• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 26th, 2015



100 trackers!!! Also "Mothers" sequel? · 8:29pm Mar 8th, 2012

Hey guys, I just want to say thanks to everyone following my stories. To celebrate 100 trackers for Sweetie Belle's Secret and 25 for Vinyl met him by Chance, I will be releasing a prolouge to Sweetie Belles Secret and a new chapter in Vinyl met him by Chance. Also, apparently alot of the people who enjoy my story like "Mothers" so I'm pleased to say that I'm in negotians of making a sequel. It's not final, but the more support I see here, the more likely it will happen. Thanks again guys, I

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Comments ( 12 )
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Really miss you bro...

Copypasta: Stopped by to say hello! :D

hey Riff! What's up?
It's been awhile, We need to chat it up more!

You're invited to come stay at Themane5.webs.com
It's my website where most of my brony friends are, you should totally join!
Me and Ash are there, and thats where we normally talk

18225 boopedy boop boop

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