Ooooh. As I sit here in the spa's lobby waiting for Rarity's horn filling, I can't stop thinking about how renovated I feel. These weekly spa dates with Rarity are just lovely. While I love all my little animal friends to bits and can't imagine my life any other way, it is nice to be pampered every once in a while. And with how I've been feeling all week, that's something I dearly needed. Ever since the crusaders had their little sleepover in my cottage I've wanted to start my own family, and listening to Pinkie talking about the Cake twins and hearing about Cranky and Matilda has only made it worse. But that means finding the one as Rarity always put it, and well… it's not easy.
Not that I don't know what I want from my partner! I'd like somepony whose every word will command my undivided attention, who will gladly let me bare my heart for them, whose embrace will make me feel safe from everything, including myself. I think I might have even found somepony who could be all of this and so much more. But in a town full of such wonderful people, who would settle for me? A pegasus that can barely fly, deliberately lives as far away from town as possible, has extreme social phobia, and the one time she tries to address it she turns into a horrible monster? Nopony, that's—Oh! I didn't realize it was this late already, Rarity will be done any minute n—
“Ahhh, wasn’t this spa date nice? I swear, Aloe and Lotus keep getting better and better; I’m afraid one day the princesses will book a spa day with them and will like the service so much they’ll take them to Canterlot. Could you imagine that? I’m sure I’ll be having nightmares about this tonight! Or maybe I’ll dream about their new hooficurist. He’s quite easy on the eyes, wouldn’t you agree?”
As I stand up and begin following her, I can’t help but be surprised at the comment Rarity has just made. It's scandalous coming from—
“Don’t look at me like that, a lady can and should appreciate beauty when it presents itself and discuss it with her close confidants. Besides, I know for a fact you also partake on such sights, or are you going to tell me Rainbow’s speeches are the only reason you attend without fail every weekly weather team reserves meeting?
“Oh come on dear, I’m just teasing you. I know Ponyville’s official weather team is too small to handle emergency situations, especially with the Everfree quite literally in our backyard, and therefore every adult pegasus must be able to pull their weight around, so to speak. Oh, you were wondering what happened with my ‘Prince’ speech? Well, since he turned out to have even less grace and manners than those Diamond Dogs we’ve met, I decided to put myself out there and go wherever life takes me. Please don’t tell Applejack yet, I’ll never hear the end of it if she knows.
“But enough about me darling, what about you? Are you looking for your soulmate? What do you expect from it? Somepony who’ll sweep you of your hooves and make you see things in a way you never expected? Somepony will always be there for you, ready to hear about your day, your highs, your lows, your deepest wishes, your darkest secrets; ever understanding, never judging? Somepony who's always trying to give you their most heartfelt praise, their best thought-out advice, their kindest supp—Fluttershy?”
I know it’s very rude of me to get away from Rarity like that, but as we exit the Spa my attention is drawn towards the Apple cart being tended by Big Macintosh; which wouldn’t be unusual except that today is the day Granny Smith is supposed to tend the stall. Maybe she’s sick or had an accident? I should go ask him, see if there's anything I can do to help!
“There you are! What’s keeping you? Oh, Big Macintosh’s tending to the Apple stall today. Now there’s a sight for sore eyes, even if it seems he’s not aware of it. Reminds me of a certain pegasus friend of mine, maybe you've heard of her? Wait, isn’t today the day Granny Smith tends to the stall? What if she’s hurt or sick? Oh, I hope she’s okay; she’s really getting on her years, and it would be devastating for both Applejack and Apple Bloom!”
Huh? Oh, Rarity caught up with me and has noticed Big Macintosh tending the stall. Wait, did she say—
“You’re not paying any attention to me, are you. You know, it’s very unladylike to gawk at a pony like that for so long. If you’re really that worried about Granny we can go to the farm and visit her; I don’t have any deadlines looming, Sweetie’s staying with our parents tonight and it really is a nice day for a walk on the countryside. However, if what’s holding your attention is Big Macintosh, we can swing by the boutique, find you a nice accessory and practice how you’ll ask him out—Ah ah ah! We both know that even if he’s interested in you—and he should be, if he has any appreciation for beauty both inside and out—he won’t be the one to make the first move. Ohh, I always wanted to be a matchmaker! It’ll be so much—”
Before I can find out what playing matchmaker will be, I’m being dragged through Ponyville’s sky, towards my cottage judging by the scenery.
