• Member Since 19th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 3rd, 2015


I write crackships and backstories, often I self insert though not to hinder the plot but to merely fill the BG quota. Canon characters will be my priority. I am female and 18.

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Found 2 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 4,762
Estimated Reading: 19 minutes


The elements of harmony as you know them, being the tree, weren't always as such. Long before, they kept the peace within the land. Caring for the earth, pegasi, and unicorns. After banishing the cruel rulers known as Alicorns, whom self proclaimed to be over all, peace comes yet again. Though soon comes in a mixed creature, and soon the elements must sacrifice themselves to the very beings they thought did not understand harmony.

Chapters (1)

After the rainboom that caused a domino effect of the main six achieving their dream, Pinkamena comes to terms with her life's destiny, though that doesn't sit well with her family. Thankfully she finds just where she belongs.

Chapters (2)