• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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83: Magic of Flight

Lt. Sanders lies comfortably on her fluffy. The nurse has consented to letting her at least be allowed to lay on the cloud instead of on the bed. Glancing down at her leg, she sighs and gives it a little tug. The straps hold tight. While she can lay on her fluffy, she still has that one leg strapped to the bed. There’s no escaping to go flying.

Mindy bounds in, pogo hopping across the room. “A cloud? Really? Just how lazy are pegasi?”

“How much lazy do you got, balloon-butt? Naw, I want to fly, but.” Tugging at her leg strap she sighs, “I feel like I’m under house arrest. I don’t want to miss out on flying, but I only have, like, a day left.” Curling her legs over the edge of her cloud she pulls more of the cloud matter under her chin and snuggles down into it.

“I’d like you to meet…” Mindy blinks and looks around. Then she rolls her eyes and grumbles, “Oye one moment.”

“Hi there, Oye One Moment, nice to meet you.” Sanders says, smiling.

Stepping out into the hall, Mindy turns and pushes Dust into the room, “You’re such a slowpoke, lazy bones.” Mindy gripes at the turquoise pegasus.

Sanders tilts her head slightly, letting her multi-colored mane drift and curl to the side. The dark green of her mane shading an eye, while the lighter green an browns bracket her face, and the light blue strand curling around her cheek. This really causes her face to stand out over the base yellow orange body hair.

Dust blinks and sits down, looking at Sanders. A mix of shock and a memory fighting to come from the back of her mind. She sits there, just looking at Sanders eyes, finally she shakes her head softly, “Mindy… Undo that leg restraint. Now!” She says with finality.

Giggling, Mindy lights her horn and the restraint falls off, “There you go.”

Standing up, Dust walks over to Sanders, she flaps her ineffectual wings to hop onto the cloud. Sanders slides over, making room for the mare bulling her way onto the cloud. Then Dust looks her over, checking out the injuries. While Sanders is mostly healed, she’s still showing a few light injuries left after the plane crash. Carefully, Dust checks Sanders back, legs and wings. Having worked in the Wonderbolts, she had seen her fare share of crashes. She had also been expected to decide if ponies were suitable to fly again. The base surgeon would clear them, but it was always up to the wing commanders to decide in the end.

Stopping again, Dust looks into Sanders eyes. She looks for a long time at multifaceted, emerald green eyes. The way they catch the light and sparkle brilliantly. Closing her own eyes, Dust shakes her head, trying to clear a fog.

“Yeah, we screwed up a bit on the eyes. We had a crystal pony helping us, I think some of the crystal magic got her eyes.” Mindy says and scuffs a hoof.

“No… you didn’t.” Dust blinks and speaks slowly, “That’s how they looked I think.”

“Who looked?” Sanders asks.

“I can’t remember. And its going to drive me crazy.” Dust said and huffed looking at Mindy Sternly. “One day left?”

“Yep, sorry it took a bunch of us to do this, and it should wear off tomorrow.” Mindy says.

“Well then, that gives us a few hours to train!” Dust says and turns to the door, “Up and at’ ‘em cadet!”

Smiling brightly Sanders hops off her fluffy, “Yes Ma’am!”

The nurse walks into the room, blinking, “And what do you think you’re doing?”

“Taking her out of here. She needs exercise and rehabilitation.” Dust says sternly to the nurse, “She needs to fly, to get into the air and get her magic flowing to finish speeding the healing. And that can’t be done tied to a bed.”

“I’ll have to check with the doctor.” The nurse says.

“Good, do that, I’ll be outside with her.” Dust growls firmly, leaving no doubt that she is in charge.

Trotting by, Sanders looks up at the nurse and sticks her tongue out, then she prances happily down the hall after Dust, she flicks her tail side to side showing all of her excitement.

Laughing, Mindy pulls up the rear and looks up at the nurse, “You heard her, go check with the doctor.” A moment later Mindy starts pogo hopping down the hall to catch up to Sanders. “Ya know, you seem to complain the least of any pony I met.”

“What do you mean?” Sanders says, looking at Mindy. Dust’s ears flick back as she listens.

