• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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49: Scouting the Curtain Wall.

Well, at least it wasn’t a total disaster.

Feather sits with the towel and blanket wrapped around her tightly. They put a breather over her muzzle for oxygen as she sits on the back step of the ambulance.

If it had been a total disaster, there would be more fire trucks.

Cloudy is lying on her back, wrapped in blankets, with a breather mask over her muzzle as well. The smoke inhalation isn’t bad but the paramedics want to be safe. Sugarberry sits looking down at her in a mix of sternness and worry.

As it is, only two different fire departments, and four ambulances were needed.

“It wasn’t our fault.” Candy says though his breathing mask, “We were just trying to figure out what instruments worked for us.”

A fire inspector comes over, shaking his head.

“I’m really sorry for this.” Sugarberry starts.

“Don’t be, the wiring in that place was never meant for what the store was using it for. The staff said they had a history of blowing fuses, so the management upgraded the fuse box, shifting it from 15 to 40 amp fuses but didn’t change any of the wiring.”

Feather whimpers and coughs a few times.

“When they plugged three amplifiers into the same outlet, it was more than the wires could take.” The inspector shakes his head and looks down at the foals. “If the store had the right fuses or upgraded their wiring. Everything would be fine.”

“Can some pony explain it to me?” Feather shouts, lying on her back. “How does ANYPONY ever live long enough to find their cutie marks?”

Candy coughs out a puff of smoke, “It’s like chaos follows the blank flanks. It’s not fair.”

"We're not squash and stretch... well maybe Pinkie is, but the rest of us.” Feather sighs. “No wonder Ponyville’s hospital stays in business so much.”

“Hmm, considering how smart Snips and Snails are portrayed, as well as several of the other males like Turnip. I wonder, do you think the male to female imbalance we see is because most males don’t live through their cutie mark acquisition stage?”

Both the girls look at Candy.

“Yeah, yeah, pick on the pink maned colt. Next you’ll be comparing me to Snips… or Blue Blood.”

“Oye, I feel so sorry for whoever drew the short straw and got Snips or the other colt.” Feather shivers.

“Seriously, there are just some ponies I wouldn’t want to be.” Cloudy says, nodding.

“Even if it’s a filly?” Candy ribs.

“You know, I don’t mind being a filly actually, in some ways I can’t wait to see what I look like as a full grown mare.” She says, holding her head high.

“Well I haven’t seen any real benefits to being a colt yet.” Candy says, and sighs.

“Ok folks, the little ones should be okay to take home. Just keep an eye on them.” One of the medics says.

*** Velvet ***

“Honestly, should I start booking flights?” I say, giggling.

Blaze looks up and growls. “I just hate flying in a plane.”

Shaking my head, I wrap my forelegs around his neck, pulling him into a hug. “You guys never had flight anxiety before the change.”

The LT scowls at me, “I blame the cutie mark.”

“I don’t. Honestly I feel so much safer knowing you have them.” I say, smiling. “It means I’m less likely to be alone. I’ll always have you guys to protect me.”

“Yeah, like you need protection.” Sanchez laughs.

“You’ve brought me to the hospital how many times? Carried me out of danger? Protected me from how many situations?” I say, “Don’t think I don’t notice. Without you I wouldn’t have survived.”

Rubbing my face against Blaze, I giggle, “Or found my love.”

“So what’s our plan?” Eric says, stretching out.

“That’s the problem.” The LT said. “We don’t have one. Our only real options are to put Blaze in the air, and Velvet on the ground and hope the unicorn will come out for them.”

“Any pictures or idea of who we are looking for?” Blaze asked, before snuggling his head against my chest.

“No, and that really bugs me because any unicorn we find they could turn around and say… that’s them.” The LT says, grumbling.

“So all we know is she’s destroying property, in a small area, and the government is calling us?” Jay shakes his head, “Are we able to get Cipher to dig into this?”

“Yep, we have her doing that now. Truth is, our best bet for now is to get some sleep. Do I need to separate you two.” The LT said, looking at me and chuckling.

“Sorry sir.”

“I swear, you’re more cuddly than ever today.” The LT chuckles.

