Guess who's back? · 12:46am Jun 7th, 2016
So its been a while since I put up any new content. Lotta reasons, mainly coming down to the fact that I can't keep a schedule. But the mood to write came down on me like a hammer the other night. So write I did.
Today I'm bringing you a new story, work is being made on my other ones. In the meantime as well, some time this week I'm going to upload the first MLP fanfic I ever wrote and see how it holds up 4 or five years later. +)
Because I found it a refreshingly different take on HiE, it was a enjoyable read and I wished to show gratitude.
Thanks for faving I Have No Mouth, and I Must Squee, may I ask why?
1953873 What? The new chapter or the free hug voucher?
^^ Fair one, May I suggest that you start by laughing, then if I post a lot of detailed grim dark stories with long hiatuses inbetween chapters, consider calling the old bill...
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