• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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40: Shockwaves

“You know, with help from Velvet I could probably learn the spell to turn you back.” Sugarberry says, looking at Henry, her ears down, her eyes downcast.

“Not to belittle your skill, abilities, or power, but… with my luck, I’d likely end up a human female child.” He chuckles.

“Oh ouch, not nice.” Sugarberry says, sticking her nose up.

“I’m serious, even if you did everything right, something would happen and I’d end up in a worse situation. It would just be my luck with all things pony.” Henry laughs.

Sugarberry giggles then poked her head around the corner of the hospital corridor. “Velvet’s getting better fast, given all the calories we are pumping into her.”

“Yep, and not putting hospital food into her.” Henry chuckles. “I wish the hospital staff would stop trying to say she needs to eat healthy.”

“Umm, Henry, don’t look down. Whatever you do… do not look down.” Sugarberry says sternly.

Of course, when ever told not to look down, what is the universal response? Looking down. Henry just blinks, as he finds himself standing on a rainbow mural on the floor. “Oh hell no.” Turning quickly he rears to charge off when he gets grabbed from behind…

Henry cringes at the sound of a loud squee of a child, “Mommy, a real unicorn, look! And it’s so pink and fluffy!”

The little girl couldn’t have been older than four, she is wearing hospital gown, and has a pink scarf tied around her head, “I asked Make a Wish to get me one and they did!” She squeals excitedly.

Sugarberry just grits her teeth a bit, she knows he isn’t happy. Henry is standing perfectly still right now, so as not to accidentally injure the child. He looks at Sugarberry pleadingly. The child’s mom however isn’t any help right now, she is standing with tears in her eyes.

Very slowly Henry sits down and nuzzles the little girl, “Hello little one.” He speaks as gently and kindly as he can, “I’m Star Crossed.”

The girl squeals louder, letting go just long enough to put her arms around his neck.

“I know you’ve had a hard time, but you’ve been so brave for your mommy here.”

Her mom works hard to wipe tears off her own face. Watching the joy in her daughter’s eyes, something she hasn’t seen in months.

“I try, but it hurts.” She says.

“I know, but you need to stay brave, and never give up hope.” Closing his eyes, he touches her head with his horn, a bright glow covering her entire body.

Giggling softly, she looks up at her mom, “Can we keep him?”

“I’m sorry, little one. But there are so few of us unicorns around, and so many sick little girls that need us. You wouldn’t want to deny another little girl her wish would you?” Henry asks.

Looking down the girl sighs, “No.”

“One more hug, and make it a big one, and then you can go with your mommy.” Henry says, giving her a gentle hug with his neck.

Hugging with all her strength the girl finally lets go after a few moments and is picked up by her mom.

All her mom could do was mouth “Thank you,” before heading towards the cancer wing.

“Thank gosh this wasn’t a children’s hospital, we’d never get out of here.” He grumbled good-naturedly. Trying to stand Henry finds his legs wobbling badly and opts to sit down again quick.

“What did you do to her? I saw the horn glow.” Sugarberry asks, she just can’t help smiling right now.

“Umm, actually I have no idea…” he says, looking up at his horn. “I just tried to make her feel better. What ever it did, I'm kinda drained.”

*** 38.572585, -78.371238 @ 32,000 feet – 420 knots and descending. ***

Banking, the two pegasi begin making their decent from their cruising altitude. They have been flying for a few hours now, and James can’t wait to get his hooves back on the ground. Their flight path had them coming down in 3 sets of steps to avoid local traffic.

The first step they had just crossed and were expected to drop to 25,000 feet. Following Fleetfoot’s lead, James drops down as well, he finds he can gauge his speed and altitude pretty well by the air pressure and feel of the wind on his wings, but he still keeps trying to glance at Fleetfoot’s data pad.

“You’re doing fine.” Fleetfoot yells across the airstream as they level off. They have to hold this altitude for about three minutes until they cross the Hazel River. That is their next step down, and this is a hard drop.

Passing the river Fleetfoot nods and they both push over into a steep dive to shed altitude quickly. They have to get below 12,000 feet into VFR altitudes but are expected to do it in only about two miles of forward flight distance.

The dive has both of them pick up a lot of speed, the energy gained from dropping fifteen thousand feet has them both pushing nearly 600 knots, but as they level off they start shedding that speed fast. James just isn’t strong enough to maintain that speed at that low of an altitude.