“I know sir, I almost missed the plane because…” Blaze’s mouth got clamped shut by my magic. Though I still try to look innocent, I know it is a lost cause.

“Ok everypony, recline, relax, and get some sleep, I want us to hit the ground working.” The LT calls out.

*** Fleetfoot ***

“Wait what?!?! STOP-LOSS!” Fleetfoot just sits, looking shocked.

“Yes Captain, and not just you. Every single pegasus that has stayed in uniform. Any pony that was in uniform, but stayed on earth. Any reserve forces pegasi. Navy pegasi are being Stop-Lossed and transferred to the Air Force. Marines and Army are keeping theirs. “

Fire and Wind just sit, blinking, wondering what they just got themselves into.

“Is that even legal?” Fleetfoot says, looking confused.

“Very legal. We have reports of pegasi flying into civilian flight paths. Flying through airport space, we had a 767 abort a landing and go around because a pegasus crossed their flight path. At this time it’s becoming a real threat.”

Fire gulps. “This isn’t going to end well. Is it?”

“If things go on as they are, either a pegasus will end up on a planes windshield, or worse, end up causing a major air crash.”

“So what’s with the Stop-Loss?” Fleetfoot says, there was only a little time left before she gets her voluntary.

“We are grabbing every single pilot trained pegasus we have. Every single pony that understands the rules of the air. We are forming them into the Strategic Air Guard - Pegasi. SAG-P will fall under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force Security. Essentially, you will be AP’s.

“We are becoming cops?” Fire says.

“Yes, enforcing air safety, tracking down pegasi violating international flight safety and putting civilians and military in danger.”

“Argh.” Wind mumbles.

“You will all be reformed into the 520th Air Guard Squadron. 520/1 will be slow flying pegasi. Their job will be to protect key institutions such as White House or other key buildings. When a pegasus can fly over a fence and land on the roof or hover in front of a window. The options become, shoot them. Or have another pegasus escort them off or arrest them.”

“Oh that’s going to go over well.” Wind says, shaking her head.

“Well think about it, if they are stupid enough to think that just because they have wings they can ignore no trespassing signs… we need to enforce this.” Fire says, nodding.

“520/2 will be speedsters covering western USA. They will handle high level flyers violating international airspaces.”

Fleetfoot nods.

“520/3 will handle east coast. 520/5 will be Pacific, Hawaii and Guam.”

“Umm what about the 520/4?” Fleetfoot blinks, looking at the other pegasi.

“They are on the ground. Their job is to do door to door work, handle calls, and do the court cases work. Mostly humans, though any earth or unicorn that wants to apply can.”

All three pegasi nod and look at each other.

“Ok Fire and Wind are going to stick together for the western patrol. Since LAX has had a horrible problem with pegasi so far that’s your first area of patrol.”

“California Skyway Patrol!” Fire cheers.

Fleetfoot moans softly, “Enough with those, I already feel sick as it is.”

Blinking, the CO looks at her. “Okay you are looking more green than normal. Hit the infirmary.”

Nodding she heads out, “Next time, I’ll avoid Kentucky Fried Chicken.” With a whimper she urps.

Heading down to the infirmary is a touch different as a pony, medicine is still trying to catch up with the ponies. A new species, new blood types, it feels like the dark ages sometimes.

Sitting down, she fills out her patient form, then hands it to the nurse. “Apparently, my color is off.”

The nurse blinks, “Umm, how could he tell?”

“He said I was looking more green than normal.”

“Are we going to need to order in color spectrometers to start gauging pony fur?” She groans.

“What do you mean?” Fleetfoot blinks, confused.

“Your fur is normally greenish.” The nurse says, “If it’s changing colors by shades, it’s going to be hard for the doctor to tell.”

“If I go really green, worry.” Fleetfoot says, then urps once again and drooped her ears.

It takes about an hour for all the tests, blood, heart, diet questions. Since they don’t have much to compare to other than normal ponies, this is mostly for their records. Though maybe they might get lucky, find out she had some flu, some sort of infection. Then they would be able to log it for other ponies.

