• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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27: More then just Ships can sink.

The idea that they can just pick us up via Osprey, but not drop us back off is just cruel. The survivors were taken to a military hospital for treatment, and us, we get a flight back from California to Gallup in a C-12. Even the Osprey is faster and roomier than a C-12. All a C-12 is, is a stripped down King Air A200, with jump seats, and cargo space.

Blaze, of course, is even less thrilled about this than I am, while he got to fly short hops on the mission, they still want him grounded for a while longer, to make sure he is healed. That meant he gets to sit inside with the rest of us. Really, if there is a flying class lower than coach, I think I’ve just found it.

Grumbling I look at the LT, who is sitting across from us, “LT why can’t they make these seats comfortable for us ponies?”

“Maybe it’s because until three weeks ago there weren’t any ponies on Earth?” Shaking his head he chuckles, “I know you’re frustrated but we’re almost there.”

“Yeah, the girls are going to meet us at the airport with the vehicles. I know. I just can’t get the image of what they did to that foal out of my mind.” I just shake my head, “How many more do you think are out there in situations like that?”

“No idea, but at least the Brigadier General is keeping his word about missions and us working together.” Smiling softly, the LT nods, “You did great out there.”

“Wow, I was expecting to get yelled at after some of the stunts I pulled.” Looking up through my forelocks innocently, nothing I did was by the book.

“There was no training, or pre-planning for this strike for the most part, we had no intel on the inside of the ship, so we had to wing it, as such I’m not going to yell at you for winging it in places. You didn’t risk yourself or the squad. Just warn me next time you want to try out a new spell.”

“Warn you?” Blinking I tilt my head.

“Definitely, I want to have the medical teams ready, evac, hospital room prepped, and trauma teams on stand by. Given your track record with trying new spells and blowing yourself up, it’s best to be prepared.” Laughing, the LT leans over and ruffles my mane.

I let out a huff and pout, “I’m not that bad.”

The aircraft jolts and rocks a bit as it comes in for a landing, a grumbling Blaze sits up “Oh come on, it’s just a 19 knot cross wind.”

Gently I thump Blaze on the head with a hoof, “It’s a plane not a pegasus, let the humans fly.”

“See this is why I started hating flying in planes, it bugs my internal compass, weather sense, and instincts. I can FEEL when the pilots do something, and my mind just jumps to what they are doing wrong. Even if they are flying the plane right, it’s wrong for a pegasus.”

“And this is why pegasi make the worst passengers.” I say, laughing and then get my head thrown down and to the side hard as we hit the ground. I’ve heard the term before, it’s called a greaser, the only problem is I’ve heard it used both ways. A gentle landing has been referred to as greasing the landing… But I knew for a fact the term started way back in World War Two, when people would land planes so hard, they would push the grease right out of the landing pistons. I’m pretty sure I’d qualify this as the latter.

“Jesus,” Blaze rubs his neck, “Talk about slamming it down hard.”

Getting out of the plane, I barely get four steps before Cipher pounces. Hugging me as tight as she could. Looking around I see the other girls waiting and smiling brightly. I had been thinking about them on the trip but I didn’t realize how much support we had given each other, until now.

Hugging Cipher back, I waved the rest over and we have a group hug, right under the wing of the airplane. “I’m fine girls, and we saved a group, they are in the hospital now.”

“We didn’t want to go without you guys.” Ah-Pee says, smiling.

“Go? Oh the farm, yeah.” Nodding I looked at them, then I tilt my head.

“Luna showed up again last night, told us we needed to get there if we could.” Sugarberry said, “So we’re fueled and ready to go.”

“Last night? She didn’t tell us.” Blaze says, blinking.

“Blaze, we finished the mission about 2 a.m. I didn’t nod off till about 3 for a nap, and even that kept being interrupted by the waves, and noise.” I shook my head, “we likely were awake when she called.”

“LT, you know you don’t have to come with us for this right?” I say, looking up at him.

“Nonsense, we were ordered to provide security to you. Remember?” Smiling he heads over, getting into one of the two JLTV’s.

Smiling we all pile into the vehicles, if Luna wants us there, we had better shake our tails. Though I wonder why she’d want a motley group like us. Getting in the back I squeak and hug Feather, the girls have her wrapped in a blanket and tucked on a pillow in the JLTV as well. I don’t think they would leave her behind, but seeing her just made me feel better, and forget the mission.

