• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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80: Song of Magic

San Diego, California.

Jenny walks in circles in her apartment. The apartment itself isn’t anything big or special. It’s technically a two bedroom, but she has one room as her home office when she needs it, a small kitchen and a living room-dining room combination completes her space. She lives alone in California, so she really doesn’t need a large home.

“You’re making me dizzy, what are you doing?” Fleur says as she lays on the sofa.

Jenny shakes her head and blinks, “Getting very disoriented. I think my TV sound is mucked up because I keep hearing the wrong speakers.”

Stretching out a bit Fleur giggles, “What do you mean?”

“I know the speaker is there” She points, “but I keep feeling like the sound is coming from behind me and its bugging the heck out of me.” Jenny says and huffs in annoyance.

“Jenny… Jenny stop.” Fleur says, giggling, “Hang on, there’s a really easy explanation and fix for this.”

Blinking, Jenny stops and sits down, looking frustrated and anxious.

“Okay, most of us don’t think about this, but you have surround sound. Right?” Fleur asks looking around the apartment.

“Well yeah, it was pretty cheap.” Jenny says, “But what’s that got to do with anything?”

“Pony ears are directional. Your focusing on the TV, and not used to your ears yet. So your ears focus on the TV too. But your speakers are to the sides, this means your HEARING the sound from your sides, while looking forward. Relax your ears.” Fleur says, wiggling one of her ears.

“My ears?” Jenny says quizzically as she reaches up and touches one with her hand. Blinking, she gets up and runs for the bathroom, “Jebus Cripes I have pony ears!”

Fleur almost falls off the sofa, she’s laughing so hard, “Yes Sea Swirl, you have pony ears, and they move to focus on sound.”

“But… but… but…”

“Sea Swirl, you’re a pony remember, you don’t get all the parts at one time though… you get one, get used to it, get some more, get used to those.” Fleur says, continuing to gasp for breath.

“Why does this have to be so complicated?” Jenny growls as she comes out of her bathroom, ears flopped to the sides.

“That’s easy, cuz it’s a curse. If it wasn’t a curse we’d just poof into pony form and remember everything.” Fleur says, “Chaos magic is funny that way.”

“Magic, yeah… Wait I’m a unicorn, am I supposed to do things like sense virgins and teleport?” Jenny asks.

“Sense… virgins? Oh my god, we could have so much fun with that.” She narrows her eyes in thought, “Nope not unless some perverted unicorn makes a spell to do that. There are teleport spells, crafting spells, stuff like that, but its based on learning a spell rather than anything else. Although there ARE some unicorns that spontaneously generate a spell, usually regarding their special talent. Rarity, for example had detect diamonds, which she taught others.”

“What do you mean, fun with that?” Jenny says, sitting down again and picking up her tea.

“Oh, just thinking of being in a bar, some perv trying to pick me up, lighting my horn for a second then saying something like ‘Naw I prefer more experienced males, everyone knows a unicorn can see a virgin from a hundred yards away. And you’re definitely a virgin.’” Fleur says with a smile.

“Oh you are cruel.”

“Only to those who deserve it.” Fleur says, her tail wiggling.


“We were with the US Diplomatic mission in Saudi Arabia when everything went to hell and we started to change. He put the jet down on a highway to get us out. He could have just landed at the airport and hoped we’d make it there on our own. He decided, though, that the highway was closer and easier access.”

“We aren’t the strongest or fastest flyers, but he didn’t belittle us about it. Instead he got us singing as he shuttled us from Washington to LA for our jobs, and said he’d always be there if we needed to go back in a hurry.”

“A few months ago, we were in Florida when Lemon got shot. He dumped most of his fuel so he could put the plane down on a short strip runway, he had barely enough fuel to make it to the closest airport to have his tanks refilled, then flew us non stop to Nellis.”

“He always had a joke, comedy, something to lift our spirits. No mater how bad we felt, he treated us like individuals and ponies. He didn’t make us feel like we were being forced, or make us feel like something less because we had to fly with him.”

