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Fallout dude 50


A little too much · 3:42am Jan 28th, 2022

mmmmm~ soooo goooood

*pinkie continues to moan in approval as she eats the cookies beside her not caring about the others around her*

pinkie can you please stop moaning! It’s getting annoying

and stop eating all the cookies! Save some for the rest of us

I can’t help it there so good!

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 75 views ·

His cooking · 4:31am Jan 19th, 2022

mmmm~ Sooo goooood~

pinkie pie put those cookies down right now and help me!

* pinkie stopped half way into her 7th cookie when Rarity spoke up and looked at her with confusion and sadness*

but honey bunny made them!

yes I know that but those are for after we finish this project! And so far I’m the only one doing anything

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 53 views ·

Another ruined hoodie · 5:46am Jan 14th, 2022

*Fallout gulped in fear as he stood outside of Rarity’s boutique preparing to face yet another lecture from her after ruining another hoodie while working *

Ugh I hate this part *sighs* welp might as well get this over with

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 77 views ·

River fun · 1:57am Jan 12th, 2022

fallout get off your phone and join us the water is great!

yeah come on stud get your butt in here

*fallout smirks and looks up from his phone to look at Sunset and Rainbow in the river in front of him then at the others who were playing in it*

In a minute I promise

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 73 views ·

Happy new year · 5:46am Jan 1st, 2022

Happy new year everypony! I hope you all have an amazing time and remember to be careful if your planning on drinking this year has been hard for me but I promise that 2022 will be better….hopefully I plan on doing my blogs as much as possible at least once every other day or every day like I used to so-

hubby bunny what are you doing in here…wait are you doing another blog?!

Uh yeah I am I was just-

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 81 views ·

Friendship math afterwards · 5:03am Dec 31st, 2021

*as Twilight and pinkie continue to hug each other they hear a familiar voice speak up*

Well well well I’m definitely definitely enjoying this view I just wish my hands weren’t full

*The two girls stop hugging and look to see fallout smiling at them while holding a pizza box with three drinks on top*

hi honey bunny! Did you bring us something to eat

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Hearths warming shopping · 4:54am Dec 29th, 2021

Sorry this is late guy’s hope you enjoy

ok let’s no freak out everypony! We only just forgot to go hearts warming shopping again is all like last year!!

we’re not worried it’s only a you Twilight

what?! Why is it just me

because there’s no point in it last time we did it things turned out horrible

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 72 views ·

Marry Christmas · 12:00am Dec 25th, 2021

Marry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend sorry for the lack of blogs life has me busy but I promise I’ll be doing a blog as soon as I can

Report Fallout dude 50 · 60 views ·

School shenanigans · 4:27am Dec 11th, 2021

P-pinkie cut it out your going to ruin my favorite hoodie!

*giggle snorts* relax it’s fine!

*pinkie continues to ignore his pleas as she continues to invite herself into his hoodie while he was still in it, it didn’t take long for her to pop her head out of the head hole and come face to face with her boyfriend*

see I told you it would be fine! Now we look super cute like this! Mmmmm~ your so warm honey bunny

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Work stress · 4:13am Dec 8th, 2021

Boy howdy that was a doozy of a hunt today huh Sugarcube!

*fallout couldn’t help but Shake his head and look up at Applejack with an unamused expression *

A doozy is an understatement babe Your cousin didn’t tell us about the coyote den! that lack of information ruined my original plan and almost got you hurt

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 52 views ·