Heading out, she looks up to the sky. Well. She is now a sky cop. She’d be getting a training course and a badge. Hopefully her job would be easy though. It’s not like pegasi would buzz airliners or land on their wings for fun right?

*** Dust’s Farm ***

By order of the Department of Defense, United States Air Force, under Title 10, United States Code, Section 12305(a).

As a uniformed member of the United States Air Force, you are being recalled to active duty. Effective July 25, 2020. All previous leave, or retirement packages are being withdrawn and you are required to report to Marine Base Quantico for immediate retraining and active deployment.

Failure to abide by these orders may result in criminal action, including but not limited to imprisonment.

Blinking Rain Dance looked at the letter, “Oh come on this can’t be real.”

“You got one too?” Drizzle asked sighing.

“First I get turned into a mare, then come here and still they find me and send me a letter saying I have to go back to the military?”

“By choosing to remain on Earth rather than travel through the gate…“

“Are we being punished because we stayed?” Drizzle is looking at her letter, her ears drooping, her tail tucked under her rear, “I don’t want to go to jail.”

Hugging Drizzle with her wing Rain Dance huffs, “I’m gonna go talk with Dust about this, maybe she can do something.”

“Several of the pegasi that came here from the Armed Forces have been recalled.” Drizzle says, whimpering, tears in her eyes.

“Any earth ponies or unicorns get recalled?”

“No, just us pegasi… did we do something wrong?” Drizzle says, tears in her eyes.

“Oh that’s not right. Stay here Drizzle I’m getting to the bottom of this!” Turning, Rain Dancer drops off the cloud heading for Dust. This is just racist.

*** Lightning Dust ***

Dust is just LIVID. The idea is, that the ponies on her farm are safe. They are not to be disturbed by the Federal Government. Now they are getting letters telling them, well those that served, that they have to report to Quantico?

Dust hits the ground at the front gates. The idea that ponies under her protection can be pressed back into service. That since they chose not to go through the gate they were somehow expected to leave other ponies. Still flapping her wings a bit, she looks at the guard.

“Stop-loss letter?” The guard asks simply, not even phased in a bit about the cartoon pegasus.

“Your damn right, who do I speak to about this?” Dust snarls back.

“Major Sam Cameron.” Smiling, the guard pulls out a rather large tablet, and pulls own the map for the base. He shifts it into aerial view. “Ok if you fly this way, you’ll see this major highway cutting through the middle of the woods. Follow it till it breaks off here and you’ll see this clump of buildings. Just past down the road here you’ll see a building with a golden lightning bolt painted on the roof, we’re using that as the marker so you can see it.”

Turning, the guard smiles, “All flight levels between 0 and 2000 feet are cleared for pegasi only, on Visual Flight Rules. You won’t have to worry about helicopters. They are restricted to 3000 feet and up in non-training areas.”

Turning, Dust follows the directions. It is actually pretty easy to spot the road and building. Apparently someone planned for pegasi to be flying, rather than driving, here.

There are already three pegasi, milling around outside the building and looking somewhat scared to go in when Dust arrives. Storming inside, Dust stops and looks at the human at the front desk.


“Who’s bright idea was this?” Dust starts.

“Not sure where it started but, came down through the Joint Chief’s. May I see your letter?”

“I didn’t get one, but several ponies under my protection did. I want to know why?” Dust says firmly to the corporal.

“Major Sam Cameron’s office is right there. It’s been a busy day with calls and complaints. It’s needed though.” The corporal says softly.

Turning Lightning Dust storms into the major’s office.

Samantha is rather young to be a major in the air force, she is only 24, but a Medal of Honor from the war in Afghanistan has helped her career beyond belief. Since she can’t fly anymore due to injury, they promoted her to a desk job. She still does her best, however, not to let things get her down.

Holding up one finger to Dust she sighs on the phone. “I understand, and the letter isn’t fake. The Air Force really does need your daughter's… Yes ma’am I know she was born a male, but she’s your daughter now. Have her report in as soon as possible.”

Looking up at Dust she smiles, “What a mess. Hi there Lightning Dust, I didn’t know you were ever in the Air Force.”