Mindy sits, blinking, looking at each pony or group in turn as they tell the stories of what Lt. Sanders did for them. How it never mattered how tough the landings or take offs were, how it was never the ponies fault. Instead how he was always there for them.

Looking back over her shoulder, she sees Dr. Ray walk in, his head low. “The charts don’t look good. The doctors are trying but, his chances are low.”

“Oh come on. We can’t let this turn into a wake, we can’t give up hope. This guy made it his life to help us, to not let us get down, and not let us give up hope. So we can’t give up on him.”

Dr. Ray walks up and puts his cheek against Mindy’s, “I don’t have the kind of magic to heal that, I can use magic to help with my medicine, but its not like I can cast a spell to fix things.”

“There’s got to be something we can do. We can’t give up hope.” Mindy says and stomps a hoof hard.

Looking at the other ponies, Dr. Ray sighs and shakes his head, “Its not like he’s a pegasus, this isn’t something humans bounce back from.”

“Well that’s it then, we make him one.” Mindy says, smiling brightly.

Shaking his head, Dr. Ray looked at Mindy, confused, “What?”

“We make him a pegasus! If a unicorn can turn dozens of people into a pegasus for a few days by accident, we can do it on purpose to a single human!” Mindy says, looking proud. “How hard can it be?”

“Wait…what?” Dr. Ray looks on in shock and confusion.

“We turn him into a pegasus. Then you can help heal him the last bit while his body does the rest!” Mindy says starting to bounce, “Its easy!”


“Couldn’t you just?” Sugarberry sits down and sighs, looking at Henry.

“No.” Henry sighs, “It’s not something I take lightly either.”

“But its Lightning Dust…” Sugarberry says and pouts softly.

“And next time It could be Rarity, or Sweetie Belle, or some other person or pony.” Henry sighs.

Sugarberry sits and pouts, “But its your special talent.”

Sighing, Henry sits beside her and wraps his arms around her neck. “I’m human, I wasn’t born a pony like you. I’m human. And being told or asked to change into a pony for every person that’s hurt.” Henry shudders.

“I know, its not fair to you.” Sugarberry says.

“I’ve already been ordered to do that once… how would you feel if you were ordered to be human for something?” Henry says.

“But this isn’t an order this time.” Sugarberry says, sticking her lower lip out.

“And again, how do I say yes to Dust and no to some other pony? At the same time, I don’t even know if I can heal her.” Henry looks down at Sugarberry and shakes his head, “I just want to be human.”

With a sigh, Sugarberry climbs a bit into his lap, “My little human, I used to wonder what love could be.”


“Spike…. SPIKE! I’m back!”

Shuffling through the papers, the little dragon looks up, “How did it go?”

Sliding up, she wraps her wings around the dragon, “Ugh, horrible.”

“Oh? What happened?” Spike asks as he puts the papers in the box.

“So many officers and diplomats, looking at every single detail.” She huffs and sits down on her haunches.

“Aww, and I bet they didn’t even treat you like a princess.” Spike says, chuckling and trundles into the kitchen.

“That is SOOO not funny.” Shaking her head, she watches the little dragon, “How was your day?”

“Spike, take a memo, we generate way too much paperwork for one little dragon.” Spike responds, putting down a tea set.

Falling on her side laughing, “Oh my gosh, you sound just like Cathy there.”

Huffing, Spike shakes his head, “No, she did her best to sound like me, there’s a difference. And I don’t sound like a girl.”

“Oh Spike, you know I’m just teasing you.” She says, trotting over and hugging with a wing again.

Putting his claw over the wing he leans into her, “I know, It’s just not easy some times.”

“So how are things going?” She says, hugging spike.

Looking back at the paperwork he sighs, “A few more ponies decided to stay here rather than move on.” Looking down, Spike shakes his head, “Did you see the reports on Spectrum?”

A shiver goes down her back as she pales visibly. “I saw. How could they treat ponies like that? For that mater how could they treat their own people like that?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t. It’s just not fair.” Spike sighs and looks back at the papers in the box.

“Well we're safe now at least.” She murmurs, “And come on, its not that bad.”