Moving her over, I lay in the back on one side of her and motion to Blaze.

Blaze laughs and hops up on the other side putting his wing over the two of us, “Better?”

“Much, thanks Rainbow.”

Feather yawns, looks up and giggles, “Hi mommy, hi daddy.”

*** 1000 years ago, while it should be Wednesday it’s more likely a Thursday morning ***

It’s well past midnight when the group of deer start heading back to the gate. With the help of the water, and the seeds Lilac brought, the locals should have enough food to last them at least several months, as well they can start storage for the winter.

While Lilac appears as a human in her teens she still acts like a fawn, bouncing and bounding, looking at things as the group travels. The native’s had provided the deer with clothing made from plant fibers, dyed in different colors with berry juices. In reality though the deer couldn't wait to get their own fur back

“Lilac, come back here.” Maple smiles softly, “We are all eager to get our hooves back on familiar ground but we don’t need to bound around so much.”

“It’s okay, we’re almost there,” Cedar says, putting his hand on Maple’s shoulder. “And she’s just being a fawn, she’s only out of her spots for a year now.”

“I know, but think of what her parents would do to us if we let anything happen to her.” Maple says, “I’m not a fan of being banished from Thicket, it’s our home.”

Lilac giggled, “Come on, you are as slow as ponies.”

“Hey now, that’s just mean.” Juniper says, and bounds after her, playing on the pathway with the younger one.

Reaching the standing stones they see the large marble facing polished to a shine, and they smile. Home is just though that, and then they can relax. Cedar walks up and puts his hand against it, then stops, blinking.

“What’s wrong?” Maple asks, looking at him.

“It’s not working, I can’t go through… it’s solid.” He says, hitting it gently.

“It can’t be.” Juniper says, running up and feeling it. “It’s our only way home.”

Lilac looks at them, then runs up, pushing herself against it as hard as she can, before hitting it with her hands, but the stone won’t budge, it won’t let her through. Slowly she sinks to the ground, starting to cry, still hitting the stone weakly. “Mommy… Dad.”

Maple kneels, putting her hand on Lilac’s shoulder. Lilac shrugs it off, cuddling tighter to the stone, crying harder.

“Maybe Starswirl’s just making an adjustment and will be back soon.” Maple says, looking at Lilac.

Shaking her head she cries softly, “I want my mommy.”

***On the other side of the portal, Still 1000 years ago***

Willow trots up, meeting Starswirl outside the Castle of the Two Sisters. It is early morning, but he had been up getting his ear chewed off for the last hour by the King. As he approaches, Starswirl turns and starts trotting for the wall, the bells on his hat and cloak jingling as he trots.

“New addition?” Willow says, with a chuckle.

Starswirl looked over and nods, “Orders of the Princess of the Night, she’s tired of me sneaking up on her.”

“Ouch, well they do kind of look neat.” Willow snickers.

“Honestly I think I’ll keep them, just to stand out a bit.” Looking at the wall, he nods, opening it with his magic before trotting down the ramp into the lab.

“Cedar and Pine didn’t come back last night?” Willow said.

“I’ve been in the lab all night working, I didn’t hear them come through the mirror. I was just going to go through and check up on them.” Starswirl says, heading over to the portal.

Starswirl smacks his face against the mirror, he stops for a moment, then backs up and pushes his hoof against the mirror. “Oh boy.”

“What’s wrong?” Willow looks at the mirror, then at Starswirl.

Closing his eyes, Starswirl touches his horn to the gate, concentrating. The glow from his horn reflecting off of the mirror. Concentrating hard he tries to find the link, tries to follow it back to the other world.

“Starswirl, what’s going on?” Willow growls.

Trotting over to his book shelf, Starswirl pulls down several scrolls, opening them and starts reading. “That was unexpected, the link is still there, still active, but the dimensions have drifted and something is between them. It’s like a cloud drifting in front of the sun, until it passes I can’t open it.”

“How long, when can you open it again?”

Starswirl shakes his head, “It should open again on its own, but I can’t tell when just yet, it will take some research, don’t worry, I’ll get them back.”

“Starswirl, Lilac is the Kings daughter, if you’ve lost her…” Willow shakes his head, “the king could ban us from ever talking to the ponies again. A violation of trust like this could take centuries to repair.”