“Well no whining about being naked, no worrying about being a female.” Mindy says, getting a huff from Dust.

Tilting her head, Sanders shrugs. “I just want to fly. Something I’ve wanted, or needed, all my life. Being naked, I’m a pony. Being female, I guess it’s the spell but it feels normal and natural. Nothing stands out as out of place.”

“Really?” Mindy blinks.

“Really, it just feels like me, like its my body. I don’t notice anything wrong or out of the ordinary.” Shrugging her wings, Sanders laughs, “Though walking took practice. I’m just comfortable. It’s… well it’s like waking up from a dream and you’re not sure what’s real and what isn’t. I guess that’s the way the spell worked.”

Dust freezes and looks back at Sanders for a long moment. Blinking a bit, she looks at the mare sternly, “Hup, hup, hup.”

Giggling, Sanders picks up the pace. Just outside the front door of the hospital is a small grassy area with some trees and a statue. It’s under two hundred feet by about fifty, but it has enough room for some basic flight training.

“Now then, lets see how much control you have over those wings.” Dust says, “Match my poses, see if you can move your wings properly to fly.”

Spreading her wings wide and high, Dust watches Sanders intently. Making sure each movement, each and every muscle is responding as it should. Walking around Sanders slowly, she occasionally adjusts the pose.

“There you go, now let’s get you doing some short flights.” Dust says.

Sanders smiles brightly and follows the instructions from the other pegasus. Soon she’s doing short flights of only about ten or twenty feet at a time. It isn’t high, it isn’t long, but she is doing it, she is flying. Better than the Wright Flyer.

“This is great!” Sanders says happily as she lands, turns and flies back. Simple back and forth flights, she is like a foal at basic flight school.

Dust can’t help but smile and shake her head. The pure joy Sanders has with even these short flights. The foal like wonder. The excitement. It touches her inside, makes her smile even more genuine, not one put up to make the family happy.

“Pony Air two offering non stop flights up to fifty feet. We may not be fast, but we are friendly.” She lands again, then trots over and nuzzles Dust, getting a blush from the turquoise pegasus.

She giggles and nuzzles Dust’s wing, getting a flinch from her, she pulls her wings tightly to her sides, “Sorry still very sore and tender.”

“Yep, I know.” She huffs, “My back’s killing me, my legs hurt, my sides hurt… but who cares. I’m living my greatest dream, to fly under my own power.” Sanders says bouncing on the spot.


Nicaragua. The country still bears the scars of decades of US funded terrorists such as the Contra rebels and the drug trade. There is always a risk in Nicaragua. Especially for three little ponies.

The larger crossings are well inspected with lots of people and military personal. There are smaller crossings, though those have their own risks. Not just from the guards but from the criminals who use them.

Their choices are limited though, they have to cross into, and through, Nicaragua.

“Are we there yet?” Sunny asks, swinging her hooves against the bed.

“Very funny, we are actually crossing the border now.” Full Steam says.

Squeaking happily, Sunny pulls out a sugar cane segment and starts munching.

“You know, you don’t have many of those left.” Ambrosia says.

“I know, but they are best used before they dry out too much.” Sunny says, “And it’s a call for a celebration, new country!”

“Dangerous country, remember, they eat horses here.” Ambrosia says, looking down at the foal and sighing.

“Oh come on, they wouldn’t really eat us would they?” Sunny says, flattening her ears sadly.

Shaking her head, Ambrosia looks out the window. “I don’t know but I wouldn’t want to trust it.”

Turning back towards the window, Sunny lays her muzzle up on the windowsill, looking out at the road side. While there are mostly trees on their route, there is also the occasional house, and the houses are becoming more and more common. Usually that means a town of some sort.

“Ambrosia, do ponies have wings?” Sunny asks quietly.

Laughing softly Ambrosia shook her head, “Yes, Princesses have wings and so do pegasi.”

“I think we need to stop, then.” Sunny says.

“Why is that?” The older mare asks, walking over to the window.

“Because there’s a winged pony there tied up in someone’s back yard.” Sunny replies and points.

“Full Steam, stop!” Ambrosia calls out.