Within eight minutes they cross into the airspace of Quantico, though they are still shedding speed, they can see in the distance their final landing point. The Russell-Knox building, a large A shaped structure that houses the offices of the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command or CID, The Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations, and the Navy and Marines Navel Criminal Investigations Service. To keep all three branches happy, they even have their own Dunkin’ Doughnuts right in house. Something the NCIS TV series never mentioned.

Landing by the front entrance, James shakes out his wings, fanning himself and trying to cool off. Glancing at Fleetfoot he shakes his head, “Ok so I’m not a fast flyer, or distance flyer like everypony else.”

“You are doing fine, in fact you’re already faster than about 60% of the pegasi out there. I figure you’re close to a 9.5 wingpower. You just need to trust in your wings and cutie mark more.”

“You do realize the spell is going to wear off tomorrow or the day after.” James says looking at her as he opens the door.

“Yep, but doesn’t matter.” She smiles nodding. “For now I can enjoy making your life a painful hell of suffering through what you are missing out on.”

“Are you sure you weren’t a Drill Sargent in a previous life?” James says, smiling.

“Nope, but count your feathers lucky. If it was Spitfire, she’d have you on the ground doing 100 wingups after that flight, saying you’re not even worthy to breath the same air as a real Wonderbolt.”

Stopping at the front desk both sit down on the floor, “Captain Fleetfoot and Lieutenant Wind Shield here to speak with the directors.”

“That’s Lieutenant James Fisher.” He says, looking sternly at Fleetfoot.

The desk clerk holds out a clipboard for the two to sign. Fleetfoot bites the pen with practice and fills out the paperwork then offers the pen to James.

“First… kind of eww, and second um, how do you write with your mouth?”

“Oh, right, um, teeth lips and tongue, but you haven’t practiced so it would come out as a scribble. Just give him the guest pass, we know it’s him.”

Swatting her flank with his wing, he ducks his head as the ID pass is put around his neck.

Fleetfoot swats his flank back with her wing, and ducks her head for her pass before heading in, they are escorted by a CID agent, but they are actually heading to the NCIS offices. Looking confused at each other they stop as the large steel door is opened for them.

The words on the sign by the door sums up the trouble, MTAC, Multiple Threat Analysis Center.

Inside, the big screens are already on, the directors of all three investigative branches are already in there. Secretary of Defense, Homeland, and Director of the FBI are all on the big screens. James knows it is so lucky Velvet wasn’t here, she’d be terrified under this kind of review.

All eyes quickly fall on Lt. James Fisher. Yep, he knows he isn’t getting promoted anytime soon. Not after this one. He resigns himself to the fact that he is going to be stuck as a lieutenant for at a few more years. Sometimes life just isn’t fair.

Ignoring a snicker from two of the directors he takes a deep breath. “Sir’s, you may not recognize me from my service photo but I’m Lt. James Fisher. A situation has developed.”

“A situation?!?!” And that would be the director of ICE.

“Yes a situation. We were given authority over the gate by the President. It was left as a diplomatic issue with the US Army providing security. We were informed, and the local police were informed that there were ponies arriving, and they were not to be harassed.” James takes a breath, watching his promotion clock click further and further away.

“The police were willing to accept that, up until the gate closed. The problem is, many ponies did not know the gate was closed. There was no public broadcasting of this, there was no news coverage that the gate was now closed. So we knew there would be stragglers. The police chose to start arresting stragglers.”

Taking a deep breath, James looks at the different directors. “When ponies of the Ranger team brought stragglers back from the police, we were further harassed by ICE.”

“Whereby several of my agents are now colorful equines.” The Director states.

Fleetfoot takes a turn, “And from this, we learned that even a trained Ranger, used to high stress situations, can lose control of her power. This means that any pony put into seriously stressful situations could lead to similar casualties or scenarios. This is why we need a pony face on encounters. Agents in all departments are going to need to be trained as to how to deal with equines respectfully.”

“Respect here is the key.” James says, “If the ICE agents had backed down, rather than continued to push, the situation would never have happened. Police or agents are going to need to be re-trained in how to handle situations. Or better yet, call in for help if they face scared or confused ponies.”

“So what am I supposed to tell these agents?”