“Not that bad? At least you can still fly. I used to be a gunship pilot, now I can’t even reach the controls.” Spike says, looking at his claws. “And then there was the change.”

“Ugh, yeah that was hard on us all.” She says, shaking her head.

“You didn’t spend hours burping up 25-year-old schools. That was not fun. Regular paperwork turning into the last desperate calls from Celestia.” Sighing, Spike shakes his head, “Compared to you eating dirt, that was hell.”

“You laying on your back calling out, make it stop, make it stop.” She half smiles, “I shouldn’t laugh but it was kind of funny.”

“Oh yeah, lets all make fun of Spike.” He huffs.

“Hey, we are still family, and no mater what our form, that will never change.” She says with a nod.

“Twins forever?” Spike says, looking up.

“Twins forever.” She nods.

“Spitfire! Shake your tail, we need you on the runway!”

Looking up she smiles, “Work calls, see you at dinner.”

“Later sis.” Spike says, going back to work.


“Hey Fleur, who’s the cute filly or stallion to be?” I say, smiling, holding the tablet in front of me. Who needs selfie sticks or tablet props when you have magic?

“Hi Velvet, that's Jenny. She’s with the coast guard. Her real name's Sea Swirl though.” Fleur says, pulling Swirl in front of her and holding her still with her forelegs.

Blinking, I tap my hoof, “Sea Swirl, oh umm… yeah, two dolphins on her butt?”

“Yep that’s her. How’s Cookie holding out?” Fleur asks, smiling.

Laughing, I glance over my shoulder, “Great! As long as she doesn’t think. I swear for the first month or so, thinking is the bane of ponies. Oh, has Swirl's tail come in yet?”

“Oh yeah, came in a while ago, she then spent about thirty minutes whining about her panties not fitting because of it.” Fleur says, giggling. “Even I wasn’t that bad.”

“Meh, I didn’t have that problem.” I say with a shrug.

“You were male. Huge difference.” Hugging Swirl with her forelegs to keep her still, Fleur smiles, “So got room for another student in a few days?”

“I can make room if she wants to come, right now though it looks like she wants to escape.” I smile back.

“She’s shy about the whole ears, mane, tail thing.” Fleur says with a nod and lets her go.

“Fleur I’m going to kill you. I don’t want people seeing me like this. I look stupid.” Jenny says, scrambling out of camera view followed by the slamming of a bathroom door.

“And she keeps thinking that locking the bathroom door will protect her.” Fleur says, watching her run.

“Ouch, be nice Fleur.” Shaking my head, I can’t help but smiling. I think most of us want to hide during our change, “I can take her in, did you hear about Pony Air though?”

“Yes, I almost want to stop off and see him myself. The Navy is lending the Air Force 2 C-37c’s. From what I hear the Air Force wants to buy like a dozen. Just for Pony Air duty.” Fleur says.

“Wow, that’s expensive.” I say, blinking, “Wonder how they are going to justify that in the budget.”

“From what the CID heard, ‘National Security Interests’ to keep ponies OFF commercial airlines at this time due to inability to verify who is on no fly lists.” Fleur says with a bit of a giggle.

“In other words, Podunk copout reason number 3. We just want to keep ponies somewhat out of the media and a pony at a major airport would be an issue.” I say, laughing.

“Jenny! Sea Swirl! Get out here.”

“No! I look silly, I can’t wear my panties, so I’m not coming out!” I hear being called across the apartment.

“Jenny, we all went through this… just put on some loose jogging pants or something, flip tail out the back and tie them off… or cut a hole in them.” Fleur calls back.

“Cut a hole in good pants?” Jenny calls back, “I don’t have many jogging pants to begin with, and both the pairs I have are from and for work PT!”

I face hoof, shaking my head, “She doesn’t realize, she’s not going to need them again in a few days right?”

Fleur laughs in response, “Jenny, in a few days you’ll be a pony, you won’t need clothing! And if you are going to want to wear stuff, its going to be new clothing fitted for your pony form.”

“But… but… They wear clothing in the show don’t they?” Jenny says, poking her head out of the bathroom.