“I’m not. I never was. You wouldn’t take me as a human.” She sighs softly, then the fire returns to her eyes, “Some of the ponies under my protection however were. And they are being called back to duty. WHY?” Dust slams her hoof down on the desk.

“Short answer is that their country needs them.” Sam says, smiling.

“And the long answer?” Dust growls, the crackle of electrical discharges fill the room as lightning crackles among the feathers of her wings.

“The truth is Dust, there are a lot of pegasi out there. Not all of them were pilots, not all of them took any flight training classes. The problem is, the airspace over the USA is very congested, and has lots of rules. Even simple things are starting to cause problems.” Sighing, she shakes her head, looking at Dusts wings, which start to quiet down as her words penetrate.

“The freedom to fly… to be above everything, looking down as the ground whips by. To feel your heart race as you burst through the clouds, and roll over feeling the g forces. I used to live for that.” Shaking her head, she sighs. “And many pegasi now live for that. The problem is, some of them forget that an airliner isn’t as quick to turn as they are. That a human pilot can react out of shock or surprise. We have pegasi flying across landing corridors simply because they don’t know what a glide path is.”

Dust blinks a few times and slowly lowers her wing from the threat display, shortly they are folded tightly to her sides.

“We are recalling what pegasi we can, to act in a way as police. To find pegasi who are breaking these laws. Chase them down, and let them know what they are doing wrong. If we catch a repeat offender, we have permission to give them fines for risking lives. The slow flyers are going to be handling things like the White House. What option do the guards have if a pegasus decides to fly over the fence to get a better look at the building? Shoot them?”

“What about just educating the pegasi?” Dust says, most of the heat in her voice gone.

“It’s not like there’s a Cloudsdale where all the pegasi meet. There aren’t any pony cities, all there is is pockets of ponies, here and there. Most of the ponies though are still spread out. Maybe, eventually we won’t need as many ponies working for us and we can end their contracts. Right now though…”

“Ok makes sense I guess.” Dust says with a nod.

“We tracked down what ponies we could, those that we originally dismissed, those that thought they might go through the gate. Those that ended up in the hospitals during their change, for example were contacted. If you know of any others, let them know we really do need them. At least until all the pegasi can be taught some of the more basic rules of the air.”

“We are even starting a grant system, for those that can’t afford to buy their own flight transponders. Not every pegasi needs them but the long haul flyers can sign up and get them for free from the government.”

“How did you hurt yourself?” Dust asked, changing the mood of the conversation as she scuffs a hoof.

“I was flying an F-16 in Afghanistan. An army chopper had gone down in the highlands, crew was injured. The Taliban had set up a cannon in the hills above them. Old Russian twin 23mm cannon. Any helicopters that tried to get close were either taking fire from that, or from RPG’s and SAM’s. It was a meat grinder.”

Shaking her head, “I was the closest fast mover, so I rolled in. The gun was under a cliff overhang, so I had to hit it from the front, head on. First pass I couldn’t get a good angle on the gun but they put a few rounds into my wing. I was losing hydraulic pressure and having some electrical problems but I couldn’t just leave the ground crew there. Second pass I was able to put cannon fire on the gun. I then made pass after pass against the ground forces.”

Taking a deep breath she sighs, “When my hydraulics’ hit zero and the plane started becoming unresponsive, I dumped the last of my ordinance and bailed out as close as I could near the downed chopper. I stayed there with them for 35 minutes until the rescue team arrived. I took RPG fragments to my back when we were being extracted. Without proper feeling and control on my feet, I can’t fly anymore.”

“And now you’re doing desk work?” Dust asks, scuffing her forehoof again on the industrial tile floor.

“Yep but who knows, my 25th birthday is coming up. Maybe by some fluke I’ll become a pegasus myself and be able to fly again. To live again in the sky.” She smiles as brightly as she can. “There’s always hope. Oh Celestia, could you imagine if I turned into some pony powerful like Night Glider? Or some pony as beautiful as Blossomforth? Yeah, I’m being silly.”