“That the spell should wear off in a day or two, if it doesn’t in a few days Velvet should be strong enough to reverse the spell. This wasn’t easy for her, and was only really possible because of the proximity to the gate. Channeling that much power knocked her out for nearly twelve hours, and it caused a serious nose bleed, an indicator of magical exhaustion.” James says with a sigh.

“As such we don’t want her using any magic until she’s recovered.” Fleetfoot says, “Pegasi are fast flyers, in most cases we can get around the country faster than aircraft. Being able to call a pegasus to come in and act as a mediator for problems, might be your best bet.”

“We will consider this matter strongly. Due to the President’s statements, we will not hold Velvet responsible for this issue.” The Secretary of Defense says firmly, “But we will not ask for the ICE members to be disciplined. You may choose to discipline your agents, however that will be your choice Director Fields.”

The CID Director nodded to the pair of pegasi, “You’re dismissed, stay in the office though. I may need you in about half an hour.”

Nodding James turns and trots out, heading for the Dunkin’ D’s. Looking at Fleetfoot he sighs softly, “well that went well, at least in front of us.”

“Yep, I can see myself passed up in the next two or three promotion runs too. Especially after my part in the F-22 incident with Blaze.” She says, shaking her head.

Walking into the coffee shop, James looked at the selection of doughnuts, and instantly starts drooling. He didn’t realize just how hungry he was till now, but given how much flying he did... Grandfather had covered this with Blaze, flying takes a lot of energy.

Looking at the menu, the selection of foods, the bacon, the chicken, James stands for a moment, wings spread a bit. His tongue hanging out he finds it hard to decide just what to buy, just so much looks delicious.

“Bacon guacamole on flatbread, bacon chicken on pretzel bun, Apple cream Danish, and a large coffee.” James says, pulling out his wallet and working out some money. Fleetfoot can’t help but giggle, watching him.

Blinking confused James looks at his wingmare, “What? Am I doing something wrong?”

“You’re drooling but that’s not it… look back at your tail.” She says, covering her mouth.

Glancing back he watches his tail wiggling in excitement. “Traitor,” He grumbles.

“I’ll have the same but a diet sprite instead of the coffee,” smiling cutely at James, Fleetfoot adds, “I’m watching my weight.”

Facehoofing, James shakes his head. Sitting down with his meal he takes off his hoof boots to eat. One advantage to hoof boots is they keep the hooves clean for eating.

Glancing around James blinked looking at the agents in the break room. Sighing, he stands up, looking around, “Ok what?”

Everyone goes back to eating or drinking coffee, but continued watching him, causing him to ruffle his wings nervously.

Fleetfoot shakes her head, “Welcome to my world. We have a wider arc of vision so we notice easier when they are watching us. At the same time we are in a room full of investigators. None of which have probably seen a pony, let alone pegasi. So they are likely making mental notes, digital notes or such to help them later.”

Huffing he looks around again.

“Or it could be that big dollop of foam on your nose.” She says with a shrug.

“Great.” He says, wiping off his muzzle with a napkin, “So ends any hope of dignity.”

A special agent walks in, “The director is ready to see you now.”

Getting up quickly, the two ponies follow the agent through the building until they arrived at his office. It is a large room with oak desk, book shelves, and several pictures on the walls. The Director is in his late 40’s, with dark hair.

“What a mess.” The director says.

“We are going to have a lot of growing pains and adapting to do.” James counters.

“The actions were, inconvenient.” The director says, shaking his head. “Especially at this time.”

“I am aware, but I am also aware that she is still learning and growing, she still doesn’t fully understand herself yet. My fear is that there are others like her that are scared, and will get pushed too far, too hard. She’s one of the only teachers we have access to, but also she seems to have a way of having other ponies trust her.”

“So you are saying you want her in the field with you still?”

“I trust her with my life. I don’t trust those ICE officers.” James says.

“Dismissed.” He says with a nod.

Nodding, the two pegasi head out for their return flight.

*** Across the pond ***

“You really want to go through with this?” Tommy asks, concerned.

“It’s my duty. It’s the reason I was given this form.” She says, nodding. She looks though the trees.

“If you get seen run for the castle. You’re the only one that can get into that chamber.” Tommy says.

“Good idea, though I don’t want to find myself trapped.” She says, looking at the old structure.

“Leave your cellphone there. Give me a call if you’re hiding, and I can tell you when the coast is clear.”