“Fluttershy! Oh, there you are! I’ve been looking all over town for you! C’mon, let’s get back to your cottage pronto! Tank’s been hurt bad!”
“Oh no! What happened?” First Granny Smith and now Tank? Today just keeps getting worse.
“Well, we were on his daily flight, just horsing around. I go and do a couple of flight tricks, no biggie, and next thing I know I can’t see him anywhere. Fearing the worst, I go down to the ground and find him laying there, upside-down, and with the propeller snapped in two. My guess is he ran out of juice while I was distracted and I didn’t see him falling. Oh Celestia, I’m the most irresponsible pet-owner ever!”
He fell from the sky? But his vest has… Oh, he should be fine then! “Rainbow—”
“Thanks to my carelessness his life is now at risk! And not only I might lose him, I’m also going to face charges for pet neglect! I’ll get, like, a bazillion hours community service! I’ll fall behind my training and I’ll never be able to join the Wonderbolts!”
“But the worst part's going to be losing you! Even now you must already be disappointed in me! ‘Oh, there goes Rainbow Dash, the mare that wanted a pet just because she couldn’t stand to miss out on a half an hour per week group gathering but couldn’t be arsed to give him the care he deserved’, that’s what you must be thinking of me n—”
“Tank’s fine! By Equestrian law, all non-flying animals living in cloud houses must wear an enchanted vest that acts like a parachute, slowing falls to safe speeds! He’s probably just shocked because it’s his first time falling, and because of how worried you look! Let’s just bring him inside, let him be for a while and… look! He’s waking up already.”
“TANK! Are you okay? You don’t look hurt, but… oh, I’ve missed you too!”
“If you want, I can do a quick check-up of him; but he seems fine. I’d recommend you to go and see Twilight or Pinkie Pie to get the propeller fixed, and maybe install a low-energy alarm for it.”
“Thanks a lot Flutters! I’m heading off to Twilight right now! I don’t know what business you have with Big Mac (Why was he at the market stall anyway? Isn’t today his day off?), but I hope it goes great! See ya!”
Oh Rainbow, if only you’d show this side of you to more ponies. Wait, what did she say about me and Big Macintosh? “I don’t have any business with—”
“Hiya Shy-Shy! How’s it going?”
“Eeep! Oh, it’s you Pinkie. I’m fine, and you?”
“Fine, fine. It’s just, ponies seem way skittish today. I mean, Big Mac was very nervous when I asked him why he was in the market instead of Granny, Rainbow Dash looked really nervous when she picked you up and flew you over here, Rarity looked disappointed… even you did a funny face when I mentioned Mac just now!”
“Well… Tank had an emergency, and Rarity and I were wondering about Granny Smith just before Rainbow took me here.”
“Oh, that? Mac told me she’s fine. Since the hot season just started, he suggested Granny to tend to the stall the same day she has her knitting club reunion, and save herself a trip to town.”
“That’s really thoughtful of him! How did Granny take it?”
“Well, she did put out a fight at first, claiming his worries about a heat wave were all a bunch of hooey, but in the end he managed to convince her to walk the same distance inside the orchard, where either AJ, Bloom or him are a shout away. Hey, now that I think about it, he was sweating a lot while he told me his story. Maybe stallions are more sensitive to the heat? But enough about that, I came here to talk with you!”
“With me? What about?”
“About how sad you look! All week your eyes were always looking down, your gait was a wee bit slower, your voice was slow and even softer than usual… Is there something going on? Your niece Pinkie Pie is here to lend a sympathetic ear!”
“Weren’t you my aunt?”
“Well I was until you complained, silly! C’mon, help me turn that frown upside-down, pleeease?”
“… Okay. I guess seeing the Cakes have foals, and Cranky’s story… I think I'm ready to be in a relationship.”
“Shy, that's great! Why the long face then?”
“Well… being ready for a relationship and getting into one are two very different things. I don't think I have the courage to just ask somepony out.”
“You? Baby Manticore Mender? Cockatrice Chaser? Spectacular Scaredragon? Second-best Rainbow Dash Snatcher? Scared of a mean ol’ pony saying no?!”