Stopping the wagon with somewhat of a skid, Full Steam looks back, “What?”

“There’s a pegasus back there, we need to figure out a way to… help?” Ambrosia blinks as Sunny opens the door and jumps out. Then she rolls her eyes, “Or we can charge right in without a plan and hope for the best.”

Sunny is already across the street by the time Ambrosia calls out, “Sunny, get back here.”

Shaking her head, Sunny zips under the fence and bounds up to the other pony. “Hi.”

Blinking, the brown pegasus looks shocked, “You talk?”

“Well yeah, so do you.” Sunny says cheerfully.

“Were you cursed too?” the pegasus asks sadly.

Sunny giggles, “Yep. He got me too.”

“How can you laugh at being cursed by God?” The pegasus asks with shock.

“Oh come on, Discord is powerful, but he’s not a god. At least I don’t think he’s a god.” Sunny says, tilting her head.

“Who?” The pegasus blinks, looking confused.

“Discord, Prince of Chaos. The guy who banished us here?” Sunny says, tilting her head, “Big drakolisk thingy.”

“I’m talking about God in Heaven.” The pegasus says, “The one who cursed us for our wickedness. That’s what the priest said.”

Sunny started giggling, “Really? That’s what he said?”

“It’s not funny it’s serious.” The pegasus says, stomping his hoof. “I’m am here for penance, to live like an animal until God sees fit to return me to my normal form.”

Sunny can’t help herself, she falls on her back, laughing, “Oh sweet Celestia that’s so backwards.”

“Backwards?” The pegasi half asks, half declares in shock.

“Yep, Discord cursed us in Equestria twenty-five years ago to live for twenty-five years as humans, and on our twenty-fifth birthday, we changed back. Now we are heading for the portal to go home to Equestria!” Sunny says, “The princess told us in a dream.”

“Really? A princess told you in a dream, we were cursed by discord from another world to live for twenty-five years as a human?” The stallion blinks, “And you’re laughing at me saying God cursed me?” He rolls his eyes, “Right…”

“Well yeah, but I kind of have proof.” Sunny says, looking back at the wagon, “There are more ponies like us, Full Steam and Ambrosia, I’m Sunny Daze.”

“And what kind of names are those?” the pegasus says sternly.

“Pony names, from Equestria. I also have poof of the curse. You likely heard it before in a dream but don’t remember. But there is a simple phrase that unites us all.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” The pegasus says, “None of this is easy to swallow.”

Looking up at the pegasus with sad eyes, Sunny sighs, “Best brace yourself.” She closes her eyes and swallows hard before speaking, “Five Score Divided by Four.”


The sound is something like a cross between a whinny, a squeak and a hiccup. It is an unexpected sound, at least that made my ear twitch. Giggling softly, I look down and turn the page on my book.

Blaze scampers in to the hall, “Velvet are you okay? What happened?”

“Nothing happened, that wasn’t me. Cookie’s just in the shower.” Shaking my head, I look down at the book again. “Now where was that part about the mirror spell.”

Ballad slides in the hallway, blinking, “Huh? What?”

“I told Cookie to try the pulse setting in the shower.” I say and lay my muzzle down on my forelegs, continuing to read.

“Oh ok, got worried for a second.” Ballad says

“Whats with the pulse setting?” Blaze says, “I use it all the time.”

Ah-Pee trots into the hall looking around, “Ok girls, give Velvet…”

“Nope wasn’t me, it was Cookie’s turn in the shower.” I giggle.

“Really? Wow.” Ah-Pee says.

“Will somepony explain to me what’s going on?” Blaze says, stomping a hoof.

Sugarberry trots up, “What? Who?”

Looking over Ah-Pee smiles, “Little Velvet here talked Cookie into taking a shower, ah think she found the pulse settin’.”

I giggle softly, “She needed it.”

Blinking, Blaze looks at me, then the other girls. “I’m obviously out of the loop on this one.”

“It’s a mare thing.” I say smiling.

The door opens behind my back. Looking up, I see Cookie standing with a towel around her mane and another towel around her body. “Huh, why’s everyone here?”

“Just making sure no one ran into the bathroom to check out that you were all right.” I say smiling, “And reading a good book.”

