• Member Since 7th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


A casual gamer that studies basic principals of game design and writing. Has been spotted playing Honkai Star Rail recently

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Total Words: 14,457
Estimated Reading: 57 minutes


Carrow was a teenager unaware of the rumors that spread about. With a vendetta someone dared her with the alluring temptation of money to challenge this rumor. However, it proved to be much more then she bargained for as her death loomed upon her. She now finds herself trapped by Changelings with no way of escape with any day inching closer to becoming a slave. Due to this she makes a proposal to gamble for freedom, each game will either decide if she gets closer to the light or deeper in the depths.

Crossover: Wakfu-Tactical RPG/Netflix series
Warnings: If the tags weren’t any indication there will be a lot of cursing and/or sexual references; If you haven’t watched Wakfu before there is nothing to be wary of. This story was written in mind that people wouldn't know what Wakfu is.
Disclaimer: The coverart is not mine, it was altered slightly but the original artist was Tostantan on deviant art

Chapters (1)

I was a basic engineer in my thirties, but I had many side hobbies such as investigation, and chemistry.
One day I came across a certain rumor from a conversation my clients were having, so I decided to investigate this said rumor which is starting to appear more true than people would like. When I went to investigate I decided I would blend into the crowd by making a costume, but that was a fatal flaw that got me trapped in another world. In this new world I must survive and thrive, but I seemed to have dragged something with me. Now it's time to turn back the clock.

Crossover: Wakfu-Tactical RPG game/animated series
Warnings: This shit is obviously cancelled, just turn back there's nothing here to see. The story itself has been rewritten about 4 times already each with their own set of problems and improvements; This story also attempts to deal with multiple characters at once, however, due to how short the chapters are for each character it never truly goes anywhere giving no progress to anyone; This is very clearly displaced meaning it falls under certain tropes at times.

Chapters (7)