“He's not mean!... Eeep!”
“Oh, you even have your sights locked onto some stallion? And so close from Mr. Fluttershy’s death! Have you so little respect for uncle's legacy?”
“Pinkie, there is no Mr. Fluttershy and there never was. That's actually part of the problem I'm having right now.”
“With that attitude auntie, I'm not surprised. Just go talk to him! If he's really not mean he'll do his best to respect your feelings. And if he isn't, you're far better off without him!”
“But I told you already, I don't even know how to start the conversation, let alone have the confidence to do so!”
“Hmm… That's it! I know just the mare!”
“—and that’s why we’re here!” Pinkie’s ‘Conversation expert’ turned out to be Twilight which… makes sense actually; the few times I remember her stumbling on her words or locking up she was cracking under such high pressures I probably would have fainted long before that point. I didn't see the Apple cart anywhere when we got back however. Maybe the many ponies curious about Granny Smith made the cart run out of stock faster?
“So let me get this straight: you want me to help Fluttershy learn how to date ponies?”
“As in the Hearths and Hooves kind of dating?”
“Well, the library does have quite a few books on the subject, but Cady—I mean, Princess Cadance—says they’re worse than useless. Beyond that, I’m not sure I can be of any help…”
“Of course you can be! You are the bestest at approaching ponies!”
“What?! I’m not! If anything, you’re a lot more outgoing that I am, and I’d guess you’re also far more effective.”
“Well, who here has instantly hit it off with all three princesses?”
“Uhhh, well, besides Luna, both princesses approached me first, and even then it’s not really a fair comparison given the way I met—wait, how did you know about me and Cadance?”
“Who here was invited to an Apple Family Reunion?”
“I wasn’t invited! I was just doing my job, and Apple Bloom practically forced me to stay!”
“Who here got Fluttershy to speak with them on the first try?”
Pinkie! Twilight didn't do that! And with how flustered she looks right now, if I let her correct you this conversation will spiral out of control “Um, Pinkie? That wasn't Twilight, it was Spike.”
“Hush you, whose side are you on? Actually, that helps my point!”—it does?—“Even your charge is great at starting up conversations!”
“B—But! Look, Fluttershy, even if I was the expert Pinkie Pie thinks I am—”
”And you totally are!”
“—I honestly wouldn’t know how to explain it; hay, I still can believe how friendly you girls were towards a complete stranger sent to check your work. Besides, I don’t know the first thing about romance or dating. However, I can see how serious you are about this and I’ve seen first-hoof how strong you can be when you allow yourself to, so I’d say to just try. If you already have your eyes set on somepony, they’re most likely worth it.”
“Thanks Twilight, I really needed to hear that. And you were doing really good that day; very few ponies have shown the patience you had dealing with me when we first met.”
“Well… thanks! On a completely different subject, does anypony here know what’s up with Big Macintosh? I went to town hall earlier to discuss with the Mayor a few improvements for the library and I was surprised to see him on the apple stand instead of Granny Smith. And when I got out, I saw him walking back to the farm, and he seemed really sad for some reason. You don’t think there’s something wrong with Granny, do—”
“Howdy y’all! How’s it hanging?”
“Applejack! Great timing, I was just asking them about Granny Smith, is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fit as a fiddle. It’s just that doo—ahem, that dear brother of mine bein’ a worrywart, as he’s bound ta be with the health of us Apple mares.”
“Ooohhh, that’s so sweet of him! Don’t you girls agree?” I do, I have done the same many times to all of my animal friends who got sick at one point.
“Yeah, sure, whatever ya say Pinks. If y’all don’t mind, Ah was looking for Fluttershy; got some things Ah wanted ta speak with ya in private.”
“Is it about how she’s got a crush on your big brother?”
“Eeep!” How did she—
“You and Big Mac?...”
“That true? Well, it’ll make the next part a lot easier. Ya see, he’s quite smitten with ya, but never got around to ask ya out, and Ah doubt he will if things stay the same. So, yer willing to give dating the big lug a try?”
“YES! I mean, I might, if it’s okay with him... and your family.”
“Heh, sure thing. Just tell me when ya have some free time and Ah’ll arrange something fer you two lovebirds.”
