I'm just a derp trying to get by in life. If you need editing help with your story, just PM me with a short description, and if I like the idea, I'll be game.
1451968 Not enough dude.. Your life will end with all your shit-storm stories and reviews. Way to pick the most popular topics out there jackass.. Why not be like every other gay brony and Go Fuck Yourself.. But then write about it... Some of these kids need more pony cocks in both their mouths and reading material.. Judge Fudge out.
Hey, I was wondering if you hit the next chapter yet. It's kinda decent I think lol
Hey, I noticed that you replied to my comment on a story. I'd hate to bother you but what was that comment?
Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
1451968 Not enough dude.. Your life will end with all your shit-storm stories and reviews. Way to pick the most popular topics out there jackass.. Why not be like every other gay brony and Go Fuck Yourself.. But then write about it... Some of these kids need more pony cocks in both their mouths and reading material.. Judge Fudge out.
To be totally fair, the 'gel layer' and 'cold cuts' lines are references to a game and a movie