“Not normally. Clothing is for special occasions.” I call out, “I’m wearing mostly my uniform, but I do walk around without anything on too.” I say looking at my cutie mark.

“Yeah seriously, like you’d catch her in something frilly.” Fleur says as Jenny walks out, tail swaying a bit as she moves.

“Trust me I’m already living in dread.” I say, shaking my head.

“Of what?” Jenny asks sitting down again nervously, making sure to tuck her tail to the side as she does so.

“My wedding dress. I’m having visions of a big puffy thing.” I say and shudder.

“With lots of silk and satin?” Fleur asks.

Looking at her I nod, then in stereo, we say the line. “Oh the horror, the horror!”

*** Costa Rica ***

“Hold, hold!”

Full Steam slows and stops as the officer steps in front of him, holding his hand up. The Costa Rican Policia officer is tall, well over six feet, wearing combat body armor as well as carrying a Galil SAR. Looking sternly, he adjusts his sunglasses.

Blinking from inside the wagon, Ambrosia pokes her head up inside the trailer, she calls through the window, “Is something wrong officer?”

“Animal inspection, we’ve had complaints of thefts of farm animals. Taken from their owners and smuggled to Nicaragua or butchered and sold door to door. Do you have papers to verify ownership of this animal?” The officer is quite stern about his statement.

“I… No, we don’t.” Ambrosia responds.

Walking around to the back, the officer bangs on the door, “Open the door.”

“I’m not decent, I need to get my coverings on, religious doctrine.” Ambrosia says, scrambling.

“Open the door NOW.” The officer says, readying his Galil and pointing it at the door.

“Sunny don’t!” Ambrosia calls out but it is too late.

Sunny opens the door and sits in front of the police officer, “Do I have to put my hooves up sir? It’s a little uncomfortable to do so, since I lose balance.”

“Dios mío.” The officer blinks, leveling his rifle at the little foal. “What is going on?”

“Don’t hurt her, please.” Ambrosia says, struggling out of the coverings and trotting up, putting her body between the officer and the foal.

“Were Panamanian and Brazilian, trying to get up to the USA.” Sunny says as she opens her eyes wide and looks up sadly at him.

“We were human but something made us change into these pony forms.” Ambrosia says, “Then we all got a… calling… to go to the USA.”

“Or we were ponies turned into humans.” Sunny says, looking up at Ambrosia.

Looking between them, the officer sighs and shoulders his rifle, “Well you don’t look like drug smugglers or animal smugglers, that’s for sure.”

“We are just trying to get to a place in the USA. There’s supposed to be a safe place for us there.” Sunny says softly.

Shaking his head, the officer looks at them, then at Full Steam who had walked around the side of the wagon and sat too, “Let me guess, you can speak as well?”

“Only when I need to.” Full Steam says sternly.

“What am I going to do about this? I should probably call it in.” The officer says.

Lowering her head, Ambrosia sighs, “Do what you think is best. We are just trying to get to a safe place. We don’t mean anyone any harm.”

“Please sir, we don’t really have much money, we don’t have anything really to trade, either. The change has left us with nothing. We built our wagon out of scraps and such we found and most of what we eat is from foraging along the way.” Sunny Days says, looking up at the officer. “We aren’t bad ponies, we just want to get where there are more of us, and that’s apparently in the USA.”

“Stay here, don’t move, don’t try an escape.” The officer stands up and waves to two other officers, “Make sure this doesn’t move from here by anyone, I’ll be back soon.”

Sunny Daze looks up at Ambrosia, “Were in trouble, aren’t we?”


Cookie sits in front of the mirror. She tilts her head side to side slowly, watching how her mane moves. How it cascades around her shoulder and torso. How it drifts and bounces. Lifting it a bit with her hooves, she lets it go before giving her head a little shake.

“Still getting used to yourself again?” Rainbow Blaze says, walking in.

Looking over her shoulder she sighs, “Sort of. Its still hard to believe its me… again.”

