• Member Since 7th Jun, 2017
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Dr Sharaz Jek

Cynically Pretentious Hedonistic Nihilist...and those are my nicer qualities!


More season 9 impressions. (Episodes 10-13.) · 6:06pm Nov 2nd, 2019

Going To Seed- One of the better Applejack focused episodes, with some nice bonding between her and Bloom. Poor Big Mac. Felt like another nice throwback to simpler times, not much more to say. 3 out of 5.

Student Counsel- Another Josh Haber episode I like? It's a miracle! Of course I love Trixie and Starlight so I'm biased, plus I enjoy Maud and Sunburst and Maude. (You can keep Briar and Silver Stream though!) Trixie in particular had some priceless reactions here. 3 and a half out of 5.

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Further ventures into season 9 (Episodes 6 through 9) · 12:50pm Oct 25th, 2019

Common Ground- This episode had potentially a lot going against it. Don't care about buckball, Rainbow Dash is tied with Applejack at the bottom of the mane six (I like them, just less than the others), Quibble Pants was okay at best in his first appearance, and most of all Josh Haber is my least favorite of the major writers on the show.

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Finally started on season 9! · 11:54pm Oct 21st, 2019

Only five episodes in. Thoughts so far:

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Won third place in a contest! · 2:41pm Oct 7th, 2019

Granted there weren't many participants, but I'm grateful to those who read and enjoyed the story!



Another Mass Dislike · 5:46pm Oct 4th, 2019

Again, someone's gone and defaced a chunk of my stories in a row. Coward. Unfortunately there's no defense against it on this site, rendering ratings useless to smaller creators. It's a rich-get-richer community here.


Ever relate hard to an unpopular episode? · 4:40am Sep 24th, 2019

For me Yakity-Sax is one of those. I can understand people thinking it's character assassination to portray her in such an extreme manner, as Pinkie's easily my second favorite cast member, but I found the situation very relatable.

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Report Dr Sharaz Jek · 160 views ·

Story Update for Daddy's Little Darling · 5:44pm Aug 24th, 2019

Just a small heads-up for anyone reading this tale, I updated the main chapter a bit to flesh it out a tad; not a huge amount of changes but several hundred more words now to hopefully add some weight. Also, added a bonus chapter with Beatrix/Shining/Cadance/Trixie! Happy clopping to anyone who enjoys! :twilightblush:


Vacation and Upcoming Projects · 9:36pm Jul 27th, 2019

Taking a short vacation (Less than a week) so I may not be able to write for a few days, but here's stuff I'm working on/have planned:

-More chapters for Beatrix Belladonna vs the Vampiric Planet, It's Always Sunny in Equestria

-Possible new chapters for I Dream of Succubi and Discord Smorgasbord; these stories are requests so momentum depends on suggestions of those who requested them

-Possible sequel to Cum on the Dance Floor 2 (Requested), sequel to Raripunk is Dead

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A Few of My Favorite (Longer) Stories · 12:47am Jul 14th, 2019

Being a relatively small author on here, I'm probably not the best person to advertise, but here are a few stories on this site I love that I feel could always use more attention! All at least partially clop of course, but I think these could still stand on their own without the naughty bits, not that I'd want to lose those!

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Another day, another round of dislikes. · 7:16pm Mar 31st, 2019

Fourth time someone has gone and disliked pretty much all my stories. Not sure why, but it makes ratings increasingly hard for me to take seriously here. Probably didn't even bother to read anything beyond the tags of one story and got offended.