• Member Since 20th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

A British Gentleman

I am a fan of many things, particularly the fine works of Sir Terry Pratchett (may he rest in peace). After spending a long time lurking, I have elected to create an account.

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Found 2 stories in 14ms

Total Words: 3,223
Estimated Reading: 12 minutes


On the first Nightmare Night since her return, Princess Luna made a friend of Twilight Sparkle. Her first true friend in a thousand years.

It is only natural that she should keep in touch.

Collected here are a selection of letters from Luna.

Cover image by Aquadragon.

Chapters (1)


The dream of many a filly, young and old. The glamour! The power! The fortune! The fame! The eyes of millions, looking upon them with awe and admiration. Many ponies have yearned for this.

Fluttershy is not one of those ponies.

Bit of a problem, that.

Written for F*** THIS PROMPT #6, Rage Reviews.

Chapters (1)