• Member Since 8th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2016

The Guy on Your Right

More Blog Posts25

  • 500 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Ey, guys! It's already Christmas! -- Er... at least for us. So let me be the first to say to you guys, "Maligayang Pasko po sa inyong lahat!"

    And, as my gift to you, my followers, I'm going to try to at least sketch something what you want me to. So, send away requests!

    12 comments · 356 views
  • 552 weeks

    As the title says, "Merry Christmas" to all, or Happy Hearth's Warming Day, or whatever occassion you guys are celebrating today. It's been a long time without update, and guessing, it might continue on. If you're wondering -- and hopefully, not -- it's because of school works, and lazing off, but mostly lazing off. Again, Merry Christmas! Here's a picture related to said-topic that is too cute

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    2 comments · 471 views
  • 562 weeks
    Hey guys!

    I got something to show you: Clicky!

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    0 comments · 359 views
  • 568 weeks
    Just a Quick Survey

    Hey, guys. I just want to ask you something quick. Most of my stories include my OC, 'Pico', and I've been using him for like, every story I have. I'm starting to feel uneasy about it, thinking that you guys might hate me for doing so. So, I'll just ask you guys, directly.

    Do I have to make another OC?

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    8 comments · 410 views
  • 572 weeks
    Button's Mom has Got it Goin' on

    Lol, I was expecting for a parody song of "Stacy's Mom", featuring Buttons's Mom.

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    21 comments · 846 views

Just a Quick Survey · 8:46pm Sep 1st, 2013

Hey, guys. I just want to ask you something quick. Most of my stories include my OC, 'Pico', and I've been using him for like, every story I have. I'm starting to feel uneasy about it, thinking that you guys might hate me for doing so. So, I'll just ask you guys, directly.

Do I have to make another OC?

I would appreciate it, if you'd spend a few seconds to answer this single question, with a simple yes or no.

Report The Guy on Your Right · 410 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

personally i don´t mind pico, he´s an enjoyable character for the most part, but if you want to write about characteristics that he just doesn´t have, you might want to make a character that does.

1322087 Thanks for the feedback. I highly appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

A new OC will allow you to widen the spectrum of story's you could possibly write.. Other than that I love Pico/Pica!!

I enjoy pico as well. Even if his personality can vary just a bit from story to story.

Do a mare who is really horny 24/7 idk just an idea but I like Pico & Pica that's how u got ur popularity Pico & Pica are both the best characters u ever put out in fanfics I think they're both adorable

Do what you want, I'll always be here to help fuck up/better your works

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