Looking around Cookie starts to blush, lowering her head. “Oh, you heard that?”

“It’s okay Cookie, we all understand.” Ah-Pee says, smiling.

“I don’t.” Blaze says, blinking.


Sanders is famished. Totally starved. She had spent six hours training under Lightning Dust, and Dust is a tough teacher. Her wings are sore, as is her back and legs, but she isn’t going to complain about the pain. In a way, it just tells her she is alive, awake, and this is real.

“Argh, my wings feel like rubber.” She says, looking at the nurse with a smile, “I’m really starved! What’s for dinner?”

“Healthy food of course.” Smiling, she puts down the tray and removes the cover.

Well, it’s colorful. There is a red like clump of beans, a nice green clump of peas, some yellow pasta without pasta sauce, least she thinks it’s pasta. Fat free fruit yogurt, and of course apple sauce.

“Really?” Sanders looks at the nurse, “You’re trying to keep me in bed by starving me so I don’t have the strength to run, right?”

“Nope, doctors prescribed protein, vitamins, and fiber.” She says and heads out.

Looking down at her food she grumbles, “They need a pony nutritionist on hand. This can’t be good for ponies.”

After a few minutes sulking, she finally tries some of the food, then she makes a decision. This is not going to do it, “Pony does not equate to vegetarian human of the same weight. Not for calories, not for bulk of food, heck not for fiber intake.”

Climbing out of the bed, Sanders pokes her head out into the hall looking side to side. If she can make it to the stairwell, she can escape. Then she can find some place with real food.

Looking around she giggled and grabs a hospital gown, it isn’t much but she can use it to cover her mane and tail. The hall is clear so she ducks low and begins sneaking down towards the nurses’ desk.

Hearing the nurse move, she slips sideways into an open room and smiles as she watches the nurse and an orderly heading down the hall. Crouching, she waits for them to enter another patients room before she zips across the hall and out the door into the stairway.

The stairs were easy enough to go down, but she knows the front exit would be a problem. There’s a pair of open air gardens for patients. From there she can get airborne. Exiting the stairwell on the second floor she makes her way to the lobby there.

“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” An orderly calls out.

Looking over her shoulder she giggles, “Nope, I need food, be back in a bit.”

Running through the doors she launches herself into the air, flying straight up to freedom. Now she needs to find food, her stomach’s really grumbling. Actually, she needs money. She finds herself flying in circles looking around. There’s an IHOP but she has no money.

Landing in front of the Armed Forces Bank, she takes a deep breath and walks in. She isn’t sure what to expect, gasps, people gawking. Then it hits her. This is Nellis, most of the people just went about their business as ponies have been seen a lot.

Waiting in line, she looks at the different people. A few are looking at her, but trying not to look at her. It is an interesting feeling to say the least. She figures half of them are trying to figure out who she is from the show. Wouldn’t they be shocked if they found out she isn’t…

“Mrs. pony?”

Blinking, Sanders shakes her head, looking up at the teller, “Oh Sorry.” Trotting up she lays her muzzle on the teller’s desk, “Umm, I have a problem.”

“Well we are here to help.” The teller says with an unsure smile.

“Well, I was sort of ponified after a crash. I’ve been in the hospital for the last two days, I’m starved, I wanted to get something to eat, but… I have no money. I have an account here, but… its in human form.” Sanders flattens her ears and looks sadly at the teller.

“And you don’t have your bank card?”

“My wallet was in the plane crash. My dog tags are at the… wait.” Perking her ears, Sanders lifts a foreleg, putting it down, “My hospital ID tag!”

Looking down at the tag, the teller smiles, “Oh one moment, I’ll get the manager to approve this, how much do you need?”

“Umm twenty dollars should do, I’m just going to IHOP.” Nodding, she walked into the back, coming forward with the manager.

“Hello there Lt Sanders. We can either give you a new bank card, if you remember your pin number. Or simply give you the twenty dollars. The hospital band has both pictures, your service ID and name. I notice you don’t have a pony name yet.” The manager says.