“Trust me, it has been a shock to all of us. You should hear some of the horror stories about Velvet. It took her a full month to get used to it.” Blaze said chuckling as he spreads his wings a bit.

“Oh now you need to tell me.” Cookie says, smiling and perking her ears.

Blaze shakes his head vigorously, “She’d kill me, or worse, turn me into a human.”

“Come on she wouldn’t be that mean.” Cookie says.

“I wouldn’t want to push it with pregnancy hormones.” Blaze says with a chuckle, “So are you coming?”

“Yep,” Turning she steps off the pillow and starts walking, “It’s still hard to come to terms that I’m a mare.”

Leaning forward Blaze gives her a quick nip just above her dock. “Move it slow poke!”

With a squeak, Cookie goes wide eyed and looks back at Blaze, trembling.

“What?” Blaze says, blinking.

“Um, sensitive spot, don’t nip there.” Cookie says, blushing furiously and starts walking. Swaying her tail in wide high arcs as she moves.

Chuckling softly, he moves up beside her, “And now your flirting.”

“I’m? What do you mean?” Cookie looks at Blaze, confused, then walks down the stairs, “Velvet, Blaze said I’m flirting.”

Shaking my head, I laugh softly, “You are, you have your tail high and bouncing. That’s normally flirting.”

With a loud squeak, Cookie clamps her tail down tight, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be, means your relaxed.” I say smiling, “Sides you’re dressed.”

“I was flirting with a guy though, with Blaze.” Cookie says, blinking.

“Yep, he’s flirt-worthy, but he’s also loyal to me.” I say, smiling.

Turning I trot up to the barn, I rap on the door, which is quickly opened. Smiling, I bow, touching my horn to the ground respectfully, “Ma’am.”

Helen crosses her arms, “Now I feel old. I’m sorry, Mindy’s out, Moon is busy, and I don’t want to leave her alone. Neither her, nor Irony.”

“I understand.” I say, nodding, and head inside, “I wish we could do more. When Feather was like this, we had wood from the Everfree that was able to bring her back.”

Trotting into the stall, I sit down and lay my head over the mare, “We’ll watch over her while you do what you need to.” Irony is sleeping next to Dust, I nuzzle both of them.

Nodding slowly Helen turns and heads out. Leaving me, Blaze and Cookie with the stricken mare.

“What’s wrong with her?” Cookie asks.

“She was attacked, had her wings stripped of feathers, and…” I shake my head, “She’s suffering mental trauma. She was nearly lost, the only thing that shows she’s Equestrian right now is her cutie mark.” I shift a bit and point to the fading white and yellow mark on the tan pony’s flank.

Closing my eyes, I gently lick her cheek a few times. I give her a mothering nuzzle, “Come on little one. You can come back to us.”

“Isn’t there anything we can do to help?” Cookie asks sadly.

“It’s a fight she has to win herself. There’s nothing like this in the books for healing something like this.” I say with a sad sigh.

Blaze puts his wing over my back, giving me a gentle hug then looks over at Cookie doing the same to her. “Its okay girls. She’s strong.”

Twitching my ears, I look up at the little girl at the entrance to the stall, “Hello there.”

“Hi, I’m Hannah.”

“Twilight Velvet, I’m Twilight Sparkles mom, this is Rainbow Blaze, Dash’s dad. And that’s Cookie Crisp.” I say nodding my horn to each in turn.

Nodding slowly, she walks up and hugs me tightly.

“We have been watching over your… dad… till Moon comes back.”

“I know, Moony has an idea, and will be back soon. She’s been talking to Princess Luna in the dream.” Hannah says tears in her eyes.

“Don’t worry, we are all here for Dust. We won’t give up on her. We just need to remind her not to give up on herself.” Smiling softly, “If we all work together…”


“Come on ponies, if we all work together we can do this!” Mindy says, pogo bouncing on the spot.

“This is a bad idea Mindy.” Dr. Ray said. “I don’t know if his body could take the strain of a change.”

“Well we have to try something, I’m not letting him die, he’s helped too many ponies.” Mindy says and grabs Dr. Ray, spinning him around and pointing his horn at Sanders prone form. Once she has him aimed properly, she grabs his tail and she starts cranking a few times till his horn glows. “There!”