“I’ll work on it, I swear, even if I have to make another mirror I’ll find a way.” Starswirl looks to Willow. “It will just take time.”

Willow lowers his head, “I’ll tell the King, with luck we can still work together to save the young princess. If he orders me not to talk to you again though, he is my King. I must follow his orders.”

“I understand Willow, tell the King this was an accident, I will not stop until I can get a portal to get her back.” Starswirl starts pulling down more scrolls, looking at them intently.


We pull up out of sight of the farm. Rolling up in military tactical vehicles will send the wrong message. We really don’t want to send ponies running for the hills, thinking the military is coming to take them away. Likely few of the ponies here had any human contact since their change.

I Jump out of the back of the JLTV, and telekineticly pick up Feather, putting her on my back. All of us ponies are in military uniforms, but the LT has the Rangers take off their berets, and put on civilian jackets.

Trotting down the road we see the farm sign swinging, ‘Mac & Applejack’s Pony Farm: Hooves Welcome! Any persons caught trespassing will be fined on sight.’ Glancing at Ah-Pee I giggle softly, “Well, this must be the place.”

Cipher stops, looking up at the sign and sighs, “I guess we aren’t welcome here.”

“Whatcha mean by that?” Ah-Pee looks at Cipher, “It’s the Apple farm.”

“Yeah but I don’t have an hour glass cutie mark. I’m not one of the Hooves family.” She huffs.

Covering my muzzle with a hoof I shake my head. “Cipher, how long were you waiting to make that one?”

Giggling, we trot onto the farm, almost right away we notice cars, minivans, and even some small RV’s parked up on the property, it looks like some kind of a cross between a rock concert parking lot, and auto-scrap yard waiting to happen.

As we crest the hill we see them, ponies, by the hundreds. They have a soup kitchen set up outside, it looked like several are coming and going from the barn though they are all avoiding the stables. There are even a few at the farm house. There are some humans here, but the ponies far outnumber them, likely friends or family that helped them through the change and to get here.

There are a few I recognized from the cartoon, I’m sure a brony could call them off by heart. The white pony with pink mane and tail and a red cross for a cutie mark for example, I had seen her in a few episodes, though she was wearing what looked like a marine beret and jacket. She is helping out with some who were injured.

There is one who looks like an off colored Rainbow Dash, mustard yellow with a multi-toned grey mane and tail, I wish I could remember her name. She is on the cover of the novel Blaze got. She is wearing an RAN uniform, their disruptive camo is always pretty distinctive, though I didn’t notice any hoof boots. If she changed on a ship, her hooves must have been sliding all over the place. The rubber sole of the hoof boots, or hoof shoes we got at least provide us grip on steel decking.

Come to think of it, I wonder if the HMAS Hammersley is a real ship. Watching her go, I figure it best not to bother her, she is an officer, and pretty famous from the show. She’s probably been pestered enough for autographs as is.

I hear what can only be described as a fangirl squeal and snap my head over to see a little white unicorn charging towards us. Note to self, don’t snap your head around like that. I end up almost eating my own ponytail as the little unicorn skids to a stop.

“Oh wow, you’re Rainbow Dash’s dad! That’s so cool, do you know what she was like when she was little? Where you there when she did her first sonic rainboom? What was she like?” The filly starts in.

“Oh I um…” Blaze takes a step back from the overenthusiastic unicorn foal.

“I’m Little Horn by the way. Just wait till I tell you about how we got here,” the foal keeps talking, hardly giving Blaze a chance to get a word in edgewise.

Ah-Pee blinked and rears up on her hind legs to get a better look over the area, “Hey I think I see Big Mac, I’ll be back in a sec, I wanna go say hi. Being an Apple and all, ya know.”

Sitting quietly, I watch as the Unicorn Club starts mingling, chatting with other ponies to find out what’s going on. Very gently I set Feather between my front legs. “You ok with me? Or do you want to mingle too?”

Feather looks up with a yawn, “I’m ‘kay.”

Looking across the field I giggle and point out Berry Shine to Feather, she is carrying Pinchy on her back while talking to a pair of unicorns. “Look, that’s your earth pony twin.” I giggle and nuzzle Feather Pinch.

Looking up she boops my nose with her hoof and giggles, shaking her head no.

