• Member Since 8th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2016

The Guy on Your Right


Wow · 6:41am Jun 8th, 2013

After watching this, I was amazed. I, for one, welcome our new bipedal princess.

Report The Guy on Your Right · 304 views ·

Equestria Girls · 2:20am May 13th, 2013

So, I saw Bronystories' new blog post that contains this.

In my opinion, it doesn't look bad... until I saw Twilight's new boyfriend, and Rainbow Dash in a skirt... and also their skin color...

But at least, DJ Pon3 is still cool, even in her 'Hasbro Human Form'.

Report The Guy on Your Right · 308 views ·

Hey Guys · 12:33pm May 11th, 2013

It's been a long time now, since I've last made an update -- that also goes for my stories. Been very busy lately. And when I meant busy, I meant lazy.

Summer has a strong effect on me.

Anyways, I was thinking of a crossover fiction, between MLP and I am Alive. Even made a sketch out of it, because of the hype and all.

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 265 views ·

Update · 12:50pm Apr 11th, 2013

Well... I work really slow. A chapter of two of my stories are already half-finished. And so is the first chapter of my new story. And also my new new story, which involves Snowdrop shipping. Well, maybe not shipping. I'm still thinking about it if I should make a story, or a one-shot clop (It's not a foalcon). If I make it a story, then I would probably stack myself with incomplete stories, which I try to avoid (There are just so much possibilities which I don't want to waste).

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 267 views ·

Just a Question · 7:33am Apr 7th, 2013

How many are you here, not open to incest stories? I was thinking of writing a story about retelling Bubble Berry's (The gender swapped Pinkie Pie) life when he was still living in the rock farm. It will focus pretty much on his daily life. But I'm asking if some of her aren't open to incest, since I thought maybe getting Inkie to fall for her brother would be a fun idea.

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Help! · 5:47am Mar 30th, 2013

My computer broke down, and I'm on the iPad today. Either everytime I start it up, it stops after the window logo shows up. Or, half of the screen turns black when I'm running a program. Does anyone here know how to fix this kind of problems?

Report The Guy on Your Right · 252 views ·

Awesome · 3:10am Mar 27th, 2013

Season 4 of MLP is coming this winter!!! And also.

There's going to be a new theme song in MLP Japanese: Mirai Start.

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Happy Valentines Day · 1:51pm Feb 13th, 2013

Happy Valentines day everybody, or everypony. Whichever one you choose. Also, an update. Thanks to the experience here in writing in Fimfiction. My grades in English is now two times better. Also for Math and Science. My only problem now is T.L.E which I'm not really good at, but I'll try my best. So for my stories, since we have no classes on Friday, I'll try to make a double chapter on my current story. Anyways, Happy Valentines day again. Oh wait, Hearts and Hooves day.

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Game Over · 5:58am Feb 12th, 2013

Looks like my grades in school lowered, a lot. Well not all, three subjects to be precise. I guess the only way I could maintain a good grades is to act like a vacuum in front of my teachers. At least, that's what my classmates are doing to get good grades. Acting like a whoregood student in front of a teacher to get good grades. I guess being an honest student doesn't get you anywhere. *sigh*

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 460 views ·

Update · 3:38pm Feb 9th, 2013

Has anybody of you noticed that the message that says

Site usage currently may be limited. We are fixing some technical issues on the site. We apologise for any inconvenience caused (please do not count on the site saving anything important right now!)

has typos. Sorry if I wasted some of your time, but I just got bored.

Site usage currently may bemaybe limited. We are fixing some technical issues on the site. We apologiseapologize for any inconvenience

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Report The Guy on Your Right · 297 views ·