“Hey!” Dr. Ray blinks, looking at his horn.

Quickly, Mindy bounces around, arranging the other ponies around the bed. One by one she sets up each pony and primes them before trotting back over to Dr. Ray.

“We only get one shot at this,” Mindy says and looks at every other pony. Prancing back over, she crosses her horn with Dr. Rays. “Lets do this.”

The power is more than needed and far more than Mindy expected. The other ponies are not Gifted Unicorn Graduates, but they do their best to add to the magic. Slowly the energy grows and stretches out to envelope the human. The energy shimmers between brown, light green, dark green and light blue before settling on a gentle yellow.

All together the ponies give one last push of magic as the energy enters and flows through the Lieutenant, altering his form into one of their kind. Like all spells of this kind, it will only last three days, but Mindy feels it would take longer for her to recover.

Wobbling a bit, she puts her hoof down firmly, “There we did it. Easy peazy pie.”

“I… I think we messed up somewhere, his face is wrong…” One of the pegasi says softly.

“How do you mean? Muzzle, nose, ears…” Mindy blinks tilting her head slowly.

Dr. Ray looks at Mindy, “Stallions don’t have eyelashes like that, or rounded short muzzles.”

“He’s got wings, he’s a pegasus, that’s what we were going for.” Mindy says with a final nod.

“You mean SHE’S got wings.” Dr. Ray said, “Mindy, I think we botched the spell.”

“Close enough.”


“Moon Shadow is going to try dream walking. Finding her that way.” I say, looking at Cookie.

Shaking her head, Cookie sits down outside looking around, “Isn’t there anything we can do?”

We all walk towards the farmstead. Nice gravel paths have been established between the town under construction and the old farm. I can see the six barracks that Lightning Dust built just a few months ago, before the ponies decided to make a town, something more permanent. They still haven’t given it a name, though.

We get to the big barn, Moon Shadow had brought the tan pony out. But what I also see makes me stop, Irony is standing there, watching, an anxious look on her face. And Hannah is standing their with Moon Shadow.

“Hannah has magic?” I say to the earth pony.

Irony looks at me, “Yes, it manifested while Dust was gone. Moon and Mindy have been teaching her.”

I shake my head and move closer, all three have their eyes closed, but I can feel the currents of magic around all of them, the aether they are tapping into is amazing.

Feather comes up, “What’s happening?”

Something changes, a wave of turquoise washes over the pony for a moment then disappears. Her cutie mark gets brighter. Then after a moment, it starts to fade again.

Feather shudders, “Is she being lost? Will it work?”

I shake my head, “I don’t know. This is outside my knowledge, dream magic is so very rare.”

“But we have to do something, Mom. We have to!” She stomps a little hoof as once again, the color washes over Dust, leaving her with a shadow of her former color, then after a few moments, once again, it fades and her cutie mark fades to almost nothing.

I feel tears starting to form, “I don’t know, Feather. To try to intervene directly with magic would probably be the worst thing to do.”

Feather perks up, looking up at me intently, “A song?”

“How would a song help?” Cookie asks looking at Feather.

“Songs are very powerful with ponies, they unite us, and they have a magic of their own.” I say looking down and nuzzling Feather softly.

“When I was giving up, it was the magic of the song that helped me find my way back.” Feather says solemnly.

“Well that and the rainbow.” Blaze says smiling. “Grandfather has a way with harmony.”

“There is magic and harmony in music though.” I say looking around, “And it might be enough to remind her. To be a guiding star.”

I look up, hundreds of ponies have somehow felt the call to be here. All of them are maintaining a respectful circle around what is going on.

“And it’s a magic that all ponies, unicorns, pegasi and earth have in them.” Ah-Pee says, “As strong as our cutie marks.”

Looking back at her cutie mark, Cookie smiles, “Each one of us has something special, that makes us different, that makes us rare.”

Spreading her wings wide, Feather sings out loud and true, “We have a light that shines within us, that we were always, meant to share.” Looking up, she nuzzles my leg.