“Oh that’s a good idea.” She says perking up.

“I’ll pick up an extended battery pack or charger pack you can leave there in case. I can also pick up some food and such for you to store in there. One of those uncut gems should be more than enough to pay for supplies.”

Giggling, she nods, “Like some kind of super hero. The unicorn cave.”

Moving as quietly as she can, she sees where Lion Construction had set up their vehicles. They haven’t started cutting or leveling yet. That is still a few days away. They had, however, set up a fence to protect their vehicles, as well as put in a trailer.

A single security guard is on duty, but he is sitting in the trailer. All of their precautions would deter or prevent normal people from stealing or vandalizing the place with ease. Climbing the fence would slow people down, give the guard a chance to catch them.

Looking up at her horn she smiles. She isn’t a normal person though. She was chosen by the forest. Concentrating her magic, she smiles as she carefully starts adding sugar to petrol tanks. Carefully she works to disable all of the machinery by blocking exhausts, damaging fuel lines or whatever she can see or reach.

She doesn’t want to hurt anyone. It’s just wrong after all. These people are just doing jobs and getting paid to do it. They would still get paid, but just wouldn’t be able to complete their jobs.

Turning she trots back to her tent and sits looking at the fox and bunnies. “Don’t worry I’ll protect your homes.”

*** James ***

“You need to fly with your head more, keep your nose into the airstream.” Fleetfoot says as she does a hard bank.

“Easy for you to say,” James says, following her into the turn and powering though it.

“Trust your cutie mark, it’s got wings for a reason. You are meant to fly. Now straighten your neck more, and breathe out hard.” She said doing a snap turn and powering into a 9G roll.

“My mark?” He looks back at his cutie mark and shivers before taking a deep breath.

Pushing hard he follows her, exhaling as hard as he can, and straining against the forces. Leveling out he pants and blinks trying to get the grey out of his vision.

“Doing good, once you learn some of the basic air combat tricks you’ll be a lot more comfortable in the air. One of the big secrets though is, looking into the airstream that you’re flying into. You have a huge peripheral vision so you don’t need to look around as much.” She looks at him nodding, “This is something all Wonderbolts train in. So it can become second nature. Fly with your head and trust your cutie mark.”

“Easier said than done, I’m already regretting this. Really I should have just booked a military flight.” James says then groans as she breaks into a negative 6G spiral.

Rolling over her, he powers into the turn as well, feeling like he is going to puke. He’d had negative g spin outs before, but this isn’t supposed to be a spin out, he was supposed to be in control.

Landing on a cloud, Fleetfoot watches and nods as James touches down beside her. “You have a lot of instincts for flight, you can see and feel air currents, understand how to throw your weight around, into turns and such. If Spitfire had you for a few weeks she’d have you whipped into a passable Wonderbolt reserve lickety split.”

“And this is why I’m glad I’m human.” James says with a chuckle.

Laying down on the cloud she looks over at him, “I don’t know, it may sound selfish, but part of me wishes you could stay like this. You’re one of the few pegasi I can really spend time with or get along with. You’re fun to fly with, fun to talk with. I just feel safe with you.”

“I see, so I’m not good enough as a human?” He says with a smile.

“Not what I meant in the slightest. Just I’m more physically attracted to stallions rather than humans.” She says, looking down at the ground far below.

Gently he puts his wing over her protectively and snuggles tighter, “I know, and I know it must be hard. Being trapped in another world, wondering if you’ll ever find someone to love you. You don’t have to worry though, you have friends here. Ponies that care about you.”

“Well, I don’t have any recent head trauma.” She murmurs, sighing as she snuggles closer to him.

He cocks his head to the side, “What?”

Looking into his eyes she tilted her head a bit and gently kisses him on his lips.

*** Velvet ***

“I just feel awful.” I say slowly pushing myself up in bed.

Blaze laughs softly, “With that amount of power spent of course you would. You’re not Sunset Shimmer or the Element of Magic.”

“Not what I meant, I meant I feel awful about zapping everyone.” Whimpering softly, my horn is throbbing, “I feel so bad for Henry and the LT, I know how much they hate being ponies.”

“But you should have seen the faces on the ICE ponies. I swear, Ah-Pee had to spend a good ten minutes calming them down. That was before she could even start teaching them how to walk.” Chuckling, “They came out with zero instincts in this, so they were pretty much foals.”

