• Member Since 16th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2017


Just a radom girl who ships Soarindash WAY too much XD (might make stories when I have time and when I feel like it :P)

More about me ^^

Name: Natsu...JK XD its Nataly (Natsu is a nickname my friend gave me XD)
Hobbies: Singing, drawing, Dancing, Reading, and Listening to music (Btw I am bad at ALL of these except reading and listening to music XD)
What do you look like: Just think of the ugliest person in the world...that's me XD (probably if you look at my Instagram you will know how I look)
Favorite color: blue!
Favorite ship: Soarindash for life
Favorite game: Mystic Messenger and...that's it
Favorite genre of music: Rock and screamo (I'm not emo I promise XD)
Favorite band: Get Scared and Sleeping with Sirens

You guys can ask me more questions about me if you want ^^ I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Latest Stories


Heartbroken · 1:36am Jan 29th, 2017

I'm probably going on hiatus longer because of this...my girlfriend just broke up with me. I'm done with life now...im so depressed I don't know what to do now. I'm just letting life happen at this point..its so hard to act happy but I have to, I'm still friends with my ex gf but..its not going to feel the same. I feel so used and unwanted...Im going to stop here for now.


Report singingstarlight · 325 views ·
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Thank You so much for Following me :pinkiesad2: it means a lot!

Thanks for following me! :pinkiehappy::yay::twilightblush:

Thanks sooi much:pinkiehappy:

2335210 Haha Np, I love your stories ^^

Thanks for another fave:twilightblush:

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