• Member Since 8th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2016

The Guy on Your Right


Merry Christmas! · 11:55pm Dec 23rd, 2014

Ey, guys! It's already Christmas! -- Er... at least for us. So let me be the first to say to you guys, "Maligayang Pasko po sa inyong lahat!"

And, as my gift to you, my followers, I'm going to try to at least sketch something what you want me to. So, send away requests!

Report The Guy on Your Right · 356 views ·

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! · 5:25pm Dec 24th, 2013

As the title says, "Merry Christmas" to all, or Happy Hearth's Warming Day, or whatever occassion you guys are celebrating today. It's been a long time without update, and guessing, it might continue on. If you're wondering -- and hopefully, not -- it's because of school works, and lazing off, but mostly lazing off. Again, Merry Christmas! Here's a picture related to said-topic that is too cute to just leave.

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 471 views ·

Hey guys! · 2:08am Oct 15th, 2013

I got something to show you: Clicky!
It's a visual novel called "Starswirl Academy". Just saw the post earlier from Bronyism, which has a link to the game. I thought you might like it guys, since it looks great, basing from the cute picture that comes with the post. Haven't played it yet, but being a fan of interactive comics, fictions, etc. means that I should. He-he.

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 359 views ·

Just a Quick Survey · 8:46pm Sep 1st, 2013

Hey, guys. I just want to ask you something quick. Most of my stories include my OC, 'Pico', and I've been using him for like, every story I have. I'm starting to feel uneasy about it, thinking that you guys might hate me for doing so. So, I'll just ask you guys, directly.

Do I have to make another OC?

I would appreciate it, if you'd spend a few seconds to answer this single question, with a simple yes or no.

Report The Guy on Your Right · 409 views ·

Button's Mom has Got it Goin' on · 3:16am Aug 10th, 2013

Lol, I was expecting for a parody song of "Stacy's Mom", featuring Buttons's Mom.

But I didn't expect it to be this soon!

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 845 views ·

Theater Critic · 2:39pm Jul 31st, 2013

If you don't know TheaterCritic, then this doesn't concern you, and be glad that it doesn't. I was talking to him on Skype earlier, and he wanted me to post a blog post for him. Here's what he want me to post:

I just want Wind to be a regular OC, not a subject of reticule and an overused icon of trollfics. SO LEAVE WIND ALONE!

There... I talked him out to use less capitalization.

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Thoughts? · 5:48am Jul 1st, 2013

Last time, I posted a blog about writing a crossover story with I am Alive, and ponies. Turns out, I couldn't write it without making the plot, the same as the game. But after finishing the game 'The Last of Us', I finally got it.

Okay, here's the summary.

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 345 views ·

EG - Helping Twilight Win Her Crown · 8:44am Jun 23rd, 2013

Just saw this on Youtube.

Yeah... too bad I can't watch in the theaters. Damn, why can't they air it in Philippines?

Anyways, opinion:

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 388 views ·

Dramatic Reading · 6:32am Jun 17th, 2013

Kalreas made a dramatic reading of my story, 'Goodbye my Friend'. And I have to say, It was awesome!

The way he read the story was great, there was dramatic background music playing, his voice fit the theme – which is sad. And once again, it was awesome!

Here is the video:

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 393 views ·

Man... Fimfiction Changed me... Like, a Lot · 2:24pm Jun 16th, 2013

So yeah, like the title said: I just noticed how cocky, and immature -- I guess -- I became, in just a span of six months. Yep, it's been six months since I first joined Fimfiction; the time when I was still new to writing.

I was kind of shy back then... and still had a descent attitude -- unlike today, where now I'm not ashamed to show my true attitude.

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 326 views ·