“Well I, um…”

“You don’t know it yet? We have a set of directives from the Armed Forces, we can keep your account under your own name but will need a photo of you and your cutie mark.”

“I… I don’t have one yet. I was turned into a pony by magic, I should be back to human tomorrow sometime. I just needed some money to get something to eat tonight.” Sanders says, lowering her head.

The manager blinks, “I… see,” He looks at the teller then back at Sanders, “Well, I’m pretty sure I can authorize the withdrawal of twenty dollars.”

Nodding slowly, she posed for her pictures, signing for it though, she had no idea how to write with her mouth. What came out was horribly illegible. Squeaking softly, she blushes, “Umm sorry, I umm.”

The branch manager chuckles, “The fact that you even tried. I’ve seen more than a few pegasi try it. It’s always fun to watch. I’ll call the hospital and verify.”

Turning, the manager heads back into the office.

Looking around, Sanders fluffs her wing a few times and shakes herself out. The air conditioning in the room is bothering her senses because the air pressure is different inside from outside of the bank. She hadn’t really paid attention to that before. Looking at the bank manager returning she cringes, seeing the expression on his face.

“Ok Lt. Sanders, everything checks out. However,” The manager gives a very stern look at the little pegasus, “The nurse wants you back as soon as possible.”

Looking at the money, Sanders hums for a moment before shrugging her wings nervously. No clothing means no pockets. All she can do is bite the money and carry it that way. Which isn’t bad since she’s just carrying a single bill.

With a muffled thank you, she turns and heads off for the true prize, food for her grumbling tummy.


“Drill Bit?” Ambrosia says, looking up from the table.

“Sorry, what?” The pegasus asks as he climbs in the back of the wagon.

“I think that’s your name.” Sunny says with a smile, “Drill Bit.”

“Umm ponies who knew each other before the curse have a way of recognizing each other but… I don’t know how it works.” Ambrosia says, shaking her head. “I just looked at you and well,” She scuffs a hoof on the floor, “I guess I said Drill Bit.”

“Well you have a tools cutie mark, you might have been a construction pony like Ambrosia, you two probably worked together.” Sunny says, smiling brightly.

“I’m sorry, none of this is familiar to me.” He says, shaking his head slowly.

“Don’t worry, its not familiar to any of us.” Ambrosia said. “Princess Luna, she’s the princess of dreams and the night, came to us and let us know about the gate.”

“She didn’t come to me.” Drill Bit says.

“Maybe she intended on us finding you along the way, if she told you, you’d have flown off and we would have missed you.” Sunny says brightly.

“I don’t think that’s possible. The number of random situations that would have had to happen, down to us choosing this road.” Ambrosia says, shaking her head.

“Well it worked with Celestia and her student. She sent her off on what seemed random or insignificant things that turned out to be world saving.” Sunny adds, and gets out some oatmeal and alfalfa, putting it in front of Drill bit.

“What’s this?” Drill asks, looking down

Giggling Sunny pokes it, “It’s food, it’s what we’ve been eating. It may not look like much but its filling and healthy. If you like gruel.”

“It’s not that bad Sunny, I know you prefer my vegetable stews but we simply don’t have the supplies or money to do that every night.” Ambrosia says as she hugs the foal.

“Kids sometimes huh?” Drill says as he digs into the food.

“Well she’s twenty-five like all of us, she just became a foal. But she still has and remembers twenty-five years of her life before this.” Ambrosia says fondly, looking at the foal, “But yes, at times she still acts like a child.”

“I didn’t grow up cuz I wasn’t grown up, and that’s that.” Sunny said with a firm nod. “As an adult I still acted like a kid according to my parents and now we know why. Cuz I wasn’t fully grown as a pony.”

“Really? That’s your excuse?” Ambrosia says skeptically.

“Well think about it, we all know people who never grew up, who kept acting like kids as adults and didn’t want to take on responsibility. What if its cuz they were like me? Cursed as a foal, and subconsciously knew they were still kids?” Sunny chirps, smiling brightly.

“I hate your logic sometimes,” Ambrosia says and softly strokes her mane.

