• Member Since 27th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2023


Long time reader, first time publisher. Perhaps against my better judgement, I'm taking a chance out here. Let's see where it goes. Please give feedback whenever you can!


"I AIN'T DEAD!" · 1:32pm May 28th, 2020

So I have been on a hiatus a little longer than I expected: about a month, I believe. I won't bore you with the details of my personal issues, worsened by the quarantine, but I'm much better and raring to write some more about our favorite human/Fluttershy couple. (What do you MEAN it's not your favorite...? Fine. BE that way.)

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A Break No One Else May Notice · 5:45pm May 8th, 2020

Today I fully realized how crazed and sleep deprived I have become. Not because of my writing, but I have a nagging suspicion it's affected my writing. And even that is something I cannot be sure of. I am that tired and I know I am not thinking clearly.

So, I am taking a break. Not a hiatus, as I suspect this may only take a week. No more than two. And as my chapters seem to take 2-3 weeks anyway, most people won't even notice. But I can't step forward until I step back.

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The virus is getting to my writing · 6:44pm Apr 11th, 2020

I've had to rewrite the chapter I am writing for the third, or maybe fourth time. The tone changed horribly, and I have shocked at it and myself. My story has never had violence before, and twice I have written the chapter with brutal content. Now to have it in stories is fine, but here it would be introducing Godzilla to the Teletubbies (except that sounds like a GREAT idea). Everyone watching would be like "where did That come from?"

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For those quarantined alone · 3:42am Mar 26th, 2020

This hit me today: that there are those who may be quarantined in their home and are completely by themselves. I can't imagine and my heart goes out to any of you who are experiencing this! Especially if you suffer from depression, as I have. All I can say is reach out to as many people during the day as you possibly can. Especially if you can call and actually talk to someone. Hearing a human voice makes a world of difference. I should know, as I spent years walling myself off from

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Because I'm an idiot. · 11:50pm Mar 4th, 2020

It amazes me how blind I can be on some of my posts. Sure, I'm not the only one who fails to read the rules on groups, but I did some that were so tasteless, especially on the Anti-Depression group, which I can't believe I even put up. Dear god, me of all people should know better.

"We're here to encourage each other and help deal with our real problems."

"Read this! I'm a dick!"


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Writing relationships · 9:46pm Feb 27th, 2020

There's something which has eaten at me for a while in regards to my writing: the premise for a healthy relationship needs more. I'm sure others can be tempted to write it where character a loves character b because they are attractive and nice. Or character a saves character b's life, and that's the basis for everything. Now for those who build up so much more than that, they are awesome. I, however, am tempted to fall into the same stifling pit of "you like her because she's THERE." Worse

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For those waiting for the next part · 8:08pm Feb 17th, 2020

I don't know how many will read this, but I do apologize to all my readers for the delay. It's been over a week and I told myself I'd not delay this story no matter how long it gets. Honestly, I think I have 90% of it written, but the main problem is I feel like I'm having a hard time connecting it with the events at the end of the last chapter. I may have to rewrite this current chapter and use what I have for a future chapter. I may be moving too fast in their current relationship (no,

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ADHD Moment #3742 · 6:54pm Feb 11th, 2020

Just a moment to point out how hilariously blind I can be. So I was editing a new story post and I kept wondering why it had 13 views. I panicked! How could someone be viewing this when it isn't even published? Who has access? And then I saw the live reader count. 1 life reader! Who was it? Then I realized what you all probably already know: I was the life reader because I was on the page. All those views were all the times I was typing my story on different parts of the week.

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Random writer's thought #1 · 3:12am Jan 26th, 2020

Please note this post does not apply to simply my story (singular as of this date) on this site. If I think this much about my writing of a slapped together romance that partially involves graphic interspecies intercourse and [words removed due to their graphic nature and detailed accounts of bodily positions] then I need more therapy than I imagine. Anyway, onto the post!

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How I write · 12:49am Jan 14th, 2020

Okay, first off, this is NOT an attempt to tell people how to write or that my way of writing is best, because it's NOT. I'm simply selfishly throwing out there a glimpse into how I form my dumb little story.

Really I'm just vomiting up a bunch of stuff locked in my head to try and see if someone understands the method to my madness.

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