Crowd Sourcing: What might Poison Joke do to Trixie? · 1:11am Nov 29th, 2019
Trixie's Threeway Trouble is about to reach the Bridle Gossip episode. Now what?
I was introduced to MLP by a friend in S3. At the time I teased him about it a little, but I guess the joke is on me as here I am now, writing Trixie shipfics. Feedback is always welcome.
Trixie's Threeway Trouble is about to reach the Bridle Gossip episode. Now what?
The Hiatus on Trixie Threeway Trouble is officially over!
Hey folks, a short but sweet announcement,
Mellow Mirth from The Shipshelf recently wrote a Review of Trixie's Forest Retreat.
(Thanks for the hard work, Mellow!)
Hey folks.
First of all, I've finished work on the the first chapter of Trixie's Threeway Trouble!
(Disclaimer: Not a clop story, no matter how that title sounds.)
I love the Dark Souls series.
Just an overdue status update. Because I probably should mention this stuff as opposed to vanish without a word. People might get the wrong idea.
Progress is still being made. See you folks soon.
Hey there folks,
This is just a quick announcement that chapter 91 is now actually visible.
You may have noticed that the latest chapter was not there despite the notification that it should be... That is because I am a moron and accidentally hit unpublish, right before going to bed.
Good evening folks,
This is just a quick service announcement.
ward282 Asked:
Any chance you can set up a group where all the chapters can be found?
This was such an ingenious suggestion that I immediately took it upon myself! send fimfic4ever a PM and asked him to do it.
At long last, I've written a blog post. Kind of exciting. ^^
Though I say written, that is kind of a lie since most of this will be copied word for word from another blog by fimfic4ever.
But hey, it's not plagiarism if you credit the source right? >.>
Definitely go there for a more charismatic approach to the information.
First let me briefly sum up the purpose of this post.