• Member Since 1st Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago


New Lunar Republican stuck in the heart of the Solar Empire.


Um, hi, I'm Fluttershy. I live on the outskirts of Ponyville where I run an animal shelter, taking care of the local wildlife; sometimes ponies even ask me for help with their pets. Being with my friends and seeing them interact with their loved ones made me want to start my own family; If only I could be brave enough to ask somepony out...

Set during late S2, after "Ponyville Confidential" and before "A Canterlot Wedding".
Teen/Sex rating for less than savory dialogue, especially on the second chapter.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

Poor Big Mac. He really needs to pick one mare so the rest of the stallions in town have a chance. :pinkiehappy:

:eeyup:: Ah have a mare in mind, but how's a simple farm-hoof like mahself supposed ta catch the attention of an Equestria-famous supermodel? :raritycry:

I read the title as "Summer Sombra." Needless to say, I found the description rather confusing.

Ugh why is everyone disliking this...? Stupid Haters...

why is this labeled complete?

7543306 Because it is complete :twilightsheepish:.

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