A pink pegasus, with a darker pink mane and tail, the same mane style and colors as Berry Shine or Berry Punch comes trotting up to me, tilting her head. Looking over at Berry Shine, she looks back to Feather Pinch and giggles softly, “I never knew if Berry and Pinchy were sisters or mother and daughter. Now I’m wondering if I’m related to Berry Shine or you.”

Gulping softly, I lift my foreleg so she can see Feather better, “Do you know her?”

“Only from the show, it’s one of the problems with some of us background ponies, there just isn’t enough information, we only appear in one scene without a name, so family ties aren’t established.” She says, sighing softly.

Looking back to Feather she gives her a small nuzzle “Berry and Pinchy compete together in the Sisterhooves Social, so they’re likely sisters. That means we could be sisters too,” She giggles softly, then cringes, “Unless I’m the mother of all of you… I don’t even know how old I am as a pony. This so sucks.”

Feather takes a step forward to nuzzle Feather Shine, then turns to look back at me.

“It’s ok Feather, you can play with her a while, I won’t take offense.” I lie. I’m not really lying, I wouldn’t take offense but in some ways I am hoping I can keep her with me, I like playing mother to her, and right now I really don’t want to be alone.

Even the LT right now is talking with Fleetfoot. So, as Feather slowly walks off with the older pegasus, I just sit looking at the group. Feeling totally alone and vulnerable. Like no one really wants to bother with me. It’s stupid, I know, looking around I see Blaze, but he has a few foals around him now as Little Horn keeps occupying his attention. Lying down, I put my head on my forelegs, not sure what place I have here.

I hear the hoof steps coming up behind me and I turn my head slightly. An azure blue unicorn is slowing and tilting his head, looking at me for a long moment, his mane is a darker blue. Lifting my head I blink and gulp. Not now, please not now.

The universe doesn’t listen to my silent plea, “Velvet? Interesting.” He says calmly.

“Yes? What’s interesting?” My voice quavers in response.

“Well, you are my wife apparently, my mare. Mare to my foals, are you not?”

“25 years ago.” I say softly, “I’m not the same Velvet that I was then, I think.”

Leaning down, he sniffs my mane, sending a cold shiver down my back. “Well, you’ve been delivered back to me safely. I may not remember you yet, but it’s nice that you are safe.”

“Umm, it’s nice that you are safe too.” I don’t feel well, all of a sudden.

“It will be enjoyable to get to know you again, my wife.” Sitting on his haunches, he puts his hoof on my croup and rubs. I’m not in heat anymore, but that is still a tender place to rub, and he knows it.

“Please, don’t.” I say quickly and move away a bit.

“Why? You are my wife after all.” He speaks calmly and deliberately, “Discord’s curse separated us. But that does not change what is.”

I shake my head quickly, “No I’m not.”

“Allah has delivered you to me, you and I were legally married, and never divorced. That means you are still my wife.” Standing, he walks over to me again, “Do not worry, the tenets teach us how to treat our wives properly.”

Taking a step back, I gulp. I look at my hip, thinking of my cutie mark all I could feel was pain. I look back at Night Light slowly, “No, I’m sorry, this is a new life, I don’t want to be your wife.”

“You want? What about your duty? Duty to our foals? Duty to me? Do you care about your foals?” He walks forward towards me. “Do you care about Twilight?”

Backing up, I stumble and end up sitting, the purple in my mane starting to fade a bit, “Of course I care about her, she’s my baby.”

“Then you admit she’s your baby, as such I must be your husband. That has not changed.”

“Yes it has, I don’t want to be married to you. I want to be free to choose.” I say, shaking my head with tears in my eyes. Even though hidden from sight, the purple stars of my cutie mark had slowly started fading to grey.

“What would Twilight say? What would Shining Armor say? Shall I go to Shining and tell him you don’t want to be a family anymore?” He says loudly, “Is it fair to them?”

Crying hard, I shake my head, “It’s not but it’s not fair to me either. I want my own life, I want to be their mom, but I want to choose who I am with.”

Blaze slams to the ground, his wings flared wide, “Leave her be!” He yells.

“She’s my wife, do not interfere, this is about family and Allah’s Will.” Night Light responds.

“No, this is about her and her rights.” Blaze shouts.

Night Light’s eyes narrow as his horn starts to glow, “She is my wife, the mare of my children, I claim her as mine.”

