff his wing and nod. “Be back in a moment.”

Heading back over to the gate, I find Sugarberry there, pouring over lists.

“Final Casualty list?”

“Yep, but there are a few unknowns. A few humans went through the gate and died there, problem is no one’s claiming them which means the ponies they went through with likely died too.”

“Ranger team back?”

Sugarberry looks up and nods, “Fleetfoot took them to the truck for some privacy.”

Nodding slowly I head out, Fleetfoot is hugging the LT so I don’t want to disturb them. Instead I teleport up to the back of the truck and climbed in.

“Hey guys,” is all I say before I get picked up and hugged.

“Ok if we EVER give you or Blaze a hard time, about being ponies. Remind us of this.” Henry says.

“Hey it wasn’t that bad.” Eric says with a chuckle.

“Oh, Ballad already knows about your mark.” I say, narrowing my eyes with a smile.

“It was worse, far far worse.” Eric corrects us.

I found myself getting passed around for hugs by all of them, this is starting to get undignified. “Umm guys, ponyspace here?” I say with a giggle.

Getting put down I shake myself out and laugh. Then look at the group and sit on my haunches, letting my head tilt to one side.

Henry pulls the side of his pants down to show me his cutie mark. “The mirror didn’t give them to us so it couldn’t take them away.”

I move closer to examine it, after a long look at the mark, I touch my horn to it gently and concentrate.

“It’s real, it’s got a lot of Equestria’s magic in it.” Sitting back on my haunches I pull his pants down a little more to look at it.

“Well at least it’s not on that gawd awful pink coat.” He says with a laugh.

Putting my hoof on the mark I looked at him then at the rest. “Honestly, I hope they never fade, you’ve been touched by something few can understand. Each one is special, each one is your own. Even two marks that look the same will have slight differences, not just in their style, but in their meaning.”

Looking up at Henry I smile, “Your mark, though, is about magic, it’s a unicorn’s mark as true as any. I’d love to talk to you about it, it’s like my mark, and it means we share a very special place, just like my daughter does.”

Nodding I take a breath, then poke my head out, checking for an all clear, “Ok mess tents over here, they have real food including meat if you want.”

“Real food!” Sanchez laughs and hops down, “Been living off of grass, weeds, fruit and leaves for the last three days.”

The group charges for the mess tent, though I walked over, and look at the LT and Fleetfoot. Looking up at me the LT holds out some books. Nodding I take them in my magic and turn, following the group.

Trotting in I lift Blaze up, he was next to Dust, I move myself between Blaze and Dust, leaving Mindy on the other side. All four of us lay snuggled up together, Blaze’s wing covering Dust and I, and a little bit of Mindy.

“You know, I could start taking offense to that.” Blaze starts, “Being unicorn handled, you could have just…”

Turning my head I kiss him on the lips.

“Never mind,” He chuckles.

Looking up I watch Sanchez and Jay digging into chicken wings, like there is no tomorrow. Eric had gone for the fish… Henry though, is just pushing his meat around his plate. He is eating his salad but looks lost in thought.

Looking down at the books, I sigh, EUP Field manual, combat casting and combined arms. Twi-Twi sent me a EUP Field manual. The stack also has some school books, basic casting, basic TK, it looked like she grabbed what she could find on short notice. A blank journal except for the first page, 912 days to go, miss you. Finally a parenting book, flipping through, I notice it covers basic counter spells, sparks and… Looking closer at it I blink.

“Oh sweet Celestia.” I say.

Dust blinks, looking over. “What?”

“Years ago, I taught a babysitting course. Cadence, Twinkleshine, Moondancer, Lemonhearts, and Sunset Shimmer were all in it. Though Sunset didn’t really care much for the class.” I slide the book over so Dust can see, “It’s Twinkleshine’s book from my class.”

“How?” Blaze chimes in.

“She moved to Ponyville, I guess it somehow ended up in the new library or school there, Twi-Twi sent through some books to help me.” I look back at the book and give it a gentle nuzzle. “The fact that I know I taught this class, just means so much.”

Looking back up I see Henry push the plate away, looking conflicted. Maybe his time as a unicorn left him more changed then I thought. I should give him a few days though.

Eric is sitting, looking in the direction of the gate, he can feel the pull just like I can. Even from here there is a calling. Closing his eyes he starts singing softly… the words hitting me hard…

“I feel the wind, it calls my name. It calls me back, home again… It sparks up the fire, a flame that still burns… It's to you I will someday return.”

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