“...Thank you madam, sir. I’ll be back with your order momentarily”
Here we are, one week later, on our very first date in the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville; I’m wearing the most understated outfit I could convince Rarity to make (I could never say no to her when she offered to make me a new dress, but I still can’t believe how… provocative the first design was), and by the kind of cut, you’re wearing one of your father’s suits. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! It looks really nice on you, and it’s extremely well conserved; your family must take great care and pride of it. If there’s one thing I’ve always been jealous of (and Rainbow too, even if she won’t admit it to anypony) is how tightly knit your family is.
For most mares in town this would be a dream come true, but to me it’s starting to look like a nightmare. For starters, who chose this restaurant? I mean, I’m sure it’s very hard to get reservations here which I guess sort of makes it a nice gesture, and Rarity always told me very nice things about its food, but it looks so… sterile, it’s nothing like the rest of the town. Besides, I feel like everypony is judging our every movement, our every gesture. I’d much rather eat a picnic in the park, or even at the edge of Whitetail Forest, it’s the perfect night to be outside enjoying nature. I doubt Rarity chose this place, she knows I like small, simple places; and judging by how you were looking at the menu, I also doubt you had anything to do with it (no offense!). Maybe Applejack? Despite how she got her cutie mark and how happy she obviously is working the farm, I wouldn’t be surprised if she misses the sophistication of the big city…
And then there’s you. I still can’t believe that, as a stallion who could go out with pretty much any mare in town with but a whisper, you’d choose me. And I must be really boring you, given you have barely spoken since we got here. Actually, now that I think about it, neither have I! Oh dear, oh dear! C’mon Fluttershy, calm down! You can do this! Your friends said you can do this! Even your date’s sisters took time from their busy schedules to give you their consent and their support! You. Need. To. Start. Talking!
“So, nice weather we’re having.” The weather, really? Oh Fluttershy, you're hopeless.
“The weather team has really outdone itself”
“It was a lot of hard work, but the tornado has really improved the team’s morale; I’d even say it has improved the morale of every pegasi in Ponyville”
“Eeyup. T’was a mighty nice thing you did for Rainbow.” ‘For Rainbow’? I didn't do it for her! I did it because… because…
“Well, she was the first pony to ever defend me, and the reason I discovered my passion and got my cutie mark. Despite our age difference, I’ll always see her as the big sister I never had.” I hadn’t thought of it like that before you asked. I already feel like an open book in your company!
“Ah could say t’same about Applejack. Once she got back fer good, she’s been t’one that pushed the whole family ta turn Sweet Apple Acres into what it is today. Ah still remember all them times Granny sent us t’bed early, tryin’ ta make us stop working fer the day, only fer Applejack t’escape from her room and convince me to go back t’the field with her an’ keep workin’. Difference is, Ah did listen t’grandma eventually and learned t’pace mahself; even managed ta get that message through Apple Bloom’s skull, but AJ jus’ won’t listen. Ah guess she still feels like she has a debt with grandma and Ah fer leaving t'farm an' tryin’ ta make a life fer herself on th’ big city. Speakin’ of th’ big city, mind If Ah ask a quick question?”
“Of course I don’t mind.”
“Do ya really enjoy places like this?”
“Uh, well… if I were to be completely honest, on a night this nice I’d rather have a picnic. I know a few very pretty spots on the hills and forests near Ponyville I try to go with my animal friends at least once a month.”
“Figures Applejack would be wrong. Ah told her time and time again yer not really the kinda mare who enjoys joints like this one, but she wouldn’ listen. Ah guess ya can’t take t’city outta the Apple... Garcon!”
“Yes sir?”
“Mind if we make a small change on our order?”
“Not at all sir. What change would that be?”
“We’ll take our order to go, if that’s possible.”
“Yes sir. It’ll be no trouble at all.”
“Thank ya kindly.”
“Big Macintosh?”
“Ma always said t’best way ta really know somepony‘s ta see their stomping grounds. Ah’d be honored ta see one o’yer picnic spots. Or, if you’d prefer, Ah’d like ta show you mah favorite spots down th’orchard.”
“Oh, I know just the place!”
As we set out towards Whitetail woods, I take it back. This really feels like a dream come true.