*** Velvet ***

Touching down in England is a relief. Eighteen hours in a plane with a frustrated pegasus and, of course the rangers, the only sane one is Henry. As soon as he is out of the plane, Blaze is in the air, flying and flitting around.

“Can someone put a leash on that?” A British officer says sternly, “We have not yet informed our people of the situation.”

“On what?” I say, walking out.

“Who is in command?”

The LT steps out, “I am, this is my squad. I would like you to show them respect.”

“We have a vehicle ready for you.” The officer says, motioning to the truck. The six wheeled truck has no windows in the rear. It is more like a shipping container, the only light inside is from two lamps inside. Ventilation is from a top mounted fan.

Moving in slowly, I look at the LT, I don’t like this and he knows it. He puts his hand on my back as well as Blazes as we get into the vehicle. Once everyone is inside, they close and lock the door. The sound of the lock causes me to flinch.

Blaze puts his wing over me, hugging tight. “You’re not in jail.”

“I know. I feel like… well it feels like I’m being treated like a monster.”

“By definition you are.” Jay says, “Of course we all are. We all have inhuman traits or marks now.”

Pouting, I find myself having to curl up. “I prefer just being an alien.”

“Honestly, considering how a lot of us ponies are treated. I feel like the humans are the monsters.” Blaze says, then he looks at the LT. “No offense.”

“None taken… horse butt.” The LT says with a smile and scratches behind my ear.

“That’s my mate you’re scratching.” Blaze says with a chuckle.

“You can keep her. She’s not my color.” The LT says.

“I’m starting to feel like property. I don’t like feeling like property. I may need to cast a spell.”

I am rather surprised how quickly those words have everyone backing away from me. Of course, given my luck with spells sometimes, I guess they would want to back away.

Eventually we pulled to a stop after nearly a two hour trip. The door is unlocked and opened. Stepping out of the back of the truck I find myself in a tent. I am being transferred from secured location to secured location. This is starting to feel like I am being hidden from the public.

Looking down at me, the LT gives me a nudge with his leg.

Looking up at the officer I smile. “So, where’s a good place to eat around here? I could really do for some food. I guess there isn’t an IHOP.”

“We will bring in food for you if you require it.”

“Umm, what kind of food?” I ask out of curiosity, I’m not sure I like this.

“MRE’s for the Rangers, and probably some hay or feed for you and your friend.”

“Yeah I think I’ll do a restaurant instead.” I say, turning to the door.

“I’m sorry, you are under quarantine. We are not allowed to have you interact with British subjects.”

Blinking a few times I shake my head. “Yet you expect me to hunt down this English unicorn for you?”

“Under the NATO Treaty yes.” The officer states. “We are clearing the last humans out of the area under a cover story of a chemical spill. Once done you will be allowed to begin your search.”

“So what do you plan on doing with her once she is captured?”

“She will stand trial for her crimes, and then be placed in military quarantine facilities.”

I am about to start, but the LT steps up. “How long are ponies held in these facilities?”

“Until a determination of their legal status can be reached.”

“Well, let’s get to work.” The LT says, laying down the maps of the area. “This is the woodlands she’s been… protecting?” He points, then he moves his finger, “This is the castle, and the highway is to be here.”

“A true, true friend helps a friend in need… a friend will be there to help them see…”

All eyes fall on me. Blinking I look at my cell phone. “Cipher, can someone tell me how she can download a song onto my phone remotely… set it as my ring tone… THEN call me?”

“She’s a unicorn. Magic.” James responds.

“Hi Cipher.” I say, putting the phone on the table.

“Ok, so I was wandering around the UK Deep Web, I think I need a shower. I think I found your unicorn. A US couple photographed her. It got blocked and removed from searches by the UK Government. I found it on a storage spot on Facebook. Before you ask, you’re going to love this. I found it by GPS tag to the castle.”

The camera is unfocused but showed a unicorn make a break to save a falling child. Once the child is safe, she looks panicked and runs off.

“Well that explains the Bigfoot pictures. That was about as in focus as a UFO picture.” Blaze says, laughing. “If I didn’t know unicorns were real I’d say that was faked.”

