• Member Since 21st Nov, 2012
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Kaizer Kingzilla X

I like the taste of tofu and sashimi.


Somebody done goofed! · 8:19pm Oct 30th, 2014

I just bought the Rainbow Rocks DVD and thought all of you should know that somebody in editing switched Awesome as I wanna be, and Under our spell around completely throwing off the flow of the movie I'm letting you all know so you can pass it on to everyone else before they buy it.

Report Kaizer Kingzilla X · 304 views ·
Comments ( 21 )
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Thank you very much for the fave on The Light in the Darkness ! :pinkiesmile:

2208726 Um...it was what introduced me to Godzilla...so...I also found the first Godzilla movie online.

The hatred is that the movie was a poor representation of what Godzilla truly is.
Zilla jr from the series represented Godzilla better and yes the show was awsome.
I've had time to curb my anger toward the movie and am now over it, not many other G-Fans can get over it.

Oh hey, Zilla and Godzilla. I still don't know the hatred for Zilla. I loved that movie and the cartoon that came with it. It brought us memorable moments like...Nigel constantly screaming when he got crushed.

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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