“Especially blank flanks, a blank flank never found their natural talent, so as human they may have never found something they really wanted to do or be. Settled in to a depressing part-time job. Not realizing that everything was wrong cuz they were still a blank flank.” Sunny goes on.

“I really hope that’s not the way it works.” Ambrosia says, “I’d feel so bad for all the foals out there.”


“Come on it’s a great idea! And a chance to find our cutie marks!” Feather says.

“I don’t know.” One foal sighs, “What’s to say we can even get cutie marks on this Earth?”

“Well who says we can’t? We might be able to, but we won’t know unless we try.” Candy says and sighs, looking at his flank.

“What are we supposed to do?” Another foal asks.

“Were supposed to be foals, be cute, be happy, play. We are supposed to experiment, find out about ourselves.” Feather says.

“And just how is a beauty pageant supposed to do that?” Cloudy asks.

“Easy, part of it is showing off what we like to do, and if you truly like something and are good at it, it might be cutie mark worthy!” Feather says, smiling and nodding.

“Then why are we being judged?” Another foal asks.

“Cuz it’s a competition, for fun, and for cutie marks.” Feather says, “Come on do you all want to be blank flanks till the next gate opening?”

“Well, who’s going to judge?” Another foal says, tilting her head.

“How about Dusts assistant manager, she’s great at arranging and judging things.” Candy says innocently.

“Perfect!” Feather says, “Just fill out the forms, and we’ll hold the contest.”


“The bank went well, so IHOP shouldn’t be surprised to see a hungry pegasus. Come on, ponies and pancakes should go together.” Sanders mumbles as she touches down in front of the door.

Smiling she walked in and looked around a little. The place seems friendly enough, there are even other ponies in here eating. Walking up to the counter Sanders put the 20 dollar bill down. “Hi, sorry, no pockets in this coat. I’m pretty starved though.”

Cheerfully the server smiles, “Over this way please.” And lead her over to small booth. “Have a seat and a waitress will be with you in a moment.”

Looking at the menu Sanders finds herself starting to drool almost right away, the choices, the foods. All the pictures in the menu look so good. Sanders really never had a major sweet tooth before, but this pony body apparently does.

“Are you ready to order?” The waitress asks smiling.

Blinking, Sanders looks up, “Oh, oh Celestia yes, um, I only have 20 dollars so I have to be careful. Um, okay, strawberry banana pancakes, full stack.”

“Ok, would you like anything else?”

“Yeah!” Nodding vigorously Sanders just can’t help but giggle, “Hash browns and oatmeal.”

“Not a problem.” The waitress says, noting down the order and heading to the back.

“Isn’t she a little old?”

Blinking, Sanders twitches an ear and glances over at several pegasi at a table a few rows down who are looking in her direction.

“Yeah, wonder what happened?” Another says softly.

A third, a female shakes her head, “Poor thing, I didn’t think it was possible to go that long.”

Gulping, Sanders all of a sudden feels self-conscious and looks back down at the plastic covered cardboard menu.

“A blank flank at her age.” Another female says, barely audible to Sanders, “I wonder how often that happens.”

Gulping, Sanders moves her tail to cover her hip. No matter how much ‘he’ looks like a pony, ‘he’ can’t hide that one fact. ‘He’ is a blank flank. Just a human with a spell.

The waitress smiles as she comes back and sets down the plates of food. Then she giggles, “Left hooved or right?”

Blinking, Sanders looks up, confused.

The waitress holds up the forehoof straps, one with a knife the other with fork.

“Oh, right,” Smiling Sanders holds up the right hoof. Once the straps are on, she digs into her meal.

Real food. So it isn’t as good as the food Blaze brought, but it is so much better than the hospital food. Relaxing a bit, she finishes her meal. Her wings are feeling better, stronger. Her sides aren’t hurting as much.

Looking over at the other ponies she keeps her tail tight against her hip, “I guess I could go for one last flight before going back to the hospital.” Leaving the bill on the table, she turns and heads out.

Spreading her wings wide, she feels the sun on her feathers, warming her wings. She feels the wind playing with her plumage, teasing her hair, and calling to her. Inhaling deeply, she answers the call. Leaping into the air, she starts flying for no other reason then the joy and freedom of flight.

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