“So let’s fan out work our way from the woods to the castle. Blaze I want you in the air doing a spiral search and make sure she doesn’t try and run.” The LT says firmly. We all nod.

When we were allowed to leave, we begin our patrol. The construction site has been evacuated, though we can still see some of the damage caused. Moving into the woods I feel something, it is hard to explain, but it was definitely Equestrian magic. It is very old though. It is hard to pin down.


“Yeah Henry?” I say, slowly moving through the brush.

“Is your horn itching?”

Stopping, I look in Henry’s direction, “You feel it too?”

“Sort of, it feels strange, it’s like my horn is there and letting me know.” Shaking his head, he grumbles.

“Feel the Pink… Be the Pink…” Eric calls out softly.

“Shut it.” Henry chuckles.

Blinking, I looked up, seeing the ghostly image of Star Swirl standing proud on top of the hill. Looking over I see Henry looking at it too.

“You’re all seeing this right?” Henry calls out.

“I am.” I reply

“Seeing what?” Eric calls back.

“Got nothing.” Sanchez says.

“OK everyone, on me.” Henry calls out.

The squad moved up to Henry and I, but it was only us that can see it.

“Still nothing?” I ask, looking around.

“What do you see?”

“Image of a unicorn stallion.” Henry calls out.

“Star Swirl the Bearded. It’s a marker spell. I think it’s keyed to unicorns only. Sorry, I guess this was meant only to be seen by unicorns.”

“That’s why only you and Henry can see it then.” The LT says. Moving up to the crest, the LT looks back at us. “Might want to come up here, I think I see where it would be leading us.”

Cresting the hill I can see the castle. Heading down, I can see the image of Star Swirl again, this time moving to touch his horn to the wall. Looking at Henry, he is watching the image as well. “Looks like Star Swirl is leading us here. Maybe she was lead here too.”

“She’s probably going to be terrified.” Henry says, “Especially if she thinks she’s safe.”

“Yeah, I know.” Stepping forward, I touch my horn to the wall and watch it drop. “Passage.”

“I don’t want you going in there alone.” The LT says.

“How about Henry?” I say softly. “He’s a unicorn to. Might be best.”

“I’m starting to regret ever going to Equestria.” Henry says, and moves into the tunnel with me.

“Stay in radio contact.” The LT says as the door closes behind us.

Looking at Henry, I nuzzle him. “You’re still unicorn enough to see marker spells. They are likely set for unicorns or unicorns in human form from Equestria.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Using my hornshine to light the way, I walk down into the large chamber. Face to face with the English unicorn. She is wearing armor and standing, her horn lowered. She is ready to charge if I make any move.

I can see the fear in her eyes, the terror. I can also see the confusion. She doesn’t expect another unicorn. I am in her home. Or what she has claimed as her home. I am the invader here.

There is only one thing I can do.

Curling my foreleg, I bow my head deeply and touch my horn to the ground. “My Lady.”

*** Dust ***

Landing back at the farm, Dust sighs. The Major was right, the pegasi are needed. Shaking her head, she calls together the pegasi who had been stop-lossed. Sitting down in the field she sighs.

“Okay, I’ve talked with the military commander over this. It’s not what you think. They want you to police other pegasi. Keep them out of trouble. Keep them from flying through airport space.”

“Oh come on, like pegasi would do that.” One mare says.

“They are. They want slow flyers to guard buildings. Fly up to pegasi ignoring fences and tell them they can’t do that. They want fast flyers to chase down those who are being a risk to public safety. It’s about education.”

“I don’t want to be under the command of some human that doesn’t understand things.” Another says.

“She does. She deserves your respect. If I hear you’re disrespecting her I’ll come down there and kick your flank myself.” Dust says, the heat in her voice unmistakable.

“What did she say to you to change your attitude so much?” A stallion says.

“She just… reminds me of someone from… Equestria.” Turning, Dust shakes her head. “Get down there, it’s not forever. It’s to help our kind. You’re still welcome to visit or live here if you’re posted near here.”

Turning, Dust heads back to her house. It is hard to shake the memory. The major’s situation though, it just reminds her of her mom.

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