• Member Since 24th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2018

Whirring Gears

A guy with crazy ideas and a little free time.


Update · 2:00am May 28th, 2016

With mostly radio silence with vague/broken promises, a lot of you are probably wondering what's going on with the last chapter.

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Any Advice for ASMR Writing? · 5:48am Sep 30th, 2015

If you didn't know, I have a passing interest in ASMR.

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Scratching Itch (Also, Where Do You Come From?) · 6:38pm Jul 27th, 2015

Wow, the votes were pretty scattered. Oh well, we had a couple come up above the rest. I have an idea that I will be working on when I can. Something quick and dirty, just for the sake of getting it out and posting something.

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Have an Itch (Vote for Best Pony) · 4:18am Jul 22nd, 2015

I have that niggle in the back of my brain telling me to write. However, I'd like a little warm-up exercise before jumping back into any major projects.

So, because it worked so well the last time, let's do this again. Vote for best pony! Preferably none that I have or are currently writing about.

Let me know in the comments below.

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Where the Hell Have I Been!? · 3:56am May 14th, 2015

Hey guys.

Unfortunately writing has been completely dormant as I've hit the insane schedule regarding three jobs that pick up when the weather is warm on top of other projects. In fact, I'm convinced that I've actually messed myself mentally through all of this.

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Popping In, Not Dead · 6:09am Feb 12th, 2015

Room 213 is getting worked on, but at a super slow rate due to me picking up a third job. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

And my interest in MLP has been waning a bit, but this feeling has come about with every season drought. Although I still haven't seen all of Season Four, yet.

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Happy Holidays · 5:09pm Dec 25th, 2014

Hi guys. Hope festivations are going well for you all.

Just popping my head in to say thanks for watching. I wish I had the time and motivation to write more because I keep getting new ideas. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to spread myself out too thin. On top of writing, in the last year I've been doing a lot of drawing, trying to start a webcomic, got into game testing, battening down a farm for winter, fiddling around with composing music, and got a new job as a chef.

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"Room 213" Update update · 2:11pm Oct 19th, 2014

An update about the update.

Due to work, exhaustion, and other reasons, the release of the final chapter will be a teeny bit later than when I first predicted. I need some extra time because when I have worked on it, it's been frenzied 'WRITE-WRITE-WRITE' on a timer without editing. I've learned before never to skip the editing step, especially with something like this.

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"Room 213" to be finished on October 23rd · 8:15pm Sep 29th, 2014

So I've been asked this in response to the last journal a couple times: What about Room 213?

My third year fimfiction anniversary is the 23rd of October and I think the conclusion of that story would be a great way to celebrate. Also, keep in mind that I'd like to do two extra scenes suggested and voted upon via readers, so use this time to think up some ideas.

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Report Whirring Gears · 557 views ·

Wow. · 6:50am Sep 16th, 2014

To call Please Don't Say Yes a success would be an understatement. The response to this fic has been bigger and better than I ever expected.

Thank you all so much!

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