“Yeah but there were more than just ICE there.” I say and pick up a doughnut, munching.

“Yep but remember, the rest of the police and army there knew about ponies, had been living with us for days. I think most of them are more enjoying the chance to see what life is on the pony side.”

“Ok let’s try this.” I say and slowly roll out of bed onto my hooves. Aside from a slight dizziness I think I can hold my balance. “How are Feather and the Cotton Twins?”

“Ballad’s looking after them with Eric. Are you sure you should be up already?”

“I do if I want to go to the little fillies room.” I say, heading for the bathroom.

“Oh, oh yeah, um I’ll wait here.” Blaze says, looking innocent.

Blinking I glance sideways at him, “Thank you, there ARE some things I can do myself.” I say, giggling and close the door.

Boys sometimes, they can be so overprotective. Actually when did I start thinking like that? It still hits me sometimes, when I realize just how far my thoughts have changed. Cleaning up I wash off my hooves, and step flush before stepping out.

“I do go pretty far into mama bear mode don’t I?” I say, looking down.

“Yep, but that’s not a bad thing. It gives us a good idea of when to dive for cover.” Blaze says, putting a wing over my back.

“Well that works I guess.” Sitting down, I get to work finishing off the last of the food there. “I just don’t want everyone getting in trouble or hurt because of me.”

“I don’t think you’d ever hurt me.” Blaze says, before giving me a soft kiss.

“Never on purpose,” I smile at him, “well not unless you asked for a kicking.”

“So what now?”

“Now, I become a Zombie pony,” Holding out one foreleg I shamble towards the door. “Grains, I crave grains.”

Henry and Sugarberry cut me off at the door, “Bed!” Henry says, looking at me sternly.

“But, food… pancakes, calling me…” I say to Henry and give him the saddest eyes I can muster, which isn’t hard given how I’m feeling.

“Ok fine, you win. Let’s all hit the IHOP.” Henry shakes his head.

Henry flicks his ear, pulling out his phone with his TK and calls up everyone. He lets them know we are leaving the hospital for the IHOP again.

Spell, hospital, IHOP, I hope this doesn’t become a pattern for me. Honestly I’d have gone back to the gate for food there but the mess has already been broken down. Heading down I looked at the JLTV’s and wonder. Is IHOP ready for what was about to hit them?

Pulling up in front of the IHOP we see Ah-Pee and the foals already waiting for us. LT and Fleetfoot, along with the other pegasi are landing. Yeah, this is going to be fun. Heading in laughing, the entire place goes quiet but we didn’t care. This is our time and humans aren’t going to bother us. The military has brought a medium mover there as well, driven by few human soldiers who are joining in apparently.

There are also some of the ponies who had been changed by accident, they are in the medium mover, essentially a five ton, six wheeled truck. They probably are going to use it to move all of us back to Fort Bragg in one group.

*** US ARMY SOC ***

Bridger General Wilson sits looking across the desk at his aid, Captain Maxwell. They really have their work cut out for them after all the problems. The gate shut down is now complete but new ponies are still cropping up. In the army alone one new unicorn appeared in the last week.

“The President is really going to have to make a choice on this.” The Captain says,

“All branches need to get together on things. The problem is we can’t keep it secret and put out a general order at the same time. There’s just too many possible people that could come into contact with them.” Wilson says and grumbles.

“Not to mention cases where groups decide to go to IHOP or such.”

“Tell me about it. Wait, who’s going to IHOP?”

“I’m just saying. Things like that can happen. CID got back to us on Volker’s daughter?”

“Did she get through the gate safely?” Wilson asks, concerned.

“Yep, and she didn’t show up on the casualty list.” Maxwell slides the paperwork over to Wilson.

“She’s a baker?” Wilson half asked, half said surprised, “A pink unicorn, blue mane and tail, and he’d have had her horn cut off because he thought it might turn her back into a human?”

“So why do you concern yourself so much with them?” Maxwell asks, “If you don’t mind me asking sir.”

“It’s hard to explain, no I’m not a brony or anything like that. I do come from a long family line of Calvary though. Be it my father serving as air cavalry during the Vietnam war. Grandfather was mechanized cavalry, great grandfather was cavalry.

“So… horse blood.” He says with a chuckle.

