• Member Since 21st Oct, 2015
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Sleipnir has awakened...to write the poems of thy beautiful mind.

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Found 5 stories in 14ms

Total Words: 33,477
Estimated Reading: 2 hours


Dystnine is a lot of things. A top-of-the-line multi-purpose android created by Gargantua, personal assistant of Gargantua's CEO Stella, one of Sumeragi's Falcons, and the first robot to develope a Septima, despite his mechanical origins. However, upon failing to avenge the death of his mistress, Dystnine is whisked away to the magical land of Equestria. Rated Teen for violence and death. Azure Striker Gunvolt crossover (Luminous Avenger iX to be precise).

Chapters (1)

Doomfist, one of the many members of the Talon council, has plans for new war that will make humanity stronger . But as with any project, it is crucial to put the experiment to the test by adding variables to the equation, as well as a test group and a sterile environment, and what better than a magical world filled with ponies that hasn't had a war in thousands of years. Rated Teen for language and violence. Overwatch cross over.

Chapters (3)

Enter may have failed to defeat the Go-Busters, but he did have one last resort. During the final fight in the sub dimension, in a last ditch effort, he launched all the Metavirus cards, old and new, along with data replica's of some the Messiah cards into another dimension. Figuring the random dimension wouldn't have Enetron, he programmed the cards to convert whatever energy they could find into Enetron, as well as setting them to activate on their own when they collected enough energy, while programming the Messiah cards to seek out what they originally infected. What he didn't know... was that the dimension... contained something... far worse than humans. It contained... ponies.

Chapters (2)

Continuing on their world-wide crime spree, Junkrat and Roadhog decide to raid Winston's lab at Watchpoint: Gibraltar for any technology they could use for their own purposes. When they break in they manage to find a teleportation device, so of course they decide to test it out. Unfortunately for them, it malfunctions and transports both them and Roadhogs ramshackle motorcycle to a world of pastel-colored ponies and frivolous morals. What better a place to blow up... and learn about friendship. Overwatch crossover.

Chapters (4)

After the defeat, of the Enchantress, the members of the Order of No Quarter want to keep the name alive by building a new base, but are shocked when they find a portal, which sucks them in, and they find themselves in Equestria. Will they be able to re-establish the Order of No Quarter here, or will they be rejected? This is a crossover fiction of Shovel Knight that takes place during the 5th Season of MLP:FIM.

Chapters (6)