“I’m my own pony!” I cry, shaking my head. Only vaguely noticing that several other ponies have stopped to watch.

“I did not travel from Pakistan to be denied my rightful wife.” The blue unicorn shouts as he fires a bolt at Blaze.

Turning quickly, Blaze takes the bolt in his wing, its energy dispersing across the charge he had built up.

“You don’t love her, I DO! She is EVERTHING to me! And I’m sure Sparkle and Shining will understand that!” Blaze growls, his body and head low, ready to rush forward.

Night Light turns, snarling, “You shall be punished for your defiance infidel.” He storms, heading for the farm house.

Watching him go I stand up, “Blaze…”

Turning, he snorts, “He shouldn’t treat you like that. You are too special.”

“You love me?” Taking a step towards him I look into his eyes, I think he is stunned by his own words.

“No… I mean… I couldn’t let him… Yes, I do, and want to stay with you. I want to be with you.”

Gently I tuck my muzzle under his, pressing my face into him, “I want to be with you too. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Lifting my head I look into his eyes again, then I touch my nose to his, giving him a kiss.

*** LT James Fisher ***

Chuckling, James heads over to Fleetfoot and kneels beside her, “Feather survived, she’s still got a lot to work though, and I think she’s going to need counselling big time.”

“Oh thank God, I saw the mare Blaze saved, she dropped a colt.”

“Ouch. Well it could have been worse.” James chuckles, “Picture if she had started all of this as a guy.”

Fleetfoot blinks a few times, trying to process that one before falling on her side laughing. “Oh my God you are twisted.”

“Well Velvet started as a guy, Wally, but turned into a strong and brave mare. I think she’ll do fine, and really I’d fight to have her stay in my unit.” James looks over to where Velvet is laying before looking back down at Fleetfoot.

“Apparently the kids are going to see if they can find the gate.”

“The kids?” James blinks, looking confused.

“You know, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Velvet and Blazes kids.”

“Really, what happens if they find it?” James gently puts his hand on Fleetfoot’s neck, stroking it.

“We go through and retake Equestria.” She says softly.

Shaking his head James keeps stroking, “You don’t sound confident, or do you not want to go through the gate.”

“I don’t know, Discord is a God. He’s had 25 years to prepare. I don’t know what we are going to face, but it’s definitely nothing I’ve been trained for.”

“How are you handling it? Are you okay with the idea of going through the gate?” James moves to scratch behind her ear, she finds herself leaning into the scratching, her eyes half closing in pleasure.

Blinking slowly she closes her eyes, “I’m a Wonderbolt, it’s my duty.”

“Duty, obligation, responsibility, these words are used all too often as justification to do what you don’t want to do. At the same time though I wonder, how many ponies are or were part of the military? Are active members under military contract? This could end with lots of ponies being listed as AWOL, and never being able to return to Earth.” James shakes his head slowly, “I understand the need to go home, but knowing they can never visit again because they will be arrested.”

“I still have a year left on my current contract.” Fleetfoot says and sighs, “If I go I’ll never be able to see my parents again, my sister.”

“They might be able to visit you.”

“What would you do?” Fleetfoot asks, putting her hoof into his hand.

“Hey I’m just a dumb grunt, infantry… You do the flying, we do the dying. If I had to choose, I’d look at who all was going, who had the training, and decide based on where I’d be needed the most at that time.”

“Roughnecks ho?” Fleetfoot says with a weak giggle.

“Rangers ho.”

Perking her ears, she sits up quickly looking over at Velvet as Night Light is forcing her back. Seeing this, James stands up quickly, “Ah Hell, this can’t be good.”

Starting to step forward, Feetfoot quickly puts a wing on James to hold him back, “One sec, Blaze is going over.”

James looks back down at Fleetfoot, “Those two are close, this could get volatile fast. I don’t know about the Velvet of the past but this one is a Ranger, if she gets pushed too hard, she can kill.”

“Velvet, she seems so…” Fleetfoot starts.

Shaking his head James simply states, “She got pissed off and telekinetically pulled all of the pins of grenades on a room full of enemy combatants.”

Throwing hear ears forward, Fleetfoot starts giggling, “Oh, oh.”

“What, my ears aren’t as good as a ponies.”

“Blaze just said he loves her and won’t let Night Light hurt her.” Fleetfoot giggles softly, “Spring love.”

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