I was introduced to MLP by a friend in S3. At the time I teased him about it a little, but I guess the joke is on me as here I am now, writing Trixie shipfics. Feedback is always welcome.
Fluttershy wanted to be a pet. This much Trixie knew. But, she wasn’t entirely sure what to do with that kind of weird information. Neither was Fluttershy.
To Trixie, the cafeteria is not only an excellent place to fill up her stomach, but it is also a great place to spill her guts after getting robbed in the Battle of the Bands. Time to vent to her best friend .
Applejack has been sneaking out, and Apple Bloom can't take it anymore. Who is that weird mare that keeps glaring at her sister? Why does she never smile, even when her sister spend so much effort being nice to her?!