• Member Since 11th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


"Damnation is only a daydream away, but still, we carry on..." -Morbid Angel


The world's fucked up. · 6:34pm June 12th

I've been trying to figure why I'm alive for as long as I can remember. Now I know. It's too clean up the mess when everything goes to shit.

Report MellowSoul · 45 views ·

So this happened today. · 4:38pm June 1st

Woke up this morning to a comment on facebook calling me a pedophile because of the drawing below. Turns out it was apparently a meme? An inside joke? Who the fuck memes about something so serious? It's fucked up, man.

Report MellowSoul · 48 views · #angry #rant #pissed

New chapter up. · 8:21pm April 6th

CONTENT WARNING for mentions of grief and sexual abuse. I had to write the background so people could understand the full context behind the story. If that's not a topic you feel like getting into, skip this one and wait 'til chapter six. It's a lot more light from here. Just letting you all know in case it turned out to be too much.

Seraph's Kiss (Chapter 5)


Just to clarify · 8:34am April 5th

While my second OC Atmospheric is an angel, Harmonic's a regular earth pony. He's literally a normal-ass dude who happened to score with the most powerful mare in the universe.

Lucky bastard.

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Power couple sketch. · 3:13pm April 4th

Now that we've entered the rebirth phase of my OCs' stories, figured I'd make a sketch showing off later phases in their twenties. While their relationship is meant to be portrayed as primarily wholesome, they are a married couple, and what do married couples in healthy dynamics tend to do from time to time?

You get the idea.

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Love story between OCs. · 12:54am April 4th

Working on a little side project featuring my OCs. It's inspired by a combination of metal music and some of my personal experiences growing up. Link down below.

Seraph's Kiss (Chapters 1-4)


Sketch of Lucifer · 9:56pm March 31st

In my timeline, Lucifer is the older brother to Michael, Azazel, and my second OC Atmospheric. None of them ever rebelled, so he's more of a prankster who plays dumb jokes on God. I thought it might be a funnier, more lighthearted portrayal than most other media these days. Hope you guys find it interesting.

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Happy Holy Weekened · 11:56pm March 30th

My second OC I created in 2013, Atmospheric, is actually a seraph inspired by Christian theology. I wanted to write something serious about an angelic lover who genuinely cared for her partner's well-being. You might take it for granted as common sense in the romance genre, but I've come to realize it's a lot harder to find stuff like that than we expected. I also just thought it was cool as hell being a die-hard fan of extreme metal. There's a lot of nostalgia involved in her character,

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Closing my account soon. · 9:51pm March 10th

Decided to move Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars to some other places. I wish I would've tinkered with more original story concepts when the site was still active, but oh well. Nothing I can do about it now. I'm still on FanFiction.Net under the name Doom Master 1990, so if anyone wants to follow me there, that's where I'll be. I'll probably keep the account open until the end of the month. After that, it's game over on here. If you're interested in the fics I still have published on here, you

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Dragon of Grace: Twilight Stars progress · 1:51am March 3rd

I'm writing my final fic on this site before I call it quits. It's a crossover between Gen 4 and my novel, Dragon of Grace. It tackles all sorts of serious and heavy topics: stuff like depression, suicide, religious trauma, post-traumatic stress, childhood sexual abuse, etc. However, unlike many of the fics I've seen surrounding these topics, the story takes a more uplifting turn partway through that encourages healing and the value of close relationships in times of peril. I'm a good ways into

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