• Member Since 24th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 24th, 2021


Bow before your princess! Er, prince...

Channel Notes.

This is my Alt. account where I will post my more lighthearted stories that seem out of place on my main channel: Chapter: 13.


So, it begins. · 4:09pm Jul 6th, 2019

So, this is the place where I will post my lighthearted stories. I usually write more... dark, sad or just tragic, but occasionally I get hit with the silly-bug. These stories go here.

Report dj_neon_lights · 214 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
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2761297 Did you check to make sure the microphone is on?

Well hello there. :3 Thank you for the watch!


Thank you for the watch. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch! :D

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