• Member Since 1st Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


New Lunar Republican stuck in the heart of the Solar Empire.

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Found 2 stories in 13ms

Total Words: 5,844
Estimated Reading: 23 minutes


Alright! It took some doing, but Ponyville will officially be winter-free this year. And you know what that means? I get to not wait three months before seeing Tank again! Sure, ponies aren't all that happy, but surely I can get them to see things my way.

Written for the "Rainbow Dash succeeds in stopping winter. This makes nopony happy, including Scootaloo." prompt in ScifiPony's Writer's Training Ground.

Chapters (1)

Um, hi, I'm Fluttershy. I live on the outskirts of Ponyville where I run an animal shelter, taking care of the local wildlife; sometimes ponies even ask me for help with their pets. Being with my friends and seeing them interact with their loved ones made me want to start my own family; If only I could be brave enough to ask somepony out...

Set during late S2, after "Ponyville Confidential" and before "A Canterlot Wedding".
Teen/Sex rating for less than savory dialogue, especially on the second chapter.

Chapters (2)