“Can say that. I was always taught to respect horses. So I carry that respect to the ponies I guess. Truth is though, I served in anti-piracy operations in Africa. I was part of the groups that did ground raids against pirate bases. I saw people being taken as slaves, children being bought and sold just because they were different. I saw children being used as sex slaves.” Shaking his head he sighs, “People being branded to remind them and others that they are less than human. I didn’t have the power to stop it then.”

“But now you’re in a position to help?”

“Well, as much as we can. It’s still up to the Joint Chiefs and President to the make policy.”

*** Velvet ***

It is a short drive to the Dubuque Airport. The problem is, we had to wait nearly 2 hours before the plane arrived. They are flying us down to Fort Bragg via aircraft rather than having us spend a day driving there. There is not just the seven pony Ranger Team, but the Unicorn club, the three foals, Ah-Pee, and 5 temporary ponies of the US Army.

We have been relaxing in the back of the truck waiting. Since we didn’t need to go through any flight security, customs or anything, they just park the truck on the tarmac. After the IHOP, we are all comfortable just to rest in the truck.

We were all just dozing away, Feather and the Cotton twins in a ball using each other as pillows. The LT has his wing over Fleetfoot. I’m laying with my muzzle on Blaze’s legs, his wing over me. Ah-Pee has her muzzle on my back, with Jay and Sanchez using her as a pillow. There isn’t a single pony that isn’t cuddled up using someone else as a pillow in the back of the truck.

There was some base instinct that told us, we are in a group. We are safe. So when the tarp flips up, all of us just lazily blinked at the light and looked out. The aircrew just looks shocked at the sight.

“Nope, I’m just not going to deal with this.” The rampy just turns away from the back of the truck.

“What’s wrong?” The next one asks.

“See for yourself.”

Slowly we all raised our heads blinking as the next rampy looks in. “Ok that’s just too cute. Since when it’s the air force shipping animals around though?”

I yawn and blink a few times, “Since the foundation of the United States Army, when horses where shipped by freighter and train. Since World War 1 and 2 when horses were sent overseas by whatever means they could. Bomb dogs, security dogs.” I say, standing up and stretching.

“It can talk!”

“It…” The LT pipes up, “is a US Army ranger, and a corporal in the US army. While that might not be so interesting, she’s also a magic wielding unicorn. Show her respect. I, on the other hand, am a Lieutenant and this here is a Captain. That actually is interesting, because it requires you two, to stand at attention and salute.”

Both of them snap to attention, saluting, blinking rapidly in shock.

“Ok everypony on your hooves. The aircraft is here so shake your tail.”

Fleetfoot looks at James, “Are you sure about this? Trust me you are going to hate it.”

“Well lots of these ponies can’t fly, better to suffer as a group, then be happy and worry about the rest.”

Smiling I give the LT a nuzzle, and head onboard the airplane. Honestly we are making more use of these VIP transports than the officers do, though I think this one is configured for cargo again, with pallets so we can lay down rather than sitting in seats for the entire flight.

The worst part of the flight though, starts just after takeoff. Honestly, sitting and watching every single pegasi start moaning about the flight. Looking down at Blaze I bop his nose, giggling. “Come on, let the humans fly. Rest and relax.”

The LT groans, as we hit some turbulence, and every pegasi wings extends out at once.

“Look, neither me, nor Henry can fly, and Jay, Sanchez an Eric are not rated for long distance flights. So every pegasi put their wings down, or I’ll turn you all human.”

It kind of shocks me to see all the wings go down at once. They were only going to be pegasi for another day or so, but they reacted like any real pegasi would. Its lucky Rainbow Dash, Dust, or Spitfire didn’t see this. There would be no living it down.

*** 36.283142, -118.678791 ***

Tapping his ear piece once he answered the ring. “You’ve got them?”

“Six mares, ready for shipping.” The voice on the other end says.

“Only six?” Pulling out a hammer he began he begins pounding a steel piton into the rock face.

“Five more are coming in tomorrow, all mares again.”

“Excellent, we can get nearly $50,000 per for them. Some people will play a mint to… play with those things.” Smiling at the thought of nearly half a million in product, these slaves would do well. And with no laws covering them yet, the money would just flow.

“So where are you, boss?”

Slipping into the climbing hammock he looks down the cliff face. “You know me, just hanging around.”

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