Smiling, I close my eyes and light my horn as I sing too, “And when we come together, combine that light that shines within…”

Cipher steps up beside me, lighting her horn, “There’s nothing we can’t do.”

“There’s no battle we can’t win.” Ballad adds as her horn light joins the glow.

Sugarberry looks up at Henry, smiling, “When we come together!”

Lifting our horns high we form a single star above us, for all the town to see, “There’ll be a star to guide the way! See it now! Feel it now!”

Soon the whole town is joining in the song, “Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine!”

I watch as we continue singing, the color starts to come back again. Her cutie mark starts to shine, bright and true as the magic from our singing swirls all around. Thousands of ponies are singing now, their magic all adding to the harmony. As the song ends, Lightning Dust opens her eyes, she looks like her former self once again, though her wings are still mangled. She kisses Moon Shadow and I see her whisper something to her, then she falls over in exhaustion. Before I’m able to move, Dust is picked up by Irony and carried towards a truck. She places Dust in the bed and climbs in herself. Helen opens the drivers door of the truck and they roll off.

“Where are they going?” Feather asks.

“To her home, in town.”

Feather furrows her brow, “She needs to be with ponies.”

I nuzzle her, “She will be, her herd will be there for her.”

“But what about us?”

I nuzzle her again, “We can visit her. It’s not that far away.”


The police car pulls up behind the wagon. The policia officer steps out and dusts off his pants. He squares his shoulders and heads up to the door. With a firm knock, he calls inside, “Open up, inspection.”

Quietly, Ambrosia opens the door, looking at the officer, as well as the second gentleman with him. “Yes sir?”

“This is… extraordinary.” The man says, looking at Ambrosia.

“Do your job, and don’t get carried away.” The officer says sternly.

“His job?” Sunny looks up nervously.

“Oh yes, sorry, I’m a vet, I’m not used to having my patients talk to me in Spanish though.” The man says, putting his bag down.

“Why did you bring a vet?” Full Steam asks, rather annoyed.

“Have you had any of your equine shots?” The doctor asks, tilting his head.

Sunny blinks, “Our what?”

“Your vaccinations?” The doctor said. “You might be close enough to equines to carry their illnesses even if you don’t get sick yourself. It’s best to be vaccinated.”

Opening his bag, the doctor pulls out several vials, “I’d really like to take them back to the lab.”

“No. Shots and certificates that’s it.” The officer says firmly.

Looking at the officer, the doctor sighs and begins a basic check up.

“How have your hooves been holding up on the road, any pain in your bones or joints?” The doctor ask checking over Full Steam’s hooves.


The doctor looks back at the officer and huffs as he gives Sunny her check up and shots, followed by Ambrosia. “I really think they should be studied more.”

“Not your call, doctor. You work for the police.” The officer says sternly, “And if word of this gets out I will have your head.”

“Yes sir.” The doctor says and heads back to the car.

Looking at the ponies, the officer hands them the paperwork, “He’s now registered, well technically you are all registered and have your shots.” Signing a form, he hands a sheet of paper to Ambrosia, “This is your inspection form and certification form for the wagon.”

“Why?” Ambrosia said looking confused.

The officer tilted his head, “Why, what?”

“Why are you… Doing this?” Ambrosia asks.

“Because it’s the right thing to do,” The officer says, “You haven’t broken any laws, and are not looking at doing any harm.” Stepping out, the officer pulls a cardboard box out of his car and puts it down on edge of the wagon.

Blinking, Sunny steps forward and opens the box. “Flour, corn flour, eggs, sugar, apples.” Then she lets out an ear piercing squee as she pulls a stick of sugarcane out of the box. She hops over and gives him a hug, “Oh Celestia, its my favorite. Thank you.”

“I couldn’t look my daughter in the face if I let you go hungry.” He smiles, then he switches to Italian, not a common language in Costa Rica, its still taught as a secondary language in many schools, though. Scratching behind Sunny’s ear, he chuckles, “Vola mio mini pony, Quante avventure tu vavrai”

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